It's a controversial statement, but I agree. I was so excited about the Insane Triology, rushed out to buy it at launch in order to re-live my young PS1 days... But it didn't really work like that, playing the game now felt like repeatably punching myself in the face, the contols are awkward/janky, the hit detection seems off, the game is stupidly punishing at points and the gameplay for me is just very basic and one dimensional - but most of all, I didn't find the games fun at all.
I fully understand this is my opinion and I fully respect other gamer's opinions but Crash really isn't for me anymore. It still feels like an early PS1 platformer to me.
It's made me wary of the Spyro Trilogy now as well, I LOVED Spyro when I was younger but I'm not sure I want to buy it now after my thoughts on Crash.