
Oct 25, 2017
I've been wondering if a specific type of game exists, and figured a general thread for questions like this could exist.

Does a game exist that's a Metroidvania, but with Donkey Kong Country 1/2/3 style gameplay where you control a duo/multiple characters?
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Oct 28, 2017
BotW Master Sword Trials, but expanded into a full game (longer, randomized, etc)


Nov 27, 2017
I've been wandering if a specific type of game exists, and figured a general thread for questions like this could exist.

Does a game exist that's a Metroidvania, but with Donkey Kong Country 1/2/3 style gameplay where you control a duo/multiple characters?
Never played it but I think Alien: Infestation on DS is like this:

Does a superhero RPG exist? Tactics, turn-based, action-rpg, whatever.


Oct 25, 2017
If anybody knows about indie Mario Party clones that would be rad. I think I once saw maybe one on Steam Early Access but hadn't checked in if its development was going well in awhile. Otherwise there's pretty much squat.


Nov 15, 2017
I'm not gonna lie, I was hoping that this thread was about games you have vague memories of but you don't know if they're actually real or not. Am I the only one who has a few of those?

I think some of the Castlevania games have multiple characters, but I'm not sure 100 percent!
Oct 25, 2017
If anybody knows about indie Mario Party clones that would be rad. I think I once saw maybe one on Steam Early Access but hadn't checked in if its development was going well in awhile. Otherwise there's pretty much squat.
I remember one on Steam but it looked atrocious so I forgot the name

Edit: After posting this I kinda realize that saying "Yeah there is this shit looking game but I don't know what it's called" is probably not super helpful


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not gonna lie, I was hoping that this thread was about games you have vague memories of but you don't know if they're actually real or not. Am I the only one who has a few of those?

Games you remember, names you don't

Reviving this great thread for the new era: Have you ever thought of a game but don't remember the title? Maybe it was a game from your childhood, or something that interested you when it was announced but you forgot about it? Describe these games as best as you can and let's see if we can help...


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not gonna lie, I was hoping that this thread was about games you have vague memories of but you don't know if they're actually real or not. Am I the only one who has a few of those?

I totally do.

I still haven't found it and pretty sure it doesn't exist.

But you played as a kid who got home to find his whole family missing. You then played through these 2d platform levels that looked like they were inspired by Tim Burton . Pretty sure you selected a level on a giant bed or something. Like I said I'm pretty sure the game does not exist but I have these like almost vivid memories of it but nothing of the name of the game.

I've asked about it before but no one has been able to find it.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
MegaMan ZX, kinda? You don't change into other characters really, but your suit changes. In ZX Advent you can straight up play as the bosses you defeat


One Winged Slayer
Jan 1, 2018
Do you actually have a couple of people exploring at once in this or do you just switch between characters?
You can switch between the two characters (one is the typical vampire hunter and another is a mage), or call on the other character to help out in combat or assist with certain tasks. There are some segments that need to be done with both characters, but the dual character mechanic feels underutilized overall since you don't need to call on the other character that often, especially later on in the game.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
I've been wondering if a specific type of game exists, and figured a general thread for questions like this could exist.

Does a game exist that's a Metroidvania, but with Donkey Kong Country 1/2/3 style gameplay where you control a duo/multiple characters?
Definitely try Portrait of Ruin OP. I actually prefer how it does multi-character game play to most other systems. The moves where your partner jumps in and attacks feel super satisfying.


Oct 27, 2017
Does this game exist, a tower defense game where you provide a song (a la Audiosurf) that generates waves?

I know there's TD games that act like a sequencer based on towers, but that's not what I'm looking for.

Also any other games that you can provide a song to affect gameplay? All I can think of is Audiosurf and VibRibbon. Oh, and Kickbeat.


Aug 29, 2018
by the title i was hoping a game/level that while you played you thought "does this game really exist?" like in astonishment

Sean Mirrsen

May 9, 2018
So, seeing as this is more of a thread to ask for specific kinds of games rather than specific games, I was rather wondering about one myself.

Do any games besides the Super Robot Taisen series, in the strategy genre or otherwise (but preferably strategy), use its mission/story difficulty system?

Some kind of game, where you are given optional goals every mission or level, and as you keep completing those goals the game's difficulty increases? And slightly different things happen in the story? And then if you reach the final stage and complete it on the hardest difficulty, you are able to go further and reach a "true"/"best" ending?

I played the SRT games on the GBA (including the fan-translation of J), and I found that method of dynamic difficulty quite interesting.
Oct 27, 2017
Does anyone know of any other FPSs like Unreal or Halo: CE, where you play a character stranded on an alien world and there's a real sense of discovery?

I'm playing Subnautica at the moment and it definitely has that same vibe, but I'm also hankering to shoot some baddies in the face.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
Any space hopping JRPGs besides Phantasy Star and Star Ocean? I always thought there'd be way more out there, and I'm always open to trying hidden gems.


Aug 15, 2019
Action game (Or Stylish Action, Spectacle Fighter, """Character Action""" or whatever the fuck people say) where the following is present:
- Double Jump
- Wallrun
- Use a grappling hook both in and out of combat
- Has a fully interconnected world
- Has both dial-combos like Ninja Gaiden, and directional lock-on based inputs like DMC


Oct 25, 2017
An isometric RPG a la Pillars of Eternity or Divinity, but is set in modern day? It can include supernatural stuff

Shadowrun doesn't count


Oct 25, 2017
Does anyone know of any other FPSs like Unreal or Halo: CE, where you play a character stranded on an alien world and there's a real sense of discovery?

I'm playing Subnautica at the moment and it definitely has that same vibe, but I'm also hankering to shoot some baddies in the face.

Outcast is not exactly an fps, but it is basically what you want


Oct 27, 2017
Is there any FPS game, specially stealth, that you can look without turning your body?

Like, just hold right stick, you rotate, but hold R1 together and you only do a quick look? Then you go back to your normal view when you release.

Not that different from holding alt + moving the mouse in 3rd person camera in PUBG.
Oct 25, 2017
Never played it but I think Alien: Infestation on DS is like this:

Does a superhero RPG exist? Tactics, turn-based, action-rpg, whatever.
Not sure if Infestation will sate the Metroidvania aspect, or the different characters aspect (if that means different playstyles).

For your superhero question, I would say:
- ZHP (PSP, grid/turnbased roguelike, literally about a superhero, with TV show intermissions and all)
- Rent a Hero (ARPG-ish style game on Mega Drive, terrible fighting, way better looking full 3D remake on OG Xbox but that is JP only)
- and while not a RPG, I can't not say Honey Rose (half visual novel half beat'em up/fighting game, pay what you want model on Steam - about a teenager girl wrestler, not superheros, but it may be the only game ever that scratches the itch of the double identity superhero tropes)
Depending on what you want out of the superhero motif, also take a look at the second South Park RPG.

Also any other games that you can provide a song to affect gameplay? All I can think of is Audiosurf and VibRibbon. Oh, and Kickbeat.
And while you don't provide the music, the PS2 Samurai Champloo allows you to equip 2 vinyls that decide both the battle track and your fighting style/combo strings.

Any space hopping JRPGs besides Phantasy Star and Star Ocean? I always thought there'd be way more out there, and I'm always open to trying hidden gems.
Infinite Space (DS) immediately comes to mind, maybe Lagrange Point (NES)? Then... Sigma Star Saga (GBA), kiiiiiinda? Unfortunately there aren't many scifi RPGs in general, much less space opera and/or japanese styled ones. Definitely check out Cosmic Star Heroine though.

Action game (Or Stylish Action, Spectacle Fighter, """Character Action""" or whatever the fuck people say) where the following is present:
- Double Jump
- Wallrun
- Use a grappling hook both in and out of combat
- Has a fully interconnected world
- Has both dial-combos like Ninja Gaiden, and directional lock-on based inputs like DMC
The last two are such a rare occurrence even without taking in account the other 3 features.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
Xenosaga Series

There's also Rogue Galaxy, but it's garbage tier imo.

Edit: Also Cosmic Star Heroine, tho not japanese.

Definitely keep meaning to play Xenosaga, I have the second on disc but playing PS2 in HD is a bit frustrating. Kept holding out for a remaster but at this point I might just emulate 'em.

Rogue Galaxy I have played briefly and I enjoyed the aesthetic but gameplay-wise it didn't hook me.

Infinite Space (DS) immediately comes to mind, maybe Lagrange Point (NES)? Then... Sigma Star Saga (GBA), kiiiiiinda? Unfortunately there aren't many scifi RPGs in general, much less space opera and/or japanese styled ones. Definitely check out Cosmic Star Heroine though.

Infinite Space was super neat from what I played of it yeaaars ago but also super brutal. I think I still have my cart somewhere, though. Never heard of Lagrange Point and Sigma Star Saga, so I'll definitely look into those!

As for Cosmic Star Heroine, I actually backed that one, haha. Really should finally play it one of these days.


Oct 27, 2017
Does anyone know of any other FPSs like Unreal or Halo: CE, where you play a character stranded on an alien world and there's a real sense of discovery?

I'm playing Subnautica at the moment and it definitely has that same vibe, but I'm also hankering to shoot some baddies in the face.
Maybe you'll like this (no shooting though)

there's also Metroid Prime of course ;)
Action game (Or Stylish Action, Spectacle Fighter, """Character Action""" or whatever the fuck people say) where the following is present:
- Double Jump
- Wallrun
- Use a grappling hook both in and out of combat
- Has a fully interconnected world
- Has both dial-combos like Ninja Gaiden, and directional lock-on based inputs like DMC
Closest I can think of is Sekiro.


Oct 28, 2017
Not sure how one could say Rogue Galaxy is garbage and in the same breath think that Xenosaga is good.

Xenosaga has big pacing problems in 2 of 3 games, i can understand people that dislikes the series for stuff like that. That said, it's easily top 5 best stories in the genre and all the games have brilliant battle systems, even when they're really hard to approach like II.

Then you have Rogue Galaxy, that game where the villain is Don Corneo tier, playable characters are like worse versions of unidimensional jrpg character cliches, and combat balancement simply doesn't exist. The game feels challenging in the first hours, regular enemies takes like 15 attacks to die, until you suddenly discover combo skills that will 1hit kill every non boss enemy in the game, and said skills simply doesn't have any cost. It's a beautiful game with lots of focus on presentation, and takes some time to get really shitty, but it's hard to swallow to anyone used to the genre. It's probably the worst game i finished.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I swear many years ago I saw what looked like a shmup but instead of the hero you controlled the villains. I dont remember the specifics of how such a game would work or even if it was real (could of just been some random idea or something). I just thought the idea was cool.