
Oct 27, 2017

Doodle Date, a game that has been out on Steam for a week, and can be bought for the low, low price of two dollars, is not at all what I expected. I expected a dating sim with more player input than usual. What I got was a surreal journey of attempted murder, identity crisis, and divorce.

The game is described by its developer, Nicholas Lives, as a dating sim where you can "romance, seduce, and even marry your own drawings"—the ultimate in customizable dates, surely? Looking at the Steam Community section, I saw what people's creativity had spawned, and even though it was pretty much entirely dominated by anime tiddy, I could see that my only boundaries were my own imagination and drawing skills.

Aside from that, perhaps one of the first red flags letting me know that this game was not the dating game I expected was the speed with which everything happened—for all of ten seconds, I was a human, then suddenly, I was living in a notebook, introduced to a strange woman-drawing named Claire who proclaimed that she had missed me. She told me the rules of the game—draw something and it comes to life—and asked me to demonstrate my drawing my favorite fruit.
I went on a date with Sketchy, and things were going well—except for the fact that the waiter, whom I also drew, thought I was mega sexy, which made Sketchy incredibly angry—and so I sauntered home, satisfied with a good date well done.

And then Claire was in my bedroom. And then Claire was telling me she loved me. And then I guess I was telling Claire I loved her, too. Even though I had drawn Sketchy myself, I just couldn't see myself loving a blob, and Claire at least had hands.

Usually, dating sims have a slow-burn approach to romance. Not Doodle Date. In Doodle Date, I knocked Claire up within about two minutes of becoming a couple. She got angry at me because she didn't like the baby I drew, and tried to kill me.


There's also a pretty heavy and uncomfortable level of a sort of "bitches be crazy!" attitude in Doodle Date, what with Claire trying to murder me, and Sketchy flying off the handle about a waiter flirting with me on a first date. I just can't quite imagine what led the developer, Nicholas Lives, to create a game that promises your own special hand-drawn date, which then dives head-first into an incredibly intense narrative that doesn't quite suit the breakneck speed at which it is told.

I read this article yesterday and was dismayed that there weren't any comments. What a bizarre looking game! It's like hatoful boyfriend on steroids or maybe something hallucinogenic. This is WTF the game.

FYI: There are poorly drawn nude breasts in the article so if you consider that NSFW, be warned!

Link here (possibly NSFW)