
Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616


For those that need some catch up, this is what is going on right now, this sums up well:

On Oct. 7, Brazilians will vote in a first round of presidential elections that the far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro is expected to win. Bolsonaro, who is also known as the Brazilian Trump, is currently being advised by Steve Bannon in his campaign. Still in the hospital, after an assassination attempt a few weeks ago, the Brazilian populist combines promises of austerity measures with prophesies of violence. His campaign is a mix of racism, misogyny, and extreme law and order positions.

He wants criminals to be summarily shot rather than face trial. He presents indigenous people as "parasites" and also advocates for discriminatory, eugenically devised forms of birth control. Bolsonaro has warned about the danger posed by refugees from Haiti, Africa, and the Middle East, calling them "the scum of humanity" and even argued that the army should take care of them.

He regularly makes racist and misogynistic statements. For example, he accused Afro-Brazilians of being obese and lazy and defended physically punishing children to try to prevent them from being gay. He has equated homosexuality with pedophilia and told a representative in the Brazilian National Congress, "I wouldn't rape you because you do not deserve it."

In these and other statements, Bolsonaro's vocabulary recalls the rhetoric behind Nazi policies of persecution and victimization. But does sounding like a Nazi make him a Nazi? Insomuch as he believes in holding elections, he is not there yet. However, things could change quickly if he gains power.

He implied the possibility of a coup. He endorses the legacy of Latin American dictatorships and their dirty wars and is an admirer of Chilean Gen. Augusto Pinochet and other strongmen.

And like the Argentine Dirty War generals of the 1970s and Adolf Hitler himself, Bolsonaro sees no legitimacy in the opposition, which for him represents tyrannical powers. He said last month that his political opponents, members of the Workers' Party, should be executed.

For Bolsonaro, the left represents the antithesis of democracy. It represents what he calls the "Venezuelanization" of politics. But in fact, Latin American variants of left-wing populism do not engage in racism or xenophobia, even when, as in Venezuela, they have also moved in a dictatorial direction.

Most populists on the left, like those on the more traditional right, do not destroy democracy. They downplay and often corrupt its institutional dimensions, curtailing it but also accepting the results of elections when they lose.

For left-wing populists, this was the case in recent years, for example, in the Néstor and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner administrations in Argentina and the Rafael Correa administration in Ecuador. On the right, there have been plenty of traditionalist populists, including Carlos Menem in Argentina and Silvio Berlusconi in Italy, who are not anti-democratic.

This is not what Bolsonaro stands for. Unlike previous forms of populism (on the left and right) that embraced democracy and rejected violence and racism, Bolsonaro's populism harks back to Hitler's time.

It is not a coincidence then that last month in Brazil, the German Embassy was besieged online by commentators claiming Nazism was socialism. Critics have labeled Bolsonaro a Nazi for his far-right nationalist tendencies, and many of the outraged commenters on the German Embassy's post were supporters of the former military man.


And this is far from an isolated case. This happened after the election night:



Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
Cases like these are happening all throughout the country:

Meanwhile, on BrazilEra, people that claim "not really protect the "Bolsos"", like they have nicknamed the supporters, some are throwing doubts to the testimony of these women and minority that are getting attacked throughout the country because it could be "fake:". Fascism isn't threatening Brazil. It's already here.
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Oct 28, 2017
Who is to blame when a politician that says that amount of trash actually becomes popular in a country? Fault of education system for letting its populace get that ignorant?

I can't imagine living in a society where someone can make those types of statements and have the reaction from a not-insignificant number of people around me be "yeah, he should lead us." It's either pure stupidity or ridiculous hate levels but I don't know how so many people get that hateful.


Oct 26, 2017
Pennsylvania, USA
Who is to blame when a politician that says that amount of trash actually becomes popular in a country? Fault of education system for letting its populace get that ignorant?

I can't imagine living in a society where someone can make those types of statements and have the reaction from a not-insignificant number of people around me be "yeah, he should lead us." It's either pure stupidity or ridiculous hate levels but I don't know how so many people get that hateful.
Populist Nationalism is on the march all over the world, don't be so sure it's not going to happen where you live.


Nov 16, 2017
You don't fight people like that with pretty words.

People have the right to defend themselves


Oct 28, 2017
Populist Nationalism is on the march all over the world, don't be so sure it's not going to happen where you live.
I live in Japan where it kind of already exists but I can't imagine it getting to that level and there aren't even enough "others" to blame aside from dumb nationalist marchest against Koreans for insignificant islands sometimes. It's definitely not impossible and Japanese politics has people saying stupid / ignorant shit all the time but I can't see a statement as blatant as "and told a representative in the Brazilian National Congress, "I wouldn't rape you because you do not deserve it." being rewarded with leadership opportunities. But who knows.

And back in Canada it seems like the population in most urban centres is too diverse for this type of trash to fly. Though again if Trump is an example, who knows, but even he hasn't reached this level of outrageousness I think.

This isn't an indictment on Brazil though. If it happened anywhere I would have the same question as to what went wrong to get people to support someone not even that bigoted but just outright hateful and violent.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
It's absolutely crazy to read about just how brazen these supporters are.

The situation in Brazil seems far more terrifying than what we have here in the US.


Oct 25, 2017
fuck... =(

This shit is a worldwide epidemic. damn

First Duterte and now this jackass?

Democracy had a good run


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Who is to blame when a politician that says that amount of trash actually becomes popular in a country? Fault of education system for letting its populace get that ignorant?

I can't imagine living in a society where someone can make those types of statements and have the reaction from a not-insignificant number of people around me be "yeah, he should lead us." It's either pure stupidity or ridiculous hate levels but I don't know how so many people get that hateful.

Look at the US. Prime example. It's currently infecting all the world.


Nov 1, 2017
You don't fight people like that with pretty words.

People have the right to defend themselves
I just read something about Brazil's antifa being extremely weak as it stands right now.

Self defense against this evil needs to be organized. Anyone who can possibly help should donate to the anarchist cause, especially in fascist hotbeds like São Paulo.


Oct 25, 2017
And back in Canada it seems like the population in most urban centres is too diverse for this type of trash to fly.



Oct 25, 2017
Who is to blame when a politician that says that amount of trash actually becomes popular in a country? Fault of education system for letting its populace get that ignorant?

I can't imagine living in a society where someone can make those types of statements and have the reaction from a not-insignificant number of people around me be "yeah, he should lead us." It's either pure stupidity or ridiculous hate levels but I don't know how so many people get that hateful.
The previous ruling party is so insanely corrupt that people are desperate enough to turn towards a fascist because he's the loudest and keeps making promises to reduce crime without looking at any of his other policies.


Oct 26, 2017
And yet, you keep shrugging it off and focusing on the girl carved with a swastika. Care to elaborate why do you think it's fake? Are you implying that this woman made that on herself? Are you implying like Trump and Bolsonaro that this is "fake news"? Can you sleep with good conscience saying that?

it just looks fake

Oct 26, 2017
Fucking disgusting.

Looks like Brazil will fall to populism next. Wouldn't be surprised if people believe in him.

Brazil's an insane case study as Lula was a left-wing leader who did amazing things for decreasing poverty in the country after a military state, was imprisoned by the fascists, and people have still rallied to them despite Bolsonaro saying the issue with the military state was it wasn't harsh enough.
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Oct 28, 2017
Totally different tier of trash.

The previous ruling party is so insanely corrupt that people are desperate enough to turn towards a fascist because he's the loudest and keeps making promises to reduce crime without looking at any of his other policies.
I see. I guess if you skew political issues and corruption enough to make misc. other citizens the targets instead of corrup politicians then you can get outcomes like this.


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Oct 28, 2017
There are many events like these all over the country right now, it's fucking scary. I'm walking around with a switchblade and pepper spray on my bag, my uncle, who is a policeman, insisted.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
This is crazy. Stay safe BrazilEra.

This is neither here nor there, but I can't help thinking of the ratlines now.