
Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I havent really been into the AMV scene for over 14 years at this point. It feels like it was an era type of thing....i dont really see many prominent ones on youtube these days either. For those of you who pay attention to this stuff have they made any new ones?

I just had an "on a whim" feeling to dig up Jihaku and it brought a lot of nostalgic emotion back. Still the greatest amv of all time by far.

Jihaku. Foo Fighters-Best of You

If you would like to download this video or find a full list of the anime used in this video, it is available here:
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Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
i went on youtube and searched 'amv' and all the top results were within the last month or so and had a lot of views

but they are for animes i dont know anything about so im not too interested


Jan 17, 2019
I've never been particularly into AMVs, but Castle Super Beast turned me onto this one recently:

It's a few years old, but it's not ancient.


Nov 12, 2017
I love this thread. Here are some of the best I've ever found. I think all four of these won awards.

FMA Brotherhood (Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together)

Gurren Lagann (Rise Against)

Naruto (the famous Infected Musthroom one)

Madoka Magicka (Florence & the Machine)

There are so many good ones out there. Lots of amazing FMA and Gurren videos, some for Steins, Monster, Bebop, etc, but these are the most impressive that I've seen and I find myself revisiting them frequently.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I see a metric fuckton of AMVs any time I search for anything anime related on youtube.


Nov 18, 2018
This Space Dandy one from a few years back is by far the most technically impressive one I've seen:

Though this old Princess Tutu one will probably always be my favorite:


Oct 28, 2017
I used to make them but have since lost all of my files. I feel like you need to have watched the anime used in the AMV to really love it no matter how good the presentation is.

This was always my favorite and was #1 on for quite a while. It also introduced me to one of the Best albums of all time. Details, by Frou Frou.
Euphoria - Rahxephon (Frou Frou - Euphoria)

This was the video that got me into AMZs and was also #1 for a long time though it's very old now. This video was considered the godfather of all AMVs and at the time had a production value that blew everything else away. It was almost untouchable for 5+ years on AMV.orgs rankings. Still holds up amazingly to this day
Trust - Kenshin (Megadeath - Trust)

These are both 15+ years old and have been copied 100 times so the quality isn't pristine but I hope everyone watches them. They were both so revolutionary at the time and completely raised the bar of what a good AMV should be.

There's one other video which I can no longer find anywhere that has a soft spot in my heart. It was for Evangelion and used "Plowed" by Sponge as the song. Wish I could find it.
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Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Someone on ERA introduced me to this, and now it's yours:



Oct 31, 2017
I never actually watched all that many, but I was inspired to make a few dubstep related ones back in the day that got enough visibility that I was actually approached by a couple different producers to make "official" AMVs for tracks.


Oct 22, 2018
Man, I remember being obsessed with AMVs back in the day. I even made a few of my own.

Ah, the nostalgia. Not too surprised they're still a thing.
Oct 27, 2017
There was an FMA music video to Ben Folds - Still Fighting It. Probably the best AMV I've ever seen, but I could never find it again


Oct 27, 2017
Houston, TX
Here are some ones I have seen in the last few years that really push the boundaries of AMV editing in my opinion:

Toxic (Kakeguri + other stuff)

Deepware 2 (Mob Psycho 100)

Last Supper (Devilman Crybaby)

flow/er (Tokyo Ghoul)

I've got way more I could post, like a whole playlist of them on Youtube. There is a lot of really impressive stuff out there!


Oct 27, 2017
Are fan edits the same?

Zurik23m is amazing at it.

Also King Fireman is great.
Vikings spoiler.


Oct 29, 2017
I used to post on a forum called Epical Studios, they had a small group of editors they let post videos to their main site back in the day. Doesn't exist anymore, but their youtube channel is still active and has some of the vids. High quality, but keep in mind most are 10 plus years old at this point.

I know not new, but yeah, people might like some of em that they still have up.

Here's a few liked.

Titanic (Yeah not anime)


Kingdom Hearts

I'll also drop a couple of my old music videos too. Not anime though.

Little Mermaid

Casino Royale
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Oct 25, 2017
i used to hate amv's when i was into anime. everytime i wanted to look for an opening or closing to an anime i liked all you would get from the results were crappy amv's.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
This is the AMV that started my interest in them:
Macross Plus Information High, the song never left my playlist for over 2 decades, the only song that is always in it

Engel by Rammstein is also one of the cult AMV's

and of course The Animix Project, if you want to get REALLY nostalgic a 1 hour anime medley


lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
I dunno, but I recently went looking at some "best anime opening and ending" rankings of the decade/all time and they were so terrible im not going to go looking at fan made anime videos again.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't do AMVs anymore but I do FMVs now instead with kpop music videos whenever I have the free time.

Jun 22, 2019
I feel like almost everyone who was into anime as a teenager went through an AMV phase. I don't talk to teens in the modern day to affirm if that's still a thing, but I assume it must be.