
Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
A few days ago, out of curiosity, I checked Dangerous Driving's website and found this on their FAQ

On the PlayStation4 Pro Dangerous Driving runs at 1080p 60 fps. The base PlayStation runs at 1080p 30 fps

On the Xbox One X Dangerous Driving runs at 1440p 60 fps. The base Xbox One runs at 1080p 30 fps

This was already weird on its own, but apparently the game has no soundtrack either?

We are delighted to announce that the music in Dangerous Driving will be delivered via Spotify. Follow 'Three Fields' to see our dream playlist.

We have long believed that racing games shouldn't have just one soundtrack. Music, especially the music you drive to, is incredibly personal – and changes based on your mood. It would be hard to have just one soundtrack that suited all players in all those moments. (Even if it was possible it would be beyond the budget of an independent developer.)

That's why we love things like Spotify's 'Songs to listen to in the car', a smart playlist which picks music for you based on the music you already like to listen to – its personal for everybody.

Whilst Spotify has existed on console for a while not everyone remembers to go set it up and also you have to either control it from another device or keep exiting the game to change track etc. Its not integrated. You'll be able to authorise it from within the Audio Menu and from then on you'll be able to control your music from within the game. And the current implementation is, we hope, just the start of a fully featured integration which includes gameplay triggered music!

Currently you'll need to go out to the Spotify app on the device you're playing on e.g. PlayStation4 or Xbox / PC to choose the playlist but this is something that we hope to integrate even further in the future. Once the playlist is selected then you can skip tracks forward and back and pause the music in game.

You will need a Spotify Premium account to access this but you can get a 1 month free trial so we highly recommend you check it out.

Follow 'Three Fields' to see our dream playlist.

I thought this was weird but a review from a site I follow confirmed that the game runs at 30 on the base consoles and it also confirmed the Spotify Premium only soundtrack. What a weird decision.
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Dec 28, 2017
We are delighted to announce that the music in Dangerous Driving will be delivered via Spotify. Follow 'Three Fields' to see our dream playlist.

(Even if it was possible it would be beyond the budget of an independent developer.)

Whilst Spotify has existed on console for a while not everyone remembers to go set it up and also you have to either control it from another device or keep exiting the game to change track etc. Its not integrated. You'll be able to authorise it from within the Audio Menu and from then on you'll be able to control your music from within the game. And the current implementation is, we hope, just the start of a fully featured integration which includes gameplay triggered music!

This is honestly a really clever workaround for a lack of budget. Execution is another matter, though...

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They really couldn't just get some cheap (or even free) songs from some unknown EDM producer or something, they had to literally skip the soundtrack altogether? What the hell. And Spotify's automatic playlists are usually pretty bad, so I'd probably just turn that feature off and turn on Spotify manually with my own playlists, thanks. I'll play this game down the line, but holy shit this sounds stupid.
Oct 29, 2017
I'd turn the soundtrack off and play Spotify anyway so I mean they cut out the middle man.

Shame it is 30fps on base consoles.


Oct 25, 2017
The Danger Zone


Oct 25, 2017
I don't have Spotify premium so I guess I'm going to have to play it without music. Odd decision, they really couldn't have gone out there and licensed some royalty free music tracks?


Resettlement Advisor
They really couldn't just get some cheap (or even free) songs from some unknown EDM producer or something, they had to literally skip the soundtrack altogether? What the hell. And Spotify's automatic playlists are usually pretty bad, so I'd probably just turn that feature off and turn on Spotify manually with my own playlists, thanks. I'll play this game down the line, but holy shit this sounds stupid.
You gotta do what You can to keep the budget down.


Oct 26, 2017
Utterly baffling. Even just some well selected public domain classical music would have been preferable were it solely a budget issue.

What did they do with all that Epic money?


Oct 26, 2017
A Spotify only soundtrack just sounds bizarre to me. On top of everything else (lol at telling people to just get Spotify premium), I guess if you live in a country where Spotify isn't officially available you're just screwed. And none of this is even mentioned on the Epic Store page at all.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
I don't have Spotify premium so I guess I'm going to have to play it without music. Odd decision, they really couldn't have gone out there and licensed some royalty free music tracks?
It's honestly just really weird. Even Indie games of similar scope like Redout have some songs on it.


Nov 1, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
Usually the indie revivals of dead franchises are spiritual successors that try to improve on the classics in some way, this sorta just sounds like Burnout... But not as good?

Hate to be so negative to a fellow indie but as a huge Burnout fan/player this just makes me a bit sad.


Oct 26, 2017
"We didn't bother to include any explosions, but if you can buy a box of matches and get a friend to sit between you and the screen and light one whenever you crash".

So what about people who don't have spotify in their country? Should they go through the hassle of making a yt playlist or something?
Yeah. Spotify availability by country

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You gotta do what You can to keep the budget down.

Fair enough, but I play tons of indies, and most at least had a slapped together generic 8-bit soundtrack at worst. Having your playerbase entirely rely on a paid service given by an external app is a really weird way to give you a soundtrack. I remember the first FlatOut game using unlicensed artists' music, making me discover some legit impressive bands in the process (like LAB). This seems like a bad solution to work around a budget issue, and this is coming from someone who is planning to play this game and who has Spotify Premium to begin with, so I could indeed use it as intended.


Oct 25, 2017
explains why they went to launch in a store without reviews :-D
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Oct 29, 2017
Custom soundtracks make perfect sense in this case. It's the ideal solution given the budget constraints... hopefully they also allow you to use custom music stored locally as well...


Nov 8, 2017
I don't have Spotify but I reckon I could tap my feet and fart in rhythm to create my own soundtrack


Oct 25, 2017
I can kiiind of respect it as a way to overcome a stretched budget. That's a poor implementation though, for reasons already well covered.

The "music is personal!" excuse is awful though. Yeah music is personal, and the soundtrack you pick contributes to the personality of the game, you shouldn't be happy with offloading such a huge element to random Spotify playlists.

Motorstorm is one of my favourite games of all time, and the soundtrack absolutely contributed to that by defining the overall atmosphere of the game.


Oct 25, 2017
User Warned - Lazy Dev Rhetoric
That'a lazy as fuck.

Although judging by the quality of their previous games, it was always going to be a hard avoid anyway unless the reviews were great (they won't be).

Stone Ocean

Oct 25, 2017
Maybe should have used that EGS paycheck to pay for a soundtrack instead of trying to spin only having music if you're using your own songs as a positive.


Oct 25, 2017
I respect more devs that know most of their audience are just gonna play Spotify/their own music in the background anyway lol


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Been playing my copy for review the last few days, game is super disappointing all around. Will be posting my review later, probably going to give it a 4.5/10.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Lol, the most important part of Burnout 3 for me was the incredible soundtrack. I still have almost every single song in my head, that made this game, partly at least.

Yeah we have Spotify and stuff, but still disappointing.


Feb 5, 2018
Glasgow, Scotland.
I don't have Spotify Premium so I won't be able to use the dpad functionality within the game itself but I have my Takedown, Revenge, Dominator/Paradise playlists ready to go. It's Burnout in everything but name, it's also the start of something new. Despite the barrage of negativity in here due to being a little rough around the edges I hope people support it.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Been playing my copy for review the last few days, game is super disappointing all around. Will be posting my review later, probably going to give it a 4.5/10.

Ouch. I've been wanting a Burnout spiritual successor for long, and this game looked the closest so far, but at the same time the gameplay always looked off and wonky, which feels like it puts in a weird spot: wanting to feel like those good old classics, but without the technical aspects to pull it off. It's why I'm much more likely to play "original" arcade racers like World Racing 2 back in the days: instead of trying to be a Need For Speed with smaller budget, they tried to approach gameplay and style differently, offering a compelling if cheap-looking product. I feel that these games should try and do their own style at this point, rather than trying to recreate Burnout 3's game modes exactly without having the technical background to do so.

Deleted member 3897

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
There are plenty of free-to-cheap options if they took a second to figure it out. Spotify integration is cool. But to have no included soundtrack, even like 10 songs? This is a pretty poor decision.
Oct 27, 2017
On one hand, I think it's a fine cost cutting idea to forgo a soundtrack when services like Spotify are everywhere and even the free versions let you listen to anything you want.

It sounds ridiculous on the sell though, people are not going to like it.

I hope it's lots of fun.


Oct 25, 2017
hey remember all of those fine racing games that are now unavailable legally because of music licensing issues or a complete disinterest of the publisher

games such as

blur and

project gotham and


also lol at the idea of the lack of a streaming app being unavailable in your country is a barrier for PC/console players not to listen to music while playing the game


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
A thread full of people have have zero concept of just how much a single licensed track costs


Usage of alt-account.
Oct 27, 2017
It's actually pretty cool idea by concept, even if executed really oddly.

I do wish more companies would try and implement an actual workable version of this. No Premium would be a start


Oct 25, 2017
Surprised it's not 60 across every platform. Can't say it's much of a looker.