
What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not gonna lie... this forum is getting really fucking ridiculous now.

Trump was grazed in his ear. He's gonna be fine. It was an assassination attempt, the Biden administration is making the proper statements as they should (to at least not give the idea that this was a political hit from Biden & thus invite retaliation) & the RNC is probably gonna even more unhinged than they were initially gonna be before this. And y'all think because of one fucking photo, this is gonna magically help Trump win reelection? Like Biden's age before that? Like Gaza before that? So on, and so on?

Seriously, what fucking planet do y'all live on? What fucking reality do you persist in where the people who hated Trump for everything he stands for - even if they were undecided on Biden - are suddenly gonna vote for him because someone shot at him? If y'all think the public is dumb/detached enough to not pay attention to information that matters & simply fall victim to whatever the sensationalism is at the moment, what the fuck makes you think they'll even remember that Trump got a fucking flesh wound 5 months prior to Election Day?
To answer your questions, yes, the public is dumb and no one, regardless of party, will forget the assassination attempt.

Grazed. Flesh wound. You're out of your mind.


Apr 20, 2018
You shouldn't be wishing anyone dead. It's awful to do so. That's a human life, whether you like them or not.

If you're concerned about child molesters, you need to look at the transgender population and why so many of them are getting convicted of raping children then.
Couldn't even make it 10 posts before letting the mask slip, huh? Not that it was particularly on before, but that's besides the point.


Oct 28, 2017
Trump winning the election is legitimately likely to cause the end of millions of lives and the end of democracy in the US. I don't know what that means for how I feel but I don't feel good. Good luck America.
Oct 28, 2017
One would think this would have an impact on the guns debate but in the end…"He will bring them death, and they will love him for it"


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
You shouldn't be wishing anyone dead. It's awful to do so. That's a human life, whether you like them or not.

If you're concerned about child molesters, you need to look at the transgender population and why so many of them are getting convicted of raping children then.

Ok yea of course this was a predictable turn of events, bye now you shithead


Dec 18, 2017
So the shooter was outside the rally? And they managed to take them down?

Wow! (hearing all this from CNN)


Jun 25, 2021
Historically, events and photos need to stand for something behind them that resonates broadly with a populace. Obama in the rainstorm is a good example of this.

The thing here is that this incident, and any show of strength that is associated with it, is still for someone who wants to hurt women, minorities, and immigrants while also dismantling democracy and that is not something that will go away. If anything, that gets amplified by this.
Thank you for this small bit of sanity in an otherwise bonkers thread. No idea how I'm going to make it to November.


Nov 14, 2017
I'm not gonna lie... this forum is getting really fucking ridiculous now.

Trump was grazed in his ear. He's gonna be fine. It was an assassination attempt, the Biden administration is making the proper statements as they should (to at least not give the idea that this was a political hit from Biden & thus invite retaliation) & the RNC is probably gonna even more unhinged than they were initially gonna be before this. And y'all think because of one fucking photo, this is gonna magically help Trump win reelection? Like Biden's age before that? Like Gaza before that? So on, and so on?

Seriously, what fucking planet do y'all live on? What fucking reality do you persist in where the people who hated Trump for everything he stands for - even if they were undecided on Biden - are suddenly gonna vote for him because someone shot at him? If y'all think the public is dumb/detached enough to not pay attention to information that matters & simply fall victim to whatever the sensationalism is at the moment, what the fuck makes you think they'll even remember that Trump got a fucking flesh wound 5 months prior to Election Day?

Yes. Because we have never had a rabid, uneducated, loyalist, cult like voter base like we have today.timeliness. there are brick and mortar trump stores. There are houses and cars plastered with trump signs. Peoples entire individuality has transformed to being a trump supporter.

They will ride on this for years. Trump will radicalize his voter base from this for years.

Biden is already trying to play the high road and pull his ads.

I totally may be wrong, but we are in a truly unprecedented timeline.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry, why is the nation in shock? Considering the state of politics and rhetoric, the amount of nutjobs as well as guns, I'm shocked this doesn't happen more often.

It nearly does happen more often, it's just that the FBI and Secret Service are generally very good at catching/stopping these wackos before they can actually carry-out their plans.

In this case there was very clearly a severe security lapse.


May 14, 2024
Hopefully when he loses this November, they'll put that picture on commemorative plates, and people can throw baseballs at them at carnivals.
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Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I don't think it's quite that simple. Most of the republican party is "Trump's base" at this point. And things that further fuel them to passionate preach their pro-Trump narratives are things that are going to then convince the people more on the fence or in the middle to vote for him. And yeah, I get it, fuck anyone who would vote for him knowing what he will do and what he represents. But unfortunately you cannot win elections in this country by not playing and dismissing everyone not already on your side. Trump is a threat that needs to be taken seriously and anything that makes him look better is a negative for us.
People on the fence aren't actually on the fence is what i'm trying to tell you. There's no "on the fence 🤡" about christofascism. As I said, it's like taking Elon Musk's word when he said he's a centrist and lands in the middle when it comes to politics. Shortly before turning twitter into 4chan. Trump IS a threat. But anyone who's response to this event is:

Was gonna do that in the first place. Hence, that's not really where our concern should lie.


Oct 25, 2017
You shouldn't be wishing anyone dead. It's awful to do so. That's a human life, whether you like them or not.

If you're concerned about child molesters, you need to look at the transgender population and why so many of them are getting convicted of raping children then.
What the fuck, you're not leaving unscathed you garbage piece of shit. What's wrong with you?


Oct 25, 2017
There is video on social media of the shooter dead on the roof. Ugh didn't need to see that.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit? This is what I cannot get over. Gunshots are heard, everyone HAS to know Trump is the target, and everyone BEHIND HIM is just standing around? And then cheering? What the fuck is wrong with these people goddamn.
What was the right answer? Everyone just wildly climb all over each other and probably make more victims? Not seeing a reason to judge folks who found themselves in a deeply fucked up situation, one of them is dead.
Oct 25, 2017
You shouldn't be wishing anyone dead. It's awful to do so. That's a human life, whether you like them or not.

If you're concerned about child molesters, you need to look at the transgender population and why so many of them are getting convicted of raping children then.
Do you guys make accounts here to speed run getting banned? Why?

I seriously don't get it.


May 9, 2020
User banned (2 weeks): concern trolling around conspiracy theorists
Wtf. I can't see this doing anything other than boosting Trump's ratings, especially with those crazy photos coming out showing him defiant.

Just an FYI this guy is a conspiracy nut.
Can you give some examples? Conspiracy nut makes him sound like Alex Jones, but I understand he's an actual journalist and has written for some reputable news orgs.


Oct 27, 2017
You shouldn't be wishing anyone dead. It's awful to do so. That's a human life, whether you like them or not.

If you're concerned about child molesters, you need to look at the transgender population and why so many of them are getting convicted of raping children then.

What the fuck is this bullshit? This does line up with what I thought of you though, so good riddance.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
I'm glad it seems the shooter has perished, and truly I hope we never learn a thing about him, not even his name. The sooner we start ignoring and erasing the individuals who commit gun violence, the sooner we get less nut jobs wanting to go out making a name for themselves.

Not saying that is the case for the shooter here - I have no idea, nor seemingly does anyone know his motivations at this point - but regardless the attention breeds toxicity in the future.

Eh, while I understand the sentiment, there is always importance in understanding why people do what they do and who there, especially when it establishes a pattern like, say, most mass shooters being young and disillusioned white men who have terrible views about race, the opposite, etc.

Putting your head in the ground about what someone was doing really doesn't help stop the toxicity, because the toxicity is rarely coming from another shooter: it's coming from somewhere else and it's worth trying to know and understand where it's coming from

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
If you're concerned about child molesters, you need to look at the transgender population and why so many of them are getting convicted of raping children then
Well that concern trolling mask didn't last very long did it?. As you said, "GG." You will be remembered by this community for all of about five minutes. 🤷‍♂️


Oct 26, 2017
Keep rewatching the part where he does the fist bump and everyone starts chanting "USA! USA!". Trump supporters are on another level man. Peak idiocracy.

Yep and now I'm watching interviews with attendees at the rally who are now pearl-clutching and saying things like "this isn't about guns" and "why is there so much hate and division in our country" as they file out of an event where they were going to hoot and holler as Trump demonised minorities and immigrants.


Dec 28, 2017
I don't think it's quite that simple. Most of the republican party is "Trump's base" at this point. And things that further fuel them to passionate preach their pro-Trump narratives are things that are going to then convince the people more on the fence or in the middle to vote for him. And yeah, I get it, fuck anyone who would vote for him knowing what he will do and what he represents. But unfortunately you cannot win elections in this country by not playing and dismissing everyone not already on your side. Trump is a threat that needs to be taken seriously and anything that makes him look better is a negative for us.

And just to be clear with my wording when I call Trump a threat, I am strongly opposed to political violence. Whoever took this shot at him is not something I support at all. And it's a lose/lose for us because... it makes him look strong for coming out of it posing with his fist up. This may very well convince people who were previously apathetic about the election to go vote for him, especially given the current narrative of Biden's competence. Whatever one thinks of that narrative, or either candidate, or the people preaching Trump or any of this... it's all part of it. All of it matters.
Strongman optics will go FAR. We've been through this already in 2016. Hillary had an entire health scare fainting in public two months before the election. Those images were contrasted with Trump at his rallies looking tougher than ever. They absolutely had an impact and so will the images coming out of this. I really fucking hate handing it to Trump (I really really do) but some people are just putting their head in the sand again rather than seeing this for what it is.

I think this is still salvageable if the Dems move forward with a different candidate but no way they win the election with Biden on the ballot. That strong-weak contrast is just too great.


Aug 1, 2019
Every time I read a "what if his base does political violence" take I mentally add "…again" to the end of the sentence.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
If (if) everything is true about the shooter position relative to the secret service and people were pointing them out to them for minutes (as per the witness on the BBC) then there are going to be some major inquiries as to why they didn't act.

Where is Melania? Certainly she's rushing to be at her husbands side at the hospital.


Oct 25, 2017
Well thanks to the dumbass shooter who probably just won Trump the election. This might be even worse than if he was killed.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not gonna lie... this forum is getting really fucking ridiculous now.

Trump was grazed in his ear. He's gonna be fine. It was an assassination attempt, the Biden administration is making the proper statements as they should (to at least not give the idea that this was a political hit from Biden & thus invite retaliation) & the RNC is probably gonna even more unhinged than they were initially gonna be before this. And y'all think because of one fucking photo, this is gonna magically help Trump win reelection? Like Biden's age before that? Like Gaza before that? So on, and so on?

Seriously, what fucking planet do y'all live on? What fucking reality do you persist in where the people who hated Trump for everything he stands for - even if they were undecided on Biden - are suddenly gonna vote for him because someone shot at him? If y'all think the public is dumb/detached enough to not pay attention to information that matters & simply fall victim to whatever the sensationalism is at the moment, what the fuck makes you think they'll even remember that Trump got a fucking flesh wound 5 months prior to Election Day?
The general public are the ones that voted him in the first time. They are that dumb. And no one's worried over the "blue no matter who" crowd. It's the independents. They function on a different spectrum of what appeals to them and doesn't. The reaction here is in regards to that specific electorate that will make or break the election. And these kind of events are exactly the kind of thing that validates the "out of control crime" rhetoric Trump has been claiming all along enough to sway their vote. Pile that on to declining Biden, unclear messaging, the indecision to stick with him or go Kamala… it adds up.


Entering pupa stage
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
You shouldn't be wishing anyone dead. It's awful to do so. That's a human life, whether you like them or not.

If you're concerned about child molesters, you need to look at the transgender population and why so many of them are getting convicted of raping children then.
I didn't ban you, but I wish I had.

Humanizing Trump and demonizing every trans person in the next breath.

I will make sure to use the women's restroom next time I'm forced to make a choice.

Big Baybee

Oct 27, 2017
No one actually cares I feel. This shit is already being meme'd to death. The people panicking that this won Trump the election are trippin