
Oct 28, 2017

Seems to be up a few days early. If you haven't been paying attention and haven't seen all the awards the game has been winning, now is the time to try it out and give it a chance.

And it's free!

Last edited:
Feb 10, 2018
Is this game just a very good 2d platform like rayman or Mario?

I liked rayman because of the excellent music and how it ties into gameplay. I also like the visuals.
But I'm not to into 2d side scrollers, will celeste appeal to me? If it's only tight 2d gameplay it does not sound appealing to me.

Deleted member 3017

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Oct 25, 2017
Is this game just a very good 2d platform like rayman or Mario?

I liked rayman because of the excellent music and how it ties into gameplay. I also like the visuals.
But I'm not to into 2d side scrollers, will celeste appeal to me? If it's only tight 2d gameplay it does not sound appealing to me.

Have you played Super Meat Boy? It's basically the evolution of that style of 2D platformer.

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah that's what I got from watching part of review.
While super meat boy is good, it's not game of the year good, or 10/10 good.

Is celeste just about gameplay? No story or new mechanics? It's just really tight smb like gameplay?

There's a story and a nice sense of progression. It's much better than Super Meat Boy in this regard. Also, new mechanics introduced in most chapters.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
My number two of the year. A phenomenal game. Don't sleep on this.


User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I'm waiting for a sale on switch to replay the game.
I think I was a bit too hard towards on my first playthrough (even though I still liked it a lot).


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah that's what I got from watching part of review.
While super meat boy is good, it's not game of the year good, or 10/10 good.

Is celeste just about gameplay? No story or new mechanics? It's just really tight smb like gameplay?
No. To sum it up:

- A surprisingly well done story with charming and well written characters
- Brilliant level design with a plethora of cool platforming mechanics that get used to their fullest potential
- An excellent, varied soundtrack from Lena Raine and guests
- Fun to get secrets and collectibles, some of which unlock new, fantastic harder levels set to remixed songs from the OG levels. There's a lot of them and they're just as good if not better than the main levels
- Satisfying challenge and a fairly steady, gradual, difficulty curve that makes you feel like a platforming god when you can fly through earlier levels on replays that initially gave you trouble
- Really good UI/UX design that makes life easy on completionists without handing things to you, multiple checkpoints in each level that you can teleport back to and see exactly what you're missing and where from the menu or pause screen
- Easy to learn but hard to master movement mechanics that reward the player for their precision and consistency with the d-pad or analog stick. Nailing a screen in Celeste feels akin to pulling a complex fighting game combo without dropping a single input

It's the full package.


Oct 27, 2017
It's just when games get 95+ scores or are peoples game of the year, there are reason for this. I can say why RDR2 is my GOTY can anyone do the same for celeste?

-Great gameplay that doesn't grow stale because new elements are gradually introduced to make each chapter unique. Also, the movement feels perfect.

-Excellent level design

-Touching story that is relatable for many people

-Top notch OST

-Plenty of content. Every chapter has optional strawberries for you to collect that add an extra challenge beyond simply getting to the next screen. There's also B Side and C Side variants of every chapter that are much more difficult and push you to understand the finer nuances of the gameplay in order to succeed.

Though the game is free now so you can just try it for yourself and see why people rave about it.


Oct 25, 2017
This isn't one of those ultra hard independent games is it? Seems like thats usually the standard difficulty level for a lot of these small budget games.

Deleted member 14313

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's just when games get 95+ scores or are peoples game of the year, there are reason for this. I can say why RDR2 is my GOTY can anyone do the same for celeste?
In short it is a challenging but not frustrating (thanks to very good design) puzzle platformer with near-perfect feeling mechanics and a beautiful ludonarrative about depression/anxiety/etc. Also has amazing graphics and music. Both in gameplay and narrative it is masterfully paced effectively teaching mechanics, developing them and combining them and never dragging too long in any one part.

I honestly cannot think of a single flaw besides once or twice seeing a background element that I thought was in the foreground.


Oct 29, 2017
Glad this is free for me to try. It looks like it'll be too hard and frustrating for me but I'll give it a shot for free.
Feb 10, 2018
No. To sum it up:

- A surprisingly well done story with charming and well written characters
- Brilliant level design with a plethora of cool platforming mechanics that get used to their fullest potential
- An excellent, varied soundtrack from Lena Raine and guests
- Fun to get secrets and collectibles, some of which unlock new, fantastic harder levels set to remixed songs from the OG levels. There's a lot of them and they're just as good if not better than the main levels
- Satisfying challenge and a fairly steady, gradual, difficulty curve that makes you feel like a platforming god when you can fly through earlier levels on replays that initially gave you trouble
- Really good UI/UX design that makes life easy on completionists without handing things to you, multiple checkpoints in each level that you can teleport back to and see exactly what you're missing and where from the menu or pause screen
- Easy to learn but hard to master movement mechanics that reward the player for their precision and consistency with the d-pad or analog stick. Nailing a screen in Celeste feels akin to pulling a complex fighting game combo without dropping a single input

It's the full package.
-Great gameplay that doesn't grow stale because new elements are gradually introduced to make each chapter unique. Also, the movement feels perfect.

-Excellent level design

-Touching story that is relatable for many people

-Top notch OST

-Plenty of content. Every chapter has optional strawberries for you to collect that add an extra challenge beyond simply getting to the next screen. There's also B Side and C Side variants of every chapter that are much more difficult and push you to understand the finer nuances of the gameplay in order to succeed.

Though the game is free now so you can just try it for yourself and see why people rave about it.

Thanks you guys.

Seems like it really has some old school elements a lot of today's games lack.

Not the sort of game I would normally go for, but the story elements have me interested.

I'm downloading now so will give a good shot and report back.


Mar 19, 2018
I'm gonna hold out a bit longer myself, pre-orders for physical copies on switch & PS4 go on sale on Tuesday at Limited Run.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
It's my GoTY easily. This game got me through some difficult times and unlike so many other games I've played this year from God of War to Spider-Man, it actually managed to take complete hold of my attention from start to finish. Absolute escapism in pixels, and with challenging but completely fair and precise gameplay and genius level design. And the soundtrack of the year.

And with it being on GwG everyone gets to play it using the best D-Pad this gen too - I made a big mistake initially buying this on Switch.
Thanks for the heads up. I'm worried I'll be rubbish at this tho.
You'll be rubbish at first and feel like a God by the end.


Oct 27, 2017
Glad more people will get to play this game now or at least they should if they take advantage of the free price. This will be my third copy of the game as I own it on PS4 already and plan to buy the physical PS4 copy Limited Run Games is doing in a few days.


Oct 30, 2017
GWG selections like this are a big part of why I enjoy the service. I would have picked up Celeste eventually based on the positive word of mouth, but now I have incentive to try it ASAP.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, I actually like this a whole lot. I almost missed out on this thing for the year.


Dec 20, 2017
Just started playing it. Got to chapter 2, but decided to call it a night since it's now 3AM. Really liking the atmosphere and just general tone of the game. Really excited for what's coming next.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
GOTY candidate, and a game i enjoyed far more than RDR2, Spider-Man & God of War

It's just when games get 95+ scores or are peoples game of the year, there are reason for this. I can say why RDR2 is my GOTY can anyone do the same for celeste?

yes, the marriage of gameplay, theme, art and music are pitch perfect

it's a game about pushing and overcoming and makes you feel it

the gameplay itself is incredibly top tier. i imagine many of the reviews you mention say more.


Oct 27, 2017
This isn't one of those ultra hard independent games is it? Seems like thats usually the standard difficulty level for a lot of these small budget games.

The main game is challenging but not overly hard (for me, anyway). The way the game is divided into bite-sized screens that each serve as a check point makes the difficulty pretty bearable. Though the optional strawberries to collect can be pretty tough to get, but like I said, they're completely optional, and they're mainly only there for an extra challenge for those who seek it.

You can also turn off damage from touching hazards like spikes and increase the number of air dashes Madeline can use if the game is too hard.


Oct 26, 2017
Haven't played the game before, but I was reading an achievement walkthrough, does the game really go from a 9/10 difficulty to a 3/10 difficulty with assist mode turned on? Lol. I've seen it recommended to turn on

Deleted member 9100

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Probably the most overrated game I've played this year. After hearing all the hype, I got it for Switch.

Not a fan at all. And I love platformers and super difficult platformers (I was a big fan of super meat boy).

I wish I saw what others see in it, but I don't at all.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah that's what I got from watching part of review.
While super meat boy is good, it's not game of the year good, or 10/10 good.

Is celeste just about gameplay? No story or new mechanics? It's just really tight smb like gameplay?

It's got a story and narrative, and it's quite nice, and while I think of Super Meat Boy's gameplay as good beer, where you drink it and you're like "hey damn this is good," Celeste's gameplay is like a mega expensive bottle of rum or whiskey where you drink it and realize after a few moments with it that you just took something special into your body.

@everyone else: don't turn on assists unless you absolutely cannot handle this type of game. The game does a great job of teaching what needs to be taught and it does harm the narrative aim somewhat for the game to become so easy.

Screen Looker

Nov 17, 2018
It's just when games get 95+ scores or are peoples game of the year, there are reason for this. I can say why RDR2 is my GOTY can anyone do the same for celeste?

I thought the platforming was very inventive and enjoyable even in its frustration at messing up sometimes. Never found it unfair though.

I think the story is very hopeful and recognizable as well as plays along great with the progression of the game.

There were some challenges I just didn't sign up for in getting some of the collectibles, but I thought the entire game from start to finish first proved challenging but rewarding. You didn't just finish a task and then it just ignored it to tell you to do the next.

It goes from "oh this is challenging" to interesting, then it got wild, then it went all the way there, and then it brings you all the way back as it tackles being a story that overcomes your own personal barriers or anxieties to achieve success.

It's a good'un that you should try especially since it's free.

Screen Looker

Nov 17, 2018
Haven't played the game before, but I was reading an achievement walkthrough, does the game really go from a 9/10 difficulty to a 3/10 difficulty with assist mode turned on? Lol. I've seen it recommended to turn on

I didn't play with assist mode on. It's definitely challenging in parts, but it's not insurmountable.

If anything, if you just get frustrated the assist mode would probably take that out for you entirely.