
Fen'Harel Enansal
Mar 30, 2018

OP is currently under construction, I'm working on it but also I won't be able to deliver it before mid-September because of me going on a vacation. In the meantime, people still need and want a place to talk about all things related to Dragon Age (games, books, comics, fanarts, merchandise, fanfics, and anything I haven't even thought of), and also get prepared for Dragon Age 4! If this is what you're looking for, then this place is the place for you! In the meantime, until a proper OP is made, I leave you with the very latest news about Dragon Age 4, as well as with some quality pictures and gifs that will demonstrate that I am, without a doubt, trash for Solas. Sorry not sorry.



(will disappear once the proper OP will be done. maybe)





Thanks to Bioware for finally feeding us DA fans with news after years of drought, life is worth living again!


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Nov 8, 2017
Good initiative, OP. I welcome a Dragon Age thread.

Something that I found interesting with the gamescom video as well as the reveal trailer, was the strong implication that this is a direct continuation to Inquisition, while the scrapped "Joplin" version had no indications of that. It seems to me like the Solas storyline is basically the "main thread" going forward, given the magnitude of what he's trying to do. However, if we take a look at Jason Schriers DA4 article, it seemed like Joplin was to be a rag-tag, heist-vibe type game, smaller in scope and more focused than Inquisition, which I have a hard time seeing being a god fit that kind of storyline. I wonder if they were originally planning to resolve the whole Solas-veil business in a later game, maybe building it up a bit more meanwhile, but then decided to speed things along with the new version.
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Oct 25, 2017
Good initiative, OP. I welcome a Dragon Age thread.

Something that I found interesting with the gamescom video as well as the reveal trailer, was the strong implication that this is a direct continuation to Inquisition, while the scrapped "Joplin" version had no indications of that. It seems to me like the Solas storyline is basically the "main thread" going forward, given the magnitude of what he's trying to do. However, if we take a look at Jason Schriers DA4 article, it seemed like Joplin was to be a rag-tag, heist-vibe type game, smaller in scope and more focused than Inquisition, which I have a hard time seeing being a god fit that kind of storyline. I wonder if they were originally planning to resolve the whole Solas-veil business in a later game, maybe building it up a bit more meanwhile, but then decided to speed things along with the new version.

Honestly it's good. Honestly the idea that they would drop the Solas storyline for something else after Trespasser would have been big brain dumb.


Fen'Harel Enansal
Mar 30, 2018
I talked about buying it a few weeks ago, but it has now arrived and I'm currently reading it (even though I'm a bit slow at it)!


So far I really enjoy it, love to gather all the lore in order to get fully ready for DA4! Will come back later to comment on it once I'm done with it :D

Also, this amazing Solas fanart from Solas n°1 Fanartist, Nipuni!



Oct 25, 2017
Yay! Great to have an OT. I'll gladly help with graphics and stuff if you need!
lmao this is amazing.

Good initiative, OP. I welcome a Dragon Age thread.

Something that I found interesting with the gamescom video as well as the reveal trailer, was the strong implication that this is a direct continuation to Inquisition, while the scrapped "Joplin" version had no indications of that. It seems to me like the Solas storyline is basically the "main thread" going forward, given the magnitude of what he's trying to do. However, if we take a look at Jason Schriers DA4 article, it seemed like Joplin was to be a rag-tag, heist-vibe type game, smaller in scope and more focused than Inquisition, which I have a hard time seeing being a god fit that kind of storyline. I wonder if they were originally planning to resolve the whole Solas-veil business in a later game, maybe building it up a bit more meanwhile, but then decided to speed things along with the new version.
To be honest, Joplin sounded really cool but also a bit too ambitious. I feared that would create its own set of problems during development, the procedural dialogue system sounded like a beast of its own.
What I got from the smaller scope, though, was that it wasn't going to be a bunch of big ass regions for you to explore, but rather smaller cities and the like.
Mar 9, 2018
I wonder what would happen if the veil does fall. What would be the practical effects?

How many ordinary things would suddenly become magical? It would surely change everything.

Imagine soil blessed by magic where carrots and other crops grow at 300X speed.
Imagine nugs becoming increasingly humanoid, eventually looking like muscular humans with nug heads.
Imagine nasty basic facts of life like pooping being the basis of new forms of magic. "Waste mage" specialization.
Birds would fly in the air alongside fish.
Maintaining the Circles would become complicated...

And perhaps all kinds of dead people will be revived, if enough of them "remains". Like say in an URN OF SACRED ASHES? I'm just thinking aloud here.


Oct 26, 2017
haven't played oranges in a good 5 years. i reallly should replay.
A part of me wants to do a replay but it was a game I absolutely devoured and exhausted with an absolutely unreasonable amount of replays going through as many routes of dialogue as I could with all the origins. Dunno what I would even do as a playthrough.

madame x

May 15, 2020
A part of me wants to do a replay but it was a game I absolutely devoured and exhausted with an absolutely unreasonable amount of replays going through as many routes of dialogue as I could with all the origins. Dunno what I would even do as a playthrough.
i think i only played it in full one time tbh.
but i must have logged at LEAST 200 hours, like at the very least. so i think im due for another playthrough (also i remember i was a rogue archer that playthrough only to find out too late that its one of the worst things to focus on lol). i wanna be a little more evil next time.


Oct 26, 2017
i think i only played it in full one time tbh.
but i must have logged at LEAST 200 hours, like at the very least. so i think im due for another playthrough (also i remember i was a rogue archer that playthrough only to find out too late that its one of the worst things to focus on lol). i wanna be a little more evil next time.

My go-to is usually for my character to be the tank and it usually lets me have a lot of flexibility in party options.

Origins lets you be absolutely fucking vicious. Worth a playthrough just to see some of those routes. Redcliffe has some crazy options for you to go especially as a mage.

Supreme Leader Galahad

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Hello fellow contemporary romans, as i said in the DA4 thread, ive been a long Mass Effect Bioware fan and even after all the problems the studio has been through in their last projects, i was very hyped from that dev video: art direction, focus on characters/relationships and maybe a souls inspired combat but with abilities.

As ive said i want to get into DA, seems ive been missing something cool, ill probably cop the Bioware bundle on PS4 after finishing the Control expansion and go through Inquisition. I know 2 posters recommended me to go play Origins first and i even have it on Origin(lol) but im really in the mood for Inquisition, ill follow a Kotaku article about what i need to know and play the site that gives you the choices of the first 2. Ill probably be a mage, i always go warrior/knight in rpgs but for some time ive been wanting to dable in some magic (ill probably specialize in that one that has melee attacks).

Anyway it seems DA fans are usually very cool and free of bigots so i think ill enjoy it here 🧙🏾‍♂️


Nov 4, 2017
Hello fellow contemporary romans, as i said in the DA4 thread, ive been a long Mass Effect Bioware fan and even after all the problems the studio has been through in their last projects, i was very hyped from that dev video: art direction, focus on characters/relationships and maybe a souls inspired combat but with abilities.

As ive said i want to get into DA, seems ive been missing something cool, ill probably cop the Bioware bundle on PS4 after finishing the Control expansion and go through Inquisition. I know 2 posters recommended me to go play Origins first and i even have it on Origin(lol) but im really in the mood for Inquisition, ill follow a Kotaku article about what i need to know and play the site that gives you the choices of the first 2. Ill probably be a mage, i always go warrior/knight in rpgs but for some time ive been wanting to dable in some magic (ill probably specialize in that one that has melee attacks).

Anyway it seems DA fans are usually very cool and free of bigots so i think ill enjoy it here 🧙🏾‍♂️
Something I only found out recently is that dialogue at the beginning of Inquisition actually differs based on whether you import a world state or not. I don't know what the exact changes are but I'd recommend not importing so you get the intended experience for newcomers. No real point in making choices for games you didn't play, anyway.

I hope you enjoy the game!


Oct 25, 2017
Hello fellow contemporary romans, as i said in the DA4 thread, ive been a long Mass Effect Bioware fan and even after all the problems the studio has been through in their last projects, i was very hyped from that dev video: art direction, focus on characters/relationships and maybe a souls inspired combat but with abilities.

As ive said i want to get into DA, seems ive been missing something cool, ill probably cop the Bioware bundle on PS4 after finishing the Control expansion and go through Inquisition. I know 2 posters recommended me to go play Origins first and i even have it on Origin(lol) but im really in the mood for Inquisition, ill follow a Kotaku article about what i need to know and play the site that gives you the choices of the first 2. Ill probably be a mage, i always go warrior/knight in rpgs but for some time ive been wanting to dable in some magic (ill probably specialize in that one that has melee attacks).

Anyway it seems DA fans are usually very cool and free of bigots so i think ill enjoy it here 🧙🏾‍♂️
Mage is easily the best class in Inquisition. You feel like one incredibly powerful mofo. When the time comes to pick a specialization, Knight-Enchanter or Rift Mage are the best ones. Extra fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Haha yup! As soon as I saw that spider I knew I'd have to make it my new avatar. Glad someone noticed lol

It's genius lol I legit had a lightbulb moment like oh...OH!

Hello fellow contemporary romans, as i said in the DA4 thread, ive been a long Mass Effect Bioware fan and even after all the problems the studio has been through in their last projects, i was very hyped from that dev video: art direction, focus on characters/relationships and maybe a souls inspired combat but with abilities.

As ive said i want to get into DA, seems ive been missing something cool, ill probably cop the Bioware bundle on PS4 after finishing the Control expansion and go through Inquisition. I know 2 posters recommended me to go play Origins first and i even have it on Origin(lol) but im really in the mood for Inquisition, ill follow a Kotaku article about what i need to know and play the site that gives you the choices of the first 2. Ill probably be a mage, i always go warrior/knight in rpgs but for some time ive been wanting to dable in some magic (ill probably specialize in that one that has melee attacks).

Anyway it seems DA fans are usually very cool and free of bigots so i think ill enjoy it here 🧙🏾‍♂️

Mages are super fun. I actually played as a warrior in Origins and DA2 so Inquisition was my first go as a mage in the series and I enjoyed myself. You really can't go wrong with anything though. Also, if you end up skipping the first two games and going straight into Inquisition, there's always the Dragon Age Keep which essentially allows you to log into your Origin account, make different selections based on what story choices you want to have affect your world, and then when you play Inquisition you can select the world state you created in the keep. If you don't want to do that, there's always the default world state. Bioware technically does not have an official canon for the world of Dragon Age. Since you've played ME, it's basically the same in that they have a "default" world state that has as many out of the picture as possible so new players aren't totally lost by characters they have no knowledge/attachment to. I don't remember all of the differences between the two states as I've always imported, but I'm sure the majority is side dialogue that is a wink wink nudge nudge to returning players.

Anyways, enjoy and get ready to feel like this a lot:



Oct 25, 2017
Something I only found out recently is that dialogue at the beginning of Inquisition actually differs based on whether you import a world state or not. I don't know what the exact changes are but I'd recommend not importing so you get the intended experience for newcomers. No real point in making choices for games you didn't play, anyway.

I hope you enjoy the game!

There is a fair bit more exposition to explain the world and the state it is in.

If you import then it assumes you know a lot more already.


Oct 27, 2017
I know 2 posters recommended me to go play Origins first and i even have it on Origin(lol) but im really in the mood for Inquisition

I recommend after you are done with vanilla Inquisition playthrough, to do a complete series run, from Origins to Inquisition, using dragonagekeep to import the choices. Some choices you made in Origins/2 actually impact how some event in Inquisition played out (some characters only appears depending on your choices you made in Origins for example).

Ill probably be a mage

Mage is super fun on Inquisition ! Whereas Warrior is the least fun play with how janky melee combat in Inquisition is lol.

i wanna be a little more evil next time.

Everytime I replay Dragon Age Origins (or any other role playing games really), I told myself this time I would go with evil protagonist. But as soon as evil dialogue choice came, I always chickened up and pick good guy dialogue (typically the one I picked in previous playthrough).


(will disappear once the proper OP will be done. maybe)

Petition to keep Delphine's trash corner in the OP.


Oct 25, 2017
I will say.

While Dragon Age Keep isn't perfect.

It is nice that when I got the PC ver of Inquisition earlier this year, that it already had my Keep data and I was able to just go.


Oct 25, 2017
So I'm replaying Inquisition and I just want to say the dam in Crestwood makes no damn sense.


Oct 25, 2017
While Origins is still my favorite DA I hold out hope Bioware will deliver something special next go around

Lets see some new shit lmao

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Jan 3, 2018
Loved hearing the Origins theme along with the Inquisition one in the new teaser. I still remember going to DAO in the PS3 dashboard and hearing that voice start singing and getting chills. Know we're getting an ME remaster but DA would really do it for me too.

Supreme Leader Galahad

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Something I only found out recently is that dialogue at the beginning of Inquisition actually differs based on whether you import a world state or not. I don't know what the exact changes are but I'd recommend not importing so you get the intended experience for newcomers. No real point in making choices for games you didn't play, anyway.

I hope you enjoy the game!
Mage is easily the best class in Inquisition. You feel like one incredibly powerful mofo. When the time comes to pick a specialization, Knight-Enchanter or Rift Mage are the best ones. Extra fun.
It's genius lol I legit had a lightbulb moment like oh...OH!

Mages are super fun. I actually played as a warrior in Origins and DA2 so Inquisition was my first go as a mage in the series and I enjoyed myself. You really can't go wrong with anything though. Also, if you end up skipping the first two games and going straight into Inquisition, there's always the Dragon Age Keep which essentially allows you to log into your Origin account, make different selections based on what story choices you want to have affect your world, and then when you play Inquisition you can select the world state you created in the keep. If you don't want to do that, there's always the default world state. Bioware technically does not have an official canon for the world of Dragon Age. Since you've played ME, it's basically the same in that they have a "default" world state that has as many out of the picture as possible so new players aren't totally lost by characters they have no knowledge/attachment to. I don't remember all of the differences between the two states as I've always imported, but I'm sure the majority is side dialogue that is a wink wink nudge nudge to returning players.

Anyways, enjoy and get ready to feel like this a lot:

I recommend after you are done with vanilla Inquisition playthrough, to do a complete series run, from Origins to Inquisition, using dragonagekeep to import the choices. Some choices you made in Origins/2 actually impact how some event in Inquisition played out (some characters only appears depending on your choices you made in Origins for example).

Mage is super fun on Inquisition ! Whereas Warrior is the least fun play with how janky melee combat in Inquisition is lol.

Everytime I replay Dragon Age Origins (or any other role playing games really), I told myself this time I would go with evil protagonist. But as soon as evil dialogue choice came, I always chickened up and pick good guy dialogue (typically the one I picked in previous playthrough).


Petition to keep Delphine's trash corner in the OP.
Thanks yall, ill keep your tips in mind. Seems ive choosen a good time to start picking mage lol. I will probably do a full series playthrough after Inquisition since i already have Origins. I hope i can into the internal jokes soon and maybe find a husbando/waifu to be my avatar 👀


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks yall, ill keep your tips in mind. Seems ive choosen a good time to start picking mage lol. I will probably do a full series playthrough after Inquisition since i already have Origins. I hope i can into the internal jokes soon and maybe find a husbando/waifu to be my avatar 👀
Just don't pick the mage in Origins. Great origin story, but gameplay is really boring. Warrior and Rogue are the good ones.
Mages only got good in Dragon Age 2. But then playing a mage in DA2 is incredibly annoying for role-playing reasons, because being a mage is incredibly relevant in the story, but the story largely ignores the fact Hawke themself is a damn mage. But it's fun to play, regardless.
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Oct 27, 2017
Oh hell yeah finally a place for some DA lore discussion, definitely bookmarking this.

madame x

May 15, 2020
Everytime I replay Dragon Age Origins (or any other role playing games really), I told myself this time I would go with evil protagonist. But as soon as evil dialogue choice came, I always chickened up and pick good guy dialogue (typically the one I picked in previous playthrough).

goddamit this is me too. but i seriously will do that this time, unless it kills a playable character i dont wanna do that.


Nov 8, 2017
Im really hoping DA4 gives us more options when it comes to progression systems/RPG elements. The continous streamlining of those aspects have been a bit too heavy-handed for my taste. Origins had Attributes, skills and talents to play around with, while DA2 and Inqusition both "streamlined" that down to only one respectively. I get that the first Dragon Age was a product of a different time, inspired by DnD style games, and that EA/Bioware wants more accessible game for mass market consumption, but I still think there should be a middle ground somewhere. After all, they did walk it back a bit with Mass Effect 3, after going too far simplifying Mass Effect 2. Maybe they could reintroduce some kind of progression systems unrelated to combat? Alchemy, crafting, mechanics, persuasion, aka the classics, and maybe add backgrounds or something for extra flavor.
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Oct 25, 2017
Im really hoping DA4 gives us more options when it comes to progression systems/RPG elements. The continous streamlining of those aspects have been a bit too heavy-handed for my taste. Origins had Attributes, skills and talents to play around with, while DA2 and Inqusition both "streamlined" that down to only one respectively. I get that the first Dragon Age was a product of a different time, inspired by DnD style games, and that EA/Bioware wants more accessible game for mass market consumption, but I still think there should be a middle ground somewhere. After all, they did walk it back a bit with Mass Effect 3, after going too far simplifying Mass Effect 2. Maybe they could reintroduce some kind of progression systems unrelated to combat? Alchemy, crafting, mechanics, persuasion, aka the classics, and maybe add backgrounds or something for extra flavor.
Frankly the action games that have morphed into action RPGs this gen have deeper systems than late Bioware games. This is proof that it can be done without being inscrutable to a wide audience.


Nov 8, 2017
Frankly the action games that have morphed into action RPGs this gen have deeper systems than late Bioware games. This is proof that it can be done without being inscrutable to a wide audience.
Agreed. If nothing else, I think Bioware should pay close attention to Cyberpunk 2077 when it comes out. Thats the closest equivalent you will get in terms of going after the same audience. If CP2077 has more complex RPG elements and still manages to sell well and get good reviews.. well that means that the case for dumbing down isnt THAT strong.

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
Oh shit it's real.

If CP2077 has more complex RPG elements and still manages to sell well and get good reviews
Gonna hit X to doubt on that one, the more I see of that game the more obvious it is that the character at the very least is pretty pre-defined. Like look at what they were talking about pre-trailer 2077 to now.

I'm sure it'll have a lot of C&C but I don't think it'll have particular deep role playing "systems" per se.


Nov 8, 2017
Oh shit it's real.

Gonna hit X to doubt on that one, the more I see of that game the more obvious it is that the character at the very least is pretty pre-defined. Like look at what they were talking about pre-trailer 2077 to now.

I'm sure it'll have a lot of C&C but I don't think it'll have particular deep role playing "systems" per se.
Im mean, V seems to be in the same category as Shepard was, and even in Dragon age Origins we had 3 specific backgrounds to choose from, so they seem to be quite similar in that respect. In any case, thats not exactly what i was talking about. It was more about how many systems or options there are in place upon leveling up to customize your character, primarily. In that area, it seems like Cyberpunk has way more options than Inquisition or DA2 did.


Oct 27, 2017
The more I think about it, the more I would like a trilogy remaster on modern consoles with QoL improvements. I wanna go back to the first 2 especially, but their is no way I am touching the PS3 versions of these again.


Nov 4, 2017
in Dragon age Origins we had 3 specific backgrounds to choose from
We had six in Origins.

I really hope they bring back playable origins in DA4, they're the main reason why DA:O is still my favorite. They really ground you in the world and your character before the adventure begins, giving you a sense of what your character's life has been like up to this point. And they can drastically change your outlook on certain decisions throughout the game, which makes the game much more replayable than the sequels imo.

I think Bioware said they weren't gonna do them anymore because they'd rather spend those resources on content all players will see, but I hope CD Project doing it makes them change their minds.


Nov 8, 2017
We had six in Origins.

I really hope they bring back playable origins in DA4, they're the main reason why DA:O is still my favorite. They really ground you in the world and your character before the adventure begins, giving you a sense of what your character's life has been like up to this point. And they can drastically change your outlook on certain decisions throughout the game, which makes the game much more replayable than the sequels imo.

I think Bioware said they weren't gonna do them anymore because they'd rather spend those resources on content all players will see, but I hope CD Project doing it makes them change their minds.
Oh, my bad. Damn, doing 6 origin stories was pretty ambitious wasnt it?

Honestly, I do get Bioware's point about focusing those efforts on content everybody gets to see rather than splitting it 6 ways. For me, it would be enough with just choosing written backgrounds during character creation which then get certain unique conversation options during the game, much like in Pillars of Eternity. My point is, there are so many ways they could make your specific protagonist feel like a product of your own decisions while progressing through the levels, but much of that fell by the wayside after Origins.
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Mar 9, 2018
Because the Inquisitor could have a very personal relationship with Solas, friend, foe, or lover, I wonder if it would be a good idea to have the Inquisitor playable in a non-combat role for short segments. Something like Princess Peach in the old Paper Mario games.

Edit: I just remembered, the Denerim (?) fortress in Origins sort of did this. The rescue operation.
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Oct 25, 2017
Because the Inquisitor could have a very personal relationship with Solas, friend, foe, or lover, I wonder if it would be a good idea to have the Inquisitor playable in a non-combat role for short segments. Something like Princess Peach in the old Paper Mario games.

Edit: I just remembered, the Denerim (?) fortress in Origins sort of did this. The rescue operation.
I love Captured! It's such a big tonal shift, and somehow it fits so well. Seeing Morrigan try to play a Chantry sister was priceless.


Jan 3, 2018
People talk about an ME1 Remaster having redone combat but a Dragon Age Origins remaster with redone (console) combat would be just the best.