Oct 28, 2017
Stop spreading your legs so wide, why do I have to be confined to a tiny corner of my own seat because your legs are spread so wide!! There is plenty of room for you to be comfortable there is no need for this!!

Also stop sticking your elbows into me, I understand public transport isn't the biggest, but come on some people clearly know what they're doing (this applies to both men and women)

Rant over!

Are there any habits fellow commuters do that annoy you?


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
If someone is man-spreading, man-spread right back. I try to make the ride as uncomfortable as possible for assholes like that.

And stop clipping your nails on the bus/train.


Oct 25, 2017
Look sometimes we make a bad wardrobe decision in the name of fashion and we get a pinch going, it's not our faults that the only thing that fixes it is splaying out!

Deleted member 2109

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't use public transportation anymore but when I did it always boggled my mind how many people just straight up stank. Wash yourself.


Oct 27, 2017
If I'm sitting in a regular seat I'm gonna spread my legs simply because they will not fit straight. It's either that or they both go to one side or another and the person beside me gets kneed anyway or my ass shoved at them.

But there's no excuse for sideways seats where legroom isn't an issue.
Mar 3, 2018
I can't help it. I'm a 6'6" adonis that has a 10" wee wee with basketball sized friends, so I have to spread and take two to three seats worth of space :(


Nov 20, 2017
Huntington, WV
Lift your leg and bring your thigh down on top of their knee, with your leg hanging down past it. Assert dominance. Win the thumb war of the leg.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Stop spreading your legs so wide, why do I have to be confined to a tiny corner of my own seat because your legs are spread so wide!! There is plenty of room for you to be comfortable there is no need for this!!

Also stop sticking your elbows into me, I understand public transport isn't the biggest, but come on some people clearly know what they're doing (this applies to both men and women)

Rant over!

Are there any habits fellow commuters do that annoy you?

Dear people with like 9 bags, use the bag rack, you cannot take up an entire row of seats because you have too much crap, especially when there's a place for it all.

Deleted member 3542

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Other than the occasional "I'mma gonna smoke" on the bus, a lady with three cats one time or some guy pissing in the corner on the subway, I seem to be most regularly annoyed with

- People listening to music with no headphones
- People on the phone for extended period. I don't mind talking for a few minutes, but damn some get heated.
- Man spreading (as noted) but also just some dude who wants to spread out and lay down. It's always a dude, and not always a homeless person. Just some asshole.
- Smelly people. Smokers. Someone who just smoked a bowl. Whoever. They just got done and hopped right onto the train or bus.
- Small kids with too much sugar.


Oct 27, 2017
It's probably ball related. Having them squished or pinched is really unpleasant/painful.


Oct 28, 2017
Is it really that common? Do these type of dudes only do this while being seated next to women? Being 6'5" I would have noticed some fucker trying to encroach on my zone this much, granted my tree trunk legs might act as a natural barrier keeping out trespassers.

Deleted member 4518

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I don't get why other men do this. When I sit down on my train during my commute I make sure other people have enough space.

My only problem is that sometimes the seats are too small and I have long legs, so I have to move both legs sideways and sit awkwardly with my legs pointed towards the asle.

Things I dislike are when people listen to music/videos with their phone speakers. You're on public transit, respect other people's use of the space too. I don't need to hear you're stupid Instagram videos on full volume. The other thing is people putting their feet up on seats. I sit there, I don't want your dirty feet on the seat.

Wein Cruz

Oct 27, 2017
Pfft we got assholes here that try to not let you sit down because they think their bookbag needs s seat.


Oct 30, 2017
I do 3 hours of commuting a day and deal with the absolute biggest cunts in the world.

The "manspreading" is annoying as fuck and i call out guys who do it next to me as. They are usually wee pricks and im a 6ft 3 guy and have no need to it.

I had a girl doing her make up next to me this morning she got some powder shit on my jacket and kept elbowing me also her bag was basically on my lap. had to say to her "You really are obnoxious are you not?" She looked at me like she didnt know the meaning of the word


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Stop singing. I don't care if it's about Jesus, or you think you're Eminem in 8 Mile. I am not Ryan Seacrest and you are not on American Idol. STOP IT.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
The elbows thing happens, especially packed like sardines on the NYC subway. People should take off their backpacks though.

We need designated drunk cars with a station nanny or something.


Oct 27, 2017
Anecdotal evidence has shown me massive fucking handbags placed on the seat next to women like it's their child are a bigger problem than manspreading


Oct 27, 2017
There was a young lad on the bus the other day slamming the window open and closed like a deranged chimp.

I couldn't see what was going on because it was upstairs but folk were proper screaming at him to stop. Eventually a lady gave a grand speech / telling off and he stopped.

So generally unpleasant people on public transport are the worst.


Oct 27, 2017
Is this common? I've never seen or done this on public transport so I guess maybe it's more common in other areas? I've had the problem where people put bare feet on my plane armrest before, I think that was the worst, or just having someone who stunk really bad next to me on a plane.


Nov 3, 2017
Bigger problems;

-People who stink of alcohol
-People who stink
-loud conversations on the phone
-loud conversations witheachother
-people eating food


Oct 27, 2017
one time i was on the red line on the north side in chicago at night and some very drunk bros were straight up peeing on all the seats in a targeted and methodical manner

yeah that's something you shouldn't do on public transport - piss on all the seats


Oct 25, 2017
For old people, please use headphones and not play your videos at full blast on your cel phone.

For people with kids, the subway isn't a play ground please keep your kids from jumping to various seats to allow other passengers to sit.

For people with kids again just because you have kids doesn't mean you can for go having manners and decency while on the train.