Feb 24, 2018
You ever get bouts of paranoia online when posting here and other parts of the web that you may just coming off as unintentionally annoying?

Like you're being overly repetitive and people are going, "Yes we know you like WLW women, shut up already!!!" Or that you're just being unlikable, spouting nonsense that no one gets besides you etc, being unintentionally saying something hurtful or talking about stuff no one cares about?


Oct 26, 2017
If I did I certainly wouldn't say so. What if people think I'm just trying to get attention? I'd probably just inject some kind of humour into it to take the edge off. Or use an emoji :p.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
If that little alert bell has a number greater than 2, I'm immediately like, "oh god I said something stupid, didn't I?"
Like you're being overly repetitive and people are going, "Yes we know you like WLW women, shut up already!!!" Or that you're just being unlikable, spouting nonsense that no one gets besides you etc, being unintentionally saying something hurtful or talking about stuff no one cares about?
For this specifically, I've tried to get into a habit of receiving a response, acknowledging it, and moving on. Obviously, I'm far from perfect and will drag a conversation through the weeds like anybody else, but I try to be cognizant of the fact that I've made my point and they've made theirs.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Online, in reality, in my dreams, pretty much constantly.

I don't even text my friends half the time because I constantly worry that my existence is an imposition. It's not good for continued relationships.


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes but like..
gotta separate the wheat from the chaff i guess lol

those who can stand me can bask in my delights


Jul 11, 2022
Irl, kinda. Online? Not so much, as people can just choose to ignore my posts.

I will just say though that while it's not uncommon online, it feels like people on Era are particularly allergic to reading OPs (even short ones), so it does often kill my enthusiasm to even bother writing a thread. Less because I think I'm coming across as annoying and more because I know a lot of the replies that have only maybe read the title (and maybe misinterpreted it because I'm horrible at wording/explaining things) are going to be annoying to read, lol. Actually I get annoyed reading threads other people have created where other people clearly haven't read the OP (I've noticed this happen with a few of your threads, in fact).

Conversely, occasionally I feel like I misinterpret or misread OPs and write something that feels like I maybe didn't read the OP myself when/if I read them back, which also annoys me, lmao.


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
never taken internet discourse too seriously so nope, i TRY not to annoy but i dont worry about it.

i once got some threats of violence from neonazis so i guess i managed to annoy them hah. good to know i have that ability.

Shin Kojima

Oct 27, 2017
Yes but that's because I get annoyed very easily myself. I assume I'm just as annoying to other people as they are to me which is why I try not to post (or speak) too much.
Jan 9, 2018
I don't really get much feedback so it's hard to gauge how I impact other people's lives. I try to be nice to people in general, but my jokes can probably be a bit much for some. Traction on the internet has never been something I'm good at, so I must be doing something wrong, I'm just not sure what. So yeah, I worry some.

Not getting enough feedback leaves your mind up to its own devices, and that is rarely a good thing.
Oct 27, 2020
Sometimes. I think in my case it's also a worry of "am I adding anything to this conversation?", especially when people can put across the same point more eloquently than I ever could. It's why my post count is pretty low.


Oct 27, 2017
I do in real life. Here though? I'm lucky if anyone even reads my mediocre takes. I'm not particularly intelligent and I don't post anything controversial so I suspect I get passed over more often than not.


Oct 29, 2017
Not on the internet. The great thing is that it's really easy to just scroll past me, and ignore me. And it feels like most people do that.


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
I like seeing your posts!

And I get the worry. I'm sure a bunch of people have me on ignore at this point and it makes me a little sad. It's natural to want to be liked. But at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if you're liked by everyone.

My rule is I treat others how I would want to be treated and try my best not to hurt anyone. Outside of that, I can't really control how people think of me. There will always be people who gell with you and want to hear what you've got to say and others who don't. Just focus on the first group.

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
Think about, sure. Worry, not really. I have moments where I think, okay you've been a little too active or harsh this week, pull back and chill. I've had several people on this site express a dislike for me, but in most cases the feeling was already mutual before then.

And if anyone is annoying me, they can fall into too camps of, "yeah, they're annoying but are they really doing anything wrong? Let them be." Vs. The you're annoying and actually an asshole, which is what the ignore feature is for.

I also realized I was using that feature incorrectly which I why I kept regularly seeing posts from people I have on ignore, but that was fixed.

People are passionate, biased, want to be right. I think for me, self awareness about it goes a long way. Fanboys vs the Fanboy that acts like they're not fanboy.