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Aug 12, 2024
I truly feel for the developers. They must be heartbroken. Imagine dedicating so many years to a project you believe in, pouring your passion into something you hope others will love, only to see it fail. It's devastating. 😔

I don't know much about the game myself, but that's mainly because hero shooters, or any kind of shooter, really, aren't my cup of tea.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
But you said managed to get 700 people worldwide.

1. That is not true. It is more.
2. Even on Steam it reached more sales. Concurrent does not equal amount of players reached.
I'm not sure about the point of this. Obviously I'm talking about Steam, we don't have PSN numbers. Obviously, with PSN it has to be more players, and obviously it has to be more sales. I'm not talking about sales on multiplatform, I'm talking about live Steam players, which have been, in fact, peaking just below 700. Which is an absolutely absurd number, no matter how you look at it.

Sure, there might be hundreds of thousands of players hiding somewhere on PSN, but how realistic is that really?

I truly feel for the developers. They must be heartbroken. Imagine dedicating so many years to a project you believe in, pouring your passion into something you hope others will love, only to see it fail. It's devastating. 😔

I don't know much about the game myself, but that's mainly because hero shooters, or any kind of shooter, really, aren't my cup of tea.

That's kinda the thing, isn't it. The game completely missed hitting literally any audience it seems. I know plenty of people anecdotically saying "man, that sucks for the devs", me included, yet I know know one actually interested in the game - again, including me.


Jul 20, 2024
Tbh I think these numbers are more a relection of the community's ability to be influenced by, well,influencers. Which is pretty sad really. The concord PR team has a hand in that for sure. But the game is clearly good, that's not in debate, and it's not a full price title, I mean if you're haggling over the price of concord ...what are you doing. It's a game that's only playable on a ps5 or a decent PC ...and the price of concord is apparently enough to have people grab pitch forks and run In to the streets? Uh huh...

That isn't what's going on here. It's pretty obvious what is.
Dec 5, 2017
Tbh I think these numbers are more a relection of the community's ability to be influenced by, well,influencers. Which is pretty sad really. The concord PR team has a hand in that for sure. But the game is clearly good, that's not in debate, and it's not a full price title, I mean if you're haggling over the price of concord ...what are you doing. It's a game that's only playable on a ps5 or a decent PC ...and the price of concord is apparently enough to have people grab pitch forks and run In to the streets? Uh huh...

That isn't what's going on here. It's pretty obvious what is.
Is it clearly good and not in debate? It has a 66 on Metacritic.


Oct 25, 2017
But the game is clearly good, that's not in debate
Yes it is. If the game was good or stood out enough wom would carry it way further then it currently has. I played the beta, I don't think the game is good and deffo not better than any of the current free or paid options. Not to mention reviewers don't think it's "clearly good" either.


Jun 8, 2021
I think that no matter which way you look at it, this is just tragic. It's a miss for a platform holder to put out a game that isn't a hit, that's the whole point of them, it's a miss for the team who obviously didn't make a cut-and-run rip off, and put a lot of effort into a game that just hasn't found an audience, and it's a miss for Sony and their strategy, which should be being called into question for the price point, the launch window, and maybe even the whole pitch of the game.

The big platform holders all have misses occasionally - Redfall being Microsoft's biggest profile one, and... Nintendo do have them - Everybody 1-2 Switch! might be their biggest miss in years, but it was never really expected to hit. It just happens.

The way it ignites the fanbases and the discourse is the issue. Bad games and flops happen (and sometimes good games are flops and bad games are hits!), but they can be used as pointers to trends in the industry, and not be used as war fodder.


Feb 21, 2021
I'm not sure about the point of this. Obviously I'm talking about Steam, we don't have PSN numbers. Obviously, with PSN it has to be more players, and obviously it has to be more sales. I'm not talking about sales on multiplatform, I'm talking about live Steam players, which have been, in fact, peaking just below 700. Which is an absolutely absurd number, no matter how you look at it.

Even if you look at Steam. Concurrent does not mean thar it was only 700 people that bought and played the game. That is all I am saying. On Steam it reached more than 700 people.

And like I already stated previously. It absolutely sold poorly.


Oct 26, 2017
Concord got a lot of bad publicity, but publicity nontheless. This kind of publicity won't sell anyone on paying 40 bucks for the game, quite the opposite in fact.

But it does set them up for a real comeback story, if they play their cards right. If they are not afraid to pull big punches - to rework the game's Progression (sadly stuff like a Battle Pass seems to be the expected norm these days, even though I MUCH prefer Concord's traditional progression), to make it free to play, to communicate openly and be ready to drop 1 or 2 banger new characters, this publicity could be turned into a chance to come back in the long run.

Clearly, the game isn't bad. It's OK at worst, possibly quite good and has production values that few other games in the genre can muster. From here on, this is all marketing and business strategy. With the right people at the helm and a bold effort to change fundamentals (basically everything other than the core gameplay, which no one really seems to have much of a problem with) I'm pretty sure this can be turned into something that lives and breathes, even if it won't be the huge behemoth that Sony wished it to be, obviously.


Jul 11, 2018
I was thinking of trying this game, but oh well it's not available in my country, I was wondering why can't I find it anywhere


Oct 27, 2017
I truly feel for the developers. They must be heartbroken. Imagine dedicating so many years to a project you believe in, pouring your passion into something you hope others will love, only to see it fail. It's devastating. 😔

I don't know much about the game myself, but that's mainly because hero shooters, or any kind of shooter, really, aren't my cup of tea.

No doubt they gave it their all, but I doubt they would be so out of touch to think that this type of game would actually succeed in 2024. I'm sure everyone was already elated by the fact it even crossed the finish line


One Winged Slayer
Subjectively, I think the game has a boring art style and incredibly uninteresting and uninspired character designs. I also think it was unbelievably arrogant to make this a paid release when the hero shooters that are your direct competition are free to play.

Objectively, it had incredibly poor marketing. Look at these character trailers:



There is a night and day difference between those and the competition from the way the trailers are cut to the way that they convey information about not just the character but the game overall.

Overwatch 2:
Apex Legends:


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
Tbh I think these numbers are more a relection of the community's ability to be influenced by, well,influencers. Which is pretty sad really. The concord PR team has a hand in that for sure. But the game is clearly good, that's not in debate, and it's not a full price title, I mean if you're haggling over the price of concord ...what are you doing. It's a game that's only playable on a ps5 or a decent PC ...and the price of concord is apparently enough to have people grab pitch forks and run In to the streets? Uh huh...

That isn't what's going on here. It's pretty obvious what is.
This is pure unfiltered delusion.


May 30, 2023
Is it clearly good and not in debate? It has a 66 on Metacritic.
I think it depends on people's definition of good. It's certainly an enjoyable enough game on the first few plays, but is the measure of how good a GaaS just on the gameplay anymore? imo it needs more, it needs a hook and to stand out, and that's where it struggles. Merely competent isn't enough to make a GaaS good.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
Concord got a lot of bad publicity, but publicity nontheless. This kind of publicity won't sell anyone on paying 40 bucks for the game, quite the opposite in fact.

But it does set them up for a real comeback story, if they play their cards right. If they are not afraid to pull big punches - to rework the game's Progression (sadly stuff like a Battle Pass seems to be the expected norm these days, even though I MUCH prefer Concord's traditional progression), to make it free to play, to communicate openly and be ready to drop 1 or 2 banger new characters, this publicity could be turned into a chance to come back in the long run.

Clearly, the game isn't bad. It's OK at worst, possibly quite good and has production values that few other games in the genre can muster. From here on, this is all marketing and business strategy. With the right people at the helm and a bold effort to change fundamentals (basically everything other than the core gameplay, which no one really seems to have much of a problem with) I'm pretty sure this can be turned into something that lives and breathes, even if it won't be the huge behemoth that Sony wished it to be, obviously.
I think hoping for a quick f2p turnaround is a fool's errand at this point. I don't think f2p is in Sony's strategies at this point, and on top of that, that would require a massive rework of the entire game - which, with the current user numbers (presumably, on PSN) will be a very hard sell to invest further substantial amounts of money in.
If they really do f2p, it has to start immediately and they basically would have to re-release in a year or so, which then would mean they'd have to cancel all their roadmap work and do announcements about that, and expect a lot of people wanting their money back. Also, it would need another whole round of Marketing, PR, ad deals and so on, which, again, given the failure of the game would be a very hard sell to Sony.

I really think the best solution would be to just call it a day and work on a different game, keeping assets and work of this one. I'd love to be a fly on the wall at Sony/Firewalk, it must be.. quite an experience.


Jul 31, 2024
This is Sony's RedFall and Hellblade 2... Sad to see this.
I am not interested in this game, but the developers were working hard on the project and it turned to like this......


Oct 29, 2017
Concord got a lot of bad publicity, but publicity nontheless. This kind of publicity won't sell anyone on paying 40 bucks for the game, quite the opposite in fact.

But it does set them up for a real comeback story, if they play their cards right. If they are not afraid to pull big punches - to rework the game's Progression (sadly stuff like a Battle Pass seems to be the expected norm these days, even though I MUCH prefer Concord's traditional progression), to make it free to play, to communicate openly and be ready to drop 1 or 2 banger new characters, this publicity could be turned into a chance to come back in the long run.

Clearly, the game isn't bad. It's OK at worst, possibly quite good and has production values that few other games in the genre can muster. From here on, this is all marketing and business strategy. With the right people at the helm and a bold effort to change fundamentals (basically everything other than the core gameplay, which no one really seems to have much of a problem with) I'm pretty sure this can be turned into something that lives and breathes, even if it won't be the huge behemoth that Sony wished it to be, obviously.

0% chance. There is a fundamental lack of interest around this game. It's not like "oh we do this and that, it can be saved". People dont care about gameplay tweaks or even it being free when theres no interest in the product in the first place.

they would need to rename the game, throw out all the characters and redesign them from the ground up, give it a completely new vibe all around... at that point it would have to be a brand new game, which is obviously not gonna happen.

hell, id go further and say that its not just that there is no interest, but that its become the embodiment of a literal punching bag of the gaming community for various reasons.

We had big flops of the past like Evolve that seemed to have quite a lot of interest in the first place but then immediately dropped off. They made that F2p and for a few weeks the game had tons of players but then it died all the same a few months later. Making something free doesnt really solve anything, it can provide a very short term boost but thats about it. And again, that was Evolve, a game that had exponentially more players show up at launch because the concept actually interested people. With concord, you dont even have that.

Concord couldnt reach 700 CCU on its first day and on the first weekend its already dropped almost 50% off its peak CCU. Even the people that bought the game are clearly losing interest quickly.

I'm sure its doing better on PS5 (its hard to imagine it doing worse) but I doubt the trend would be any different there.

At this point thinking that marketing could save this is quite delusional imo.

Hell, even the reviews are bad.


Oct 25, 2017
I am not interested in this game, but the developers were working hard on the project and it turned to like this......
I would really love to hear some game developer opinions on this. I'm a developer myself (not games though), and we know, when a project will fail miserably most of the time. I never worked 8 years on something though


Oct 25, 2017
This is Sony's RedFall and Hellblade 2... Sad to see this.
I am not interested in this game, but the developers were working hard on the project and it turned to like this......
Not sure Hellblade 2 is much of a comparison. It reviewed pretty well. Not great, but decently. It's a small, 6 hour linear campaign made by a really small team vs Concord which was meant to be Sony's next big thing. I don't think Hellblade ever had any expectations on it of being some smash hit that sold big numbers.
Oct 31, 2017
Tbh I think these numbers are more a relection of the community's ability to be influenced by, well,influencers. Which is pretty sad really. The concord PR team has a hand in that for sure. But the game is clearly good, that's not in debate, and it's not a full price title, I mean if you're haggling over the price of concord ...what are you doing. It's a game that's only playable on a ps5 or a decent PC ...and the price of concord is apparently enough to have people grab pitch forks and run In to the streets? Uh huh...

That isn't what's going on here. It's pretty obvious what is.

Listen to what you are saying. The people they have paid good money for to play and showcase their game are saying that they're not having a good experience. These are the people who are usually way more likely to hype up your game, regardless of if they actually like it or not, because they are literally paid thousands upon thousands of dollars for it.

I'm sure there's chuds out there who have it out for concord but to insinuate that all of this is some combined effort to have this game fail is crazy.


Nov 12, 2023
Subjectively, I think the game has a boring art style and incredibly uninteresting and uninspired character designs. I also think it was unbelievably arrogant to make this a paid release when the hero shooters that are your direct competition are free to play.

Objectively, it had incredibly poor marketing. Look at these character trailers:



There is a night and day difference between those and the competition from the way the trailers are cut to the way that they convey information about not just the character but the game overall.

Overwatch 2:
Apex Legends:

I'm not sure who approved the two above designs and thought 'people will love this'.


Oct 26, 2017
0% chance. There is a fundamental lack of interest around this game. It's not like "oh we do this and that, it can be saved". People dont care about gameplay tweaks or even it being free when theres no interest in the product in the first place.

they would need to rename the game, throw out all the characters and redesign them from the ground up, give it a completely new vibe all around... at that point it would have to be a brand new game, which is obviously not gonna happen.

hell, id go further and say that its not just that there is no interest, but that its become the embodiment of a literal punching bag of the gaming community for various reasons.

We had big flops of the past like Evolve that seemed to have quite a lot of interest in the first place but then immediately dropped off. They made that F2p and for a few weeks the game had tons of players but then it died all the same a few months later. Making something free doesnt really solve anything, it can provide a very short term boost but thats about it. And again, that was Evolve, a game that had exponentially more players show up at launch because the concept actually interested people. With concord, you dont even have that.

Concord couldnt reach 700 CCU on its first day and on the first weekend its already dropped almost 50% off its peak CCU. Even the people that bought the game are clearly losing interest quickly.

I'm sure its doing better on PS5 (its hard to imagine it doing worse) but I doubt the trend would be any different there.

At this point thinking that marketing could save this is quite delusional imo.

Hell, even the reviews are bad.

I think you are focusing a bit too much on my point about free 2 play and ignoring all the other points in my post. I'm certainly not 100% confident it would work, but I think proclaiming a 0% chance is a pretty silly stance to take in a world where the mood and general opinion around a game can and has changed by 180 degrees countless times in the past, in both directions.

That people don't play Concord isn't a fundamental, inescapable truth. It's a direct result of the current market, the marketing, the characters, the gameplay, SO MANY things. I made the point that BOLD action would need to be taken, but if it was, the publicity it got could absolutely be used as a jumping off point. A lot of people have heard and read about the game. Assuming the DO rebuild the progression of the game, they DO change the character designs (not something I think is necessary, I think in hindsight a lot of people will now claim it was always obvious to them these designs could NEVER work and connect them directly to the lack of interest in the game; I'm not entirely convinced), they DO go on a big redemption tour, reframing their failure to sell the game as an effort to listen to concerns of gamersTM with this new Concord allong with a big streamer push? Way crazier things have happened. Do you think it should happen or that it's woth it? That's a different question.

A lot of effort and money would have to be involved but both pretty much pale in comparison to the effort and money already invested into this game for close to a decade. Countless Brands that were completley toxic and failing in the market have gone through rebrands in way more fundamental ways than any game would have to.


Oct 27, 2017
Not sure Hellblade 2 is much of a comparison. It reviewed pretty well. Not great, but decently. It's a small, 6 hour linear campaign made by a really small team vs Concord which was meant to be Sony's next big thing. I don't think Hellblade ever had any expectations on it of being some smash hit that sold big numbers.
Hellblade was the game shown on every Xbox showcase for years.

Concord was announced very recently and released. How was this supposed to be the next big Sony thing?

Also, according to google Firewalk is 169 employees and Ninja Theory 120 - not a big difference. Both games had very long dev/planning cycles

That said, Hellblade did better Steam numbers and was on GP.


Oct 25, 2017
Hellblade was the game shown on every Xbox showcase for years.

Concord was announced very recently and released. How was this supposed to be the next big Sony thing?

Also, according to google Firewalk is 169 employees and Ninja Theory 120 - not a big difference. Both games had very long dev/planning cycles

That said, Hellblade did better Steam numbers and was on GP.
I mean, they made a special edition controller, got it its own episode on that new Amazon show, paid quite a few of the very biggest streamers to play it, etc. They clearly hoped to make this another breakout hit that loads of people played.

What I meant is that I highly doubt Phil Spencer and the higher ups there expected Hellblade to be a sales smash hit. The game is a small, niche experience and not something that was trying to be a mass appeal, long term product like Concord.


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, they made a special edition controller, got it its own episode on that new Amazon show, paid quite a few of the very biggest streamers to play it, etc. They clearly hoped to make this another breakout hit that loads of people played.

What I meant is that I highly doubt Phil Spencer and the higher ups there expected Hellblade to be a sales smash hit. The game is a small, niche experience and not something that was trying to be a mass appeal, long term product like Concord.

The only things Hellblade and Concord have in common is that they both would have fared much better as launch games.


Dec 9, 2021
Just looking at some of these videos and if I was asked what game it was I would say overwatch. I don't see anything that differentiates it in the videos, it's so strange that it just looks like a duplicate to my eye.


Oct 25, 2017
Tbh I think these numbers are more a relection of the community's ability to be influenced by, well,influencers. Which is pretty sad really. The concord PR team has a hand in that for sure. But the game is clearly good, that's not in debate, and it's not a full price title, I mean if you're haggling over the price of concord ...what are you doing. It's a game that's only playable on a ps5 or a decent PC ...and the price of concord is apparently enough to have people grab pitch forks and run In to the streets? Uh huh...

That isn't what's going on here. It's pretty obvious what is.

Is there hate from chuds? Absolutely
Is there hate from people that don't like Sony doing GaaS? You better believe it

Do these two things alone cause such low sales? Hell no

Not only would that be giving too much power to these factors, it just wouldn't make sense. You'd think that ok, the developers decided to make something these chuds hate and will instead get a different segment of the population. Well then, where are those people? The more logical thing is that they made an off-putting product for everyone. The SoP was awful, and no one seems to like what they created from the onset. Nothing grabbed anyone. That's why this failed


Aug 29, 2023
Cologne (Germany)
I think the game would have benefitted from a ~10 hours long campaign with a lot of cutscenes and high production values. Overwatch succeeded as a paid game but that was in 2016, the market has shifted.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the first time I'm actually seeing the designs in this game, and I don't think I've vibed less with characters since Nidhogg 2.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the game would have benefitted from a ~10 hours long campaign with a lot of cutscenes and high production values. Overwatch succeeded as a paid game but that was in 2016, the market has shifted.

It probably would have. It also would be such a change in scope the cost, dev time and team size would have exploded, it was probably just not feasible.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
I would really love to hear some game developer opinions on this. I'm a developer myself (not games though), and we know, when a project will fail miserably most of the time. I never worked 8 years on something though
From my experience, the bigger the company/team working on it, the more blind you will be for obvious misguided dev directions. You might think "oh well, this particular idea might not be the best", then you visit tons of standups, meetings about the progress of things, dailies with artists, devs, designers hyping their new shit that's really cool, you see QA and collegues playing the game all the time and having a blast - mostly because they kinda have to - and tend to see all the good things, the cool ideas being worked on, the little details you really like, the positive outlooks from product and project, the motivational words from c-layer when they do their usual spiel, stuff like that.
You get sucked into the general "hype" of doing a cool thing with a big team, and suddenly your doubts turn into a tiny nitpick that's probably not even worth mentioning.
Then come the playtesters, who have been handpicked, and likely mostly report the positives, then there's the next super cool cutscene you get to see, and so on and so forth.

If you compare that to like a team of five people worrying about their future every day, it's a completely different mindset (and a much, much higher ignorance when it comes to negatives).

Again, just from my personal experience, but that's generally what I think happens with these AAA flops easily.


Feb 8, 2024
I think the game would have benefitted from a ~10 hours long campaign with a lot of cutscenes and high production values. Overwatch succeeded as a paid game but that was in 2016, the market has shifted.
I was excited for the first few minutes because I thought this would be a GotG SP game ... till they started fighting and the big guy started using his Skin as a Shield. The whole setup and setting of the game feels like its tailor made for a Singleplayer Game, it is is so strange.


Nov 25, 2021
From my experience, the bigger the company/team working on it, the more blind you will be for obvious misguided dev directions. You might think "oh well, this particular idea might not be the best", then you visit tons of standups, meetings about the progress of things, dailies with artists, devs, designers hyping their new shit that's really cool, you see QA and collegues playing the game all the time and having a blast - mostly because they kinda have to - and tend to see all the good things, the cool ideas being worked on, the little details you really like, the positive outlooks from product and project, the motivational words from c-layer when they do their usual spiel, stuff like that.
You get sucked into the general "hype" of doing a cool thing with a big team, and suddenly your doubts turn into a tiny nitpick that's probably not even worth mentioning.
Then come the playtesters, who have been handpicked, and likely mostly report the positives, then there's the next super cool cutscene you get to see, and so on and so forth.

If you compare that to like a team of five people worrying about their future every day, it's a completely different mindset (and a much, much higher ignorance when it comes to negatives).

Again, just from my personal experience, but that's generally what I think happens with these AAA flops easily.
Yup that's a common phenomena, it's called groupthink.


Oct 27, 2017
Just looking at some of these videos and if I was asked what game it was I would say overwatch. I don't see anything that differentiates it in the videos, it's so strange that it just looks like a duplicate to my eye.
This is nothing new. These games look similar. It was always like that. The Military shooters, the MOBAs, the hero shooters the Battle Royales.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
The Waifu/Husbando factor is really important, I struggle to imagine Rule 34 featuring anybody these guys. Not even joking, that is what initially skyrocketed Overwatch's popularity
Y'all telling on yourself because no, gooning is not the reason overwatch blew up. It being a new IP from Blizzard is what made it skyrocket to popularity. Jesus christ.


Oct 5, 2022
I'm rooting for the game to bounce back as I don't want everything to be F2P and slop IP like Marvel.

I think the art style and designs are not as bad as it's being made out. Haymar is a baddie. I'll concede that it's definitely a choice to have designs that only target the gen-Z??? It doesn't have a universal catch, and I feel old as a 30+ guy!


Oct 27, 2017

Bill Gaitas

Oct 25, 2017
Y'all telling on yourself because no, gooning is not the reason overwatch blew up. It being a new IP from Blizzard is what made it skyrocket to popularity. Jesus christ.
Exactly lmao. This thread is getting pretty fucking stupid, with all the gooning shit and complaining about character design on a shit ass low quality jpeg screenshot. I don't care about this game but it's getting pretty ridiculous now.
=> Hellblade 2, was announced in TGA 2019 as the first next-gen Xbox exclusive and served as an answer from Xbox for action cinematic game. And it turned to...
Don't know why people keep bringing that point up because the game was never intened to be a single player blockbuster game like the Sony single player titles. It's more Hellblade. I thought that discourse had ended when the game came out but folks keep spewing nonsense.


Jul 31, 2024
Redfall peaked at 6,124. Hellblade 2 peaked at 3,982.

These are not even close to Concord.

Hellblade 2 having less peak CCU than RedFall was even sadder... All 3 are terrible.
=> RedFall, was considered the first true next-gen Xbox exclusive because other 1st party titles before RedFall were all cross-gen. And it turned to...
=> Hellblade 2, was announced in TGA 2019 as the first next-gen Xbox exclusive and served as an answer from Xbox for action cinematic game. And it turned to...
=> Concord, not sure if it could be labelled as Sony's 1st AAA GaaS game (excluding Destiny 2). And it turned to...

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I mean at the very least Randy Pitchford was not-so-subtly trying to get the horndog audience to play BattleBorn back in the day, so the idea isn't entirely without merit.


This is just saying that games discourse is remarkably gross when it comes to women in games which is why we, on this website, have had multiple threads about that topic specifically. It is genuinely a self report to unironically argue "Rule 34 is the reason a new IP from Blizzard that was getting millions of views per video and extremely hyped up and extremely positive impressions everywhere blew up actually."

Exactly lmao. This thread is getting pretty fucking stupid, with all the gooning shit and complaining about character design on a shit ass low quality jpeg screenshot. I don't care about this game but it's getting pretty ridiculous now
It was ridiculous from the start when less than barely an hour had passed when before this thread was made but nah gotta get those dunks in. And now devs on twitter are getting harassed explicitly with the number "600" just for the egregious crime of talking about enjoying their involvement with the game. We even got people talking how the jawlines aren't enough like jfc ITT while comparing key art with a youtube thumbnail that not only has characters with alternate colors, but also completely fucks up their proportions and comparing that with official key art of other games. Oh and let's just ignore the giant red flag that is feeling the need to bring up and dunk on Dustborn, which has ZERO relation to this game but just so happens to be another game with a diverse cast and is getting dunked on by very specific crowds.. Fucking love how people thought they were being slick with that. Carry on gamers(tm)🙃
Last edited:
Jul 5, 2024
Y'all telling on yourself because no, gooning is not the reason overwatch blew up. It being a new IP from Blizzard is what made it skyrocket to popularity. Jesus christ.

I'm saying it was a small but important factor, word of mouth and internet discourse nonsense helped stoke the fires. During the Onlywatch days folks were just going mad watching the gameplay and making art.

Sorry to say but sex still sells

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I'm saying it was a small but important factor
I mean this in the most blunt way possible.

It wasn't. In them most literal sense. Dudes on the internet very loudly telling everyone that they were jerking it to video game characters was not a factor in Overwatch's success. It was just a bunch of weirdos being very vocal about their porn consumption habits. And representative of how creepy video game discourse could be overall.
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