How would you classify yourself?

  • Gnostic Theist

    Votes: 271 11.9%
  • Agnostic Theist

    Votes: 231 10.2%
  • Gnostic Atheist

    Votes: 272 12.0%
  • Agnostic Atheist

    Votes: 1,285 56.6%
  • Apatheist

    Votes: 210 9.3%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 23212

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Oct 28, 2017
I know that this can be a hostile discussion, but I don't really want this to become a debate on whether or not God does exist. Rather, I am interested in the statistics of the site here, how it sways and what the split is here. I guess I'll divide it into five categories:

  1. Gnostic Theist
  2. Agnostic Theist
  3. Gnostic Atheist
  4. Agnostic Atheist
  5. Apatheist
If you're confused as to what these five mean, gnostic essentially means knowledge, so a gnostic theist is someone who believes in God and claims to know that a God exists, same with a gnostic atheist but vice versa. An agnostic theist is someone who claims that it is not possible to truly know if there is a God, but chooses to believe that there is/that it's the more plausible argument, while an agnostic atheist is the same but vice versa. An apatheist is essentially someone who just doesn't care if a God exists and as such doesn't bother to ponder the question. I would classify myself as an agnostic atheist, as that I don't believe in any gods but I do think that it's essentially impossible to prove one way or another.

Now, this can get more confusing in regards to certain deities, like I guess I can be "gnostic" in that certain gods certainly don't exist, but let's just keep things as-is, I don't want it to be even more complicated.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel some sort of being kickstarted all of this, but I also believe in science and I'm not religious at all.


Oct 25, 2017
It probably doesn't exist, but if it exists, it is such an asshole that i rather not believe/worship it =P


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
I'm open to the possibility, but I wouldn't say I actively believe. I'm certain that if there is a God, then he's nothing like what many believers say he's like, though, so I'm not into a lot of conventional spiritual practices/beliefs.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I feel some sort of being kickstarted all of this, but I also believe in science and I'm not religious at all.
Well, I guess it tends to be a question of what a god is. A "being" could even refer to the Big Bang itself, but I tend to think of a god as something that is self-aware/is conscious.


Oct 25, 2017
General or abstract concepts of god(s)/'something more' - Agnostic Atheist.

Specific, human-created God claims (Yahweh, Zeus, Krishna, Goku) - Gnostic Atheist.

Deleted member 18400

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Oct 27, 2017
I don't know which of these I fall into because reading is hard....that said....

I don't discount the possibility of a being that is "god like" compared to us in this universe. In fact, statistically I'd say it's probably a likelihood. But I don't believe in any of the versions of God that the major religions will give you. I think most religion was just invented as a way to pacify and control people, and I don't think it has held up well over time as we have advanced as a people.

I also realize I could be very wrong haha.


Dec 4, 2018
The thing I consider "God" is so far removed for anything practical that it might as well not exist. But yeah.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
If I believed in God, I would be even more depressed than I am now because I would be forced to grapple with the fact that a so-called all-loving entity is allowing the world to descend so deeply into all-consuming evil and hatred.

So no. I don't believe in God at all.

Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
no. And to the same level of confidence as other concepts or things without evidence or logical support


Oct 25, 2017
we are all a happy mistake so no.
honestly i feel like god if it exists is less of a being and more of an object if that makes sense.

Deleted member 58401

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Jul 7, 2019
Don't really care either way, but I do wish fewer people would express the sort of fervent belief that leads to problems in the world, from discrimination to violence to inaction.

Basically, if people are going to bother believing, I wish they would believe they're invested in one path toward "knowing God" versus believing they are on the only path toward "knowing God."


Oct 25, 2017
I do not. I was raised Catholic but as I got into my 30's, I started analyzing the Bible and god, and slowly started to realize it was all completely based on faith and that most of it was pretty wacky and contradictory. I think I was initially afraid to even question the existence of god, thinking I'd be immediately struck down or something. Now, I've just turned god and religion off in my head and live my life without them.


Oct 25, 2017
I always hated all these confusing labels. I'm pretty sure there isn't a god and if there is, I don't see how it could give a fuck about our insignificant (relative to the scope of the universe) lives.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's a better question. Does it really matter? If there was a god, it would be an absent and uncaring one.

But no, i don't believe there is such a thing.


Oct 27, 2017
Agnostic atheist. You just can't reliably know, but I am pretty sure there is no god.


Oct 25, 2017
no. never have and never will

and god of abraham is a piece of shit any ways

even if it existed why the fuck anyone holds it in a positive light is beyond me. get the fuck on your knees and worship a piece of shit that allows so much suffering in your life and the world so you can enter its "kingdom". lol nah. send me to the dark prince please. ever since I was a small kid when I heard that one must love god and jesus more than your parents I noped out esp. when it has done nothing for me when I know my parents did and loved me. as young as I can remember the concept has always been absurd to me, glad my family and where I live nobody gives a fuck (besides 70+ old people)
Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017


Deleted member 11985

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I don't believe, which would lead me to believe that I'd be one of the atheist ones, but I also feel like it's a waste of time thinking about this stuff, which leads me to believe that I'm more of an apatheist. So I voted apatheist because I don't feel like thinking about it.


Nov 4, 2017
I dig Jesus Christ as an empathy and love preaching hippy and know his story and scripture pretty exhaustively. I don't believe he was some sort of other wordly being though just a good dude who wanted to breed more.
kindness and love into the world. I don't think he was a conduit for God in the traditional sense or anything because that kind of entity seems like a fantasy of confused and lost people. He was just a good guy. I guess then I'm more spiritual than anything.


Nov 13, 2018
Always considered myself agnostic atheist whenever religion comes up, because I rarely think or talk about it. This is my first time seeing the term Apatheist, but that's probably what God is if there is one. They clearly don't care if they exist or not.


Oct 27, 2017
If there is a God, then they are most certainly not making things better.

Only worse, as it turns out.

No just and loving anything would allow suffering wrought by its most ardent believers.

That suffering at the hand of others exists at all is proof that there is not one.


Nov 28, 2017
Whats got me aroused is the ten votes ( at the time of this writing ) for Gnostic Theist, and the want to hear of the stories behind How they know for certain.