Deleted member 11276

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Oct 27, 2017
So, I am aware that Twilight Princess HD existed, but that was just a remaster with upgraded textures and HD resolution.

I, for one, was incredibly disappointed with this HD remaster, because it was literally just that - a remaster. The game still looks like something from 2006 but on a HD console. I mean aside from 1080p and some minor enhancements they just upgraded textures and they didn't even had bump mapping. The lighting is still very similar to the Gamecube version and even dynamic shadows were not added. This is to the complete contrast to Wind Waker HD, which had a great graphical improvements. WW HD actually did justice to the game and gave it a graphical overhaul which still looks great. TP could look this awesome too, maybe even better with advanced lighting, dynamic shadows, PBR, SSAO and more. And no WW HD does not look better because of the art style than TP HD but because the lighting was upgraded and dynamic shadows were added, TP could look this awesome too with a proper remake.

Even adding dynamic shadows makes for a huge difference. Compare this photoshopped picture on the old forum:


And just compare how much better WW HD looks than the original version and again, this is NOT due to the art style but due to the improved lighting and added dynamic shadows which TP HD lacks!



The art style allows for so much more. What's possible shows us the tech demo from 2011.

Given the fact that Nintendo basically pretends the Wii U never existed, it might be possible that we might get a remake of TP that actually levels up the graphics to today's standard. Maybe even in a HD collection with WW HD.

Now, I am a huge fan of Twilight Princess and I would pay 60$ for a proper remake of the game easily.

Graphics aside, the remaster added a couple of QOL improvements, but for a remake I would like them to improve the padding of the game because really, the long intro and some stuff between the dungeons were just uncessary.

What do you think about this? Would you want a remake of TP and what would you improve?

Deleted member 17491

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Oct 27, 2017
I'd love a TP with the style of the WiiU Zelda tech demo where Zant wasn't replaced with Ganon halfway through the game.

I'd also be happy with a simple Switch port of the WiiU HD version of TP.


Oct 28, 2017
I would love to have all zelda's portable... so yes please.

Although I think TP is the worst 3D zelda. Nintendo should never listen to fans anymore. They almost killed the whole formula with that shit.

Deleted member 9971

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Oct 27, 2017
I'm hoping for that wii u tech demo graphics remake someday (or a shadow of the collosus style remaster/remake) so maybe next gen or one after that? I think now is a bit early they will probably just port the remaster to switch.

A new game with Midna in it would be neat aswell. Most characters reincarnate anyway so why not her too + theres 2 timelines left where she can appear and otherwise there are so many powerfull items in the Zelda franchise i doubt the mirror is the only world travel relic.

A game set during the dark interloper war where she is the bad guy or something could be neat aswell. (before they all were banished to the twilight realm)
I love Twilight Princess' artwork and I thought the game looked amazing on Wii in SD and Wii U in HD.

I don't think there's any need to remake/remaster it again. If there's any Zelda l think should have a full HD remake, it's OoT. Despite Master Quest on GameCube and the 3DS remaster, I would buy this game in a heartbeat.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I could see them porting it and Wind Waker HD at some point. A new, higher fidelity remaster or a full-on remake? Not a chance.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
0% chance of that happening. We might get a Skyward Sword remaster, though.


Jan 3, 2018
I would love to have all zelda's portable... so yes please.

Although I think TP is the worst 3D zelda. Nintendo should never listen to fans anymore. They almost killed the whole formula with that shit.

I do not think it is the worst, but it it the ugliest regarding to colors. It is very blurry when in twilight world and a pain in the head to identify paths where you have not been as wolf link because it is all in a similar collor pallete.

Deleted member 11276

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Oct 27, 2017
0% chance of that happening. We might get a Skyward Sword remaster, though.
A Skyward Sword remaster would be nice as well. But I REALLY hope they improve lighting and shadows too and not just textures like with TP HD.

Gosh, why am I even saying this. That should be standard in any remaster that releases. TP HD really burned me.


Oct 27, 2017
i'm ready to just move on from the OoT-SS era already. bring the remasters to switch and/or remaster skyward sword if you must. but i feel that style of zelda long overstayed its welcome

Deleted member 11276

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Oct 27, 2017
i'm ready to just move on from the OoT-SS era already. bring the remasters to switch and/or remaster skyward sword if you must. but i feel that style of zelda long overstayed its welcome
I get why you think this, but the old formula is still much superior when it comes to story and dungeons and because of that these old Zeldas still deserve to be played again.
Oct 25, 2017
Nope. I think there's a good chance we'll see the 3DS and Wii U versions of the 3D Zeldas as well as a remaster of Skyward Sword on Switch (Nintendo will probably release a Zelda and Mario game per year with remasters filling out the catalogue). But I don't see them putting the effort into a full remake.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
A Skyward Sword remaster would be nice as well. But I REALLY hope they improve lighting and shadows too and not just textures like with TP HD.

Gosh, why am I even saying this. That should be standard in any remaster that releases. TP HD really burned me.
I'm right there with you. TP needed more than a simple remaster; it needed the WW treatment.

Skyward Sword might get away with a remaster, because it looks really good alrealry on Dolphin imo.
Oct 27, 2017
Considering that the HD version just released on Wii U in 2016, there's not a snowflakes chance in hell. Like, there's seriously a better chance of a Roland Emmerich style intergalactic alien invasion with city sized spaceship's descending upon earths cities. Someone will point to the PS3 version of SOTC, but that was like 7 years ago. This previous version was 2016. Completely different.

Mega Man Zero

Oct 27, 2017
The remakes I really want are Zelda I, II, and the GB games. TP needs a rest. We literally had this game on 3 Nintendo consoles in a row.


Nov 17, 2017
Wii-U version was fantastic, as was the original.

I doubt we get another port in the near future.


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
It won't be remade. There's no reason for it to. They can just port the HD release because it's totally fine

If they were going to work on an older Zelda game it'd be Skyward Sword, if anything

Deleted member 8593

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Oct 26, 2017
TP was my favourite before BotW but this ranks pretty low on my wishlist of Zelda remakes. Skyward Sword, Link's Awakening, the Oracle games, Four Swords (Adventures) etc. would all benefit more.


Oct 27, 2017
The best thing with TP:HD was the Wii U Gamepad support. Being able to manage the inventory and look at the map while running or riding was sooo good. A Switch version would loose all that.

Deleted member 11276

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
Someone will point to the PS3 version of SOTC, but that was like 7 years ago. This previous version was 2016. Completely different.
Well, funny thing is,both remasters are quite similar despite the fact that one is 1 and one is 7 years old.

What I am saying is, the TP HD development had likely a very limited budget and was done by an external studio, the ICO remaster likely had a bigger budget and was developed inhouse. Furthermore, the TP HD remake was on a dying console and actually sold really bad and not many people even acknowledge its existence. So it would make sense to port that game to the Switch alongside a real graphical overhaul including dynamic shadows, pbr, better lighting etc to have a real audience.


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Oct 30, 2017
I can't see a scenario where either Windwaker or Twilight Princess is remaked, again. However, I'd really appreciate a port of the WiiU versions to Switch. Beat WW HD last year on Wii U and would gladly play Twilight Princess on Switch.


Oct 27, 2017
Wii u HD one was enough
If they have to spend so much effort as suggested by the OP wii u tech demo, I would vastly prefer them to offer a new game, maybe even a direct sequel with the same art style


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 30, 2017
Zelda 1 remake? What's there to remake? There's like almost no story and it's very short.

Yeah, a remake of Zelda 1 doesn't make any sense outside the normal VC treatment. It's an excellent game and product for its time, but it has no basis as a ground for a remake. Besides, you could argue that Breath of the Wild is a spiritual remake of Zelda 1 with its high focus on nonlinearity and exploration.


Oct 27, 2017
For me neither WW nor TP need remakes, with remasters with some improvement already going well

The only Zelda that today need a remake are those of GB


Dec 5, 2017
i would put it this way... Skyward Sword has a bigger chance of being on the Switch than Twilight Princess.


Oct 31, 2017
I hope they do for this and SS.

Need to play them without the motion control nonsense. Or at least less of it.


Oct 29, 2017
I can't see it being actually needed.

Wind Waker HD was the Zelda team doing experiments with their development tools and liking the results enough to develop a full remaster taking that a starting point.

As for TPHD, it was basically a schleude filler, not even made by Nintendo and using the Amiibo as a tie in with BotW.

Also, really, TP in particular shows its age when played after BotW, it really feels old in terms of gameplay and it feels cramped/limited outside of the dungeons. At least WWHD has that bigass sea to give a fake sensation of scale and freedom.

So yeah, no. If anything, i can see Nintendo remaking both NES Zelda games taking advantage of how BotW compares to them


Oct 25, 2017
There isn't any need for it, really.
Would an extra layer of technical polish help? Sure, but at that point you could say the same about any game.

What we need is Skyward Sword HD on Switch. That will take a tonne of work to get the controls right on the joycons, but hopefully it can be done.
And then there's the question of OoT and MM, but I don't expect we'll see new versions of them while the 3DS is a 'current' platform. Even with the improved assets for the 3DS version there will be a lot of work for an HD version of those.

Get all that done, and maybe then I'll start to wonder if Nintendo could start polishing up a new version of TP.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather see Skyward Sword remastered, refining the motion controls, making it so there's less hand holding like the repetitive pop ups for collectibles, adding a few new areas in the sky, and making the filler near the end with the song of the hero to be optional. They could make the game great.


Oct 25, 2017
OoT also got a remaster on 3DS which I feel the same way about that you feel about TP. I was disappointed that it was a straight remaster and not more developed. I'd love to play a proper remake of OoT that brings it closer to modern games.

Nintendo doesn't really do remakes of Zelda games but A Link Between Worlds is basically a remix/reimagining of A Link to the Past. I could go for something like that with Ocarina of Time.

And honestly Mario 64 could use the same treatment


Oct 28, 2017
I can't see it happening. I mean I wouldn't be against it, but I think at this point it would be better to just work on new games instead.

However, I really want the WW and TP HD remasters to make their way over to Switch. I already own them on Wii U, but never got round to completing them and honestly, playing them in handheld mode would be fantastic (I know I can on the game pad but you know what I mean). I would be perfectly fine with them being digital only too.