
Oct 27, 2017
For a number of years now I like to settle down in the evening with a cup at around 8:00 PM and have no problem using decaffeinated beans. I limit myself to one cup only, and don't have any problems sleeping. I recognize this is bad habit though and am down for change.

Curious if any of you drink coffee in the evening or have alternatives that work for you? If so what?


Aug 26, 2018
I was going to say hot chocolate but it was mentioned already. It's great with whipped cream. You can even just buy like Starbucks hot chocolate and use milk. It's great.
Nov 9, 2017
For a number of years now I like to settle down in the evening with a cup at around 8:00 PM and have no problem using decaffeinated beans. I limit myself to one cup only, and don't have any problems sleeping. I recognize this is bad habit though and am down for change.

Curious if any of you drink coffee in the evening or have alternatives that work for you? If so what?

This was me until last year.

After 1pm if I want that caffeine kick but not to stay up all night - Black Chai Tea.

Anything else - herbal tea. Experiment with different kinds to find what you like.

What's wrong with a coffee at night?

Nothing but it can keep people up all night (me, for example).
Oct 27, 2017
Water, perhaps with some lemon juice squirted in.
But I try not to drink much of anything in the evening, otherwise I have to get up to pee a couple of times while trying to sleep.


Oct 30, 2017
I usually go with herbal tea in the evening.

Nothing wrong with decaf though. It's pleasant enough, especially when I'm craving an imaginary kick.
Oct 25, 2017
This was me until last year.

After 1pm if I want that caffeine kick but not to stay up all night - Black Chai Tea.

Anything else - herbal tea. Experiment with different kinds to find what you like.

Nothing but it can keep people up all night (me, for example).

The caffeine? You wouldn't want to stay up when you're supposed to be asleep
But OP said it didn't keep them up at night so I'm wondering what the issue is then?


Oct 28, 2017
I was going to say hot chocolate but it was mentioned already. It's great with whipped cream. You can even just buy like Starbucks hot chocolate and use milk. It's great.
Not sure swapping in tons of sugar is the ticket.

Like others have said, herbal tea at night is the best. Tons of options.


Oct 27, 2017
The caffeine? You wouldn't want to stay up when you're supposed to be asleep

Keeps you up at night.

The OP specifically says they have no trouble sleeping though.

I myself like to just drink non-caffeinated teas at night, or even teas to help me drift off to sleep. I buy Valerian tea from Amazon the most and I feel very comfortable after drinking it. Then I'll just meditate and crash out in like 30 minutes.
Nov 9, 2017
But OP said it didn't keep them up at night so I'm wondering what the issue is then?

There is none. But OP also mentioned they wanted to try something else.

As for the caffeine keeping people up a night, not everyone is affected by it. I wasn't affected by it until about the age of 40 then it started to change and I can't drink coffee in the afternoon anymore if I wanna get any sort of sleep.


Oct 30, 2017
Geez I always have around 4 cups of coffee a day (breakfast x2, after lunch, and after dinner) and have no issues sleeping. I wonder if I go decaf how that would affect my sleep.. hmm..
Oct 25, 2017
There is none. But OP also mentioned they wanted to try something else.

As for the caffeine keeping people up a night, not everyone is affected by it. I wasn't affected by it until about the age of 40 then it started to change and I can't drink coffee in the afternoon anymore if I wanna get any sort of sleep.
But they specifically said "I recognize this is bad habit though and am down for change."
I was wondering what's bad about it if they had no side effects.
Like honestly I wasn't sure if there was some study that says coffee before bed is bad for you or something
Or if they don't want the sugar. Or whatever
Nov 9, 2017
But they specifically said "I recognize this is bad habit though and am down for change."
I was wondering what's bad about it if they had no side effects.
Like honestly I wasn't sure if there was some study that says coffee before bed is bad for you or something

Ehhhhh......I could probably dig up something online (both sides of the conversation) but this is one of those things I've found that really varies person to person. Like I once dated someone who was Middle Eastern and coffee was like water to them - on the flip side, I know people who can only have a half cup of coffee and anymore gives them the coffee shakes.

It all depends on what you can handle/environmental factors/biological factors etc.

Coffee is one of those things that is either revered or cursed and it seems to flip every three years or so in the media - "Coffee has X health benefits", whereas you also get those "Coffee is killing you" kinda articles (I've seen both on CNN over the years).

Caffeine does have adverse health effects - that has been proven (it's bad for the heart in large quantities for example). It can also mess with sleep. My source on this is me - someone who lives with a heart condition and have had many MANY conversations with my cardiologist about this.


Nov 2, 2017
Get in. Not that weirdo milk stuff, just raw black Turkish tea. Can't get enough of it.



Jun 20, 2019
Decaf tea, decaf coffee, and cocoa have all been mentioned and are all great options. I usually go tea or cocoa: tea if I've had enough calories already or cocoa if I want a sweet treat. Decaf coffee is a rarity because I have to make a small pot, so if my girlfriend doesn't want any I'd end up dumping a bunch of it.

Edit: sometimes I'll have a beer or a glass of wine, but right now in the winter I prefer a hot beverage in the evening.


Oct 28, 2017
Of course I'd rather do it myself with ginger and lemon..but I usually have these as backups when I just want to quickly have something. And I don't to add any sugar or anything, they taste good by itself.



Nov 8, 2018
The obvious answer here is: tea (if you're leaning towards a hot drink anyway).

Darker teas are more oxidized and will have more caffeine (black teas, oolong), so you'll likely want to skew towards white, green, or herbal teas, if caffeine is a concern. I tend to like black or oolong teas for their earthier/maltose flavor profiles, but white teas are nice and light and green teas are nice if you can get accustomed to the more vegetal notes (not strong, depending on the variety, but it's there).

For caffeine free teas, I'm a fan of honeybush or rooibos teas, which are naturally caffeine free. Chamomile is a nice, earthier/floral one and goes nicely with a spoon of honey or sugar (partial to a a spoon of homemade demarara simple syrup personally). If you're open to something a bit different and cold, kombucha is nice, but it's also typically made with a blend of black/green teas, so there may be some caffeine concerns (and a marginal a hint of alcohol, assuming you don't go for a hard kombucha).

Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
I'll drink a cup of coffee around 5-6 if it's a Friday night and I'll be up later, but otherwise, I could go for decaf too. Most evenings, this is my nighttime drink of choice.



Oct 27, 2017
The obvious answer here is: tea (if you're leaning towards a hot drink anyway).

Darker teas are more oxidized and will have more caffeine (black teas, oolong), so you'll likely want to skew towards white, green, or herbal teas, if caffeine is a concern. I tend to like black or oolong teas for their earthier/maltose flavor profiles, but white teas are nice and light and green teas are nice if you can get accustomed to the more vegetal notes (not strong, depending on the variety, but it's there).

For caffeine free teas, I'm a fan of honeybush or rooibos teas, which are naturally caffeine free. Chamomile is a nice, earthier/floral one and goes nicely with a spoon of honey or sugar (partial to a a spoon of homemade demarara simple syrup personally). If you're open to something a bit different and cold, kombucha is nice, but it's also typically made with a blend of black/green teas, so there may be some caffeine concerns (and a marginal a hint of alcohol, assuming you don't go for a hard kombucha).
Good suggestions here, thanks. I haven't tried rooibos before, I'm intrigued.


Oct 25, 2017
there's some great decaf beans available these days, just look for stuff that's Swiss water processed


Nov 8, 2018
Also worth noting, that with teas, if you're not accustomed to drinking them straight — maybe they're too plain or uninteresting at the outset — you can also opt for blends that usually will mix herbs/flowers/dehydrated fruit and the like to give different flavor profiles. Your local store will have the basics, but online stores (like Harney & Sons) will run the full spectrum and also help provide insight into the different varieties.

Also, not sure how much of a coffee head you are, but be mindful about temperature and steep times with teas. Lighter teas prefer lower temps (lest you scorch the more delicate flavors) and steep times times, like with coffee, can change the flavor by over or under extraction. The tea will usually tell you on the box what they aim for, but you can adjust accordingly. Also, tea can typically be steeped/re-used a few times if you want successive pours.

For herbal teas, I'd be remiss not to mention a nice Moroccan styled mint tea w/honey as a crowd pleaser, as are any jasmine teas that may be tossed with citrus blooms. Easy sipping for any time of day.

I would steer clear of Japanese style teas (eg, sencha), unless you like Japanese styled flavor profiles (think nori, as the teas tend to be very vegetal and dry) and similarly with matcha (strong grassy flavors). Those are more of acquired tastes.

Like the OP, I love my coffee and can drink it at night with zero qualms, but I also wanted to branch out and teas are just…fun. So are cocktails. And amaros.

But for my good habit side, teas, kombucha, and mocktails should do the trick, as long as you're mindful about the sugar intake (been tinkering with non-alcoholic liquor style subs, which can be interesting).


Prophet of Truth - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
A girl in my class takes caffeine pills lol, everyone always says it works but I've never tried myself

I like the white monster zero cans personally
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Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
I would pick something that doesn't taste like dirty water. 😆

Flavored waters or sugar/caffeine free carbonated drinks?

Does it need to be hot?