
Oct 25, 2017
Finished episode 2 a couple of minutes ago. Really liking it so far - and those small fan service moments are fucking nice. Like the SOTN save thingie in Ep. 1.

And yeah, the "eat shit and die" exchange was marvelous hahaha


Oct 25, 2017
Regarding Episode 7:


Anyone else love how Dracula ultimately died? How many villains break down in their final moments when they realize just what the fuck they're about to do. It made Dracula a way more tragic figure than if they had just killed him normally.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Forgot this was coming out. Really excited for it, but my weekend is going to be busy with Red Dead 2 and LA comicon. Hopefully I can still squeeze an episode or two in. Loved season 1.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Watched the first two eps;

That was great. Animation is great. The eat shit and die part though,damn
Jan 9, 2018
Absolutely amazing, I really hope we get a Season 3. Having never played a game in the series, I'm particularly interested in getting the Richter games adapted soon after his Smash reveal, but the hooks they left in Episode 8 of this plus what some of you guys have mentioned about Curse of Darkness definitely has me hyped.

Episode 7 was especially something. I'm going to be rewatching this one episode for years to come, that's for sure.


Fight Sephiroth or end video games
Oct 28, 2017
So, this is the best adaptation of a game into a movie or show, right?

I know it's a notoriously low bar, but I feel like the sum of the two seasons is pretty damn solid. Bonus points for not just making a good adaptation, but for adapting the game well.


Oct 25, 2017
So, this is the best adaptation of a game into a movie or show, right?

I know it's a notoriously low bar, but I feel like the sum of the two seasons is pretty damn solid. Bonus points for not just making a good adaptation, but for adapting the game well.

While there is more story to be told, I feel like watching S1 + S2 in one session would feel like watching one big movie.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
I got pretty hype when they did Bloody Tears.

It was a great season overall, but I'm curious about
if they'll continue with Trevor's story (with his loose plot ends) or go to Richter......probably the former.
Oct 25, 2017
That was a lot of fun.
I went crazy when:
Bloody Tears started playing. So good!

I think Netflix confirmed Season 3
I imagine it will cover Curse of Darkness with Hector fighting back against Carmilla. I do wonder if Alucard will show up, or if this is the beginning of his long slumber that eventually ends with the events of Symphony of the Night.


Oct 25, 2017
I got pretty hype when they did Bloody Tears.

It was a great season overall, but I'm curious about
if they'll continue with Trevor's story (with his loose plot ends) or go to Richter......probably the former.

I feel like Trevor, at least for one more season.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Two episodes in and I'm really enjoying this second season. Camilla going off about a Belmont was amazing.


Oct 25, 2017
Episode 2. Enjoying the show and then all of the sudden I'm hit with great fan service when I realize. "I remember fighting them!"

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Regarding Episode 7:


Anyone else love how Dracula ultimately died? How many villains break down in their final moments when they realize just what the fuck they're about to do. It made Dracula a way more tragic figure than if they had just killed him normally.


Oct 25, 2017
Episodes 7 & 8 Spoilers

I wasn't surprised that Dracula died, but I have to say that I was surprised that things continue from there. I think the whole "My boy." thing was super-lame, though, and I generally just really disliked Dracula's motivation (or lack thereof) for the war. It didn't really jive with what I consider to be the norm for the series.

Character Spoilers

I have to say that I was a bit surprised at who my favorite characters ended up being in the end. In terms of action, Sypha was easily my favorite, as she just comes off as a complete bad-ass in battle. Her spell effects are probably some of the best animation in the series, as well. Carmilla's inclusion was quite the surprise, and her implementation here really makes me wish she wasn't just another boss in the games she's appeared in. Things got a lot more interesting once she was involved. I'd actually like to see more vampires from the series more fleshed out, and it'd be awesome if the idea of some of Dracula's "allies" actually turned against him mid-game or something. I mean, you've got Olrox living in the castle in SotN. And even if he isn't a vampire, what's the deal with a ridiculously powerful being such as Galamoth living in the castle in SotN and not trying to take over? Anyway, Isaac also ended up becoming one of my favorite characters by the end, as I think his motivation for siding with Dracula goes so much more beyond crazy-cultist(s)-resurrects-Dracula plots in the games.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I'm at episode 2 and
Two episodes in and I'm really enjoying this second season. Camilla going off about a Belmont was amazing.
Episode 2. Enjoying the show and then all of the sudden I'm hit with great fan service when I realize. "I remember fighting them!"
I loved those parts too.
Slogra and Gaibon, hell yeah. Even had the fireballs... almost wished Alucard had whipped out a shield to block them :D


Oct 25, 2017
Besides the extremely messy "oh shit we need to set up S3" final episode, I'm very impressed. I was glad to see them use the extra time to let drama stew and characters come together, rather than just having twice as much shit happen. Episode 7 in particular was a fantastic way to bring this story to a close.

so... Sypha and Trevor hook up then? Is that in the game lore too? I guess Simon has to come from somewhere.

I haven't played Curse of Darkness, so no idea if they reference it there but it's confirmed in Harmony of Dissonance - Juste has a strong magical potential due to being descended from Sypha, and it's also stated in Judgment, where Trevor and Sypha are married and Grant is a bit resentful over it since he also fancied her

A bit too lazy to search, but did Season 1 ever get a physical release?
I don't think it has, or that it will. This is a Netflix developed series.


Oct 25, 2017
How the fuck do the other Belmonts kill Dracula in the games
The games hint that as Dracula keeps resurrecting, the fated Belmont of each generation is also stronger and stronger (also helped by the fact that they possibly have extra latent magical power from Sypha). It's usually implicit that Simon was stronger than Trevor by virtue of being able to take on Dracula twice by himself, and that Richter being able to do super moves (the Item Crashes) is canonically because he's extraordinarily strong, and SOTN claims he's the strongest Belmont in history. In Aria/Dawn, even in his mid-50s, Julius is still incredibly powerful enough to easily defeat enemies that would challenge Soma.
Nov 1, 2017
The kicker is that Dracula was so ready to actually die if the city inhabitants had fled during that one year they had been given I question if Drac was really going to attack. Season two showed his heart wasn't in anything any longer, seeing them celebrating likely incited him to follow through on his original threat. Yeah he had prepared for it, if there had been nothing what mighty be his response instead of that fury unleashed? It was indirect fury, even then only half hearted, he himself set all the pieces in motion, he didn't act himself in person. It was as said by others in the show, chaotic, no real plan. His own anger was meager when dealing with the petty nature of his generals, it was only when he found himself in Alucards childhood room his broken state fully manifested itself. Why he allowed himself to die. I pitied him. I understood him in that moment.

Alucard breaking down at the end was all too human, he had lost both his parents, forced to put his father out of his misery, all that was left around him were ruins. The only two people he might call friends gone. It all felt like a tragedy of old.

A lot of the games have Dracula seemingly miserable, he mentions how he's resurrected by human hands, imagine if all the times he did come back he did not? That he wished to remain dead. What a twist that is if so.

Kabuki Waq

Oct 26, 2017
just finished. Holy shit. the whole creative team must have balls of steel. They have created such a bad ass series. props to netflix foe giving them the creative freedom


Oct 27, 2017
Two episodes in, this is superb so far.. the story, action and characters are all great. And I've laughed out loud a few times. I hope it keeps like this


Apr 3, 2018
Ok. Binge watched the second season. It is basically a feature-lenght movie.

I really like the artstyle. It is gorgeous, but at the same time, I think it work against the animators most of the time. There are times when the snappy animation doesn't seem right, although we still have awesome action scenes, regardless. Besides that, loved the new characters, and that makes me want to see a spin-off featuring them so goddamn much. People may not like how some of them were portrayed tho.

About the ending:


Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
Just watched the whole thing, was really good.
Favorite part of the whole damn thing though was just the entry into the library, and them having a bunch of dead Castlevania enemies like the hanging White Dragon and this awesome shot.

Skelerang top left, Corpse Weed, don't know what those red feet are (Gaibon since they are above Slogra?), Forgot the name of that shield knight type,Une, Maneating plant, Axe armor,

Zeldo, Marionette, Slogra skull and spear tip, Behemoth hooves and horns (Could be something else because of the small hooves, but it's the only thing I can think of with white furred hooves and horns), Skeleton archer, Bone pillar skull,

don't know what the head in the jar is (Edit: Now that I think of it, it might be the human head of the Diplocephalus makes sense if they are sitting next to each other.), Diplocephalus head, not sure, Medusa head, don't know what those shirts are from, Owl knight owl, Just some random skulls from generic skeleton enemies?

All I want is animated Castlevania enemies and music. Give it to me you cowards.

Also just noticed there is a 2x damage book on the top right shelf of the next shot after the enemy case shot.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
About the ending:

The ending is so fucking brutal for Alucard. Especially after Sypha and Trevor dismiss his trauma. Even worse is they go off on a sunlit ride through the countryside while Alucard grieves by himself.


Feb 8, 2018
Having binged watched the entire season I'm going to assume season 3 will be an adaption of
Curse of Darkness


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I've just completed the whole season. I really liked it, and I have some thoughts about it overall.

All in all, a solid season, but with some faults. It seems clear that they want to transition into Curse of Darkness next season, which is a decision that I'm rather okay with. The first 5-6 episodes are spent mostly showing off Hector and Isaac, with the main three taking a backseat. At this point, I didn't expect to reach Dracula's castle at all, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that they kicked things into gear and completed all of Castlevania III. I think this is the main issue with the season, that the pacing is all over the place. The three main characters really only know each other for a few days, but by the end we're supposed to believe they're great friends. Hector, Isaac, and Camilla also steal the spotlight a bit too much. I understand that they want to transition to them next season, but it seems to be taking away from the characters we're actually here to see. I'm not sure what the long term plans for the series are, but if I had my way, I would've transitioned on to Simon or Richter rather than focus on them. Hopefully the focus placed on Alucard and his rest at the end of the series is indictative of that.

As for Hector and Isaac, I think Isaac is really well developed as the next villain. He is not trying to be Dracula, but instead has his own goals and ideals. Hector... I didn't really care for his 'character development'. If anything, he starts off as one of the most respected members of Dracula's cabinet, and over the course of the season is repeatedly insulted and demeaned by every other character, including Dracula, who was supposed to have complete faith in him. The last scene with him and Camilla was really bizarre, if I had written it, I would've had the scene reversed, with Hector overcoming Camilla, showing his grown inner strength and his independence against the forces of evil. Instead he becomes her slave and gets the shit kicked out of him. I'm not sure how that's going to make a good hero in season 3.

All in all, a good season. The Bloody Tears scene is something that I was hoping to see, and it paid off. I was surprised to see Alucard defeat Dracula rather than Trevor, but it ended well enough. I'm expecting Trevor to take a lesser role in Season 3 (as he does in Curse of Darkness), and to pave the way to (hopefully) Richter Belmont and Alucard for Season 4. But we'll see.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
After that, do you think they'll do a Simon prequel or a sequel with Richter? I'm not sure if they'd cover the DS games just yet.
In the in-game universe, Trevor comes first, so actually either Simon or Richter would be a sequel. It goes Trevor -> Simon -> Richter -> later stuff (like most of the GBA and DS games). What I was hoping for after the first season would be different Belmonts, with Alucard being the connecting thread between them. Starting with Trevor, moving onto Richter (skipping over Simon, which would be surprising, but Alucard didn't know Simon) and finishing up with Soma Cruz and Julius Belmont.


Oct 25, 2017
Isaac's changed appearance from the game is a great welcome. I hate a lot of the bondage stuff they do in some Castlevania games. A lot of it is over stylized trash. I like a lot of the designs in this series.

I wasn't a huge fan of Carmilla, Isaac and Hector taking up a lot of screen time but it was worth it for Isaac's payoff.

Pretty bleak ending for Alucard but I'm not surprised.

Hope we see Richter soon. A time skip would be cool. I'd understand if they didn't do that but I wouldn't mind it. I consider Trevor's story "closed." Even if he went off to do other things, his main story was meeting Sypha and beating Dracula. On to the next generation


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
Lost my shit laughing at

"My dad is a polymath, my mother was a doctor. I grew up fast."

I'm really impressed with the character work this season. The trio is excellent, and both Isaac and Hector are well developed, interesting characters. Loving this entirely.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
In the in-game universe, Trevor comes first, so actually either Simon or Richter would be a sequel. It goes Trevor -> Simon -> Richter -> later stuff (like most of the GBA and DS games). What I was hoping for after the first season would be different Belmonts, with Alucard being the connecting thread between them. Starting with Trevor, moving onto Richter (skipping over Simon, which would be surprising, but Alucard didn't know Simon) and finishing up with Soma Cruz and Julius Belmont.
If they do Richter, would they start with Rondo of Blood or go straight for Symphony of the Night? As for Simon, I suppose they could change a few things (like his relationship with Alucard) for the Netflix series.

Simon is a descendant of Trevor.
Ah, I mainly played the NES games, Super Castlevania IV, Symphony of the Night, & the DS games, so....yeah.......I still need to play Rondo of Blood.


Nov 1, 2017
Aaaand done. Really liked it but had its issues as well. Overall though, probably the best video game adaptation put to screen.


Nov 1, 2017
I'll need to rewatch it, but felt there was flip-flopping on...

Whether Hector was okay with Dracula wanting to wipe out all of humanity, or whether he thought it would just be a culling with some humans left over. Maybe I missed something, but at the start him and Isaac seemed totally cool with absolute death for humans, but in the flashback it seemed like they would keep some alive...and then in another present conversation, they flipped back to culling the population instead of outright genocide. Did I miss something?