
Oct 26, 2017
Surprising incompetence from the Secret Service.

This event will surely have major impact on the rest of the election.

The Big Short

Oct 29, 2017
The photo looks badass. Whining about your shoes after being shot and then forcing secret service to stand still for several seconds as your meat shields when there could be another shooter so you can do a photo op while someone in your crowd is dying and then limping to your car is shit.

Was Trump badass to assault protestors so that he could do a photo op in front of a church?
Yeah that's why I added it's very stupid as well.
Oct 27, 2017


Nov 3, 2017
You're severely underestimating how easily some people are swayed by both cheap sympathy points and the strongman image he presented in the picture that's now everywhere. Also, this has just been an extremely low-interest and low-enthusiasm election up to this point. Nothing could fire up Trump supporters more than something like this, and it's happening right after Dem enthusiasm cratered after the debate and weeks of doubting Biden's fitness to serve.

I totally agree, I think if you were a voter on the fence, it means you already don't care about politics and policies. It would all be down to showmanship.
And the barrage of news those last few days about "Biden unfit for office" compared to this wave of "Strong man Trump braving death" would sway those undecided voters the Trump way. If Trump uses this near-death experience to say "I've changed" and shut the hell up until election day, it would entirely guarantee him a win.


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno. I just think it's weird.

Like, Malcolm X called it "chickens coming home to roost." If you create a culture of fear and violence, it's only natural to expect fear and violence in return. But it's like... Instead of fixing the culture we decided to fix the expectations.

Republicans are permitted to enact violence in response to a culture of violence. Democrats are expected to endure.

But that's fucking ridiculous, right? People can't be expected to be "above" their animal stress response. Animals that just sit there and take abuse die. And so will we. Like it's an obvious trap, right? A culture that punishes one side disproportionately for acting in self-defense, is actively erasing that side.


May 17, 2018
People really twisting themselves to find an excuse for him to not be Republcian.
And some people are willfully ignoring that it's not that rare for people to register with the opposite party in a closed primary state because they really want to craft their talking points before we know anything concrete. Like, it won't take long to get actual accounts from people familiar with him or for stuff he posted online to leak out. If he was a radicalized right winger then we'll know that without question soon enough.
Mar 11, 2020
I don't think it's normal to think they are badass.
Dude has already caused so much trans deaths and will continue too since he is still alive, yeah these reactions are crazy.

It made me sick seeing people chanting for one person with dead people beside them. Cause that one person is worth more than the lives of others apparently it's so fuckin infuriating this is our society.

Idk if there would have been more death to us if they wouldn't have missed or not, but there will still be more people dying cause of him being alive. He forever has blood on his own hands.


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno man I think it'd be more badass if his head exploded like the guy in Scanners. Just my criticism - maybe he'll take notes for next time.


May 14, 2022
Just had an entertaining watch on Sky. Presenter had Sebastian Gorka on, who was propagandising. Reporter pointed out he was stating opinions as facts, Gorka called him an imbecile and the interview ended abruptly.


For people in the US, whilst our press has political leanings PSB mandates require broadcasters like Sky not to publish propaganda. Its not perfect but there is a bar for accuracy, so he has to correct Gorka.


Oct 30, 2017
No matter anyone's political views it is never a good thing for such things to happen.

I am surprised at how many people here in this board pretty much imply that his death would be a good thing. And i am surprised how they did not get reprimanded in any way. Maybe this rhetoric in its extreme form led to the events that unfolded today.

I am no fan of either Trump nor Biden, i am a firm believer that both parties could have much better representatives. In fact in the debate thread i commented how baffling it feels for me (not a US citizen) that out of the 330 million people living in the US these 2 are the best they could come up with.

I dont know. This is seriously effed up. I think both parties need to look themselves in the mirror and take responsibility. This country is way more divided than anyone could have ever imagined.

And as a non US citizen that scares me.

RIP and condolences to the family of the person that fell victim of this attack…


Oct 25, 2017
I can't get over how strong those images are for Trump. To get injured in a way that isn't ambiguous or gruesome, such that those images can be widely broadcast. To have your name askew but still standing on the podium. To have the American flag prominent in so many shots - even when huddled on the ground.

The odds are just astronomical.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
I don't think it's normal to think they are badass.
To be fair I might've read the initial post wrong because I thought they were saying that people who despise Trump cannot show sympathy towards the man now, not that there were literal comments calling him a "badass" from long-term Trump critics after yesterday's incident.

For what it's worth I think that photo specifically will be incredibly powerful because it does have an undeniable energy. Even if most rational people understand that the energy in question is the same energy which has caused many casualties and an incredible amount of division in the first place. Trump is a strong political operator and it is a further example of how he'll sail into power without an equally strong opponent.


May 17, 2018
I can't get over how strong those images are for Trump. To get injured in a way that isn't ambiguous or gruesome, such that those images can be widely broadcast. To have your name askew but still standing on the podium. To have the American flag prominent in so many shots - even when huddled on the ground.

The odds are just astronomical.
It's the typical "no one would accept any of this shit if they wrote it into a TV show" that's been a staple of Trump's political career since 2015. Somehow it just keeps happening and it's infuriating and exhausting.


Feb 14, 2024
No matter anyone's political views it is never a good thing for such things to happen.

I am surprised at how many people here in this board pretty much imply that his death would be a good thing. And i am surprised how they did not get reprimanded in any way. Maybe this rhetoric in its extreme form led to the events that unfolded today.

I am no fan of either Trump nor Biden, i am a firm believer that both parties could have much better representatives. In fact in the debate thread i commented how baffling it feels for me (not a US citizen) that out of the 330 million people living in the US these 2 are the best they could come up with.

I dont know. This is seriously effed up. I think both parties need to look themselves in the mirror and take responsibility. This country is way more divided than anyone could have ever imagined.

And as a non US citizen that scares me.

RIP and condolences to the family of the person that fell victim of this attack…
You might want to go at Trump's project 2025, which is way worse than a thousand political assassination attempts and that will lead to the death of a shitton of people. Trump is a violent dictator who has been inciting violence from day one. Him and his party are the only ones at fault here.


Oct 27, 2017
No matter anyone's political views it is never a good thing for such things to happen.

I am surprised at how many people here in this board pretty much imply that his death would be a good thing. And i am surprised how they did not get reprimanded in any way. Maybe this rhetoric in its extreme form led to the events that unfolded today.

I am no fan of either Trump nor Biden, i am a firm believer that both parties could have much better representatives. In fact in the debate thread i commented how baffling it feels for me (not a US citizen) that out of the 330 million people living in the US these 2 are the best they could come up with.

I dont know. This is seriously effed up. I think both parties need to look themselves in the mirror and take responsibility. This country is way more divided than anyone could have ever imagined.

And as a non US citizen that scares me.

RIP and condolences to the family of the person that fell victim of this attack…

I'm glad you enjoy watching from the sidelines with your feelings of superiority. But for us actual citizens, Trump's election will actually have serious consequences on many of our lives.


Nov 6, 2017
I can't get over how strong those images are for Trump. To get injured in a way that isn't ambiguous or gruesome, such that those images can be widely broadcast. To have your name askew but still standing on the podium. To have the American flag prominent in so many shots - even when huddled on the ground.

The odds are just astronomical.

Yeah, how crazy. What are the odds all that coming together for the perfect photo-op.... how crazy it is that we spent a whole news cycle demanding Biden to step aside while the Epstien files with trumps name all over them were conveniently released at the same time. Crazy odds.


Oct 26, 2017
I dunno. I just think it's weird.

Like, Malcolm X called it "chickens coming home to roost." If you create a culture of fear and violence, it's only natural to expect fear and violence in return. But it's like... Instead of fixing the culture we decided to fix the expectations.

Republicans are permitted to enact violence in response to a culture of violence. Democrats are expected to endure.

But that's fucking ridiculous, right? People can't be expected to be "above" their animal stress response. Animals that just sit there and take abuse die. And so will we. Like it's an obvious trap, right? A culture that punishes one side disproportionately for acting in self-defense, is actively erasing that side.

This. I have a hard time having sympathy for Trump than I do for his supporters who got shot and killed/injured.

This is the same Trump that asked his supporters to storm the Capitol on January 6th to stop the transfer of power and essentially wished for them to murder Democrats at the Capitol. Imagine if the shooter had been successful what the response from Trump's supporters would be (it would probably result in Democrat politicians being attacked or even murdered themselves).

If I said what I really thought about it, I would get banned. But I cannot act surprised that an assassination attempt was made on Trump.


Nov 8, 2022
Yeah the fact he donated to a democrat grassroots when he was 17 makes it hard to know what his beliefs were. He could have gotten radicalized by the right in those 3 years. It happens

I think people are just overthinking things. Age 16-17 is around when most people are forming their political beliefs for the first time. For a 20-year old, a 3 year gap is easily enough for someone to ping-pong from one political spectrum to the other.

I doubt someone like the shooter changed party affiliations to be a spoiler for someone like trump who was like +60 during the entire GOP primary without even attending debates. The primary party affiliation swap was never that common, even when Rush Limbaugh heavily pioneered and encouraged the idea back in the day.


Oct 19, 2023
No matter anyone's political views it is never a good thing for such things to happen.

I am surprised at how many people here in this board pretty much imply that his death would be a good thing. And i am surprised how they did not get reprimanded in any way. Maybe this rhetoric in its extreme form led to the events that unfolded today.

I am no fan of either Trump nor Biden, i am a firm believer that both parties could have much better representatives. In fact in the debate thread i commented how baffling it feels for me (not a US citizen) that out of the 330 million people living in the US these 2 are the best they could come up with.

I dont know. This is seriously effed up. I think both parties need to look themselves in the mirror and take responsibility. This country is way more divided than anyone could have ever imagined.

And as a non US citizen that scares me.

RIP and condolences to the family of the person that fell victim of this attack…

Quite the pearl clutching. Another Trump presidency would directly and inadvertently lead to MANY deaths, so I can absolutely understand why some think it would have been for the best - not saying I wish it on him myself, particularly as an outsider looking in (I'm not American and there's also the fact that it would have caused insane levels of chaos and violent retaliation if it was a success). I also think it's shitty to "both sides" this shit when one side always reverts to violence more and has stoked the flames of hatred for years.


Aug 15, 2019
I can't get over how strong those images are for Trump. To get injured in a way that isn't ambiguous or gruesome, such that those images can be widely broadcast. To have your name askew but still standing on the podium. To have the American flag prominent in so many shots - even when huddled on the ground.

The odds are just astronomical.

When you write it out like that they are, but as a photographer myself you kind of have a sixth sense and you're just sort of go into automatic mode and are able to make an image of many improbable circumstances. He had probably mentally recognised the flag amongst other things and … he just happened to be in the right place at the right moment. Photography is one of those things where you have to make your own luck. Over time you develop your eye and maybe one day you have that moment where everything comes together. The history of photography is full of amazing photos and as Henri Cartier Bresson coined, full of "divisive moments" and this will go down as one of them.

With growth of an image led society (adverts, tv, social media and even ai) those "astronomical" photos have probably been diluted a bit, but it is such a powerful art form.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
No matter anyone's political views it is never a good thing for such things to happen.

I am surprised at how many people here in this board pretty much imply that his death would be a good thing. And i am surprised how they did not get reprimanded in any way. Maybe this rhetoric in its extreme form led to the events that unfolded today.

Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has praised literal neo-Nazis, said that he will make it illegal for young trans people to transition, promised to deport pro-Palestine protestors and admitted to sexual assault on video.


Jan 26, 2024
I was watching the movie Civil war when this happened...what the hell..
Also someone said it was 8 years of Trump guaranteed, but isn't a mandate 4 years?


Oct 27, 2017
United States
I think people are just overthinking things. Age 16-17 is around when most people are forming their political beliefs for the first time. For a 20-year old, a 3 year gap is easily enough for someone to ping-pong from one political spectrum to the other.

I doubt someone like the shooter changed party affiliations to be a spoiler for someone like trump who was like +60 during the entire GOP primary without even attending debates. The primary party affiliation swap was never that common, even when Rush Limbaugh heavily pioneered and encouraged the idea back in the day.
Yeah the more I'm thinking about it you're right. Also his gun shirt is very telling. I looked up that channel. Yikes.

I'm also wondering if you can donate under someone else's name or is it tied to your finances somehow. I don't know how that works. But if he was a hardcore republican I could see a fellow student donating to a left leaning cause under his name as a joke.
Feb 24, 2018
Was asleep through all of this and just caught up, wow.

I have zero sympathy from Trump here, he has constantly pushed for violence (even right AFTER being grazed) and the fact the shooter was a Republican is not surprising given how self-destructive that parties views are; this was bound to happen eventually.

And no he doesn't look "badass" here, he looks like an opportunistic fascist using this incident to his advantage.


Oct 27, 2017
User banned (2 weeks): conspiracy theories
Awful that some people died and got injured.

Everything about this screams false flag to make Trump look good.


Oct 27, 2017
I am surprised at how many people here in this board pretty much imply that his death would be a good thing. And i am surprised how they did not get reprimanded in any way. Maybe this rhetoric in its extreme form led to the events that unfolded today.
Nah, this pearl-clutching ain't it.

Many here, myself included, are very cognizant of the damage a 2nd term that he can bring to many, especially minorities and the under-represented. Anyone that replaces Donald will not reach the same personality-cult as he does. If he's removed from the equation (whether through natural causes or imprisonment), that's a lot of the momentum taken out.

Him experiencing a Bolsonaro-special will do little but to stoke the flames.
Oct 19, 2023
It's early but I'm not confident the badass stuff is gaining traction compared to the sea of conspiracy theories, false claims, and unsupported assertions chatter which has exploded online.

It's probably more about putting a lid on political violence vs. Biden frail...Trump strong for now.

I wouldn't be too worried about people who genuinely believe Trump is badass or who are trying to create a perception that's the main takeaway.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
I was watching the movie Civil war when this happened...what the hell..
Also someone said it was 8 years of Trump guaranteed, but isn't a mandate 4 years?
He can only serve 4 more years. Now the damage he can do in that 4 is immense. But it's only 4.
Is there actually any real proof it was him who donated and not someone with a similar name?
I"m also wondering if a classmate donated under his name as a joke if his political beliefs were known in high school and were far right leaning.


Oct 25, 2017
Thinking about it, it's pretty insane how many things are happening in Trump favor. Inflation, Gaza, Bidens decline, now this. None of these will give him the win 100 %, but combined will make it very hard for the Democrats to still win. At this point they not only need to be perfect for 4 months, they also need to get lucky breaks in their favor.


May 14, 2022
Nah, this pearl-clutching ain't it.

Many here, myself included, are very cognizant of the damage a 2nd term that he can bring to many, especially minorities and the under-represented. Anyone that replaces Donald will not reach the same personality-cult as he does. If he's removed from the equation (whether through natural causes or imprisonment), that's a lot of the momentum taken out.

Him experiencing a Bolsonaro-special will do little but to stoke the flames.

I appreciate what you're saying but to an outsider, your country looks at risk of civil war. So, I dont know.
Oct 25, 2017
Awful that some people died and got injured.

Everything about this screams false flag to make Trump look good.

think how pathetic you'd think this kind of talk would be if it was reflexively said by the right after a progressive politician got shot. until we get more details how is this anything but a kneejerk emotional response because something happened that doesn't line up with your wishes for America/the world?


Aug 13, 2020
Shouldn't the Democrats just point at the need for stronger anti-gun laws? Because this is just a big proof of that. Make this a center point of the elections.


Oct 25, 2017
Thinking about it, it's pretty insane how many things are happening in Trump favor. Inflation, Gaza, Bidens decline, now this. None of these will give him the win 100 %, but combined will make it very hard for the Democrats to still win. At this point they not only need to be perfect for 4 months, they also need to get lucky breaks in their favor.
Due to the electoral college dems need to win the popular vote by 6-8 points. It is always an uphill battle for dems.


Oct 27, 2017
Shouldn't the Democrats just point at the need for stronger anti-gun laws? Because this is just a big proof of that. Make this a center point of the elections.
that ship has sailed long ago.
guns won't be regulated in response to a shooting, it will need a grassroots movement that fights against the issue.


Nov 13, 2019
As someone not from the USA this stuff is wild. The last few days have been wild

Apart from any impact this may have in the elections this is the events you read in history books in school few years from now

Gonna be a wild next months


Oct 25, 2017
Trump is no victim. Trump HIMSELF is the reason he got shot at.

Trump doesn't just incite violence against his opponents (1/6, Charlottesville), but he incites it against himself (Butler PA).

He's a walking gaslighter. He triggers everyone for every reason.

Several people are dead over the past few years because of Trump and his horrible attitude, policies and statements.

But the media, especially conservative outlets, will promote him as a fighter and a patriot and sweep it all under the rug for him, because RATINGS.

Everything is a literal shit show with Trump.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017