
Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017

View: https://youtu.be/0GniyLat8fY

John Linneman teams up with My Life In Gaming's Marc Duddleson to re-examine the Final Fantasy 13 trilogy - every game and every version tested! In this first part, the original Final Fantasy 13 is revisited and tested on all systems up to and including the PC version with mods - and of course, the Xbox One X-enhanced rendition.

Part 2, which includes XIII-2 and Lightning Returns will be uploaded to YT later, but can be accessed by subscribing to Digital Foundry's Patreon.

The Bear

Forest Animal
Oct 25, 2017
Been waiting for this to drop for months, it's a holiday miracle indeed!


Oct 26, 2017
DF, don't give them ideas. They gonna think it aged well and gonna remaster it then remake it and XIII is already 3 parts they gonna segemnt each part into 3 parts so they gonna sell it for us 9 times. XD


Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
DF, don't give them ideas. They gonna think it aged well and gonna remaster it then remake it and XIII is already 3 parts they gonna segemnt each part into 3 parts so they gonna sell it for us 9 times. XD

But it aged well.
Oct 25, 2017
Underrated game, but to put this much effort into ff13? Sure I'll watch but not something I would do personally lol


Oct 28, 2017
XIII is caca but I'd take a better port of XIII-2. I tried playing it like a year ago on Steam and even with mods the experience was pretty meh.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Checking this out right now.

I have to admit on the topic of FFXIII, I was a big hater upon the game's release but I've been on a gradual journey to kind of appreciating the series. I've already kind of warmed up to XIII and XIII-2 but still haven't come around entirely on Lighting Returns. It's been a slow and steady redemption arc for the XIII saga in my eyes, though I also admit that I haven't beaten either XIII or XIII-2 so I don't have comprehensive first-hand experience with them, but it's a project on the backburner to finally just push my way through the games and see where I stand on actual experience rather than the various positive retrospectives which have begun to influence the change of heart for me.

Alas, XIII videos like this one are some of the most compelling games analysis for me ... XIII was a black spot on a series that I've otherwise completely loved, MMORPGs included (excepting XIV 1.0, terrible game, but I guess that was also technically in the exact same time period with XIII as well).


Jan 27, 2018
The PC version with mods is good, but you better have a few hours to mod it and fast internet to grab 100GB+ of FMV's. Xbox version is easily better for 90% of folks.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 11, 2019
One of the most unique combat systems I've ever engaged with in a JRPG. Man, those later fights were so much fun. Excellent music, too. Glad this game has been getting some more love recently. Always felt that if it was a new IP and not called Final Fantasy (and the expectations that come with that), maybe people would've liked it more and engaged with the game on its own terms rather than what is expected of an FF game.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
FFXIII rules.

Remaster it and put it on modern consoles and I'll happily buy each game again.


Jul 25, 2021
Amazing looking game. Wish XIII-2 and LR performed better. It was increasingly apparent that CT was not ideal for open world or open zone stuff. No wonder it was scrapped for VsXIII.

Glad they brought up the animation work and camera system. They felt sublime.


Oct 30, 2017
Great combat system, gorgeous visuals, garbage story and characters, awful nose-ring level design until Gran Pulse.

Put me off ever bothering with XIII-2 and LR.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Oh hell yeah, can't wait to watch this.
Oct 27, 2017
I liked aspects of the trilogy. Sazh was great, the combat was excellent and the visuals were amazing at the time (and still look good now).

The biggest drag for me was Lightning herself. Such a terrible character. It says alot that her own sister outshines her in nearly every conceivable way.


Oct 25, 2017
I watched the whole thing last week and it's excellent. They did a really great job of covering the original as well as the sequels warts and all.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
I am begging for a trilogy remaster that cuts down on the paradigm shift animations of XIII.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
I am begging for a trilogy remaster that cuts down on the paradigm shift animations of XIII.

This is all I want 😂 FFXIII-2 did that, but I wasn't a fan of the monsters taking up the third character slot. If 13 cuts out the Shift animation it'll make this one of the best battle systems in the series. Also, 13 desperately needs a hard mode too
Dec 2, 2021
XIII is caca but I'd take a better port of XIII-2. I tried playing it like a year ago on Steam and even with mods the experience was pretty meh.
Outside of really not liking cheat engine/wemod(which I was still able to get working after a bit of tweaking), the gamepass/windows store version is pretty good. Performance is way better then the steam version.


Feb 10, 2021
I found XIII OK but unspectacular, and really, really disliked XIII-2, but as more time passes I find myself wanting a 4K trilogy re-release more and more. I find a weird kind of nostalgia for it that I can't quite explain and wouldn't mind revisiting it for a re-evaluation, and never played LR either so that would be a bonus. Not having an Xbox or a PC means even revisiting the old releases isn't really a possibility for me.

I think it's probably the soundtrack. That soundtrack is so damn good.
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Alt account
Apr 1, 2022
I love the XIII trilogy so much that I own all the games on both the PS3 and Xbox360. Played through XIII-2 a few months ago on the Series X and the game still holds up, especially with the enhancements.

Mad Gamer 64

Nov 6, 2017
At the time XIII was coming out I was in a brief period of not really paying attention to JRPGs so I skipped it at the time. I think I tried the demo and then moved on.

I finally beat it when it became compatible on Xbox One and I came away pretty impressed. Loved the battle system, music, and environments. I tolerated the characters for the most part and even though I understand the criticism of the linear level design it didn't bother me. And looking at it side by side with the original 360 release it's basically a remaster already lol.

I started XIII-2 a couple years back but haven't gotten very far. That and Lightning Returns are the only single-player mainline FF games I've never beaten so I intend to actually do that eventually.


Oct 29, 2017
Thought as Patreon subscriber I'd somehow be able to access those early videos on YouTube. Guess not. Browser videos are pretty useless for me as a Smart TV user.

Is this a 4K video? I'm wondering if it is still being processed or there's no 4K. I assumed it was going to be 4K based on the mention of the One X enhanced version.

EDIT: Nevermind, I saw on digitalfoundry.net that it is NOT in 4K. 😢
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Oct 25, 2017
"be honest with yourself. is systematically talking to every npc, in every town, in every game, actually 'fun'? is it 'fun' to then check them a second time to make sure they don't say something different when you talk to them twice?"
yes it fucking owns and is the best part of RPGs.
Oct 26, 2017
Are the "this game aged great!" posts ironic or what

FF13 is there with Prince of Persia 2008 and Skyward Sword as near parodies of the pre-Dark Souls era of gaming where developers basically acted as if their audience was completely incapable. The first 15-20 hours of FF13 have almost no gameplay options in traversal, customization, leveling up, or combat. It's a relic of a really bizarre era with the worst story you could write.

Visually, probably the best looking PS3 game before 2013 though.


Feb 10, 2021
"be honest with yourself. is systematically talking to every npc, in every town, in every game, actually 'fun'? is it 'fun' to then check them a second time to make sure they don't say something different when you talk to them twice?"
yes it fucking owns and is the best part of RPGs.



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 31, 2017
"be honest with yourself. is systematically talking to every npc, in every town, in every game, actually 'fun'? is it 'fun' to then check them a second time to make sure they don't say something different when you talk to them twice?"
yes it fucking owns and is the best part of RPGs.

In WRPG's where there is lots of opportunity for role-play, yes. When it's JRPG's where NPC's just say random bullshit, no.
that's why modern JRPG's usually have 90% of NPC's just auto-say some random lines as you walk-up or run by. they know.

El Crono

"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I was pretty disappointed with every aspect of FF XIII except its fluid combat and the gorgeous graphics. Some parts still hold pretty well to this day. I'd gladly dive into it again if the trilogy got remastered, specially since I never played XIII-2 and Lighting Returns. I have both stored in some box but I'd rather not play them on an old platform these days.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 31, 2017
I the steam version fixed at all though? i remember battles were impossibly frustrating with constant stuttering. Even fix mods never stopped battle stuttering for me.


Oct 27, 2017
This game while flawed, is held up by excellent world art direction and style, great combat system, and amazing soundtrack.

Also curious if PC version ever got fixed. Last I played the 4K Xbox One X backward compat which was great.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
Oh that's the game the Square shout themselves in the foot meme came from