
Oct 8, 2018

Control seems to have an odd but undeniably compelling narrative, a la Alan Wake, while boasting intense combat that hearkens back to Remedy's Max Payne roots. The result is an experience that eschews the narrative experiment that was Quantum Break's pauses to watch live-action television and focuses on keeping you rooted in its Brutalist game world at all times. It's an appealing mix, and one that feels very welcome in a gaming landscape lorded over by looter shooters and open worlds. Stay tuned for much more on Control; I'm very keen to learn more.

How do you describe your favourite games to your friends who haven't seen them?

"The new God of War? It's like Thor from the Avengers has roid rage – it's mint." "You've never heard of Sleeping Dogs? It's like John Woo made The Raid 2 – dead underrated."

But with Control – the latest from Remedy Entertainment, the serial mind-melters behind Alan Wake and Quantum Break – you're going to have a lot more explaining on your hands.

Considering how much major publishers whine about the difficulties of creating brand new franchises it's odd how smaller companies never seem to have as much problem with the concept. Following the lukewarm reception to Quantum Break, Finnish developer Remedy would've been excused for playing things safe – making a sequel to Alan Wake or perhaps doing contract work for a big publisher – but instead they've created Control, and it may well be the best thing they've ever done.

Very high praise in the previews, exciting!

Deleted member 54320

User requested account closure
Feb 28, 2019
Really looking forward to this one. I miss Alan Wake and I'm kinda bummed out we never got a proper sequel but this looks fun.

Deleted member 51789

User requested account closure
Jan 9, 2019
The previews have renewed my enthusiasm for the game, I think it could be one of the surprises of the year.


Oct 27, 2017
will buy on x1x and ps4. i just love remedy and this looks likethe game i wanted quantum break to be (focus on combat and exploration and no cheaply made and badly acted live-action cutscenes).


Oct 25, 2017
My most anticipated game of the year still, so Im not sure if I want to watch/read previews since Im totally sold already. Might watch EZA's video and that's it


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it always looked super intriquing with all it's bizarre weirdness. Previews seem to confirm my impressions to be mostly true. Remedy is back!


"This guy are sick"
Mar 24, 2019
Really looking forward to this. Can't wait to see where the story goes and how crazy the powers get


Oct 25, 2017
This feels like the type of game I haven't played all that much of this generation. I'm keeping an eye on it and hoping for the best.


Dec 3, 2018
Really hope the gameplay loop holds up, Quantum Break got boring real quick after a great first impression.
Oct 30, 2017
They have build up a phenomenal atmospheric world, and I cannot wait to dive into it.

We need more atmospheric games like this.. we had so few of them this generation.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks a bit one dimensional with little gameplay variety. Still kind of looking forward to it but with more caution after that video.


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't like Quantum Break at all, but this has me really interested. The more open ended storytelling style combined with batshit looking combat could be a killer combo.


Oct 25, 2017
A weird ass Max Payne game with fantastic graphics is all I really wanted from this, and it sounds like Remedy delivered. Super excited about this game.


Oct 27, 2017
Quantum Break was one of the most boring games I've played this gen as far as writing and narratives go, hope this is better.
Oct 25, 2017
I'll read some of them to see if I get excited again. I was hyped because it's Remedy, but I played Quantum Break for the first time last month and, uhm... yeah.


Oct 27, 2017
Might eschew these and go in blind, since the overall sentiment seems positive. Seems like it would complement the feel Remedy is going for.
Jan 21, 2019
This game looks insane. The art style is very intriguing and has a David Lynch vibe. Also the animations when she is hovering is next gen level.

Is there a release date? If it'S sometime next year, I might just get it on PS5. Hopefully there will be a patch to utilize next gen systems.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
Game looks very promising from those previews. Glad I pre-ordered now.

does it run away or why did you pre order now?

funny to see people still pre ordering normal games. for a collectors edition i could understand it but for a normal game? exactly what this industry wants. people shouldn´t pre order at all these days, it gives a wrong signal to the publishers.


Oct 25, 2017
does it run away or why do you pre order now?

funny to see people still pre ordering normal games. for a collectors edition i an understand it but for a normal game? exactly what this industry wants.

I just pre ordered it so enjoy being the most grumpiest person in this thread
Jan 21, 2019
does it run away or why did you pre order now?

funny to see people still pre ordering normal games. for a collectors edition i could understand it but for a normal game? exactly what this industry wants. people shouldn´t pre order at all these days, it gives a wrong signal to the publishers.

Yes, as a fat man myself, I can barely keep up with new release since they run so fast, so I like to pre-order them in a cage.
Oct 25, 2017
does it run away or why did you pre order now?

funny to see people still pre ordering normal games. for a collectors edition i could understand it but for a normal game? exactly what this industry wants. people shouldn´t pre order at all these days, it gives a wrong signal to the publishers.
You can get it for cheap on PC with the current Epic Sale that ends in 10 days.


Oct 26, 2017
WIll buy every Remedy game in a heartbeat. Just glanced over the footage and looks like QB2.0 which is fine by me.
You can get it for cheap on PC with the current Epic Sale that ends in 10 days.
Yeah but it's Epic Store :D Will buy for Xbox and PC later - just like I did with Alan Wake and QB. Tradition!


Oct 27, 2017
does it run away or why did you pre order now?

funny to see people still pre ordering normal games. for a collectors edition i could understand it but for a normal game? exactly what this industry wants. people shouldn´t pre order at all these days, it gives a wrong signal to the publishers.
I buy physical games where there's a trend for AAA games to get a price bump closer to release, so it makes more sense to pre-order and then cancel if the game previews bad so I secure it for cheaper.
Last edited:
May 25, 2019
I applaud the devs/publisher for shipping it in August (albeit at the end) instead of October when it would just be overshadowed among the typical fall releases.


Lead Community Manager at Socialpoint
Oct 28, 2017


Community Manager at Remedy Entertainment
Feb 2, 2018
woo, dope thread OP, thanks :D

we're all here reading all the previews just like you lot and very glad for all the positive coverage!

WIll buy every Remedy game in a heartbeat. Just glanced over the footage and looks like QB2.0 which is fine by me.
haha well... gotta say it's very different than quantum break in terms of gameplay, story, abilities, how open the map is, how much you can play around in the space and experiment... it also doesn't have a TV tie in like quantum did. I get why you'd think that, though, the colour palette in some of the environments for example reminds me of quantum break! also both protags have a cool leather jacket

I applaud the devs/publisher for shipping it in August (albeit at the end) instead of October when it would just be overshadowed among the typical fall releases.
thanks!! so far it's showing to be a good decision


use of an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Angola / Zaire border region.
This is heavily on my radar. Everything I'm seeing / hearing looks awesome. It will be great to have this and Death Stranding as more tightly packaged experiences bewtween the major open-ended time sinks of Mario Maker and Animal Crossing.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Looking good. I'm still interested in to know Metroidvania this game is.


Oct 26, 2017
haha well... gotta say it's very different than quantum break in terms of gameplay, story, abilities, how open the map is, how much you can play around in the space and experiment... it also doesn't have a TV tie in like quantum did. I get why you'd think that, though, the colour palette in some of the environments for example reminds me of quantum break! also both protags have a cool leather jacket
Sounds even better then! :)


Oct 25, 2017
My impression is Infamous meets Prey 2017. No idea how accurate that is, but that's kinda what I'm hoping for.


Oct 8, 2018
woo, dope thread OP, thanks :D

we're all here reading all the previews just like you lot and very glad for all the positive coverage!

haha well... gotta say it's very different than quantum break in terms of gameplay, story, abilities, how open the map is, how much you can play around in the space and experiment... it also doesn't have a TV tie in like quantum did. I get why you'd think that, though, the colour palette in some of the environments for example reminds me of quantum break! also both protags have a cool leather jacket

thanks!! so far it's showing to be a good decision
happy to help! really excited for your game, so far seems to hit all the right notes.