
Oct 25, 2017
Brad has been on a roll this week, exciting times ahead for MS's PC gaming side.

:Link to the article:


We have known for some time that Microsoft is working on the Master Chief Collection (MCC) for the PC. Following the disastrous launch on the console, the company is going to make sure it is picture perfect before pushing it out and I have heard that it was already delayed several times; they want to ship it but know that scrutiny of the platform will be high.

Going forward, it's important to be thinking of the Xbox as a platform, rather than a plastic box that plays games. Microsoft is looking to push the service to all corners of the gaming ecosystem and grow the service significantly by untangling it explicitly from the consoles of yesterday.

Which brings us to today: Microsoft's PC version of GamePass is close to being ready for release too. And knowing how Microsoft plans to position the platform, I would expect to see MCC as the carrot the company will use to help move users to the new game offering. Further, I would expect to see other titles from Microsoft, as the Age of Empires IP, show up with GamePass as well when it launches.


Oct 25, 2017
Halo has never been treated well on PC. 1's sub-par port, 2's Vista exclusivity.

I really hope this goes well. We've waited so long for a great Halo experience on PC.


Mokuzai Studio
Oct 28, 2017
San Antonio, TX
I really, really hope this is true. What a phenomenal get it would be for PC Gamers.

Halo has never been treated well on PC. 1's sub-par port, 2's Vista exclusivity.

I really hope this goes well. We've waited so long for a great Halo experience on PC.

Halo 1 wasn't bad, just flawed. Halo 2 was a trainwreck.

But Halo 5 Forge? That was phenomenal.


Oct 25, 2017
People want MCC on PC but don't want to use the Windows Store. Game is doomed from the start.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
Has there been any word as to whether Game Pass on PC/console will be the same service? One subscription, both platforms? The way Sams explains it, it sounds like this is the direction Microsoft is going. I don't trust these companies not making the choice that will be more profitable for them, though.


Oct 27, 2017
Has there been any word as to whether Game Pass on PC/console will be the same service? One subscription, both platforms? The way Sams explains it, it sounds like this is the direction Microsoft is going. I don't trust these companies not making the choice that will be more profitable for them, though.

They already give a PC version or a Xbox version away with play anywhere. I very much doubt there is gonna be a different Gamepass sub for PC.


Oct 25, 2017
Brad Sams delivering the damn goods, after so much "Look forward to it" for the past several years.
Do you really think a store is going to stop people from buying a whole series that's been requested in PC for the past 15 years?
It certainly doesn't help it any. I'm pretty sure Microsoft is well aware of the store hurting sales, they just feel their larger releases will do fine regardless. Hence why smaller titles like Ori come out on Steam too.
They already give a PC version or a Xbox version away with play anywhere. I very much doubt there is gonna be a different Gamepass sub for PC.
There really should be, unless they're going to give PC users back-compat titles. Which wouldn't be ideal, if they'd also be emulated, but it would mean you might get close to the 'hundreds' of games they advertise.


Oct 25, 2017
Tacoma, Washington
Halo has never been treated well on PC. 1's sub-par port, 2's Vista exclusivity.

I really hope this goes well. We've waited so long for a great Halo experience on PC.
You're absolutely not wrong that Halo has been treated poorly on PC, but how was Halo:CE for PC a "subpar port"? It had server-based, online multiplayer, a ton of new maps (many of which were terrific), and wasn't too demanding on PCs at the time.


Oct 25, 2017
You're absolutely not wrong that Halo has been treated poorly on PC, but how was Halo:CE for the PC a "subpar port"? It had server-based, online multiplayer, a ton of new maps (many of which were terrific), and wasn't too demanding on PCs at the time.

The netcode was super ass otherwise yeah it was a pretty good port. Ah the good old times of host advantage and leading shots to compensate for the netcode if you weren't the host


Nov 20, 2017
Was Halo 2 the game that required Windows Vista? Yeah no wonder it wasn't well received

Deleted member 13645

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
People want MCC on PC but don't want to use the Windows Store. Game is doomed from the start.

My hope is that they launch PC Game Pass alongside a revamped PC store. With how many issues people have with the store, it's only get to get exacerbated if people are trying to access a bunch more games through the service and can give bad word of mouth pretty quickly. I don't think the Windows store is really that big of a deal on its own though. Games like Forza and Sea of Thieves seem to do well on PC despite using it, I can't imagine MCC would be any different in that regard.


Nov 2, 2017
Ironically this is the one game that doesn't incentivise me to get Gamepass - because I'm just going to buy it day one, and keep it.


Oct 27, 2017
Charging for Xbox Live would be a much bigger deterrent for MCC than forcing people to use the Windows store.

Deleted member 47318

User requested account closure
Sep 1, 2018
Hopefully this gets followed up by quality ports of all the Gears titles. Shouldn't be too difficult given they run on Unreal, and I'm eager to buy all of those again on PC.


Nov 2, 2017
Wait, watching the video Brad seems to be suggesting that you won't be able to buy MCC, and the only way to get it will be through Gamepass.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
Can't wait to replay through all of this on my PC. I'm rather bad these days with controllers for FPS, so M+KB will be welcomed.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm only now seeing that they apparently delayed the game several times to make sure it's up to snuff. Honestly kinda thinking it might be a good port, now... Probably going to be eating a bit of crow.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually can't wait.

I love Halo, but since I've moved on to PC as my primary platform, the lack of Halo on PC was annoying. Here's hoping the port is good.


Nov 20, 2017
Really hope that gamepass on console and gamepass on pc is one subscription, but I assume so. Also hoping that owning mcc digital would mean I will have it on pc too. My assumption is yes, but we've been burned by similar things before.


Oct 27, 2017
Halo has never been treated well on PC. 1's sub-par port, 2's Vista exclusivity.

I really hope this goes well. We've waited so long for a great Halo experience on PC.

What was wrong with 1 on PC? I didn't have a Xbox and the PC version is what I played. I don't recall any issues when I played?


Oct 25, 2017
What was wrong with 1 on PC? I didn't have a Xbox and the PC version is what I played. I don't recall any issues when I played?
The campaign played much better on Xbox. I went through it first on PC and then replayed it on Xbox. I expect PC versions to be definitive, that's why I think it subpar. It certainly wasn't unplayable, just not the best experience.

With all the missing graphical effects from the PC port, playing it on Xbox felt like a remaster.


Oct 27, 2017
The campaign played much better on Xbox. I went through it first on PC and then replayed it on Xbox. I expect PC versions to be definitive, that's why I think it subpar. It certainly wasn't unplayable, just not the best experience.

With all the missing graphical effects from the PC port, playing it on Xbox felt like a remaster.

Ah right, I do remember now that the campaign had some hitches in certain areas. I think I just blamed it on my computer not being the best at the time though.


Owner of YGOPRODeck.com
Nov 5, 2017
Is Brad Sam generally someone who is in the know about these things?

Deleted member 43077

User requested account closure
May 9, 2018
as expected it will be the launch title of Gamepass on PC so ill be ready to go Day One. Bring on PC Halo!


Oct 27, 2017
Is Brad Sam generally someone who is in the know about these things?



Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
What an embarrassing thing to say.

It isn't. For people who actually care about the open nature of pc gaming, it may not be the best idea to support a store that sells pc games locked into encrypted containers. This should not become the standard for pc gaming for many reasons.

This isn't a case of Epic moneyhatting games to make them exclusive to their store. Microsoft owns the IP, it's fair for them to make them exclusive to their own store.

Yes of course. I was only talking about the closed nature of the windows store and it's games. I have no problem with MS releasing their games on their own store only.


Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
Open nature pc store narrative is soooo old dude. Not even Tim Sweeny gives a fuck about it.

I am old as well m8. :)

But to be honest, even games sold by Epic's Store aren't being locked into encrypted containers. As soon as Microsoft stops doing this, I will stop complaining about this matter as well. ;)


Oct 27, 2017
Brad Sams feels like a person that gives controlled leaks from MS lol.