• If you have been following the news, you should be aware that the people of Lebanon have been under a violent bombardment that has recently escalated. Please consider donating to help them if you can or trying to spread word of the fundraiser.


Oct 28, 2017
I love Dragonforce's live performances but reading this excellent Vice interview soured me a bit on them. I'm very disappointed in Herman Li.

Jubilant Duck

Oct 21, 2022
third-rate rhapsody wannabes who only did well because their british accents meant they didn't sing words funny despite the mispronounced english lyrics being half the charm of this genre of music anyway


Oct 27, 2017
Some of them were in a band that made some extremely hateful songs before Dragonforce


Confronting Dragonforce About Their Racist, Homophobic Past

Talking to Dragonforce about Demoniac, their dirty little not-so-secret.

I totally agree with this. I'm a big fan of Dragonforce's music but this I can't get over, despite still being a regular listener, it is rather hypocritical of me. I would """""get"""" being 15 and making a song with bullshit lyrics because you're an edgy teenager in the 90's, but Sam dedicated almost the entire decade to this "joke", with worldwide tours, several releases, etc. And they were singing Kill all the F***** in 1999, it's not exactly 1930. There's always been something really fishy with this guy, and to some extent with Herman as well.

Speaking of Herman, it would nice of him to stop reporting every single live footage on Youtube that clearly shows that Marc (the singer) is using playback 90% of the time and that some solos are also playback as well.


Oct 26, 2017
Hmmm, I didn't quite expect that from that Vice interview. I clicked thinking maybe it was going to be a project akin to S.O.D. and it seems like that's what they are trying to pass it off as, but there doesn't seem to be any "joke" or dark comedy humor to it at all (for all of the "we just had a twisted sense of humor, man!" excuses that are given). That's definitely a terrible look for Totman and Li.

As for the song, I LOVE power metal but I've just never been able to get into the band. ZP Theart's voice, later Marc Hudson's voice, and the upbeat/uplifting nature of so many songs are what puts me off, I think. I saw the video for "Triforce" over the weekend and figured that 'maybe I should check this out and give them yet another try?' But nope, this song didn't change my mind about them; I'm still not a fan.

misery mired

Apr 2, 2022
Some of them were in a band that made some extremely hateful songs before Dragonforce


Confronting Dragonforce About Their Racist, Homophobic Past

Talking to Dragonforce about Demoniac, their dirty little not-so-secret.
wow, this sucks. props to that interviewer (from all the way back in 2014) for taking the issue seriously and continuing to press them on it

now back to mentally compartmentalizing the fact that i'm seeing metallica in a few weeks who are having pantera with white power phil as an opener 😬 as always, my hardcore and super effective line in the sand will be… refusing to clap after their songs. that'll teach 'em!

uh anyway zelda music is cool and metal music is also (sometimes) cool

View: https://youtu.be/JBuR9YirmLE?si=dDDucr6fnk8mR75l
Oct 29, 2017
Probably because it's not very good :X

Didn't know about their first band, but I'm also not gonna hold 18 year olds to the shitpost music they made while they were still teenagers.

Edit: finished the interview. a bit of an apology or a "well that was really bad we shouldn't have done that" would have been nice.
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Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Some of them were in a band that made some extremely hateful songs before Dragonforce


Confronting Dragonforce About Their Racist, Homophobic Past

Talking to Dragonforce about Demoniac, their dirty little not-so-secret.

Oh God dammit. Is there a single band or artist out there I like who isn't problematic at this rate? Shit I'm going to be stuck listening to the fucking Wiggles.

Unless there's some shit about the red one we don't know about?

Anyway, the song is fine, sounds like every other Dragonforce song just with Zelda references.
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Oct 25, 2017
As for the song, I LOVE power metal but I've just never been able to get into the band. ZP Theart's voice, later Marc Hudson's voice, and the upbeat/uplifting nature of so many songs are what puts me off, I think. I saw the video for "Triforce" over the weekend and figured that 'maybe I should check this out and give them yet another try?' But nope, this song didn't change my mind about them; I'm still not a fan.
You like Power Metal but don't like uplifting songs?
Hmmm. Maybe it's TOO uplifting 100% of the time.
I do notice later albums have a bit more variety. Variety like say Blind Guardian yeah maybe not.

Vert boil

Oct 27, 2017
blackpool, england
Wait is DragonForce actually a reference to the excellent game Dragon Force?
When they started they were called Dragonheart but had to change the name due to another band being called the same thing. I doubt it's a reference.

Not to excuse Sam but I was around in their early days and had friends in common. 100% edgelord, nowt sinister.

edit, so Herman doesn't get unfairly tarnished. He joined Demoniac at the very end of their existance after Sam had moved to the UK.
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Oct 25, 2017
Dragonforce are still around?
Oh, and the two most prominent members were horribly racist. Lovely...
I'm not the type to gatekeep "real power metal", but Dragonforce is utterly low tier and you're better off listening to Helloween or Rhapsody of Fire.
Or Blind Guardian, everyone should do that.


Oct 26, 2017
You like Power Metal but don't like uplifting songs?
Hmmm. Maybe it's TOO uplifting 100% of the time.
I do notice later albums have a bit more variety. Variety like say Blind Guardian yeah maybe not.
Yup, been a huge power metal fans for a little over twenty years but the uplifting stuff isn't for me. There are exceptions of course but Dragonforce ain't it.


Oct 25, 2017
Yup, been a huge power metal fans for a little over twenty years but the uplifting stuff isn't for me. There are exceptions of course but Dragonforce ain't it.
List me some good stuff yo.

I have liked Blind Guardian, Hammerfall, Falconer, Nocturnal Rites, Edguy, 3 inches of blood, and yes Dragonforce.

Recently been looking for "newer" stuff.
I gave Guardians of Time, Beast is Black and Iron Mask a spin and liked them. Granted I realize there are shit ton of bands now so stuff I might like might be lost in the shuffle.


Oct 26, 2017
List me some good stuff yo.

I have liked Blind Guardian, Hammerfall, Falconer, Nocturnal Rites, Edguy, 3 inches of blood, and yes Dragonforce.

Recently been looking for "newer" stuff.
I gave Guardians of Time, Beast is Black and Iron Mask a spin and liked them. Granted I realize there are shit ton of bands now so stuff I might like might be lost in the shuffle.
Seems as though we like a lot of the same stuff. Here's some suggestions. Some of them are only slightly power metal or not really at all power metal but are imo close enough. I don't wanna get into genre-wars but I feel like the ones that aren't "strictly power metal and nothing else" are power-metal-adjacent enough that they fit; they're things I'd throw into a power metal playlist and not feel like I did anything wrong. If you like heavier power metal, speed metal, prog, NWOBHM, and traditional heavy metal like from the 80's, then they should feel close-enough to you based on what you are already bringing up. Some of this stuff that errs more on the heavy metal side should be up your alley if you like 3 Inches of Blood though.

I would have said Guardian, Hammerfall, Falconer, and Guardians of Time, but those are already covered. Glad to see you list Falconer because they are stellar. Guardians of Time doesn't ever get much attention because they don't really do anything special, but they are good at what they do. I'm not super-knowledgeable of the works of Nocturnal Rights but I've liked everything I've heard of theirs.

Lost Horizons is probably my favorite power metal band; it's a shame we only got two albums out of them though. Check out any of the songs off of either of the albums.

Silent Force's first four albums, when they had D.C. Cooper singing for them, are pretty solid. Their debut The Empire of Future is probably their most-solid but their third album Worlds Apart holds a special place in my heart. D.C. Cooper's solo album is also fantastic, with a great (but pretty standard and not at all experimental) cover of Uriah Heep's "Easy Livin.'" That whole solo album is gold though (more prog than power metal though). And D.C. Cooper's work with Royal Hunt is pretty good, though it can be hit or miss. Moving Target has some good songs off of it, like "Far Away." Royal Hunt are kind of borderline though, falling more under prog rock.

I can't forget to bring up Primal Fear. I figure you have to know of them but you didn't list them, so I want to be on the safe side. Great power metal with a great vocalist in Ralf Scheepers, the first vocalist for Gamma Ray. I like Tim "Ripper" Owens but I'm STILL salty that Tim got the job as Halford's replacement when he left Priest and not Ralf. I can only imagine was Priest with Ralf singing would have sounded like (well, it probably would have sounded a lot like regular Judas Priest, which would have been better than Tim's time with them). My favorite song that Ralf sings on isn't even a Gamma Ray OR Primal Fear song; it's actually the cover of Manowar's "Thor (The Powerhead)" that Ralf did with Therion when he contributed guest vocals to their album The Crowning of Atlantis. DEFINITELY listen to it!

Riot City is a pretty killer newer band, though they aren't so much traditional power metal (they are more of a heavy metal/speed metal band in the line of faster 80's stuff like Judas Priest or something). Their first one Burn the Night I believe is regarded as better than their recent sophomore album; I haven't gotten a chance to listen to their second one yet. I'd recommend checking out their song "In the Dark," and "The Hunter" maybe as well.

Visigoth straddles the line between trad heavy metal and power metal but they are killer Their first album, The Revenant King, is awesome. Stand-out tracks from it would be "Blood Sacrifice" and "From the Arcane Mists of Prophecy."

Crimson Glory's first two releases are great (later ones are "ehhhhh"). I only learned about them in the last few years despite those first two coming out in '86 and '88 respectively. Their lead singer Midnight passed away too soon. They definitely sound like an 80's metal band but have a lot in common with lite-prog like Queensryche. I'd label them proto power metal though, or early American power metal? They don't sound anything like early Guardian or Helloween or any of the other PM originating in Germany at the same time. "Valhalla" and "Where Dragons Rule" (that one especially is power metal-y) are good tunes, along with "Heart of Steel," "Lady of Winter," and "Red Sharks."

And since I mentioned Queensryche above in regards to Crimson Glory: the singer on Balance of Power's The Heathen Machine, John K, is a dead-ringer for sounding like Geoff Tate. That was the only album he sang on; I guess he was in a prog band called Biomechanical and only did the one album with Balance of Power. The Heathen Machine is heavy prog/power metal. I'd give the songs "Chemical Imbalance" and "I Wish You Were Here" a listen.

If you like Blind Guardian then surely you like Savage Circus, no? The drummer from BG left after A Night at the Opera and formed the group with Piet Seilk from Iron Savior and Jens Carlson of Persuador on vocals. Jens sounds A LOT like Hansi Kursch, to the point where when I first heard "Evil Eyes," I thought it WAS Hansi. The group overall sounds like early Guardian as well. Their first album Dreamland Manor is the stronger of their two releases. I should really check out Persuader though.

Black Majesty might be to your liking. My fav of theirs is Silent Company, and I'd suggest the song of the same name from it.

Crystal Eyes has some good releases. Their 2014 album Killer was my jumping-on point. "Killer" and "Forgotten Realms" off of it would be my recs for you.

I'm going to throw an Italian power metal band into the ring that doesn't have a lot of fans. They aren't that well-liked but I like them: Shining Fury. Last Sunrise has some decent songs on it, like my favorite "Broken Hopes," which is a faster song than some of what I've been suggesting.

Most of these are on the heavier, crunchier side. I do have some stuff I like that trends more uplifting at times though, like Dark Moor who are really Rhapsody-ish or more on the Dragonforce-side of things (though not as much speed to them) than the Blind Guardian side of the genre.

Thunderstone doesn't get talked about a lot but they have released some bangers. "Drawn to the Flame" is good, with keys that give it a symphonic metal vibe.

That's probably all I'll mention for now. For all I know you have heard of all of these guys; none of them are exactly deep cuts. I figured I'd approach it like you hadn't and were only familiar with the bands you specifically mentioned (though I didn't even talk about Helloween or Gamma Ray really, which feels like a crime almost). Hope you find something in there you like though!
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Oct 25, 2017
Seems as though we like a lot of the same stuff. Here's some suggestions. Some of them are only slightly power metal or not really at all power metal but are imo close enough. I don't wanna get into genre-wars but I feel like the ones that aren't "strictly power metal and nothing else" are power-metal-adjacent enough that they fit; they're things I'd throw into a power metal playlist and not feel like I did anything wrong. If you like heavier power metal, speed metal, prog, NWOBHM, and traditional heavy metal like from the 80's, then they should feel close-enough to you based on what you are already bringing up. Some of this stuff that errs more on the heavy metal side should be up your alley if you like 3 Inches of Blood though.

I would have said Guardian, Hammerfall, Falconer, and Guardians of Time, but those are already covered. Glad to see you list Falconer because they are stellar. Guardians of Time doesn't ever get much attention because they don't really do anything special, but they are good at what they do. I'm not super-knowledgeable of the works of Nocturnal Rights but I've liked everything I've heard of theirs.

Lost Horizons is probably my favorite power metal band; it's a shame we only got two albums out of them though. Check out any of the songs off of either of the albums.

Silent Force's first four albums, when they had D.C. Cooper singing for them, are pretty solid. Their debut The Empire of Future is probably their most-solid but their third album Worlds Apart holds a special place in my heart. D.C. Cooper's solo album is also fantastic, with a great (but pretty standard and not at all experimental) cover of Uriah Heep's "Easy Livin.'" That whole solo album is gold though (more prog than power metal though). And D.C. Cooper's work with Royal Hunt is pretty good, though it can be hit or miss. Moving Target has some good songs off of it, like "Far Away." Royal Hunt are kind of borderline though, falling more under prog rock.

I can't forget to bring up Primal Fear. I figure you have to know of them but you didn't list them, so I want to be on the safe side. Great power metal with a great vocalist in Ralf Scheepers, the first vocalist for Gamma Ray. I like Tim "Ripper" Owens but I'm STILL salty that Tim got the job as Halford's replacement when he left Priest and not Ralf. I can only imagine was Priest with Ralf singing would have sounded like (well, it probably would have sounded a lot like regular Judas Priest, which would have been better than Tim's time with them). My favorite song that Ralf sings on isn't even a Gamma Ray OR Primal Fear song; it's actually the cover of Manowar's "Thor (The Powerhead)" that Ralf did with Therion when he contributed guest vocals to their album The Crowning of Atlantis. DEFINITELY listen to it!

Riot City is a pretty killer newer band, though they aren't so much traditional power metal (they are more of a heavy metal/speed metal band in the line of faster 80's stuff like Judas Priest or something). Their first one Burn the Night I believe is regarded as better than their recent sophomore album; I haven't gotten a chance to listen to their second one yet. I'd recommend checking out their song "In the Dark," and "The Hunter" maybe as well.

Visigoth straddles the line between trad heavy metal and power metal but they are killer Their first album, The Revenant King, is awesome. Stand-out tracks from it would be "Blood Sacrifice" and "From the Arcane Mists of Prophecy."

Crimson Glory's first two releases are great (later ones are "ehhhhh"). I only learned about them in the last few years despite those first two coming out in '86 and '88 respectively. Their lead singer Midnight passed away too soon. They definitely sound like an 80's metal band but have a lot in common with lite-prog like Queensryche. I'd label them proto power metal though, or early American power metal? They don't sound anything like early Guardian or Helloween or any of the other PM originating in Germany at the same time. "Valhalla" and "Where Dragons Rule" (that one especially is power metal-y) are good tunes, along with "Heart of Steel," "Lady of Winter," and "Red Sharks."

And since I mentioned Queensryche above in regards to Crimson Glory: the singer on Balance of Power's The Heathen Machine, John K, is a dead-ringer for sounding like Geoff Tate. That was the only album he sang on; I guess he was in a prog band called Biomechanical and only did the one album with Balance of Power. The Heathen Machine is heavy prog/power metal. I'd give the songs "Chemical Imbalance" and "I Wish You Were Here" a listen.

If you like Blind Guardian then surely you like Savage Circus, no? The drummer from BG left after A Night at the Opera and formed the group with Piet Seilk from Iron Savior and Jens Carlson of Persuador on vocals. Jens sounds A LOT like Hansi Kursch, to the point where when I first heard "Evil Eyes," I thought it WAS Hansi. The group overall sounds like early Guardian as well. Their first album Dreamland Manor is the stronger of their two releases. I should really check out Persuader though.

Black Majesty might be to your liking. My fav of theirs is Silent Company, and I'd suggest the song of the same name from it.

Crystal Eyes has some good releases. Their 2014 album Killer was my jumping-on point. "Killer" and "Forgotten Realms" off of it would be my recs for you.

I'm going to throw an Italian power metal band into the ring that doesn't have a lot of fans. They aren't that well-liked but I like them: Shining Fury. Last Sunrise has some decent songs on it, like my favorite "Broken Hopes," which is a faster song than some of what I've been suggesting.

Most of these are on the heavier, crunchier side. I do have some stuff I like that trends more uplifting at times though, like Dark Moor who are really Rhapsody-ish or more on the Dragonforce-side of things (though not as much speed to them) than the Blind Guardian side of the genre.

Thunderstone doesn't get talked about a lot but they have released some bangers. "Drawn to the Flame" is good, with keys that give it a symphonic metal vibe.

That's probably all I'll mention for now. For all I know you have heard of all of these guys; none of them are exactly deep cuts. I figured I'd approach it like you hadn't and were only familiar with the bands you specifically mentioned (though I didn't even talk about Helloween or Gamma Ray really, which feels like a crime almost). Hope you find something in there you like though!
Wow! I really appreciate all the info. I have indeed heard of many of these bands (Primal Fear, Lost Horizon, Gamma Ray, Helloween). I am not a genre snob AT ALL. If a power metal band wants to have blast beats, death metal vocals, and sing stuff that has nothing to do with fantasy aweosme.

i was not aware of Savage Circus. That's cool. That's how discover new bands sometimes when ex band members do something new. Random, I discovered a band called Glory Hammer which is some sort of Alestorm side project. Kind like Rhapsody of fire with concept/album bombastic-ness.

And yeah Euro and USA power are differnet and I am cool with each

I appreciate you recommending the bands that have influenced the genre and some new blood as well. I appreciate all the younger talent keeping the flag going for this type of music. I think it's cool. And I definitely like those that trend on the heavier end. Will be adding all that to my que! Thanks!


Oct 25, 2017
Wow! I really appreciate all the info. I have indeed heard of many of these bands (Primal Fear, Lost Horizon, Gamma Ray, Helloween). I am not a genre snob AT ALL. If a power metal band wants to have blast beats, death metal vocals, and sing stuff that has nothing to do with fantasy aweosme.

i was not aware of Savage Circus. That's cool. That's how discover new bands sometimes when ex band members do something new. Random, I discovered a band called Glory Hammer which is some sort of Alestorm side project. Kind like Rhapsody of fire with concept/album bombastic-ness.

And yeah Euro and USA power are differnet and I am cool with each

I appreciate you recommending the bands that have influenced the genre and some new blood as well. I appreciate all the younger talent keeping the flag going for this type of music. I think it's cool. And I definitely like those that trend on the heavier end. Will be adding all that to my que! Thanks!

ive found a lot of bands just by letting Spotify play other bands after i finish an album i like.

Powerwolf is pretty cool, Beast in Black, etc.

DragonForce is still my favorite. I actually like this song quite a bit.


Oct 25, 2017
ive found a lot of bands just by letting Spotify play other bands after i finish an album i like.

Powerwolf is pretty cool, Beast in Black, etc.

DragonForce is still my favorite. I actually like this song quite a bit.
Yes as much as Spotify sucks complete ass in compensating artists... it rocks for finding new music. Beast in Black is cool! They were in Houston not long ago. Kinda wish I went.
Oct 29, 2017
If we're in the "Instead of Dragonforce listen to these bands" part of the thread, I'll throw my hat at

Beast in Black
Battle Beast

There's also some neat power metal + other genre stuff

Crimson Shadows (power metal meets death metal)
Moonlight Sorcery (power metal meets black metal)

Ayreon has some good shit too, but that rides heavily on the prog side of things.


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
why did I decide to look at that article jesus christ those song titles and I can only imagine what the lyrics are like holy fuck


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
Oh God dammit. Is there a single band or artist out there I like who isn't problematic at this rate? Shit I'm going to be stuck listening to the fucking Wiggles.

Unless there's some shit about the red one we don't know about?

Anyway, the song is fine, sounds like every other Dragonforce song just with Zelda references.
Iron Maiden if you give or take that Bruce is a fiscal conversative

If all else fails, Judas Priest cannot let you down. Ancient GOATs and Rob Halford is a trailblazer for LGBT in the metal community. I fucking love him so much


Oct 28, 2017
United States
Herman comes across as wanting to farm engagement over making legitimately original music these days. It's leaning into the musical equivalent of Hot Topic far too much.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Seattle, WA
Talented musicians for sure, but that song and video don't really evoke Zelda at all outside of name dropping Hyrule, Master Sword, etc.
May 7, 2020
Some of them were in a band that made some extremely hateful songs before Dragonforce


Confronting Dragonforce About Their Racist, Homophobic Past

Talking to Dragonforce about Demoniac, their dirty little not-so-secret.
Just an FYI, this girl used to do PR for Anal Cunt (when it was abundantly clear what kind of person Seth Putnam was), used to parade around in a swastika shirt and has bragged about her Graveland records to try and take the heat off people supposedly questioning her legitimacy as a metal journalist (something that wasn't even on the table). Bands aren't off limits to having their politics questioned but her moral highorse grift has long since worn thin.

Anyways, didn't realize Dragonforce were still around. Band's a huge waste of time.

The only metal bands that get away with writing songs about videogames in the 21st century are Chthe'ilist and Tomb Mold, and the latter dropped those references pretty early on.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
The song was honestly pretty corny but innocent enough

The contents of the article though are unforgivable


Nov 14, 2021
The song has no personality and I also wouldn't know its meant to be about Zelda----if it didn't simply have "Tri-Force" in the lyrics.


Nov 1, 2017
List me some good stuff yo.

I have liked Blind Guardian, Hammerfall, Falconer, Nocturnal Rites, Edguy, 3 inches of blood, and yes Dragonforce.

Recently been looking for "newer" stuff.
I gave Guardians of Time, Beast is Black and Iron Mask a spin and liked them. Granted I realize there are shit ton of bands now so stuff I might like might be lost in the shuffle.

Angra are great as well. Listen to their Holy Land album. Maybe the Temple of Shadows album if you're more prog-oriented.


Oct 30, 2017
Oh God dammit. Is there a single band or artist out there I like who isn't problematic at this rate? Shit I'm going to be stuck listening to the fucking Wiggles.

Unless there's some shit about the red one we don't know about?

Anyway, the song is fine, sounds like every other Dragonforce song just with Zelda references.
I think Nanowar of Steel is pretty good. I love parody bands. Plus making fun of conspiracy theorists Alex Jones maga types in their most recent song boy band style

View: https://youtu.be/mp-AGEpYFQg?si=xdqznLPPgEmvkPNk

Valhallelujah remains my favorite though. Gospel metal. Also has a former member of Gloryhammer in this one.

View: https://youtu.be/S9WWz95ripA?si=vVxZ9MU_d0L-x792
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Oct 25, 2017
Angra are great as well. Listen to their Holy Land album. Maybe the Temple of Shadows album if you're more prog-oriented.
I have one or two of their albums. I think one of their former guitarists is now in Megadeth and has been for some years. I will have to check out all the Angra albums I missed out on.


Oct 25, 2017
If we're in the "Instead of Dragonforce listen to these bands" part of the thread, I'll throw my hat at

Crimson Shadows (power metal meets death metal)
Moonlight Sorcery (power metal meets black metal)

Ayreon has some good shit too, but that rides heavily on the prog side of things.
Guess I better add them to the que!!


Oct 27, 2017
Just an FYI, this girl used to do PR for Anal Cunt (when it was abundantly clear what kind of person Seth Putnam was), used to parade around in a swastika shirt and has bragged about her Graveland records to try and take the heat off people supposedly questioning her legitimacy as a metal journalist (something that wasn't even on the table). Bands aren't off limits to having their politics questioned but her moral highorse grift has long since worn thin.

By "this girl" do you mean the writer Kim Kelly? Based on what I've found on her there is nothing to suggest she's a piece of shit.


Nov 5, 2017
Oh wow, I remember hearing about Demoniac, and it was exactly for their lyrics. An EU magazine called them out back in the 90s and their answer was like "sorry, we didn't know that "Hitler metal sieg hail!" could be read as endorsing Nazism!". Just another band trying to get attention by saying the edgiest shit possible, basically a daily occurrence in black metal, especially back then when the genre was exploding.


Nov 28, 2017
Oh wow, I remember hearing about Demoniac, and it was exactly for their lyrics. An EU magazine called them out back in the 90s and their answer was like "sorry, we didn't know that "Hitler metal sieg hail!" could be read as endorsing Nazism!". Just another band trying to get attention by saying the edgiest shit possible, basically a daily occurrence in black metal, especially back then when the genre was exploding.
Pretty much, obviously that interview is terrible but being an edge lord especially in black metal in the late 90's was so damn common.

Did some of them truly believe the shit they were writing? Almost certainly but a lot of it was also about as being as offensive as possible. It certainly doesn't excuse what they said or did but given the time period, it's easy to read too much into it as well.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
Was introduced to only a couple of songs of Blind Guardian back in high school but had forgotten the band name until I entered this thread. Thanks to everyone for reminding me with their suggestions lol


May 31, 2022
Just an FYI, this girl used to do PR for Anal Cunt (when it was abundantly clear what kind of person Seth Putnam was), used to parade around in a swastika shirt and has bragged about her Graveland records to try and take the heat off people supposedly questioning her legitimacy as a metal journalist (something that wasn't even on the table). Bands aren't off limits to having their politics questioned but her moral highorse grift has long since worn thin.

Ok…? Not sure why any of that matters in this context