Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017


OMG adorbs. So inspirational.


I think I can, I think I can, I think...therefore I am.


Clever girl. Not the least bit terrifying.

Bonus: Download the Developer SDK right now and teach your Spot to do whatever you want! ;)



was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
It's all fun and games until Boston Dynamics gets the contract to make the government kill-bots and then all those funny gifs on robots getting whacked with broomhandles and opening doors will be a lot less charming.


Oct 26, 2017
The first three or so BD videos were cool, but for years now whenever I watch these I just fee like "Eh, whatever." They are all pretty much the same thing. Robot walks around. Robot walks on some rocks. Robot steadies itself from falling.

I'm not saying the underlying tech isn't cool or impressive, but it seems like this company gets a ton of free exposure because they had these really impressive robot videos in 2014.

I know, I'm no fun.


Oct 27, 2017
I never get tired of seeing Adam's enthusiasm and pure joy for all the things that he's interested in on Tested and look forward to a year with him and Spot.
Oct 26, 2017
The first three or so BD videos were cool, but for years now whenever I watch these I just fee like "Eh, whatever." They are all pretty much the same thing. Robot walks around. Robot walks on some rocks. Robot steadies itself from falling.

I'm not saying the underlying tech isn't cool or impressive, but it seems like this company gets a ton of free exposure because they had these really impressive robot videos in 2014.

I know, I'm no fun.
But the robots can do parkour now. They've gotten much more advanced since 2014.


Oct 25, 2017

The truly terrifying thing about Boston Dynamics will be this thing getting in your face and demanding "immediate cessation of this wicked pissah pahty in hahvahd yaahd!""


Oct 25, 2017
It's super impressive to see in person and mess around with. Though how they can make that amazing of a robot and then develop such a terrible controller is something...

Deleted member 49179

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2018
I looked at their launch ad, and I can't wrap my head around how these things could be useful. They don't have much battery life, they can't lift that much, they're just... walking around for 90 minutes. What would be the practical use for them?



Oct 25, 2017
Adam's enthusiasm for geeky tech stuff is always infectious.

I looked at their launch ad, and I can't wrap my head around how these things could be useful. They don't have much battery life, they can't lift that much, they're just... walking around for 90 minutes. What would be the practical use for them?

I was thinking that too. It feels like Boston Dynamics is just building the tech and hoping someone else comes up for a use for them.

The only use I can think of is in disaster zones. Having a bunch of these walking around rubble after an earthquake might be a good way to find survivors. They're lighter than people too, so they should be less likely to cause more collapses in the process.

They can also probably be used for existing drone applications like searching dangerous homes without putting a human at risk.

Deleted member 20284

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I looked at their launch ad, and I can't wrap my head around how these things could be useful. They don't have much battery life, they can't lift that much, they're just... walking around for 90 minutes. What would be the practical use for them?

Plenty. Operate in hazardous environments to start with. However any things like these off the top of my head - fires, see and remote speak, lead/navigate, intel gathering, bomb defusing, carrying loads, distraction, suicide runs, put in harms way first (open doors).

Now think of them with various task specific configs and there is a huge potential.