
Oct 26, 2017
In the following article:

Brendan Greene claims elements of his game have been ripped off and wants better protection from copycat games.

"I want other developers to put their own spin on the genre... not just lift things from our game," Brendan says.

Speaking to the Radio 1 Gaming Show, Brendan says: "I want this genre of games to grow.

"For that to happen you need new and interesting spins on the game mode.

"If it's just copycats down the line, then the genre doesn't grow and people get bored."

Brendan explains: "There's no intellectual property protection in games.

"In movies and music there is IP protection and you can really look after your work. In gaming that doesn't exist yet, and it's something that should be looked into.

"Some amazing games pass under the radar.

"Then someone else takes the idea, has a marketing budget, and suddenly has a popular game because they ripped off someone else's idea. I think it's something the industry needs to look into.

"You're protecting the work of artists basically. Games are art for a large part, and so I think it's important they're protected."

I definitely think it's a problem if developers copy parts of the game without adding anything new to the Battle Royale genre. But I don't think these copycat games can be thought of as copyright infringement unless there's a patent or trademark on the idea. I think more competition is welcome in this genre and could ultimately help make PUBG a better game. In the end, the copycats will fall by the wayside and the good games will have staying power. Do you agree with Brendan's viewpoint on this issue?


Oct 25, 2017
I definitely think it's a problem if developers copy parts of the game without adding anything new to the Battle Royale genre.
I don't, if it's a better game it's already adding new to the genre by being better.
Most copycats end up being worse, you have to be original to surpass.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah. If a copycat game does it better then it is better for the gamer. PUBG has a great idea with (imo) questionable execution. If other developers can improve upon it, more power to them.

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
No because games are protected as are films, books etc.

The code is protected by copyright as they are considered literary work.
The idea behind a software can be protectable under patents.
The assets, music, characters etc. Are also protected under copyright


Oct 27, 2017
Well, maybe they should fix their game.
They know other studios have the technical expertise to surpass them and they are scared.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not a problem.

This industry was built on games turning into entire genres. If he wants to maintain his success he needs to make his game good enough to compete with clones.

It's like Facebook stealing everything from Snapchat. If your competitive advantage is easily copied, then it's not a competitive advantage.


Oct 27, 2017
No, just update your game to be better than the others and people will flock to your game. It is as simple as that.

Deleted member 2840

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I love his game, but that's a bunch of bullshit he's talking. Some of the biggest games in the world came from "copycat" mechanics. A world where publishers are super protective of "their" mechanics is a world where DotA, League of Legends, and, oh look at that, PUBG, wouldn't exist.


Oct 25, 2017
It's an ARMA 3 mod isn't it?

Anyway, imagine if the inventer of the deathmatch, or king of the hill modes thought like this? You made your money guys, quit being selfish and acting like this never happened to anyone before.

And if he's talking about Fortnite, then doesn't that add plenty of stuff to it anyway?


Oct 27, 2017
NH, United States
Well fortnite is a 100% rip off of PUBG. 100%

So? No one should be protected from imitations

Make your product better, the market will vote with its wallet

I for one hope a AAA studio like ubisoft swoops in and eats pubgs lunch on PS4. I love fortnite but we could really use a more hardcore version of that. And it doesn't look like pubg will be coming anytime soon


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Game mechanics are patentable, though I can't think of anything in PUBG that's never been done before.


Oct 27, 2017
No drive-by posting.
This guy is a moron and should really stop speaking publicly


Oct 31, 2017
It's as simple as competing against a company as large as Epic if you're a small crew?


I think there's some merit to the discussion, although I'm not very convinced PUBG has much of to complain about in this regard just yet, market is proving there's plenty of space for more than one of the these titles.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
No, the last thing any industry needs is for people who have 'made it' even more powerful and able to squash genuine innovation and fresh products that may share some similarities at a glance. We already know from how copyright law is implemented in video games in particular that it is mostly a hurdle for creative people to overcome. Good for Greene if this happens but I won't support this.

36 Chambers

Oct 27, 2017
I recently played PUBG for the first time on Xbox. Its kind of amazing how much Epic copied them. Like its basically the exact same fucking game. Its mind blowing.

The map screen, markers, flying in, parachuting etc. Its madness.

Bluehole should try copy something from Fortnite, like some basic performance standards. The game runs like Big Pun


Nov 2, 2017
He's just mad that the xbox version of pubg was a failure and everyone's reported on how bad it runs lol. Also probably still bitter at epic for making a better console game, and fortnite's taking advantage of that failed release to send out a decent content update for pve and br. heh


Oct 25, 2017
What does he expect? When you're a monstrous success people are going to imitate you. Its not something limited to the gaming world by any means.


Oct 25, 2017
Epic is doing a pretty good job with Fortnite at breathing down PUBG's neck.
After what happened with DayZ and various other Early Access games, they need all the breathing down their neck they can possibly get, actually, I'm quite sure just Fortnite doing it isn't enough.

Whole interview is silly, there has been countless imitations of Souls yet nothing has come close to what FromSoft does, seems like Brendan doesn't really have confidence in his product.

Deleted member 8106

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I find this claim ridiculous. It's like claiming the king of the hill, free for all modes etc. need a protection against being used in other titles.
Also...yeah, it's "for the players",'s because soon or later someone very competent will make a good clone of the battle royale concept far superior to the original, and PUBG will lose its audience. It will happen, it's just a matter of time. The only way to "protect" your product is to deliver a good title, with quality updates like maps, balancing, new modes etc.
Because at the moment PUBG really lacks on variety.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If you wanted to protect your ideas then you should have done it first and patented it. If you didn't do both of those things, then there are very few legal protections for you for good reason. There'd be nothing worse for games than an industry of patent trolls stifling all innovation

Deleted member 9714

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Fortnite adds great new elements such as fort-building and good performance. It's not a copycat just because it's a Battle Royale game, which will eventually become its own genre. I have no doubt bigger publishers and developers are working on their own. I'm assuming he's implying Fortnite based on their earlier comments regarding it.

He should spend less time worrying about games like Fortnite and more times worrying about PUBG running at <30FPS on the XBOX and big PUBG streamers like Dr. Disrespect calling out the developers and saying the game is trash.
Oct 27, 2017
Game mechanics are patentable, though I can't think of anything in PUBG that's never been done before.

Yes, certain mechanics could be patentable. The problem as you said is novelty. There is 30+ years of prior art for most possible game mechanics you could think of. There is also the issue of "non-obviousness" which means your invention must not be obvious to one having skill in the art.

The patent would also need to be pretty strictly drafted about the game mechanics too, to avoid being considered unpatentable subject matter as a simple algorithm or an abstract idea.


Oct 25, 2017
"I don't have confidence in my product and need protection against people and companies that could do it better."

Deleted member 4021

Oct 25, 2017
LMAO because PUBG was a totally original idea and not an evolution of several different ideas.


Oct 25, 2017
Says the man that made an ARMA Mod based off of a system other games used before them and plays at the comparisons to the Japanese book/film Battle Royale.


Oct 25, 2017
I find that rather irony coming from them considering they pretty much jacked the real battle royale, including the oufits the characters wore in the movie.
Beside battle royale itself or that kind of play isn't entirely new in itself I think, there's only so many genre's we can have before someone else comes up with the same idea.
That's not necessary copying IMHO.