
Oct 28, 2017
After the various debacles of the last couple of months, namely the DLC price increase for TWW3 DLC despite offering less content and the game's bugs as well as the newly release Pharaoh's poor performance, the CA team put out a blog post written by CA VP Roger Collum.

Overall some good stuff indicating there might be change and improvements coming. Adding 'free' additional content to previously sold DLC to improve the perception of value is a nice touch, as is refunding Pharaoh buyers the price drop difference (seemingly from cancelling the season pass DLC?)


A Message from Total War’s Leadership Team - Total War

Dear Total War fans, I’m Roger Collum, Vice President at Creative Assembly, and writing on behalf of our Total War leadership team. It has been a difficult few months, and we recognize that we have made mistakes when it comes to our relationship with you all. It’s been a constant conversation...

Dear Total War fans,

I'm Roger Collum, Vice President at Creative Assembly, and writing on behalf of our Total War leadership team.

It has been a difficult few months, and we recognize that we have made mistakes when it comes to our relationship with you all. It's been a constant conversation internally on how we can get back to solid ground. What's clear is that it won't be easy and that it will take time and effort.

We see the confusion, the frustration, and the distrust of us across the community and honestly, it breaks our hearts. We make games to bring you joy, to inspire a love of history, of fantasy, and strategy games. Total War is our everything, we care about it as deeply as you. Recently, it's clear that we have failed to demonstrate that in our actions.

We are sorry.

We cannot fix our issues overnight, but we will work towards a more transparent, and consistent relationship with you all.

Total War is a big and complex ship to steer, built on decades of knowledge, passion and technology. The slow and steady pace we've taken up till now has benefited us in the past, but today we see the need to react faster to help address the challenges that are ahead of us.

So, let's talk about those challenges, and what you can expect from both Total War: WARHAMMER III, and Total War: PHARAOH going forward.


We have listened to your feedback on Shadows of Change and we know that we failed to meet your expectations of what a DLC should be. To address that, we are enhancing our offer for everyone who purchased Shadows of Change with more content and a commitment to ensuring that we better meet your expectations going forward.

We're targeting a major update to Shadows of Change which will arrive free for everyone who owns it. We have the goal of releasing this update in February 2024, at which point it will become part of the package for everyone who buys it in the future.

That launch date is our ambition, but this isn't concrete. It may move, and as soon as those plans are finalised, we'll let you know and we'll keep you in the know as we get closer to its release.

When we return in the new year, you'll hear directly from Game Director Richard Aldridge and the WARHAMMER III team who will start to talk to you about what this expansion to Shadows of Change will look like.

Making this right is important to us, and to do this properly, Thrones of Decay will move out of its intended release window of Winter 2023. We're looking to launch this DLC in April 2024.

We also have more work to do on Thrones of Decay to make sure that we don't repeat our past mistakes, and to give you the amount of content that you rightly expect from us at these price points. Once we've launched our free update to Shadows of Change, we'll talk more about what this next DLC will offer and how it will add to your experiences of WARHAMMER III. We'll make sure that you know exactly what's coming in Thrones of Decay before pre-orders are available, and make sure that you have full transparency around the content before you see 'Buy Now' buttons.

After Thrones of Decay releases, we'll reveal what the next series of content for WARHAMMER III looks like. Our work on this beloved series isn't finished yet.

Since 4.0 went live, we've changed up how we approach making updates to the game, releasing 10 hotfixes, as well as Patch 4.1, all targeting issues that we've seen emerging after each subsequent update, as well as introducing new features like Skill Point resets that help balance and improve the core experience of playing the game.

It's an increase in the number of game updates that we'd usually release, and we want to keep this cadence of releases going forward. We can't commit to a fixed number of updates each month, as we'll ultimately release these based on the content that we're building, and the issues we see you raising that need our attention. However, over these last few months, we've released a game update roughly every two weeks and where we can, we'd like to stick to that through 2024.

Total War: PHARAOH

We want to make you aware of a decision that we've made internally surrounding the game, and what to expect with the DLC that we've been working on. There's some important information here that affects all owners of the game so please read through this part carefully.

In the next few days, all current owners of Total War: PHARAOH will see that Steam has processed a partial refund to you, and that some funds have been added to your Steam Wallet. This is happening because we have lowered the price of the game to a new RRP of $39.99/€39.99/£29.99

We don't think it's fair that our fans, who put their trust in us on PHARAOH, should in any way feel disadvantaged for buying the game at the previous price. We've also removed the higher priced editions of the game, the Deluxe Edition, and Dynasty Edition. There's now only one edition of the game available for purchase.

Our next update, and what was originally our first paid DLC will release early in 2024 as a free update for everyone who owns the game. We'll have plenty to show you about this now free addition to PHARAOH in the new year.

We have now begun the process of reassessing what comes next for PHARAOH, and while we don't have all the answers today, we want to make it clear to you that we're not closing the door on other, more ambitious updates to the game in the future. We've still got big plans, but we want to be honest with you in saying that we need to spend more time with them before putting them out on show.

Whilst we have removed the Dynasty Edition of the game from our lineup and have internally changed up our plans for what we go on to do next, we'll still be releasing incremental updates to the game that help to bring fixes and changes to the core experience along the way. One plan that we've always had since the early stages of development on PHARAOH is to expand the size of our campaign map as a free update, and to introduce even more factions and cultures to the game. We'll have more to say, and to show, what that looks like in the new year after our next update for PHARAOH releases.

We're very proud of our teammates, and grateful to all the players who picked up PHARAOH. To those players, the team are forever reading all your comments and feedback, with the goal of bringing you future fixes and changes that catch us up on the things that we've missed.

Before we sign off from today's blog, we're going to talk about how we can include more of your voices in what we do. We want to expose more of what we do behind the scenes.

Our goal is to invest more in our player channels moving forward, introducing more voices from the studio who can speak to you directly about their work and how that relates to what you want from our titles, and most importantly to keep listening to your feedback. This will all be a work in progress, so do bear with us, but this is our direction moving forward.

We again apologise for the missteps we've made. The mistakes of Total War are a shared responsibility by all the leaders of the franchise, and while it may not seem like it at times, we are listening. We really hope that the extra love we're pouring into WARHAMMER III DLC, our several recent updates, and the changes for PHARAOH show our heartfelt commitment to these games and to you.

We know we have a lot of work to do, and that this one letter doesn't amount to any proof of the future. You'll need to see the change before you believe it. You will hear from us again on the changes coming to Shadows of Change, and on what to expect for PHARAOH when we return from the holidays, and you'll continue to hear from us on the Total War leadership team once we've settled back into the flow of the new year and we'll keep bringing you more news on where we're at.

Where we make mistakes in this next part of our journey, we'll work hard to act faster to address them, to iterate whilst we learn from those moments, and to always be taking steps in the right directions. We hope that you can find patience for us as we find our footing again, and we hope in the coming months we can prove to you with actions along with words.

We hope you all enjoy a peaceful holiday. Thank you for being with us in 2023, for sharing with us in your love of Total War. We'll see you in 2024.

Happy Holidays,

Roger, and the Total War leadership team

Rich Aldridge, Stefan Aluttis, Rob Bartholomew, Chris Budd, Roger Collum, Georgi Dinchev, Janos Gaspar, Maya Georgieva, Roberto Geroli, Mark Green, Kevin McDowell, Ian Roxburgh, Mark Sutherns, Pawel Wojs.


Oct 31, 2023
Does the soft ban on generative AI also blocks us from using chatgpt to summarize the blog post and put it in the OP?


Oct 25, 2017
Curious to see how much they add to Shadows of Change. The fact that they are willing to reduce the price of Pharoah to the point of issuing partial refunds, but aren't doing the same for SoC definitely makes clear that the days of ~$10-18 DLC are over. They have a long way to go towards making SoC feel like $25 worth of content, especially since it's the first offering of a new DLC/price paradigm. I kind of feel like anything less than clearly overdelivering is not going to be good enough for a lot of people after how things have been going.


Prophet of Truth
Apr 13, 2020
Partial refunds for Pharaoh is pretty surprising to be honest, can't think of many times a company has done something like that.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not part of the Total War community but this looks like solid actions.
Things must have been really bad if they're taking these two steps though


Oct 28, 2017
Partial refunds for Pharaoh is pretty surprising to be honest, can't think of many times a company has done something like that.
I would imagine that they're doing it because they're cancelling the DLC but they already sold it via the 2 game editions so this is a roundabout way of just having a single edition of the game with no pre-sell promise of DLC

At least it seems like some of that additional content is still going to be delivered, but free now


OT Speedrunner
Oct 25, 2017
My last day working at CA was earlier this week, but it's still awesome to see them make these changes and start a course correction. Excited to see what CA do in the future, even though I'm not there anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
The content updates to WH3 are great and very "pro-consumer" in the youtube pundit way. I wish they would commit to a team that fixes technical debt and bugs in general.


Oct 25, 2017
Did Pharao bomb that hard?

Big time. It peaked with around just 5,000 people playing. That's almost the number of people currently playing Rome II right now.

This was all a long time coming. The community has been deeply dissatisfied with Creative Assembly for a good long while, so it's nice to see this has all come ahead. I'm guessing having one of their games outright cancelled weeks before release and these bumbling steps meant it's time to change strategy because they're losing a lot of their core audience. I wouldn't know when it started: some argue it's the Warhammer DLC practices, but I know people were furious when they killed support for Three Kingdoms in an announcement video where they said they were working on a new Three Kingdoms game.


Fallen Guardian
Aug 24, 2023
Glad to see they are at least addressing playerbase concerns with Warhamner 3 DLC being too pricey for the amount of content in them compared to Wharahmmer 2.

The Total War fanbase has been quite dissapointed with CA for a while, hopefully they redeem themselves with the next historical title. Please let it be an actual proper history title and not some fantasy/historical mythical mix with OP single entity generals like Troy or a smaller SAGA title getting sold at full price like Pharaoh.


Nov 8, 2017
Champaign, IL
Well, that's pretty cool, refunding the 17 players who bought Pharaoh must have been a hard pill to swallow. Lookin' forward to what they add to Shadows of Change.


Oct 27, 2017
It sounds great, they really need to fix their relationship with their fan base if they are going to focus in Total War. Shadows of Change was the first DLC that I didn't buy, I'm intrigued with what they are going to do that.


Apr 26, 2018
Poor Creative Assembly. They seemed like such a sturdy ship for such a long time. Hopefully, they get back on course. Seem to be making some right moves here.


Oct 26, 2017
They had a fanbase that more or less blindly bought all their stuff.

It'll take a while to build that back up.

I understand financial pressure isn't always something the dev has control over. But investors have to learn there's limits to margins too.


Oct 27, 2017
Glad to see some nice improvements and freebies for the fans. I like this team and didn't like where it was trending before.

Politely pointing out that summarising an already reasonably short blog post using tech prone to making basic mistakes is actively unhelpful and that you should just read it instead, if you must know.
Didn't seem that short to me, or that polite for that matter. A summary would've been helpful.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Ouch at Pharaoh but glad to see they're tackling the issues they've had head on. Also very happy to see they're updating Shadows of Change with more content.


Oct 25, 2017
theyre saying the right things at least, which is better than they were doing

but like everyone is saying, both ca and the community, it will be a long hard road to build up all the trust they had

Does the soft ban on generative AI also blocks us from using chatgpt to summarize the blog post and put it in the OP?
gee i wonder

if you dont care enough to read it then dont act like you care enough to understand whats going on

and then act defensive when someone calls you out on it


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly great to read. Shocked by the refund.
Now really hoping to see if Warhammer 3 can reach the heights of Warhammer 2


Oct 26, 2017
Probably going to pick up Pharaoh at the reduced price. I was interested in it because I really liked Troy but was just too expensive for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Poor Creative Assembly. They seemed like such a sturdy ship for such a long time. Hopefully, they get back on course. Seem to be making some right moves here.

Sturdy, no. They've been having issues with their community reception (TW wise) for a long time now. Dating back to Rome II's launch or maybe even earlier.

Good on them for issuing the partial refund though. Hopefully it can lead to Pharaoh being a really good title in the end but I'll wait and see.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
"Well, Hyenas got fucked so better fix up the Total War pipeline" - Creative Assembly management, probably.


Dec 19, 2017
As one of those filthy history TW fans sick of Warhammer, seeing Pharaoh bomb like that was painful. I am curious what a sequel to Medieval/Empire will be like, both in terms of content and reception.


Oct 25, 2017
As one of those filthy history TW fans sick of Warhammer, seeing Pharaoh bomb like that was painful. I am curious what a sequel to Medieval/Empire will be like, both in terms of content and reception.

I hear ya. I am one of those filthy Warhammer fans who only got into the series with Warhammer 2, but I definitely want to see a new flagship historical game. I haven't played Three Kingdoms but it looks real cool and it bums me out the way it got shafted.

Scott Lufkin

Dec 7, 2017
I miss being excited to play more Warhammer (all three of them) with my co-op buddy. But it's been several expansions/patches since we played because the direction they keep going with III hasn't been what we wanted, generally speaking. AI issues, mechanical issues with things like town battles - they keep making adjustments in the right direction though, I'm hopeful that next year we'll be incentivied to dive back in, but I'm not confident.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, that's pretty cool, refunding the 17 players who bought Pharaoh must have been a hard pill to swallow. Lookin' forward to what they add to Shadows of Change.
Lol basically. It seems gracious of them but pragmatically I don't think it was a hard decision when it was clear that if they pushed forward with it they would only incur further losses.

Smash-It Stan

Oct 25, 2017
Refunds is the way to go.

Hey this is not what you expected, here's your money back. Simple and Clean, wallets is what matters.


Oct 27, 2017
They got extremely complacent because only they do battles In that way but I think the time has come to advance the series in a big way. I appreciate asking for Empire 2 is common amongst the community but I do feel like the time is tight for guns again.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
They fucked up hard with Total Warhammer. 1 and 2 is so damn good and 3 came along and I was just confused how they can mess up such a good thing.

Hopefully they are sincere about fixing their mistakes.


Oct 25, 2017
Partial refunds for Pharaoh is pretty surprising to be honest, can't think of many times a company has done something like that.

I've been a Steam user since 2005 and I'm not personally aware of anything like this in Steam's history. I'm sure someone else can come up with something, but yeah, this is nigh-unprecedented.


Prophet of Regret
Aug 10, 2020
Did they forget to do marketing for Pharaoh? I remember seeing the reveal trailer, and then absolutely nothing after that.


Oct 25, 2017
I completely forgot that Total War: Troy launched as an EGS exclusive (!) and also was free to claim for the first 24 hours of release (!!!). Yeaaah...


Feb 4, 2018
The reduced price for Pharaoh makes it more tempting.

I hear ya. I am one of those filthy Warhammer fans who only got into the series with Warhammer 2, but I definitely want to see a new flagship historical game. I haven't played Three Kingdoms but it looks real cool and it bums me out the way it got shafted.

Total War: Three Kingdoms was fantastic, I definitely recommend checking it out.


Jul 17, 2021
I wouldn't know when it started: some argue it's the Warhammer DLC practices, but I know people were furious when they killed support for Three Kingdoms in an announcement video where they said they were working on a new Three Kingdoms game.
I think it half-started with the Three Kingdoms stuff. A lot of fans who were in it mainly/only for Warhammer and were less affected didn't really seem all that fussed by it at the time as the WH2 DLC hype trains were in full swing, but when WH3 and its DLC became an issue I think everyone realized that there were far-reaching problems affecting the entire series.

I'm honestly still sour about the 3K stuff myself. Just the sheer audacity of introducing so many bugs to the game via patches/DLC and then refusing to do any mother patches to fix them after abruptly cancelling all future content. I coulda lived without the cancelled DLC, but leaving it in such a state with the bugs was maddening.