Favorite Dragon Age?

  • Dragon Age: Origins

    Votes: 467 65.6%
  • Dragon Age 2

    Votes: 73 10.3%
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition

    Votes: 172 24.2%

  • Total voters


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
For the purposes of this poll, please envision that all DLC is available for each game. This includes Awakening, the substantial expansion for Origins.

Ordinarily, straightforward poll threads don't interest me much. But Dragon Age is an interesting beast. Some lament what the series became after Origins. Others are pleasantly surprised by 2 -- lowered expectations surely help? And many are legitimately thrilled by Inquisition, despite its perennial status among a subset of RPG fans as "that game that shouldn't have won GOTY 2014."

To an extent, Era will always be a bubble, because there are only so many people here. But I'm curious to see how these three games perform against each other given that each of them has its warts and diehards.


Oct 27, 2017
Origins had the best gameplay.

But Inquisition had the best cast.

While 2 had the best premise.

Overall Origins is still the best.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Origins by far, no question. I think it's the perfect balance of "old school" RPG freedom with more modern storytelling and design. The plot is simple but has some interesting twists, that give a great opportunity for role-playing. It's got that nice gritty tone that really works for me. And the combat has enough intricacy to keep you engaged for the whole ride. The cast is actually the weakest of the three games, in my opinion, but like... they're at least half good. (But which half!?)

That being said, though, my out there opinion: Awakening is better than Origins proper, and is the best content in the series. If it fleshed out its companions a little bit more, maybe added some romance options, it'd be perfect.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
DA:O is a game I can always go back to and have fun with, there is something about it I just absolutely love. (This is what I voted for).

DA2 is kind of a mess and a game I don't really ever want to play again. You could tell the game was rushed, with reused environments constantly (I don't ever want to see that cave again) and a story that just kind of feels all over the place in three parts that don't really tie together very well.

DA:I was fairly fun, and I enjoyed how it felt like more of an action game, as well as the making large inquisition level choices. Going in totally the opposite direction of DA2 some of the environments felt almost too big, and the open world elements got kind of boring towards the end of the game (as I was doing the DLC). Trespasser was SUPER cool though, loved all the lore stuff in that, and I really do want to see how that is tied into the next Dragon Age game (which hopefully it will come out).


Oct 25, 2017
Origins has my favorite gameplay and overall plot.

Inquisition has my favorite cast of characters.

I like the idea of 2 being mostly confined to a single area that really changes over the course of the game, but the execution could have been a lot better.

Origins gets my vote.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
Dragon Age 2 and I don't give a damn. Even with all of the repeated assets and rushed dev it had me the most interested throughout.

After that DA: Origins as it's a really good game of course.

Inquisition is my least favorite. I absolutely loathe the Inquisitor Point system and how the game is essentially just busy work the RPG since there's only a handful of actual missions. I complain about it every chance I get.

Really hope the new DA isn't taking the worst aspect from Inquisition going forward. It just needs to be like DA:O but with the "good" aspects of Inquistion.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone who says 2 is lying. The story was grear but the damn map reuse man.

I love them all but origins was so good. Made me read a few of the books too

Deleted member 5129

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This past month I've played through all three of those for the first time, back to back. I'd have to say Origins - it's just really good overall and feels like a successor to Baldurs Gate.

Then 2. That game came out great for having only had 9 months of dev time - it's a miracle it exists at all. I also really enjoyed the story, it was a lot more focused than Origins.

Inquisition is my least favorite and all the stupid busywork was so annoying - but it has the best companions, though!

Dragon Age as a series is interesting, each of the games have different good and bad parts.


Mar 2, 2020
Dragon Age: Origins, followed surprisingly shortly by Dragon Age 2. Last is Inquisition.

Origins is just unbeaten in terms of writing and the gameplay. They take a surprisingly high number of fantasy tropes and do some interesting and unique things with them. The cast is also probably the best. Dragon Age 2 has probably the most engaging plot. Something is always happening and you really feel like you live up to your title of the Hero of Kirkwall. Inquisition may have decent companions and writing, but to experience that I have to play the most sloggish combat I've played and a forced open-world with dull side-quests.


Oct 26, 2017
I just got into the series this summer and enjoyed Origins the most, though Inquisition is pretty close.

DA2 I lowered my expectations for going in since I knew about its development, and while I think what they managed to make in the time they had is pretty impressive, it is still easily the weakest. I'd maybe play it again if the gameplay was better. It wasn't even the map reuse that grated on me; it was the combat, and I don't think you can blame the rushed development for that. Proof that faster doesn't automatically mean better.


The Wise Ones
Oct 28, 2017
Origins of course. I still like the other 2 but they both have significant flaws.


Oct 28, 2017
I love the hell out of Origins, it is one of my favorite games of all time. I also enjoyed 2 even if it wasn't as good. My ratings go as follows:

Origins - 10/10
2 - 8/10
Inquisition - 7/10


Oct 25, 2017
Origins, easily. Series had a chance of rivaling Baldur's Gate, then they threw it all way to try and capture a wider audience.


Oct 25, 2017
I always have a really hard time with this question but if I had to pick one I'd probably say Origins. All 3 games have significant flaws but each one also has aspects it excels in. As a total package I think DAO takes it but it is much less creative in terms of art direction and storyline than the other two. Trespasser is probably my favorite small slice of DA though. If they can make DA4 match that in terms of quality I have high hopes for it.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 17, 2020
I liked the first one best, but I enjoyed Inquisition quite a bit. The 2nd one was just too rushed and limited in scope to leave much of an impression on me. I finished it when it first came out but can hardly remember any of the characters or storylines.


Oct 29, 2017
I played through the series for the first time this past fall-winter. I'd probably call Inquisition my favorite, just ahead of Origins. But I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed DA2 in terms of story, though its combat was bleh.


Oct 27, 2017
Believe it or not, it's DA2.

I could never argue it's the best game, but it has a special place in my heart for the things it tried to do and the things it managed to do.

DA2 is basically unfiltered goodness from the core team. It has a lot of issues and things that didn't turn out well, but it also feels really personal and intimate in a way that the other two hyper-polished AAA blockbusters just can't match.

Canceling the expansion really was the beginning of the end for the team at the time and their vision of how the story would unfold.


Oct 25, 2017
I've come to really love inquisition this year for the things it get right.
But origins consumed me like very few games do


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Origins. Great combat system, no voice acting for the player character and a UI with a nice old-school feel. Really hated the Adobe Illustrator vectors they used in 2 and Inquisition.

I will say I love Inquisition's super colorful area design, though.


May 9, 2018
Peachtree City, GA
I voted Origins because of its epic scale and endless replayability. I really like 2 but that's because I got it for $5 on Xbox and for free on PS3. If I'd paid $60 for it at launch, I would probably hate it. Thank goodness for the demo.


Oct 25, 2017
A part of me is forever weeping that I will never get Dragon Age: Origins 2.


Oct 25, 2017
Inquisition is far and away the best, and Trespasser pushes it to be the best RPG of the generation


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Origins. When i first played it i was not too impressed by it tbh. What with it being the spiritual successor to the Baldur's Gate games and not reaching the same quality. But now it's one of my favorites and whenever i replay it i like it a little more.

I also kinda like Inquisition now and on my next replay i will play through the DLC for the first time. The only one i absolutely didn't like was 2. Running through the exactly same looking interiors for the hundreds time got to me at the end. I'm usually not one that is bothered by a lack of enemy/location diversity but DA2 was just too much. Everything looked the same. This will probably the only game in the series i will never replay.


Oct 27, 2017
DA:I is my favorite game of all-time (though I know that's a wildly unpopular opinion) but I love each game, warts and all. They're my comfort food.
Nov 11, 2017
I played through Origins multiple times on release and then again over the years with all the different mods. I never played the other two more than a couple of hours before I lost interest.


Feb 9, 2018
Origins has the best story and role playing. 2 has the best characters and protagonist. Inquisition…kinda has the best gameplay? I hate the lack of tactics and inability to leave party members far behind though.


Jan 23, 2021

I've really soured on Inquisition since finishing it years ago. I've never been tempted to go back for a replay. Dorian is great though.
Oct 25, 2017
Origins, and it's not even close.

I appreciate what they were trying to do with DA2. Telling a smaller, contained story—even if it was only by necessity—was a breath of fresh air when compared to all the "save the world" plots of a lot of games. Unfortunately, the short development time really became evident with the game. DA2 and Mass Effect 3 are the games you can tell suffered the most because of the EA of the time (not to say BioWare's own management isn't at fault).

Inquisition almost has the opposite problem of DA2. It's way too damn big. It's like they tried to overcompensate for the past game. I really enjoyed it at first, but man did I ever sour on it by the end. It's a game that doesn't respect your time. I never clicked with the combat or the characters either. I'd say it also has some of the worst menus in a AAA game too.
Jul 24, 2018
Origins is all the way the best package, but DA2 does have Hawke, Varric, Isabela and Avellone, and Inquisition does have Dorian so it's hard to say sometimes.

Eh, I'll say Origins as it is a game I spent immense amount of time on.


Jan 25, 2018
Origins has the best story and role playing. 2 has the best characters and protagonist. Inquisition…kinda has the best gameplay? I hate the lack of tactics and inability to leave party members far behind though.
Agreed. Characters in DA2 are definitely my favorites. Playing as a mage in DA2 is so much fun.
I hope one day Mount Olympus Video-game God's throw some coin and order a real remake; or a DA Legendary edition of Origins and 2.


Dec 10, 2018
Origins as it closer resembles the Baldur's Gate feel.
DA:2 can take a long walk off a short pier.
DA: Inquisition I am indifferent about.


Oct 25, 2017

In that order, but origins by a long shot. For me Inquisition was just painfully dull.


Oct 27, 2017
It's Inquisition.

Origins love is some rose tinted glasses shit. The series didn't even really find its identity until DAI. Origins is too standard fantasy, looks like brown crap, has an MMO combat system, weak characters like Shale or Oghren, and drags near the end.

This is made up for by all the good characters, world building, and writing. But DAI has all that plus better combat, an actual visual style unique to the series, and a less generic story and themes. It is bloated though.


Oct 25, 2017
Inquisition since I liked the characters and it was largely fun to play if a little low effort.

Origins's gameplay always felt rather clunky and DAII was slapdash all around.


Oct 27, 2017
Origins. It felt like the proper evolution of the formula baldurs gate created. Inquisition flt mediocre and the second game was boring


Oct 25, 2017
It's Inquisition.

Origins love is some rose tinted glasses shit. The series didn't even really find its identity until DAI. Origins is too standard fantasy, looks like brown crap, has an MMO combat system, weak characters like Shale or Oghren, and drags near the end.

This is made up for by all the good characters, world building, and writing. But DAI has all that plus better combat, an actual visual style unique to the series, and a less generic story and themes. It is bloated though.
This is a correct opinion.


Dec 3, 2018
Honestly? I love each one of them almost equally, because they are different takes to the same universe:
The first one, shows you the world from the usual eyes of the heroe's journey.
Hawke's story is all about this group of people trying to find a place in the world, only to keep getting thrusted in situations outside of their control.
The Inquisitor, on the other hand, for the first time you are an actual leader of a proper faction, dealing with politics and war at the same time.

Still, my fave goes to DAII, not only Hawke has a lot of personality, it also has the best iteration of autodialogue:
Hawke's lines change accordingly to the tone you chose the most. Makes them way more consistent than other BW games with dialogue wheel.


Oct 28, 2017
SĂŁo Paulo - Brazil
I believe Inquisition might be the best, but it also has a lot of problems that really annoy me. Particularly, but not exclusively, in terms of being very bloated with tons of useless quests.

I'll vote DA2 because it deserves it.


May 11, 2018
Origins is definitely my favorite, I've played through it multiple on xbox then later on PC. I also really loved Inquisition and have played through it multiple times aswell. DA2 i couldn't really get into and never finished. I just didn't like the cast and writing in that game. What's weird though is the characters in DA 2 they brought back of Inquisition i liked them a lot more.


Oct 25, 2017
I recently replayed Origins, and it's really great, but some parts definitely outstay their welcome.

My ranking at the moment is 1 > 3 > 2, but that could change as I replay 2 then 3.

Lady Gaia

Oct 27, 2017
They all have their strengths and I'm uncomfortable ranking them as a result, because it's probably the series I'm most engaged with from a lore and possibility perspective. That leaves me somewhere between giddy and horrified at the prospect of the next one.

Origins will always occupy a soft spot for introducing me to the world. It also opens up a ton of possibilities and gave me more perceived freedom, but it's hella clunky from a modern perspective. I enjoyed it more than I expected the last time I replayed it, but I did have to turn a blind eye to how dated the maps and structure of the game felt.

DA2 is famously rushed, but I actually enjoyed it more the second time I played it than the first. Once I knew not to get to invested in the maps or scenery and focused on the characters and the plot, it turned out to be surprisingly engaging. I like the intimate feel and very personal nature of nearly every decision. I also have a huge soft spot for Isabella and hope to see her again.

Inquisition is by far the most ambitious, attractive, explorable world. Sure, I wish the overall game structure wasn't dictated by shipping on PS3 and 360 in addition to the next generation. There are a bunch of pretty banal quests, too, and the main game's antagonist doesn't really land for me. If you consider the full arc with Trespasser, though? It's probably my favorite game, warts and all.