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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Hidamari Apartments
I refuse to make any comments about where Brad may or may not go until he actually announces it himself. I'll miss him, though. Every single ally brings a unique perspective to the table. I wish him the best. And I really really hope the Easy Allies don't disband.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
What evidence is there?

For the record most of this comes from the LSM subreddit, which reddit has been suggesting to me since I checked it out a few times during apology-gate. The majority of their community has been convinced the poaching tweet was about Brad since day 1.

1) The poaching tweet, happened right after Colin ripped EZA on their podcast. No one has been poached yet so this tweet hasn't "paid off," so to speak. It was obviously meant as BM so it makes sense it would be at the detriment of a group they felt recently insulted them.

2) In a subsequent LSM podcast they were talking about contracts and apparently Colin said they'd be dealing with that again soon since they were hiring a new person.

3) Prior to, and during, the initial mess, the only person from LSM Brad followed on Twitter was Dustin (and maybe Gene, I can't remember). A few days after the poaching tweet happened he followed pretty much everyone else there, including Colin. Colin also followed Brad, and he definitely did not previously.

4) The official LSM twitter account only follows employees and frequent contributors like Jaffe. And Hoeg Law, admittedly I'm not sure how often he's on their content but he definitely is sometimes. Everyone else is either straight up an employee or on their content a lot. That account did not follow Brad... until around the time Brad announced when he was leaving EZA.

None of this is 100% iron clad proof obviously but circumstantial evidence is still evidence. If I had to place a bet on LSM vs The Field for where he ends up, I'm betting on LSM.


Oct 25, 2017
For the record most of this comes from the LSM subreddit, which reddit has been suggesting to me since I checked it out a few times during apology-gate. The majority of their community has been convinced the poaching tweet was about Brad since day 1.

1) The poaching tweet, happened right after Colin ripped EZA on their podcast. No one has been poached yet so this tweet hasn't "paid off," so to speak. It was obviously meant as BM so it makes sense it would be at the detriment of a group they felt recently insulted them.

2) In a subsequent LSM podcast they were talking about contracts and apparently Colin said they'd be dealing with that again soon since they were hiring a new person.

3) Prior to, and during, the initial mess, the only person from LSM Brad followed on Twitter was Dustin (and maybe Gene, I can't remember). A few days after the poaching tweet happened he followed pretty much everyone else there, including Colin. Colin also followed Brad, and he definitely did not previously.

4) The official LSM twitter account only follows employees and frequent contributors like Jaffe. And Hoeg Law, admittedly I'm not sure how often he's on their content but he definitely is sometimes. Everyone else is either straight up an employee or on their content a lot. That account did not follow Brad... until around the time Brad announced when he was leaving EZA.

None of this is 100% iron clad proof obviously but circumstantial evidence is still evidence. If I had to place a bet on LSM vs The Field for where he ends up, I'm betting on LSM.
Oh wow didn't see all this, yeah seems pretty likely he's going over there.



Oct 25, 2017
It's really disheartening seeing EZA slowly sink. But I guess it's for the best if they tried to go for some work that is more financially stable. Way too much good talent.


Oct 27, 2017
Huber at KF would be a EZA happy end. Don has another job anyway, Isla too I think and Blood can land pretty much anywhere (Nintendo?). Damiani has something new in Texas, right?


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Huber at KF would be a EZA happy end. Don has another job anyway, Isla too I think and Blood can land pretty much anywhere (Nintendo?). Damiani has something new in Texas, right?

Yeah, through the years Huber has become by far my favorite ally, especially once Brandon and Kyle left. I really hope everyone lands on their feet, but I need my jolliest of boys to be well


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
Mod edit: this site does not provide Colin Moriarty with a platform

oh well
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Dec 28, 2017
Man, this is fucking disappointing. I really thought folks were getting way too suspecting about this. What an awful, awful way for EZA to go part-time.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Mod edit: this site does not provide Colin Moriarty with a platform

oh well
Mod edit: this site does not provide Colin Moriarty with a platform

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Nov 30, 2017
Not how I expected the future of my (once) favorite group of gaming personalities on the internet to go.....but it is what it is.


Oct 25, 2017
idk maybe people shouldn't have had meltdowns over a guest they didn't like but whatever


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
what is so awful about that new podcast? is it one of those anti-left anti SJW alt right type?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Wow damn. So that drama actually was the catalyst for this. EZA fucked up big time.
No it wasn't, don't be fooled.

They're not that stupid to not have expected this outcome when inviting Dustin on. People are being gaslit if they believe this was only a response to that episode.

This was calculated by Colin and LSM. Look how much attention LSM got over this, it was most definitely a play to capitalize on EZA's community and attention in the "gamerspace," no doubt.


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
idk maybe people shouldn't have had meltdowns over a guest they didn't like but whatever

...that is quite a takeaway.

Good for him, EZA fucked around and found out. Get your bag Brad

Not sure we should be cheerleading getting a bag of cash from a racist transphobe, but who am I to judge.

No it wasn't, don't be fooled.

They're not that stupid to not have expected this outcome when inviting Dustin on. People are being gaslit if they believe this was only a response to that episode.

This was calculated by Colin and LSM. Look how much attention LSM got over this, it was most definitely a play to capitalize on EZA's community and attention in the "gamerspace," no doubt.

They knew because there was an uproar when Jones appeared on Colin's podcast and he came out and said that probably wasn't the best idea, which cause Colin to ban him or some shit.


Oct 25, 2017
User banned (1 month): Dismissing concerns of bigotry, antagonistic behavior towards other members


May 31, 2022
what is so awful about that new podcast? is it one of those anti-left anti SJW alt right type?
LSM is owned by Colin Moriarty who is an open transphobe and misogynist. He's banned here but you can find more by Googling his name if you need to. He was a guest on Joe Rogan and most of their discussion was anti "cancel culture."


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
Goodbye Brad. It was nice listening to you for 10 years or whatever the case may have been, so long.


Nov 18, 2017
I'm not a fan of lsm but I watched the episode and moved on like a normal person. Some of you are too online and everything has to be drama about how bad X person is.
if that want it means to be normal, than fuck being normal
holding people accountable is not 'drama'


Oct 25, 2017
Nice to see all the idiots come out of the woodwork once again on a topic like this

Not watched EZA much since Kyle left but still disappointing
Jul 22, 2020
User Banned (Permanent): Dismissing concerns of bigotry across multiple posts, account in junior phase
LSM is owned by Colin Moriarty who is an open transphobe and misogynist. He's banned here but you can find more by Googling his name if you need to. He was a guest on Joe Rogan and most of their discussion was anti "cancel culture."
This shit cracks me up man, open transphobe and misogynist? No he isnt. Brad made a great move foe him. He should be celebrated.
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