
Brand Manager
Oct 27, 2017
QC Games just announced that their first game, Breach, will be coming to Steam Early Access later this month. If you have never heard of either, the team consists of many senior veterans of BioWare Austin (like Gabe Amatangelo, Dallas Dickinson or Cory Butler), where they worked on Star Wars The Old Republic and the cancelled Shadow Realms (which is especially relevant).

The game is co-operative action rpg in an urban fantasy setting (similar to Shadow Realms), with pretty fun melee or ranged combat and a lot of cool classes. And there is even a versus element where you can play as a Veil Demon and fight other players (think Fable Legends, Evolve or... Shadow Realms^^).

They play tests over the last couple of months, and have been very open with the community (no NDA, streaming and content creation highly encouraged). I played over the weekend, and was very surprised how smooth and fun the combat and movement felt. Will definitely play some more in the future :)

Here's the Steam page btw
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Oct 30, 2017
I loved the Alphas. I really hope they have another one this weekend so I can push for the hoodie.


Oct 29, 2017
I signed up for the alpha last week so I hope they have another weekend and maybe I get in. Are there any good gameplay videos of it out there?


Oct 30, 2017
Good news, because the bonus XP was broken during the last Alpha test, anyone who got to 80 gets the 100 emoji hoodie for EA.