Franky D Tank

May 15, 2024
Holy crap, only now did I just see about this. Not much I'm going to say since this still developing and it's going to be too much mis info going on for a while and people speculating off of nothing. Ugh, bad enough trying to stay sane with the election cycle stuff already, this is just going to a much more chaotic news cycle.


Oct 27, 2017
The sympathy angle works if Trump can sell himself as an American hero uniting the masses towards peace.

In this deeply divided times where he's the chief divider, that ain't happening.


Oct 25, 2017
I know that politically they kind of have to say this kind of stuff, but it's really weird seeing these statements from Dems about how glad they are that the guy they've been saying is an existential threat to the nation for years is ok and in their prayers.


Oct 27, 2017
Same. With this, I'm more fearful of another Jan. 6th riot by Trump's unhinged fanbase because their lord and savior almost got shot more than anything.

Agreed. Very concerned about secondary violence. No part of this that is good.
On listening to the live feed, the rounds sound suppressed or very low caliber, but time will tell.
I am legit surprised the Secret Service, after responding in less than 3 seconds, listened to him saying "wait", and allowed him to stand and fist pump.
seems really counter to their mission of rush offstage to safety.

Grain Silo

Dec 15, 2017
There's no getting around the fact that this is more red meat for his campaign. For this to immediately follow weeks of Democratic in-fighting over Biden's suitability to be the nominee it's fucking shit luck as all hell. The only positive is that these dual fiascos happened in July and not October.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That one doesn't have enough flag. So we have this one:
I really don't think we're coming back from this. Biden was in his weakest state and this is the ultimate gut punch.
Oct 28, 2017
My partner just showed me a Facebook post with a photo of an AI generated flower that was genuinely one of the weirdest things I've seen come out of an image generator. It had something like 1.4 million likes with tens of thousands of comments saying variations of "God's beauty" and "nature is so incredible".

The vast majority of people are fucking morons.
If it makes you feel better, most of those impressions are probably also AI bots. Facebook and Twitter are an AI hellscape right now.


Jan 12, 2021
How does this even happen? Thought it'd be near impossible to try to assassinate the president.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't want to suggest it would have been a good thing had the assassination attempt succeeded, but right now I'm just blown away by how much more chaotic things would be if he was killed. Like, what the fuck would the RNC even do? He hadn't even announced his VP pick yet. I guess his campaign inner circle knows who it is and would have brought it up to get them to rally behind that person, but man, wow.


Oct 26, 2017
United Kingdom
Oh, also - Trump's a known coward. I hope the event exacerbates this trait, and he cowers from rallies and appearances in the run-up to this election.
I don't want him emboldened.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I know it gets repeated so often that it's become a joke but I am really, really tired of living through massive historical events, man.
Amazing deductive reasoning skills here...
You can always count on law enforcement to crack a tough case. There was really no solid way of knowing from the outside if the guy who was shot at was, in fact, the subject of an assassination attempt.


Feb 28, 2023
man, i feel bad for yall americans tbh. 4+ years of trump, i dont wish that on my worst enemy

I know that politically they kind of have to say this kind of stuff, but it's really weird seeing these statements from Dems about how glad they are that the guy they've been saying is an existential threat to the nation for years is ok and in their prayers.
you answered yourself. they have to

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
My partner just showed me a Facebook post with a photo of an AI generated flower that was genuinely one of the weirdest things I've seen come out of an image generator. It had something like 1.4 million likes with tens of thousands of comments saying variations of "God's beauty" and "nature is so incredible".

The vast majority of people are fucking morons.
You're missing the part where Meta is filled to the absolute brim with bots and fake impressions. I mean yes lots of people are morons, but don't use AI image likes as a metric for that.


Jun 6, 2018
Since all my other concerns seem to have been aired out: please don't be lgbtq+, please don't be lgbtq+, please don't be lgbtq+...

See the problem is even if it isn't, that side unfortunately likes to pin it on them anyways regardless of the facts as seen from previous shootings that have landed on airwaves.

Just do the best you can ya'll.


Aug 7, 2023
if people gonna re elect Hitler junior cause he got graze by a bullet/get shot, those people never give a shit about the left/ the cause to begin with and basically a lost cause, they are fence sitter in name only and basically want a justification/any reason to re elect Hitler. The only way out of this shit is the left basically have to work even harder than 2016 and 2020 to convince everyone else.
There is an army of undecideds vs the shrinking left though. There is a vocal left but in number they are nowhere near the number of people who don't pay attention to elections or politics. It's been evident long ago that people haven't cared for the left.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
I'm not American, so how close was the last US presidential election? If Trump got lots of votes even during prime COVID time, then this happening right now is really bad for Biden, they will use this for media/marketing a lot

It was close. It wasn't as close as 2016, but still it came out to less than a 100,000 votes across a few states
Oct 31, 2017
Historically, assassination attempts don't usually lead to an automatic victory, plus the election is turning into more of a rebut against Project 2025 and the GOP platform vs. strength or propaganda. Plus, it's only July.

My real fear is this just incites his base to violence and this builds into multiple events leading up to November.

This event gives me anxiety for the reason in bold. I think people saying to calm down specifically about the election have the right idea for good reasons, even if I completely understand the perspective of people who are worried.


Oct 27, 2017
Gerald Ford survived two assassination attempts, so there is some historical precedent.

What's frustrating is that I can totally see Dems feeling like they have to walk a fine line between expressing sympathy while simultaneously trying to convince voters of what a danger he is to our country.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Is he normally surrounded by bullet proof glass at these things? Was the shooter super far away so it went through debris or something?
I have no idea wtf happened. Could have hit a teleprompter and shattered it for all I know. We're all just sitting here waiting to find out what happened.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah man, it sucks and I'm sorry for you guys.

But the election is over. Not that Biden had any chance, but now things are done. Prepare for 8 more years of Trump.

He can only do four more. Even as bonkers and loyal to Trump as the RNC is, I just can't imagine them willing to make him king for life when all of them are power hungry to be President and he'll be in his 80s.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
San Francisco
I know that politically they kind of have to say this kind of stuff, but it's really weird seeing these statements from Dems about how glad they are that the guy they've been saying is an existential threat to the nation for years is ok and in their prayers.
He IS an existential threat to democracy, but also this type of political violence rarely leads to hugs and puppies- their concern is likely genuine.


Mar 10, 2024
I don't want to suggest it would have been a good thing had the assassination attempt succeeded, but right now I'm just blown away by how much more chaotic things would be if he was killed. Like, what the fuck would the RNC even do? He hadn't even announced his VP pick yet. I guess his campaign inner circle knows who it is and would have brought it up to get them to rally behind that person, but man, wow.

I would think Nikki Haley becomes the nom, and alot of rank and file Republicans would be grateful.
Feb 7, 2022
Yeah this is terrifying and it absolutely riles up his base. But the dude beat COVID and couldn't win that year either. This is huge but Trump is great at being his own worst enemy. He's going to be insufferable, which doesn't work as well as he thinks. Were this weeks before the election, I'd say it's a wrap and be ready to have my latino ass sent packing in the next few years. Unfortunately, the media focus is on Biden's flubs and not Trump's fascist policies. Dems have to show empathy, let time pass, and keep hammering on his policies.
I know that politically they kind of have to say this kind of stuff, but it's really weird seeing these statements from Dems about how glad they are that the guy they've been saying is an existential threat to the nation for years is ok and in their prayers.
That's not surprising. The same thing happened after he caught covid. The public conversation is going to be filled with accusations of "leftist extremism" so not putting out a condemnation immediately would look bad.