Will the Playstation 6 be able to play all of our PS5 and PS4 games?

  • Absolutely, Sony will not abandon BC at this point, it's an industry standard.

    Votes: 890 71.5%
  • Probably, but there's a decent chance it might not.

    Votes: 169 13.6%
  • 50/50 toss up at this point.

    Votes: 90 7.2%
  • It probably won't, but there's a small chance it will.

    Votes: 42 3.4%
  • It absolutely will not, Sony will make us start over with the PS6

    Votes: 54 4.3%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
There was that news drop from a few weeks ago about the Nintendo Switch 2 and backwards compatibility, and it got me thinking about BC in general with respect to other consoles. With the next-generation consoles likely dropping in either 2027 or 2028, we're already nearing the halfway point of the Xbox Series X and PS5, and I'm starting to seriously think about my digital gaming library and whether or not I'm going to be able to retain it going forward.

My primary gaming platform is the PS5, so when any multi-platform game comes out, I'll end up getting it on PS5. But I'm starting to question whether this is the best move going forward. There are a lot of third party games coming out that I want to purchase and have in my library for a long time - Baldur's Gate 3 comes out in a few weeks, and it's going to be one of those games like Skyrim that people keep coming back to for a very long time. I've never played Mass Effect, so during the next sale I plan on picking up the Legendary Edition so that I can finally experience and own all three of those games. The Metal Gear Solid Collection is coming out later this year, and even though I've played all of those games numerous times, I'm excited to finally be able to buy them as a collection and play through them again.

So as I build out my library, I realize that I don't want to just buy and play through these games once, but I'm going to want to own them in such a way knowing that I can return to them years down the line if I want to. I'm not buying any of these games to play through once and then forgot about forever, and I don't want them stuck on a console that will eventually be impoissible to purchase new. So when I think about my library in that kind of context, I wonder.....is Playstation the best platform for me to be buying all these third party games?

We know Microsoft's stance on backwards compatibility. It's a given that the next-generation Xbox in 2027/2028 will be able to play all of our Series X|S and Xbox One games, as this is part of Microsoft's big "play anywhere" philosophy. But with Sony....things seem a bit more up in the air. On the one hand, I simply cannot imagine Sony abandoning BC with the PS6, as they would basically be forcing everyone to start over again from scratch after 15 years. Everyone's library that they spent 15 years building would suddenly become locked to the PS5. And with Xbox retaining BC, it would just put Sony in a very bad spot. On the other hand....sometimes Sony just does weird stuff, and their commitment to honoring out current PS4 and PS5 libraries going forward just seems a bit more murky overall.

I don't want to continue to buy third party games on PS5 just so that in a few years when the PS6 drops to be told that all the games I've bought over the past 15 years are now stuck forever on my PS5. I keep going back and forth on "Sony will never abandon BC at this point, it's an industry standard now" versus "Well they might depending on what they do with the PS6" and then sit and struggle with whether I want to buy some of these games on the PS5, or start building out a third party library on Xbox or maybe even Steam.

I would have to think that a PS5 Pro with an RDNA 3 or 4 GPU would increase the likelihood of the PS6 having BC, as that would prove that Sony and AMD can make significant upgrades to the GPU architecture itself while still retaining full compatibility with all of our games.

So what is the general expectation at this point for BC and the PS6? Are most people expecting it to play all of our PS5 and PS4 games?
Jul 2, 2021
BC. Clearly.
Majority of people are buying digital games. So BC is 100% needed.
The PS6 will play pretty much all PS4 and PS5 games.


Has seen more 10s than EA ever will
Jun 4, 2018
the ps6 will be forwards compatible with the ps7 it'll be so ahead of it's time

I would imagine yes, probably.


Comics Council 2020 & Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I think that there will be BC until there is a point where there is a fundamental change in technology that makes it a pain for any platform developer and then they'll drop it. They'll bring it back after that as a selling point. It's partly marketing, partly technological convenience.


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
it would be PR suicide if PS or Xbox tried that now I think.
Can't see either platform doing that.
Nintendo is a bit harder to say because of how their hardware is radically different each gen with storage format etc, but for what its worth I think switch 2 will have full BC


Apr 29, 2023
Yes too risky not too, they could lose people in the cross gen transition. They probably already started working on the BC for ps6 now.

That massive digital library is one of the reasons xbox will find it tough to get ps players to move over. I think phil spencer said something about the importance of digital library on the kinda funny interview aswell.
Oct 27, 2017
I hope they go with LP RAM so it can be a smaller console, something like 32GB LPDDR5X or 6 like what High end Macs have but no, unless AMD can make them an ARM chip with full BC, just stick with amd and keep BC


Oct 25, 2017
Forever BC is great way to pad your launch and have new gamers to the ecosystem entertained. Unless PS6 connects to your brain or some shit, BC is the new default.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
with them sticking to an x86 architecture I think they will bring it forward again. They have too much to lose now if people lose their game libraries. seems like esp with cerny there they now have way better understanding of what it takes for good BC and def will keep it going, and maybe in some ways could supplement it with emulators or cloud solutions in the future for games imo.

Def will be a curious case. But that digital library entrenchment for customers is a key thing for console makers going forward with increased competition in the market.


Oct 27, 2017
People are buying PS4 games on PS5 and people will buy PS5 games on PS6. It will definitely have BC with PS4/5. I also can't see them changing up their hardware architecture at this point, especially after what happened with the PS3


Jan 5, 2022
To not BC you'd need very, very good reasons. PSVR2 had them and it was still a difficult sell to people.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
It'll be backwards compatible. What's the news drop about Switch 2 the op mentioned?
Nov 19, 2019
I'm pretty sure Cerny (or someone) has said on the record that all PS hardware will be "forward compatible", meaning PS99 will be able to play PS4 games.

PS3 is just the Silent Line for backwards compatibility.


Jan 20, 2021
RDR remaster is releasing as a PS4 game. PS6 is guaranteed to continue support. Doing anything else at this point would be a colossal mistake.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
With the amount of sales they are possibly raking in with digital purchases, they would be stupid to just not have their next system carry over their purchases.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly the PC hardware they are using now makes it pretty easy to support BC. I don't see them dropping it but I guess anything is possible.


Died as he lived: wrong about Doritos
Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
It's an important tool to keep consumers in the ecosystem at this point. No way they drop it.


Oct 25, 2017
They need it because of how long game development is these days, lest they have the "No Games!" console, for real.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
To not BC you'd need very, very good reasons. PSVR2 had them and it was still a difficult sell to people.
Yeah I dont see them doing something so radical to the console experience vs what happened with VR they pretty much way better aligned with what the standards should be for VR so I get it. I dont think they have any good reason, and at worst they actually should have emulators at the ready if they dont want to do the baking of BC in the hardware. But feels like to me Cerny sold the idea of having PlayStation more as a gaming platform and in that way you need to support the old and still bring in the new. It was very clear at least the idea of the PS5 was that you need zero knowledge of it to make games on it due to prior experience with the PS4 Which is a total departure from back in the day, also the way gaming is today is way more stable than 30 years ago where everyone was trying to make a splash with their hardware in more exotic ways lol.


Oct 27, 2017
PS4 onwards will probably be BC on every iterative PS for like 20 years. I don't know why people think Sony is so bearish on BC; they were in a weird spot with PS4 is all
Jul 1, 2020
If next gen consoles are ARM based instead of x64 based then sure I can see them throwing PS4 and PS5 support out the window.
Aug 6, 2020
It most likely will be backwards compatible, but I question how well it will be implemented. Currently, backwards compatibility on the Ps5's interface is difficult to navigate. Some Ps4 versions of a game exist as separate titles, some are listed "unavailable", and sometimes you have to open the Ps5 page for the game and "switch" to the Ps4 version of that. It's also a total crapshoot if a game will provide a free next-gen upgrade. This generation, Sony has been egregious about requiring you to pay for a next gen upgrade, or not creating them at all (cough cough Bloodborne). Heck, they didn't support backwards-compatibility for any accessories or controllers, because Jim Ryan "believes in generations".

All this to say; Sony has done a poor job with their infrastructure for the experience of backwards compatibility. Will the Ps6 be backwards compatible with Ps5 games? Yes. Will it be backwards compatible with Ps4 games? Who knows. Will it be a confusing mess to upgrade your games to the next generation version? Hopefully not. Will I need to purchase more new controllers, to play the Ps6 version of Ps5 games? Hopefully not.

The thing is, Sony and Nintendo rely heavily on proprietary hardware architecture. It gives their consoles significant performance benefits, but it's rigid. Microsoft can easily publish a game on PC, Xbox Series X and S, and their emulation for 360 and Xbox games is second-to-none. That's because they sacrifice the benefits of more rigid proprietary architecture. It really speaks to each companies specialty. Microsoft is great at building platforms, and Sony and Nintendo make great content. But, that also means backwards compatibility suffers for Nintendo and Sony.


Oct 25, 2017
There's literally no reason for them to start over. A big appeal that they have with continuing BC is that people are locked into their ecosystem. They have potentially hundreds of games purchased across the PS4 and PS5. Throwing that away would be effectively resetting their ecosystem, which doesn't make sense.


Oct 27, 2017
This one of the main reasons PC is my main platform. All those games I bought back in the 90's, I can still play them!


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
If next gen consoles are ARM based instead of x64 based then sure I can see them throwing PS4 and PS5 support out the window.

even if that is the case (which I severely doubt), I doubt that they will not at least try to build a translation layer in order to get those games running on new architecture.


Nov 3, 2017
You can't push people towards a digital only system and then not have backwards compatibility.
Jul 1, 2020
even if that is the case (which I severely doubt), I doubt that they will not at least try to build a translation layer in order to get those games running on new architecture.
Why do that when they can just sell you the games again at full price? They should build a translation layer but they may not if they want to sell more next gen games.


Oct 28, 2017
It will and we'll have threads on here where people are super duper concerned about how many games will actually be compatible.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
I don't see either Sony or MS dropping bc any time soon because we're into otherwise standardized hardware now, so the APIs are the only thing they really need to make sure of.

But if anyone really truly cares about bringing their games forward they should invest into PC gaming. The last real holdouts lately had been a lot of Japanese developers button even that is changing rather quickly.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If they stick with x86, it will absolutely have BC. If they transition to an ARM based SoC? Who knows.


Jan 5, 2022
Although while it'll be BC I doubt it'll have a disk drive so you won't be using your disk games on it.

Maybe they'll sell an external for that purpose, at least for one gen.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
Some games have free upgrades but I think it's only a handful of titles.

regardless, its a dangerous proposition. PlayStation brand thrives as well as it does partly because the transition to the new generation from the last was seamless. Many consumers had digital entitlements from their PS4 that carried over to the PS5 quite seamlessly which enticed many to upgrade. There is no way they are risking losing that.
Jul 1, 2020
regardless, its a dangerous proposition. PlayStation brand thrives as well as it does partly because the transition to the new generation from the last was seamless. Many consumers had digital entitlements from their PS4 that carried over to the PS5 quite seamlessly which enticed many to upgrade. There is no way they are risking losing that.
People had PS3 games too.


Dec 13, 2017
They have the tech and the advanced knowledge that it's a feature that's not really optional anymore.

The thing is that you have to plan this well in advance, it's nor something you can do at the last minute.


Apr 8, 2020
If it's not backwards compatible, they better have a good reason for that.
I bought a steam deck a few months ago and it's already making me doubt about what my main gaming platform going forward is going to be.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Can't imagine them abandoning one of their biggest strengths over the Xbox brand in a new console, lol. They were the dominant console when people bought a majority of their first digital library. Telling people they won't get to keep that gives a good portion of their install base a great off-ramp to another ecosystem.


“Fuck them kids.”
Oct 28, 2017
They have millions locked into their ecosystem at this point because of their PS4 and PS5 dominance. They aren't throwing that away.


Oct 7, 2019
Of course they will, people are invested in the eco-system and will be loyal partly because of this fact. If Nintendo go down the route of no BC i will shake my head and not buy the Switch 2.