
Aug 3, 2021
Makes sense. I think I remember their revenue being down and their stock is certainly not in a great place. They need to make as much money as possible from their upcoming games.


Jul 28, 2023
The subscription revenue being down after refusing subscription deals isn't news.
The interesting info here is that Devolver refused these deals cause they felt the offers undervalued their games. Considering that MS was thinking BG3 on gamepass was worth paying $5 million for, I'd guess Devolver's games would be marked far lower.


Oct 27, 2017
It's good that Devolver is trying to fight for a fair deal for their games, but I think they're in the position where a game pass/PS+ might be better than nothing in all honesty.

Sadly game subscription services could end up the sake way as film/tv/music where the revenues continually shrink meaning the smallest players are not making enough out of it while the big fish can demand whatever amounts they want.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
The subscription revenue being down after refusing subscription deals isn't news.
The interesting info here is that Devolver refused these deals cause they felt the offers undervalued their games. Considering that MS was thinking BG3 on gamepass was worth paying $5 million for, I'd guess Devolver's games would be marked far lower.
Carrion was on Game Pass, right? I think I remember that being a thing. I can't imagine MS throwing that much money their way for a game like that. Neat as it was.


Aug 3, 2021
It's unfortunately not too surprising that they undervalue the games in a subscription deal. I'm willing to bet they view most indie games as cheap subscription fodder.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
That bullet seems to be referring to the 4 titles released in 1H23? And none of those released outside of PC and Switch or mobile? They clearly took Netflix sub money for Terra Nil.
Oct 27, 2017
Didn't we have a thread on this? I can't find it anymore for some reason, but I thought we knew this.

Edit: we did

[GIBiz] Weaker subscription deals have hit indie publishers, says analyst

Smaller subscription deals and the underperformance of certain titles have had a severe impact on Devolver and TinyBuild, says stockbroking firm Goodbody. Both companies floated at the peak of the games business in 2021 and have seen their share prices plummet over the past two years. Devolver...

Where most people were brushing this off and saying Devolver was just hit by delays, but when I looked at the stock price drop timing it clearly wasn't from delay announcements


Oct 27, 2017
No surprise really. I cannot remember the last time I bought a Devolver Digital game as I just expect them to hit subscriber services within a year or so.

I'm going to guess that "The Plucky Squire" was one of the games as it looks the most promising.


Oct 25, 2017
What do you have there? Newest game from Devolver? Eh, $20 is the best we can do.


Oct 26, 2017
That bullet seems to be referring to the 4 titles released in 1H23? And none of those released outside of PC and Switch or mobile? They clearly took Netflix sub money for Terra Nil.
I would imagine if they got a good offer one of the PS/Xbox platforms would've got priority.

Netflix probably offering more money than Sony and MS tbf, which seems to be DD's problem more so than the actual services. Netflix are trying to break in to the industry whereas Sony and MS probably aren't throwing lots around for the smaller stuff anymore.


May 24, 2020
It's unfortunately not too surprising that they undervalue the games in a subscription deal. I'm willing to bet they view most indie games as cheap subscription fodder.

I can see that being the case too, with the focus obviously being on the big AAA releases and day-one XGS content (in the case of Game Pass).

It's kinda ironic as indie games have been the vast majority of what I played and enjoyed whenever i subscribed to Game Pass/PS+. It's the sort of stuff I might not have noticed/bought otherwise.
Jul 26, 2018
Look at sub services across Music and TV/film. It doesn't benefit the creators or distributors in the long run 9/10 times.


Oct 27, 2017
Yikes, that seems to say they lost close to $100 million over the last year?

I have been concerned that subscription services will lead to games being devalued, much as has happened with spotify. I think it's a little less likely because it's not like everything is on gampass like is the case for streaming music service.


Nov 12, 2017
Good luck to their business decisions but for me personally I'm too swamped with game pass games that trying their games out is not an option for me.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
I would imagine if they got a good offer one of the PS/Xbox platforms would've got priority.

Netflix probably offering more money than Sony and MS tbf, which seems to be DD's problem more so than the actual services. Netflix are trying to break in to the industry whereas Sony and MS probably aren't throwing lots around for the smaller stuff anymore.
Probably. I'm not sure how much Sludge Life 2, Terra Nil or Bleak Sword DX would have been offered..


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
My initial reaction is "good" because not everything should be on these subscription services. It might be good to start pushing back against that because of what we're seeing with rising prices with video/media subscription services while getting less and less for it.


Nov 2, 2017
I wonder how long we'll have to wait before we see a headline reading "the game's sales did not reach our internal goals".


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
Devolver is legit my favorite publisher

Glad to see them holding their games to the standard it should. They put out better games than any of the major publishers.


Dec 28, 2017
Gunbrella is such a great game, on one hand it'd be awesome if it was on a sub so more people would be exposed to it, but I definitely understand where they're coming from.


Aug 1, 2018
I imagine smaller games get undervalued fairly often on Gamepass/PS+, sadly.

My initial reaction is "good" because not everything should be on these subscription services. It might be good to start pushing back against that because of what we're seeing with rising prices with video/media subscription services while getting less and less for it.

I don't think folks are getting less and less for Gamepass though so I'm not sure how that makes sense.


This Guy Helps
Oct 27, 2017
It's a gamble either way. I commend them on their stance, but there are just too many good games readily available for many people to pay theirs any mind. Unless they launch something that can capture the zeitgeist, I'm afraid they'll just end up with more underperforming games than not. Too many of those and it's layoffs or closures, the worst possible outcomes.
Oct 27, 2017
From what we've heard about how sub services work, at least Netflix (maybe Gamepass) is that devs/publishers are paid upfront what the service expects their games to sell/bring in, which is why it can be a lucrative proposition for them by having sales expectations essentially handed to them right off the bat. But if they feel their games are being undervalued and that amount doesn't reflect their sales expectations then we get into this situation


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
It's a gamble either way. I commend them on their stance, but there are just too many good games readily available for many people to pay theirs any mind. Unless they launch something that can capture the zeitgeist, I'm afraid they'll just end up with more underperforming games than not. Too many of those and it's layoffs or closures, the worst possible outcomes.
At least at Steam most of their games don't have trouble selling. MS and Sony should just offer more

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
That's always part of the point with these services: devalue art and entertainment to where essentially most of it is worthless and then reshape the market around that. Devolver may be an outlier now, but more stories like this will come. It probably won't be a total 1:1 to how streaming and subs destroyed other mediums, but it'll be similar. That's part of the design


Oct 27, 2017
People won't like it, but I think having less day 1 games is better for the devs. Have the games appear on subs after 1 year or even just 6 months. But not day 1
Oct 27, 2017
Southend on Sea, UK
I wish Devolver luck in their push back.

All these sub services exist to 'eventually' squeeze the creators of content by undervaluing them, whilst trapping them in the only box that exists for consumers to pick product from. Then the consumers get squeezed for their sub fees because there will be no where else to goto to find product. The sub service's shareholders then make off like criminals.


Jun 8, 2022
That's always part of the point with these services: devalue art and entertainment to where essentially most of it is worthless and then reshape the market around that. Devolver may be an outlier now, but more stories like this will come. It probably won't be a total 1:1 to how streaming and subs destroyed other mediums, but it'll be similar. That's part of the design
Yeah, unfortunately. I know a lot of people make fun of people here for asking how Game Pass is sustainable but it's really a fair question when streaming services across the board have made people ask the same questions. Subscription providers need content but they also undervalue the content they're providing, so it's tough.


Apr 5, 2018
I think Devolver Digital is in an interesting spot because they are not a small indie studio that would likely more happy about the upfront compensation and visibility that subscription service inclusion might create. We've read many positive comments from those small studios. Devolver though is a publisher and in the middle ground between the studios and platform holders. If they can get behind good games like Cult of the Lamb and Plucky Squire, they'll sell even if not on a subscription service. But it's not an easy task either. Devolver certainly will have pressure to achieve strong sales given there are always so many games to play and 'I can wait' is a common attitude especially towards indie games. Maybe they can put some back catalogue games on subscription services in addition to that.


Mar 20, 2020
Yikes, that seems to say they lost close to $100 million over the last year?

I have been concerned that subscription services will lead to games being devalued, much as has happened with spotify. I think it's a little less likely because it's not like everything is on gampass like is the case for streaming music service.

True but services like PS+ and Gamepass essentially train people to wait for indie/AA games to hit those services.

The movie industry is currently suffering from this, especially animation as a lot of people simply just expect those movies to hit D+, Netflix, etc. And don't show up to theatres.

I'm in no way saying that sub services are bad, they are great for people that may not have been able to buy games due to price increases or lack of funds. I wish I had something like this as a kid. But it does cheapen the value of games.


Oct 25, 2017
These services completely, and I mean completely, changed how I approach indie games so I do understand them. Almost every indie is now "gonna land sooner or later on GP/PS+, no big deal".
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, unfortunately. I know a lot of people make fun of people here for asking how Game Pass is sustainable but it's really a fair question when streaming services across the board have made people ask the same questions. Subscription providers need content but they also undervalue the content they're providing, so it's tough.
And its not an unfounded concern either, the movir and music industry is suffering from subscription services not being the golden goose they want. How is gaming any different really

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
Won't weep for the demise of sub services.

Hopefully, like online passes of 2010-2013 it is merely a passing phase.


Oct 25, 2017
Won't weep for the demise of sub services.

Hopefully, like online passes of 2010-2013 it is merely a passing phase.
There is scenario where Sony might scale back on Extra but MS is all-or-die on Game Pass, demise of Game Pass (whatever that would be) means MS completely failed in the gaming industry.
It's not a phase, at least not for MS.

Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
Not right now, but it's only a matter of time before that shift changes. Rising prices, less ways to save, cutting out bulk purchases, etc.
These arguments never make any sense. Because they're never unique to subscription services.

It's like "gaming publishers will always try to extract more value from the consumer as time goes on"…how is that in any way exclusive to subscription services?


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Was wondering why/surprised that Cult of the Lamb still hadn't been on one before.. guess this is why! I'm not in a huge rush to play it, so I'll keep waiting to see if it does.