Dec 9, 2017
It's the sort of thing that pops up when there is a criminal that happens to be trans in the news: dead-naming and saying that people like that don't deserve to be treated as their preferred gender, etc. Naturally the individual is typically unlikeable because they have committed some crime, but does that make it any less bad?

Even without the crime aspect, my mother-in-law (UK) has a trans niece that she will refuse to acknowledge as female because of a drug addiction and some other stuff she doesn't like. She literally stifles a laugh every time she has to say the niece's actual name, but usually just dead-names her instead when talking about her.

Is it a dog whistle hiding behind justified anger at someone? How do you argue the gender aspect of the situation without getting labelled "pro-crime" or something like that?


Oct 27, 2017
TBH this stuff is just people showing their ass. Someone being shitty or a criminal shouldn't give others carte blanche to be transphobic, homophobic, fatphobic, sexist, or racist.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
If a cisgendered person commits a crime, nobody switches up and starts referring to them by different gendered pronouns as punishment.

It's pure transphobia, pure and simple. It suggests that people don't really believe that someone is truly their identified gender and it makes that recognition conditional based on good behavior. There's no two ways about it, it's transphobia. Anyone arguing otherwise is arguing in bad faith and in defense of transphobia.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Your mother-in-law is a piece of shit.

And yes, denying gender recognition to a criminal is just as bad as doing the same to someone with no criminal record. Not just because everyone deserves to have their identity respected but because disrespecting a trans person because they are a criminal is also disrespecting all trans people in general.
Dec 30, 2020
Don't do that shit to ANYONE. And don't go looking for excuses as to when it's okay to do so "because they deserve it."

By the bye if your mother in law deadnames someone just react with bafflement and pretend you fear she's getting dementia.
Oct 25, 2017
you see people telling on themselves all the fucking time when it comes to perceived physical faux-pas. seemingly progressive people often have no problem picking on people's bodies if they're one of the bad guys.


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
If you aren't calling Hitler she because he's an evil bastard, apparently you think trans people don't deserve the same respect as Hitler so ......


Oct 25, 2017
Assholes being transphobic. Really all it comes down to.

I thought this was happening with Ezra Miller as people were getting banned for calling them he. But Miller accepts all pronouns so I'm still confused as to why people were banned for that.


Oct 25, 2017
it's also weird because trans people can be awful people too, it's not an attribute exclusive to cis people so doing it because "they don't deserve it" is like???


Oct 25, 2017
people like to insult people who they perceive to be bad/criminals. people are ass holes. they think it gives them permission to be mask off


Oct 26, 2017
Paris, France
In countries with punitive rather than rehabilitative views on justice and incarceration, people tend to very easily deny dignity to anyone with a perceived moral failing. It's why so many countries can treat their prison pop like shit and no-one bats an eye.

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May 24, 2023
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It's the sort of thing that pops up when there is a criminal that happens to be trans in the news: dead-naming and saying that people like that don't deserve to be treated as their preferred gender, etc. Naturally the individual is typically unlikeable because they have committed some crime, but does that make it any less bad?

Even without the crime aspect, my mother-in-law (UK) has a trans niece that she will refuse to acknowledge as female because of a drug addiction and some other stuff she doesn't like. She literally stifles a laugh every time she has to say the niece's actual name, but usually just dead-names her instead when talking about her.

Is it a dog whistle hiding behind justified anger at someone? How do you argue the gender aspect of the situation without getting labelled "pro-crime" or something like that?

Its based off negativity. When a person has done something seen as heinous in society or among us their peers, people will drop their inhibitors and will say stuff that they believe belittles or de-maculate/feminize that person.

We have a thing/saying in the UK and it's pretty funny but sad at the same time. An Englishman would probably his follow Englishman a "C*nt", but when it's a Black person, he's mostly like add the word "Black" in front of it.
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Oct 30, 2017
They're looking for excuses to be shitty.

If someone is a garbage person, and they're trans... It's gonna sting more if I insult them and recognize who they are.

(just incase this is read wrong I mean from this that I will gender someone correctly when I call them a garbage person.)
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Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If you deny someone's gender based off perceived or real sins, that makes you a transphobe.


Oct 27, 2017
It's telling on themselves. What they are essentially saying is "I don't really believe trans women are women, I just call them that because it is expected of me. As soon as society allows it, I will go right back to denying their gender."


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Trans identities aren't conditional on good behaviour. Seeing them as such exhibits both prejudice and ignorance.


Oct 27, 2017
Their gender identity has nothing to do with why they're assholes. By failing to use the correct pronouns, you're not just personally insulting them, you're insulting everyone else.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah fuck that. You don't get to treat people like that all because they did something wrong

Lost Lemurian

Nov 30, 2019
It's the same as breaking a minority group into "the good ones" and "[slur]s".

It frames them as othered by default, and holds their rights hostage by inferring that any transgression can land them back into the category of second class citizens.
It's not a conditional thing. No matter the reason or excuse she tries to give, your aunt is being a transphobe. The person being a criminal, having serious flaws, or being an asshole is never an excuse to mistreat/be bigoted towards them, no matter how much people seem to want believe it is.

You're not being pro crime by pointing this out and don't let your m-I-l deflect her shitty behavior on you by trying to make you the 'bad guy'. Just explain your reasoning and position to her in a calm but frank and firm manner.

Don't 'attack her character' (give her no excuses or chance to play the victim) in the process, just explain why dead naming itself is unacceptable.


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing more to add than what's been said already by every other post but agreement. Your MiL is just a transphobe.
People like to indulge in how they really want to treat people when it's targeted at a socially acceptable target.

It requires a good amount of character to treat someone you believe is terrible, with fairness.

This is the sort of context which reveals who is just behaving "well" because they are being forced to by social context.


Oct 25, 2017
My favorite is when people have to put forth a lot of mental effort to dead name or use wrong pronouns.

I think I saw a clip compilation from Crowders show, forget who they were talking about but it was a trans person who was very passing. And they kept tripping over their words because intuitevely... they knew what to call the person but to play to their audience they kept misgendering them and fucking up doing so lol.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
This is very frequent imo. I see it in this forum a lot, though it seems like people won't go as far as to deadname or misgender someone because it seems like folks have attuned to the social risk of acting like transphobes in this forum, but you still see it sometimes. However it commonly happens a lot with other kinds of dehumanization, such as fatphobia or misogyny.

My guess is that those people still want to be able to be transphobic, and will take any opportunity they feel allows them to say that kind if shit. I don't think people change what they say because they don't like the person. Or, i don't think that's what happens most of the time. And even in those cases, it doesn't make a difference.

God the thing that really puts a rock in my sock is when people act like it's allyship to say things like "this mother **** doesn't deserve trans rights like the rest of trans people do", like... what kind of fucked up shit is that.


Oct 27, 2017
How do you argue it without being labelled pro crime? Huh? I just wouldn't bother because it's all just a predisposition to incarcerated groups. The argument is complete shit by your mother in law.

I honestly thought this was going to be about what jail a trans man or woman spends their time in but this is another level of stupid. Dead naming someone for taking drugs is insane.


Oct 25, 2017
What was that thing King said, an injustice here is an injustice everywhere? Something like that here. There's really no reason to go to misgendering as an insult when there are o other criticisms to be made.


Oct 27, 2017
Denying someone's gender identity because they're a bad person or do bad things just tells me you only support trans people if you like the particular person. It's a little favor you give out to the special ones who fall on your good side. Recognition of their identity is a favor you can withdraw at any time.

It denies the established fact trans people are real and valid and exist even if they are a piece of shit. Cis people are still gendered correctly even when they murder someone. So yeah, your MIL is being very transphobic.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Respect the gender identity of everybody. Period. There can be no exceptions.


May 3, 2022
it comes down to them thinking that respecting a trans person's gender is a privilege and not a right. yet that isn't applied to cis people. as a cif woman, if i got arrested no one would start referring to me as a man, yet that wouldn't be a given for someone who is trans despite our gender equally being an intrinsic part of both of us.

so yeah it's really just a clear look at how they actually view trans people and trans rights.


Aug 30, 2022
I'm used to this phenomenon with black people,same method.
The good black friend vs the n-word
Unless the person is your "pet friend" (like some white people treat their black colleagues), you're just a rabid animal that deserves to be mocked

I am a Bird

Oct 31, 2017
No that's not okay, your mother in law is just a sentient pile of trash that will use any excuse to harm people.
Oct 29, 2017
It's the sort of thing that pops up when there is a criminal that happens to be trans in the news: dead-naming and saying that people like that don't deserve to be treated as their preferred gender, etc. Naturally the individual is typically unlikeable because they have committed some crime, but does that make it any less bad?

Even without the crime aspect, my mother-in-law (UK) has a trans niece that she will refuse to acknowledge as female because of a drug addiction and some other stuff she doesn't like. She literally stifles a laugh every time she has to say the niece's actual name, but usually just dead-names her instead when talking about her.

Is it a dog whistle hiding behind justified anger at someone? How do you argue the gender aspect of the situation without getting labelled "pro-crime" or something like that?
In answer to the first question, it absolutely is.

In the high-profile cases there've been in the UK; they do it because they hate trans people, they want to deny rights to trans people and to do that they focus on the identities of criminals to achieve a combination of; a) arguing uninterrupted, as people don't want to be seen 'defending' a criminal, especially if a heinous crime; b) to signal boost these cases implying trans people are any more dangerous than everyone else.

In answer to your second question, you don't. It's a trap. They're trying to make people 'defend' people that have done awful crimes so that they can hit you around the head with it and use it as evidence to people without a dog in the fight that this is what 'your side' preoccupies themselves with. Defending dangerous criminals. The ensuing argument then helps them further signal boost the case, implicitly pushing the idea that trans people are dangerous.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Criminals don't deserve respect but they should still have their pronouns respected.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, that's just plain ol' transphobia.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't matter if someone's a criminal or asshole. Everyone - everyone - deserves the basic respect of being seen as the gender they are.


Oct 27, 2017
The closest to this I can think of is that one time a mass shooter tried to claim being gender neutral because he thought it would get the DA to go easy on him or it would make the LGBT community look bad or something. A lot of people called BS on it immediately, and it was quickly confirmed to be nonsense.

Like, I can maybe understand some skepticism from the public when a criminal "suddenly" claims to be transgender (Chelsea Manning got a lot of that when she transitioned IIRC, in no small part politically motivated by those who opposed her leaking in the first place), but it's not like we're privy to anyone's therapy schedule or whatever.