How should Disney reintroduce Daredevil to the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

  • Treat the Netflix series as fully canon and in the main timeline of the MCU

    Votes: 38 29.5%
  • Treat the Netflix series as an alternate MCU timeline via multiverse

    Votes: 18 14.0%
  • Soft reboot: Some elements of the Netflix series stay canon but other elements are changed/ignored

    Votes: 59 45.7%
  • Full reboot: Start Daredevil's story in the MCU from scratch, BUT keep the Netflix actors

    Votes: 9 7.0%
  • Full reboot: Start Daredevil's story in the MCU from scratch and fresh with all characters recast

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • We don't need Daredevil in the MCU.

    Votes: 2 1.6%

  • Total voters

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
tl;dr at the bottom

I recently rewatched the season 3 finale of Daredevil and since the character himself has been involved in a lot of rumors lately I figured let's have this thread, and talk about all of the good and the bad that came with it. There is certainly a lot of good and personally I don't care if Marvel Studios wasn't part of the team that made the Netflix series come to life. That doesn't take points away from the Netflix series and it's not like Marvel Studios can do no wrong either. In my opinion the Daredevil series is better than several MCU films and it's still better than all of the MCUD+ original shows as well.

There are several ways Disney can bring the character back in the MCU proper. In the past few weeks there have been several threads that had this discussion. The James Gunn thread, the Lewis Tan thread, the Clark Gregg thread, and most recently the Vincent D'Onofrio thread talking about pretty much the same thing, and the popular choice seems to be to canonize the Netflix MCU by making its continuity a parallel one in the MCU franchise's multiverse. I've been vocal about the idea that relying too much on the multiverse to canonize previous properties will come off like a crutch and convenient, especially when the IP was portrayed as being in the MCU from the beginning. But I'm not saying that moving forward, the MCU should treat the Netflix series as fully canon. I think a soft reboot is the best route to take. Let the studio pick and choose what to reference, imply that these characters have a past and skip over the origin story. That's it, and that's enough. There is no need to be fully referential with the full Netflix series; it's not like every MCU property is fully referential with what's come before it either.

The fourth route to take is a full reboot, and this route itself has two routes the studio can go. The first is rebooting but keeping the main cast intact; bringing back Charlie Cox, Vincent D'Onofrio, and whoever else from the cast they wish to but having them portray new iterations of the characters we previously didn't see on screen. I imagine not all, but a lot of the fan base would probably be okay with this. The second route is rebooting the character and lore 100%, with a fresh start to everything including the cast. Now this I feel like would be an unpopular choice, but the studio could do it if they wanted to.

Now lastly there is one more route the studio could take, which is not do anything with the character at all. Just not bring him into the MCU at all. I don't believe they'd do this either, but they could. I don't think they'd ever just come out and announce that Daredevil has no future in the MCU, but if there was some official indication of sorts, I think people would hate that even more than all of the Netflix roles getting recast. Anyway, like I said, my personal preference is for the studio to do a soft reboot. Since we have 3 good seasons of the show on Netflix, I want to go step by step by what I think should go soft with canon and what should be hard.

Matt Murdock / Daredevil


I don't have that much to say here because I think Matt Murdock's story arc over the course of the three seasons should be overall kept intact. The studio doesn't have to be overly referential with it, but I think Netflix did a good job of portraying his broken childhood; with his father dying when he was a boy and his mother abandoning him. I especially liked Joanne Whalley's portrayal of Sister Maggie and how the revelation of what happened to Matt all came together to him at the basement of the church. The death of Father Lantom was also crucial and his passing was handled well. The important thing to note here though is that Lantom was a Netflix original character. And original characters have not always been handled well in these shows, but we'll get to that later.

Wilson Fisk / Kingpin


Kingpin's reintroduction to the MCU is a little more complicated than Daredevil's though. Now while I definitely think the actor should return for the role, I really think he should be soft rebooted. And by that, I just mean that some - but not all - of his character arc should be changed. For example, I really don't like what they did with Vanessa in the Netflix series. Not the actress, Ayelet Zurer was fine in the role, but I just don't like how they made her a villain too. She didn't really do any villainous things, but she accepted Fisk for the evil man he was and even encouraged him to continue. That ultimately led to her and his first dance getting interrupted by Ray Nadeem's video confession and the re-revelation of "Evil Wilson Fisk" to the public (which had already been done before in the first season) just didn't feel that weighted to me.

So if a soft reboot means keeping some things from the past series but changing others, I guess this would make it a major retcon. Honestly I'm kinda fine with them recasting Vanessa but bringing her back is fine, so I'm fine either way. But they should retcon her character to be more comic book accurate, in that she is disgusted by his criminal activities. They can also retcon the couple into having a young adult or grown adult son, Richard Fisk. That would have been impossible with the route they went with in the Netflix, something else I didn't like about that show since Fisk and Vanessa met when they were much older.

Adding Richard as a character would also be important considering the rumors about the Kingpin appearing in Hawkeye. And the reason I say this is because Echo becomes Fisk's adopted daughter in the comics. I don't know if Richard or Maya Lopez ever had any interactions in the source material, but these two characters together plotting against their evil father is one plot thread that can be undertaken in her own spinoff show which is already confirmed, I think.

Another retcon I can think of is another original character, which is Wesley, Fisk's friend and personal assistant. The character was killed off in the first season and they can just go ahead and not acknowledge this character that'd be fine, but I wouldn't mind having the character be back only to see how annoyed he'd be at Spider-Man. We saw his annoyance with Daredevil but interacting with Spider-Man would be another level of headaches for the person working for Fisk.

Karen & Foggy


Initially I wanted to say I don't care what the studio does with these characters, but after thinking about it I think their character arcs should be kept intact. Foggy more so than Karen. Season 3 really delved into Foggy's family issues and how it tied right into Fisk's hand, and they also kept his relationship with Marci Stahl, another original character, consistent throughout the whole series. Although admittedly, the chances of Amy Rutberg returning to the show are kinda low. If they do decide to keep the cast though I'd be pleasantly surprised if they kept the character and the actress. Another character tied to Foggy is Blake Tower, who is a character from the comics. Season 3 ended with Foggy dropping out of the DA race and handing the position to Blake for the win, which I think was a good way to end that plot thread. Blake also appeared in Luke Cage, and if the MCU will have certain IPs focusing more on NYC then this gives the studio a reason to bring back Stephen Rider. There is no need to recast him in my opinion.

I guess Karen Page's situation is a little tricky. A lot of people don't like her and understandably so because she has done some pretty shameful things, both during her arc and even in flashbacks. But this could work in two ways. If it is the case that people don't like the character but appreciated her character arc i.e accept her for doing the horrible things she did, then there isn't a need for a soft reboot. On the other hand, if people don't like the character and doubly because of what Netflix did with her, then she should be softly rebooted if and when reintroduced to the MCU. Besides Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio, I'd say it's possible that Deborah Ann Woll is the most recognizable actor to come from the show, and that probably means a lot of the fan base associate the actress with the character. And for that reason, I don't think she should be recast if she's rebooted.

The Daily Bulletin


Ben Urich was one of my favorite characters in the first season and while Daredevil was able to avenge his death, he was never fully avenged since the Kingpin made it out of prison. I really wouldn't mind if they fully retconned all of this and just literally brought the character back to life, although I understand that something like that is kind of a stretch for a soft reboot. There is also the whole conversation to have about the Daily Bulletin overall. The reason the Daily Bulletin is what it is and not the Daily Bugle is probably because Sony and Disney were still in some sort of negotiating stage when Daredevil was being filmed. But the MCU now has an actual Daily Bugle in the form of, but it's meant to be a parody of Info Wars.

If the studio decides not to do anything with the Daily Bulletin, then Urich would just be an employee of the Bugle again. But I think it would be better to have the Bulletin back and therefore there would be these two news outlets competing for credibility with the public. Urich could represent the honest, integrity of journalism while Jameson could be there just for smear campaigns which he already has been. We saw this at the end of Far From Home and in the trailer for No Way Home, and it looks like there is no stopping him. If they decide not to keep the Bulletin though, then Urich could just be the character that is the voice of reason in Jameson's ear when he's just in over his head about hating Spider-Man and to a lesser extent Daredevil. I liked Robbie Robertson though, it's sad that Bill Nunn is no longer with us.



This is another one of those cases where I don't think the studio needs to be overly referential. With the way the character's arc ended in season 3, it would be very easy to soft reboot him into the MCU. He was a killer villain and antagonist to Daredevil in season 3, and with Valentina seemingly putting together either a Thunderbolts or Dark Avengers team, he can be reintroduced with her approaching him for a spot on this new anti-hero team, which he was a part of in the comics. The season finale showed him in surgery with his spine getting laced with cogmium, so I would retcon this to being adamantium seeing as how Disney got the rights to X-Men now. Being that he was so formidable in season 3, I think fans would be keen to see a future for this iteration of this character that was teased in the finale.



I liked Elektra's portrayal and I might be mistaken to say that her casting was a fan favorite, but I think a lot of people would say that her relationship with Matt was really toxic. Eh...I don't know if their relationship was comic book accurate, but then again not everything in the comics are great. Sometimes adaptations have done this better. With that being said, if people would favor bringing her back but be different, I think that's fine. Either way I think they should keep the actress. It was definitely great to see them have someone of color portray the character.

I didn't really like the Defenders though, and I know it takes place between seasons 2 and 3 of this show so where we last saw this character...I dunno. Matt survived the collision so I don't see why Elektra couldn't as well. It is important to note though that Echo is also a love interest of Matt Murdock's at some point.

Claire Temple


Here is the glue that kept all of the Netflix MCU together. Rosario Dawson was great in these series and I think leaving the character alone would be a missed opportunity. I don't think she was in season 3, but she has been there for Matt for so long that I don't think it'd be fair for a soft reboot to ignore that history. It looks like the actress has a good relationship with Disney too, as I understand it she's involved with Star Wars.

Ray Nadeem


Now this guy, this character was my crown jewel of season 3. As an Asian American and of South Asian descent at that, I absolutely loved the color blind casting here. The race of this character did not matter at all - and I loved that. The fact that Jay Ali was able to nail this role proved that brown actors don't have to be hired only when the character's race is relevant. And suffice to say, Nadeem was a really important character - practically a main character in season 3. I don't mind that his character was killed off, but I mind how it was handled.

Leading up to his death was him traveling to the damn courthouse. He was being hunted along the entire way, but yet somehow that doesn't incriminate Fisk. Then it's not really suspicious to anyone how the jury doesn't convict Fisk. Now I get maybe that's just how the court of law works, but this is the MCU. Things should be a little bit different from reality if that's even how things would happen in reality - where a witness is obviously a target by assassins while he's literally on his way to testify. Nadeem was a family man, and the last thing we ever really get from his character was his wife faking it at the FBI office with Foggy. That's it, and I really didn't appreciate that. By the end of season 3, there is a whole funeral scene for Lantom and I get that he was there from the beginning, but there was that other scene with Matt talking to his mother about how while many have died on his watch, countless more have survived because of his actions.

What I would have appreciated is some followup closure to Nadeem's arc, because I feel like there wasn't one. It feels like his wife was used as a plot device in her final scene. She didn't know Father Lantom, but if they came up with some reason for her to be at Lantom's funeral, perhaps Matt would've sensed her presence and then went to go and talk to her. The other problem with all of this is that Ray Nadeem is yet another original character that's not from the comics. Perhaps that could be the writers didn't think it important enough to give his family any closure, but I actually CARE about a lot of the original characters from the Netflix series - this goes beyond just Daredevil. The other part to all this is Tammy Hattley, Nadeem's superior whose confession corroborating his video is what leads to Fisk's second conviction.

If Bullseye is brought back and is meant to be the same Bullseye we saw before, then Nadeem's send off hasn't been done justice. I mean...I like how his casting was color blind, but I guess if they wanted to tie the character into the bigger picture of the MCU (if they keep any canon at all from Netflix) they could establish a relation between him and Ms. Marvel, say that she is his niece or something. People already speculated before that Abilash from WandaVision could have been related to Kamala too.

I think that's about everything and everyone off of the top of my head. I am sure I must have missed something. For those of you who are big fans of the series feel free to point that out.

Stick & The Hand


As I mentioned up above, I am not a fan of the Defenders and especially not of Iron Fist, but The Hand is a major player in both of those things. This might be something that needs to be rebooted the most when it comes to reintroductions in the MCU. Stick's episode in season 1 of the show was good for continuing Daredevil's origin story, but I don't really like what they were going for with the Hand in Iron Fist or in the Defenders. I don't think I'd care to keep any of it, but Scott Glenn is a pretty good actor so it'd be cool if they brought him back. That's all I got to say about it I guess.

tl;dr (as concise as I could make it)

When it comes to the ending of Daredevil on Netflix, I think the best course of action for Marvel Studios is to do is a soft reboot. Bring back the actors and don't be overly referential with what happened in the shows, just imply that these characters have a past. That's it. There is no need to have an origin story for Daredevil in the MCU. As far as characters and organizations go:
  • Keep Charlie Cox's Matt Murdock intact, there is little about the character that needs to be rebooted
  • Keep Vincent D'Onofrio as Wilson Fisk but reboot some of his past. Don't have Vanessa accept him for being evil and don't have them get married during the plot; establish that they've been married and have a son, Richard Fisk
  • Keep Foggy Nelson's & Karen Page's actors but reboot the characters' pasts depending on if reception was well in their portrayals. I don't think keeping their arcs in tact is that crucial
  • If we keep Foggy Nelson then we keep Stephen Rider as Blake Tower
  • Ben Urich & the Daily Bulletin: I am fine with bringing back Ben Urich and Vondie Curtis-Hall who portrayed him but if they keep the storyline intact: have the Bulletin be rivals with - but should the character be rebooted, have Urich work for Jameson and be his voice of reason
  • Keep Wilson Benthel as Benjamin Poindexter, retcon his surgery to be with adamantium instead of cogmium and have Valentina recruit him for either the Dark Avengers or Thunderbolts; whatever team she's putting together
  • Keep Elodie Yung as Elektra, but reboot the character depending on fan reception of her arc
  • Claire Temple: Bring back Rosario Dawson as Night Nurse for superheroes in New York
  • Original characters such as Marci Stahl and Ray Nadeem should have some place or context if the studio decides to do a soft reboot
  • Stick & The Hand: Reboot, since this was one of the low points of Netflix MCU but keep Scott Glenn
What do you think?
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I think a soft reboot, is the way to go, and I agree with most of your takes here - you keep the Daredevil and Kingpin dynamic, along with Bullseye. You keep Karen and Foggy as people "in the know" and pick and choose what parts of their backstories are relevant. That's the "core" web of Daredevil supporting characters, with, of course, some notable exceptions.

- I love the way Elektra was introduced, and the way she was written as a character, but the overall plot for the Hand as an organization was just awful. The back half of Season 2 (plus Defenders) takes some iconic Daredevil moments and completely wastes them - I'd honestly put it on par with X3's Phoenix Saga and Fantastic Four's Galactus. But, like you said, I think they could pull off an "Elektra is alive" twist and maybe re-adapt from there. We haven't had the Elektra vs. Bullseye showdown, after all.
- Similarly, the Hand blows, and needs a rewrite from scratch. But honestly, the way they completely rewrote the Ten Rings makes me think they could do the same for the Hand - there was as "branch" in New York that was defeated at one point, but they're the tip of the Hand iceberg.
- Ben Urich's death felt like a waste, because he's SUCH a key Daredevil supporting character, and of course was a great presence in the first season. I do think it'd be kind of cheap to just straight-up ignore that, though - at that point you cross into a hard reboot, I'd say. Honestly, it might bump into the Spider-Man license, but could slotting Phil Urich into that role work? Alternatively, maybe use another journalist, like Phil Sheldon?

Really, though, it comes down to what they want to do with him. If they just want to sprinkle Daredevil in for cameos and crossovers, and plant Kingpin wherever, we're good to go. But if they want to launch a Daredevil series at some point, I really think that hewing too closely to the original series is going to make the PG-13-ifying of things for Disney+ stand out too much, and making a more firm break might be smarter.


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
a lot i agree with here (especially the needlessly referential ending), still think offing urich (and even wesley) were mistakes, at least when they did. i wish karen wasn't written in such a manner as to make her so unsympathetic as well, at least until born again (which we nodded to, but did not do as an arc).

i personally liked the casting of elektra, but didn't think the two had any chemistry - worse yet, season 2 had that scene with them broken into a house, but i don't think people who didn't read miller's legendary run really saw the connection, you know? like, here's matt; he's about order because of his background, pushes past all odds to go to law school, and finds this one chaotic woman that makes him feel free. they're jumping across rooftops, he doesn't have to hide being an adept & can be himself with this one person - then tragedy strikes, etc etc. point being, by the end of the season - when matty basically seems to reject both the life he worked to build, as well as stick's path - i didn't feel like we'd at all established that this relationship, or even what the potential meant to him, were worth throwing it all away.

maybe that was just my take, but it was crucial, and it comes to mind when i often hear folks say they adored the first half of season 2 (punisher) but not the 2nd half (elektra, a fucking ninja war, things that should've been better received).
Oct 25, 2017
When it comes to the outside properties like the Netflix series, the best we can hope for is just a selective canon, picking up the least controversial aspects while leaving the other stuff in the trash.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
All I wanna say is Daredevil's hard earned W over Fisk in S3 prolly the most cathartic win I've seen a superhero get over a supervillain ever as far as TV and movies go


Oct 29, 2017
My guess is marvel will just take a hulk approach keep parts that work reference it when they need too


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
Was season 3 any good? I liked season 1 and the first few episodes of 2 focused on Punisher, but the rest of season 2 was some of the most boring TV I've ever watched. The Hand stuff was dreadful.


May 1, 2020
The only problem I have is that the netflix series made his selfmade suit far more iconic that his real one, in fact in S2 while he had the classic suit something felt off, he just wasn't that character while in S3 he went back to his old costume. Not sure how marvel plan to work on this, will they create a new costume, will they use his black self made one or the red from the show...


Oct 27, 2017
It'll be a full reboot. Netflix Marvel shows will just be another timeline and that's why the same actors can play the roles. You have the characters, don't have to deal with the baggage, and can recast and change backstory as needed. It's the easiest, most uncomplicated option.

Was season 3 any good? I liked season 1 and the first few episodes of 2 focused on Punisher, but the rest of season 2 was some of the most boring TV I've ever watched. The Hand stuff was dreadful.

Season 3 is the best season.


Oct 25, 2017
They need to not be babies and realize while there were a few missteps, Daredevil is one of the Crown Jewels of the MCU. Just because they didn't have full control over it doesn't and shouldn't invalidate it.
Oct 27, 2017
Season 3 was such a good show. It was a good ending but I would be lying if I said I didn't miss the Netflix Marvel series.

Most of them were good.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
Eh, I hope Karen doesn't but Daredevil, Foggy, Fisk, Electra, Bullseye, and Stick are the ones I want to see eventually make it.


Oct 26, 2017
Daredevil was so much better than any MCU stuff for me, and I never even knew about DD aside from the spider-man cartoon growing up. I'd love to see Blade, DD, and Spider-Man together like that show now that I think about it. 😅


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Well then. My gf hasn't seen any of it so maybe we'll watch all three seasons shortly. Are the other shows required for S3? I watched JJ S1 and 3/4 of Luke Cage S1 but also dropped that mid season as it was boring and so slowly paced.

The only thing you need to be up to date before beginning S3 is like the last 20-30min. of the final episode of The Defenders (Do not watch the show, it sadly sucks) which shows you where Matt ends up before S3 begins.

Fake Edit: Actually before the first episode of S3 begins you do actually get a S2 recap that also covers what happens to him at the end of The Defenders


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The only problem I have is that the netflix series made his selfmade suit far more iconic that his real one, in fact in S2 while he had the classic suit something felt off, he just wasn't that character while in S3 he went back to his old costume. Not sure how marvel plan to work on this, will they create a new costume, will they use his black self made one or the red from the show...

I actually liked the "red" suit. But if they do bring him back I really hope they decide to give him an updated suit. Preferably something close to his look in Ultimate Alliance 3, because that's much better than what he wore in the show but still clearly inspired by it.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
The only thing you need to be up to date before beginning S3 is like the last 20-30min. of the final episode of The Defenders (Do not watch the show, it sadly sucks) which shows you where Matt ends up before S3 begins.

Fake Edit: Actually before the first episode of S3 begins you do actually get a S2 recap that also covers what happens to him at the end of The Defenders
Perfect, if there's a short recap we won't watch anything but the three seasons of Daredevil!
Might even skip the back half of S2 if my gf isn't feeling it because I'm not sure I want to watch that again lol


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
I'm in the minority that adores the homemade black suit way more than the red.

It really brings to fore the idea that his real super power is taking a beating and getting back up lol


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Seems like most everyone on Era likes the red suit better.

I just like the realism aspect of the black suit hee.

Someone needs to make a poll...

I can understand the red suit in a general sense, but specifcally the red suit from the show? Black suit is def. better/cooler


Oct 25, 2017
you can keep stick's actor if you really want but his entire concept as a character is ludicrously corny and the self-serious monologue about his origin as some poor peasant child (who is also the whitest old dude imaginable) in The Ancient Mysterious Orient was one of the most embarrassing and racist things I've seen in a comic book adaptation

kind of on brand for what a low opinion daredevil had for asian culture and history though


Oct 27, 2017
Bring back the actor, ignore the Netflix show completely. Get used it it, that's what they're doing.

Either that or the multiverse shenanigans in No Way Home will reveal the Netflix shows are in an alternate timeline, putting that debate to bed for good and allowing the MCU to introduce Cox as the MCU timeline Murdock in She-Hulk.

They need to not be babies and realize while there were a few missteps, Daredevil is one of the Crown Jewels of the MCU. Just because they didn't have full control over it doesn't and shouldn't invalidate it.

Nah, the show has some good moments in S1 and S3, and a briefly interesting depiction of Frank Castle, but it's a slog, just like all the Netflix shows were. All three seasons could have been cut in half and contained just as much story with none of the "thing happens, every pairing of characters discusses thing that happened, another thing happens two episodes later" idiot plotting that all the Marvel Netflix stuff suffered from to one degree or another.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like they should definitely reboot Electra-- She was greatly mishandled in DD SE2 and Defenders. I really hated how they made her an super evil weapon with a terminator personality that could somehow kick the asses of a team superhumans, while also being a threat the world that has never been seen before. I'll admit that I haven't read much Electra in the comics, but if they do bring her back into the MCU she should just be DD's arch-rival that also occasionally works for the Hand.


Feb 7, 2018
The red suit is absolutely terrible, from its colour and materials to the overall shape (should be more form-fitting) and the awful helmet. It really needs to be reworked (it looks fine in concept art) or outright replaced.

Anyways, I'd feel bad if it's only Matt and Fisk that are brought back. Karen, Foggy, Bullseye, Vanessa... deserve that too. Overall, it's a show with a really strong cast.

I can't believe that so much of my hype for NWH depends on a sure to be not very meaningful (if it even happens) cameo, considering how exciting (and potentially bad, although I trust them) the movie's premise is, but here we are.

Wari Oman

Alt Account
Feb 2, 2021
The MCU had very little to do with Daredevil and it was a better show because of it.


Oct 25, 2017
I disagree about Vanessa. I think she's a good counterpart for the Netflix series' spin on Wilson Fisk.

Aside from that this situation is something comic books deal with all the time. Books change creative teams, new teams inherit the changes made by the previous ones.

Ben Urich is done. The Hand is done (at least for the time). There's enough that's intact that it doesn't need to be complicated.
The Artisan

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
A lot of good posts so far, glad to see this series is well received by our community here.

How likely is it Murdoch is in No Way Home
This is what I heard. Hard spoilers if true, so fair warning.

Matt Murdock will show up in the police precinct scene we saw in the trailer. He defends Peter in court. He is able to prove that Spider-Man did not kill Mysterio and that the footage revealed to the public was doctored, but he is not able to prove that Peter Parker is not Spider-Man. So Peter is found not guilty of murder, but now he is stuck with all of this unwanted attention when he goes back to school with everyone take pictures and videos of him which we also saw in the trailer. Cox will have a total of 10 minutes of screen time, which would make his role a supporting character.

They need to not be babies and realize while there were a few missteps, Daredevil is one of the Crown Jewels of the MCU. Just because they didn't have full control over it doesn't and shouldn't invalidate it.
Love seeing this positivity! Because I completely agree, as I said in the OP Daredevil not only outdoes some of the MCU movies but ALL of the MCUD+ shows so far.
Someone needs to make a poll...
I did just add a poll but not the one you wanted. Sorry to disappoint! But I am with in that I liked all the scenes with black suit better than the red one.
Bring back the actor, ignore the Netflix show completely. Get used it it, that's what they're doing.

Either that or the multiverse shenanigans in No Way Home will reveal the Netflix shows are in an alternate timeline, putting that debate to bed for good and allowing the MCU to introduce Cox as the MCU timeline Murdock in She-Hulk.

Nah, the show has some good moments in S1 and S3, and a briefly interesting depiction of Frank Castle, but it's a slog, just like all the Netflix shows were. All three seasons could have been cut in half and contained just as much story with none of the "thing happens, every pairing of characters discusses thing that happened, another thing happens two episodes later" idiot plotting that all the Marvel Netflix stuff suffered from to one degree or another.
I beg to differ. Sure the pacing was off sometimes but that's probably because of some deal between Netflix and Disney about the minimum number of hours each season had to be, which is why they all ended up having 13 episodes. I'm not saying the show is perfect; nothing in the MCU is perfect but generally speaking Daredevil is one of the best if not the best Marvel live action tv show.

Fart Master

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A dumpster
A lot of good posts so far, glad to see this series is well received by our community here.

This is what I heard. Hard spoilers if true, so fair warning.

Matt Murdock will show up in the police precinct scene we saw in the trailer. He defends Peter in court. He is able to prove that Spider-Man did not kill Mysterio and that the footage revealed to the public was doctored, but he is not able to prove that Peter Parker is not Spider-Man. So Peter is found not guilty of murder, but now he is stuck with all of this unwanted attention when he goes back to school with everyone take pictures and videos of him which we also saw in the trailer. Cox will have a total of 10 minutes of screen time, which would make his role a supporting character.

Love seeing this positivity! Because I completely agree, as I said in the OP Daredevil not only outdoes some of the MCU movies but ALL of the MCUD+ shows so far.

I did just add a poll but not the one you wanted. Sorry to disappoint! But I am with in that I liked all the scenes with black suit better than the red one.

I beg to differ. Sure the pacing was off sometimes but that's probably because of some deal between Netflix and Disney about the minimum number of hours each season had to be, which is why they all ended up having 13 episodes. I'm not saying the show is perfect; nothing in the MCU is perfect but generally speaking Daredevil is one of the best if not the best Marvel live action tv show.
whoa please be true


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
They will probably never address it directly if Murdock ever shows up again. They'll just casually avoid the subject and use the character(s) as needed and recast if they feel it's necessary.