
Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Udon, Gail Simone we were being blessed and we didn't know it. Him and Taskmaster was a bromance for the decades



Oct 25, 2017
Sorry but i had to post it

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"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Reading through the entire Joe Kelly DP run into Agent X is one of my favorite comics memories. That whole thing was a rollercoaster. Also Udon's Taskmaster design is the goat.


Out here looking like a Mega Man boss


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017

Sander VF

The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Tbilisi, Georgia
Biggest indictment on this Agent X fellow is that I've been reading Slayven's comic threads for a while and I still have no idea who the fuck that is.

Kidding… sorta


Oct 27, 2017
Wish you would provide more context in your comic threads, Slayven. Is this basically a Deadpool comic but under a different moniker?


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
Can't prove you wrong when you're speaking the truth.

Alex is such a better character!


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
We're best friends now. I love the Agent X series, and I got to gush to Gail Simone multiple times about it (and even cosplayed as Outlaw!)


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Wish you would provide more context in your comic threads, Slayven. Is this basically a Deadpool comic but under a different moniker?
A European mutant gangster sets up assassin to so that he can put a mindbomb inside of Deadpool. The assassin dies, the bomb goes off, but the gangster's and deadpool's powers react weird and resurrect the assassin as combination nation of both. He has the skills and powers of everyone involved, plus a mix of personalities. But he is also a new person. Like he can shoot fine with both hands, while deadpool is best his right hand. He is quippy but not an asshole like Deadpool, and he prefers euro food to junk food....well until later. There is a fat Alex arc


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
They listen to me


Edelweiss, by Above the Treeline, is the book industry’s platform to sell, discover, and order new titles.



Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
Wasn't kidding.

Agent X is one of my favorite characters of all time, I even was once going to do skit comedies on YouTube about Agency X. We even did a jingle commerical/logo for it.

And here is my copy of Agent X number one signed by Gale Simone.



Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
Due to this thread and some other factors.

I decided to start a re-read of the Agent X comic again.

And I forgot that he had Youngblood Disease!



Oct 26, 2017
I also was inspired to do a reread based on this thread, and I regret it. This was way better in my memories than it actually is today. I had forgotten that an entire third of the book is filler--the Gail Simone stuff is only the first 6-issue arc, a 7th issue that frankly also reads like filler, and then the 3-issue concluding arc. The book wants to be about this agency Alex is setting up, but it just barely gets off the ground at the end of the setup arc and then pretty much instantly falls apart, feeling like the whole premise of the series is over before it starts. I dunno, in my memory there was more to this than there actually is, and it all seems like such wasted potential now. If it had gotten even 24 Simone-written issues, I think there could have been a really interesting story in there, but as it is we get the start and end with no middle.


Oct 25, 2017
Wish you would provide more context in your comic threads, Slayven. Is this basically a Deadpool comic but under a different moniker?
the formula is pretty clear where added context subtracts "fun" and the whole point of encountering references in jokes you're not familiar with is to learn something new yourself, not have it explained out to you like a class.
youre basically being invited to go learn about the time they "did something really crazy'" and switched the lead of the Deadpool comic for another guy for reasons. (Mostly to try something different and be experimental with the narrative.) I feel like something like this was done before, the main character switch, or whole world switch, or official comic switch. Indie comics Dreadstar and Nexus come to mind.

like if you're way too busy to google it and learn about it yourself but not too busy to have someone give a 2 hour long form video discussion on something, are you really too busy?

edit: with that said, we do need more comic panels in an OP like this, just for engagement sake. this is a art and it isn't effortless, its just supposed to look it
Last edited:


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
I also was inspired to do a reread based on this thread, and I regret it. This was way better in my memories than it actually is today. I had forgotten that an entire third of the book is filler--the Gail Simone stuff is only the first 6-issue arc, a 7th issue that frankly also reads like filler, and then the 3-issue concluding arc. The book wants to be about this agency Alex is setting up, but it just barely gets off the ground at the end of the setup arc and then pretty much instantly falls apart, feeling like the whole premise of the series is over before it starts. I dunno, in my memory there was more to this than there actually is, and it all seems like such wasted potential now. If it had gotten even 24 Simone-written issues, I think there could have been a really interesting story in there, but as it is we get the start and end with no middle.

That's because the book was actually supposed to be a regular series.

They got canceled pretty much by the fourth issue and so it was releasing the scripts they already had and writing a closing arc.

The biggest problem is that this was the era where the marketing department was more in control of anything at Marvel than any of the editors or creators.

The whole reason the book is called Agent X is because they wanted all books that were under the "X-Men" desk to have an X in the title. Hence why Cables book at the time was called Soldier X


Oct 26, 2017
That's because the book was actually supposed to be a regular series.

They got canceled pretty much by the fourth issue and so it was releasing the scripts they already had and writing a closing arc.

Yeah, it's obvious that this was not the plan of the creators, so I'm not knocking them here. (Except Daniel Way, which you could not pay me enough to read his comics.) But the end result is very thin, resulting in a premise being established and then almost immediately undone. There are moments from this book I love, like Taskmaster aping Chow Yun-Fat movies in the limo, but on the whole it's hard to call what saw print a great series.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
Yeah, it's obvious that this was not the plan of the creators, so I'm not knocking them here. (Except Daniel Way, which you could not pay me enough to read his comics.) But the end result is very thin, resulting in a premise being established and then almost immediately undone. There are moments from this book I love, like Taskmaster aping Chow Yun-Fat movies in the limo, but on the whole it's hard to call what saw print a great series.
I want to call it a great series at all.

When I will call it is a fun read for me. Especially the panties issue because it was written specifically because Gail Simone was told that there were not enough panty shots in the series.
