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Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017

He's streaming again right now, and after claiming that GX has "far left toxic views" he claims to want to avoid "opening up another can of worms with GX", so it looks like he may not actually ever give an official response to GX on the exposé, as many of us suspected would be the case.


So Josh made quite a few significant remarks in his most recent stream, where he announced that he still intends to make a video response to Andre's Twitter exposé. Unfortunately, he deleted the stream, but I was able to transcribe a few excerpts from a temporary archive that is no longer available. I've also included a few choice quotes that give us a bit of insight into his attitude after the exposé, in case anyone thought he was actually remorseful or changed in some way after the dog incident.

...The GameXplain video is not actually cancelled. I'm just not at the point in my life yet where I want to drag Andre through the mud yet, but rest assured there will be a response to that...

[in response to a comment stating that Andre is a social justice warrior]... That is true, that is very true...

[in response to a question about female representation in Smash Bros.]... You see, I'm not really the type of person - and if you are like this, fine; fair game - but I'm not really the type of person who thinks that something is better because it has more diversity in it, like, skin or gender - like skin tone or gender. I think that, you know, you should make something that's good. If you wanna make a character that's a girl, or put a girl - or something like that - that's fine, but uh, I don't really think you need to be like accurately/perfectly represented in something in order to enjoy it. You know what I mean? Like, that doesn't make any sense. Like, one of my favorite Nintendo characters is Samus; Samus is girl; she's like a girl space bounty hunter. That doesn't mean that I can't love her and identify with her, or you know, like really get into the character, so I just - I don't get into that; I think it's - I personally think it's not a very healthy way of living your life...

[in response to a comment stating that social justice isn't an insult]...Well, eh, it kind of is - just like somebody being far right wing is an insult; kind of the same deal...

[in response to a comment that says, "thoughts on toxic masculinity"]...Uhh...bollocks? Uhh, it's really not such a thing? What do you mean by to - it's just nonsense; it's far-left liberal nonsense, you know, that needs - from people who hate the idea of masculinity and wanna try and take masculinity out; nothing wrong being masculine. I'm not the most masculine guy in the world; I'm not gonna pretend to be that, but toxic masculinity is just some dumb buzzword - buzzwords, I should say...

[in response to a comment asking for thoughts on Alex Jones]...Um, I think he's funny. I don't take anything he says seriously. I think he's a character; I think he puts on a character. Uh, I wouldn't turn to him for my news, that's for sure. Uh, but I do find him entertaining...

[in response to someone warning him to be careful about the road he's going down] careful about threatening me with stupid, far-left nonsense. So I guess we both have two things to be careful about [winks at the camera while simultaneously clicking tongue]...

[in response to a comment suggesting that Alex Jones is a joke character and that they find it funny that people listen to him]...I find it funny that people listen to him and take him seriously, and I also find it funny when people are offended by him. Like, uh, you know if you - I think it's funny that somebody would watch Alex Jones and be like, "oh, this guy's talking sense", and I also think it's funny that somebody would watch Alex Jones and think, "oh my God, we have to stop him!" It's like, what? He's an idiot, he's a cartoon character; like, what's there to be offended by? You can't really tell people what they can think. I think that's one of the things, uh, it's one of the things I really hate about modern society; there's a lot, like, [gesturing with hands] "you need to think this way, otherwise you are this thing; you don't agree with me on this then you're a monster; you're this, you're that" - just so stupid. I don't get it, I don't get it - but I don't have to get it, 'cause I don't have to care...

[in response to a question asking him why he likes Trump]...I really like seeing that black unemployment, hispanic unemployment, white unemployment - pretty much unemployment all around is reaching all-time lows...I like that the border is protected, but we still welcome people to come to America and live here and embrace our culture - but at the same time [wags finger and clicks tongue simultaneously] gotta do it legally; can't just have the open borders and everything going to hell, so I like that. I like that everyone is becoming more protected. Um, I like the fact that the taxes are no longer screwing us over the way they used to. I like the fact that small businesses are able to thrive instead of having a bunch of ridiculous regulations on them...Um, that's just a few; I could go on for a long time but I won't...

[in response to a question asking if there's anything that he doesn't like about Trump]... Yeah, occasionally I'll see Trump tweet something and I'll just be like [incredulously] "what? Like, why would you care? Some basketball player's being an idiot or something and it's like, who cares? You are [gesturing with hands] way more powerful than some random [audio distortion] basketball player, so why are you even caring?" So yeah, some of his tweets it's almost like I have to be - I wanna just tell him, "[in a feigned whisper] You are the president and you don't have to care; you are so much bigger than these people." So, uh, there's a few tweets but generally I'm liking what he's doing; that's why I voted for him, you know? If you don't like Trump that's fine; you don't have to like Trump and that doesn't mean that you and I need to be enemies. Um, I like him. I feel that Trump is the way to better the country for everyone; for every man, woman, and child; whether they're White, Black, Mexican, whatever - Asian, Indian - um, I feel Trump is the way to do that... It's so funny how people get up on their high horse and stuff about it, and it's like, you know, how was Hillary Clinton never smeared for hating gay people? You're on YouTube right now; just type in 'Hillary Clinton and gay marriage' and there's tons of videos of her trashing it. Tons of videos of her being against gay marriage for many years. And then all of a sudden when she's running for president against Obama, suddenly she's cool with gay marriage? That's a little weird, how convenient that she flip-flopped on that subject right around the time that she wanted votes. [sarcastically] Weird how that happened. It's almost like politicians are all full of crap, no matter if they're right wing or left wing - and that's one of the other reasons that I like Trump; he's not really Republican or Democrat, or anything, so I'm - but again, if you don't like Trump, fine. I'm not against you; I don't look at Trump as being a god. He's just like anyone; he's got flaws, like you, me, and any other president...

... I'm well aware of the stuff that Hillary Clinton has done. [sarcastically and facetiously] But for legal reasons, and because I love my life, I love Hillary Clinton and I think she would've made a great president; gosh darn Russians. And I'm also very happy with my life and I'm very healthy, so if I were to die suddenly, that would be very mysterious. But of course that wouldn't happen because I love Hillary Clinton. Uh, I love all of the Clintons. Goooo, Hillary! Literally, go, Hillary; as in a way - go away...


In an unfortunate turn of events, Josh has posted a video informing his audience that his dog has died. In this video, he also addressed the internet's response to the exposé, and emotionally reflected on the consequences of his actions.

I've transcribed the relevant portions below:

[emotionally]...obviously the last few days, there are so many people hating me on the internet for things that I'm not; calling me racist and transphob - all this stuff - there's a huge thread on every possible fucking internet message board; just 95% of people hating me...I don't know how I've come to this part of my life, because I feel like I'm nothing [crying/pauses] - I don't know. It's the least important thing in the world right now, but my mind is just thinking of everything; about how I used to be so good with Nintendo and things were riding high on this channel, and I fucked that up by being an asshole; I had some of the coolest people at Nintendo following me on Twitter and being nice to me and I just - [sobbing] ... try and make this video somewhat valuable to you...[emotionally] please let my misfortune be a lesson for you to never once take anything or anyone in your life for granted - [cries] - because one minute, you're running over to your parents house just to see her, and gently squeeze her little fuzzy cheeks and get her a little treat, and then the next minute all you have of her anymore [grabs a zip-lock bag containing what appears to be a lock of dog fur, and clenches it while bringing the bag and its contents into view of the camera] is in a baggie - [cries] - and one minute, you have a cool, promising career, and the next, your stupid douche-y ways fuck that up - and I don't want anybody to feel sorry for me; this isn't a pity party or anything like that; I just need to say it out loud...


This story is still developing as we await Josh's official response in the wake of Andre's explosive exposé of his racist, sexist, and transphobic attitudes on Twitter, but here are the essentials:





After this succession of tweets, some people questioned Andre's motivation for putting Josh on blast in such a public fashion, presumably because of political disagreement, and this was his response:


Since Josh is banned from twitter, he is unable to respond to these tweets directly. He has, however, commented about the ordeal in an impromptu video stream that went live earlier today. I have transcribed an excerpt for those that don't wanna give him any clicks:

[in response to a suggestion to take the high road when addressing GameXplain's tweets]

...They are spreading very damaging lies. People on the internet are incredibly gullible; they will believe anything they read on a message board, comments section, or in a tweet; they will instantly believe it...there's a certain point where it's - no, no, no, they're actually crossing the line and they're not just calling me names; they're not just saying "oh Make Believe looks like amateur garbage", they're actually saying damaging things that will affect the viewership, or will affect the way people think of me - people have already sent me death threats, by the way, because they think I'm racist based on what GameXplain tweets out, and I know it's because of what GameXplain tweets out because the people who have sent me the death threats and actually have found out where I live were talking about GameXplain and siding with GameXplain. So you can see why it's a good idea to actually make the video. But in the video, I will take the high road - it'll be a little saucy of course, because it's me - but it will mostly be defending myself and also pointing out their hypocrisies.

Mind you, the 'lies' that Andre are allegedly spreading are quite literally screenshots of Josh's own words...

But that's really just a brief glimpse of Josh's behavior on the internet. Though Josh's twitter account is banned, extant images of many of his other tweets remain. Here are a few more examples:

Extended looters response:


Shitting on Cinco de Mayo being celebrated in the US despite not being an American (white) holiday:


Wishing failure on Yooka-Laylee for removing JonTron due to racist comments:


Harassing developers who support Playtonic after JonTron fiasco:


Commenting on the Muslim ban:


Doxxing a Nintendo employee because he didn't get early access to games:


In response to Elsa from Frozen potentially getting a female love interest in a new movie:


In defense of JonTron's alt-right views:


Alludes to Beyonce being a 'racist bitch':


And the series of bigoted comments that got him banned from twitter:

And there's a whole lot more on the internet if you look hard enough!


Anyway, for some context as to how all of this transpired over the years...

Josh and Andre used to be friends, but that all went south after Josh blocked Andre for liking some comments that explained the purpose of the Women's March. After that, Josh started badmouthing the GX crew in various tweets and livestreams (which are not archived), became aggressively argumentative with GX crew members on Twitter, and randomly took potshots at GameXplain out of the blue, like in the examples below:



However, despite these blatant insults, the GX crew did not call out Josh's antics until yesterday/today, when Andre decided that enough was enough, and exposed Josh for who he really was. And that's pretty much the gist of it.

Since this is a developing story, I will notify the thread of any updates, or whenever Josh decides to post his official response. If anyone else has anything they like to add in terms of context, feel free to let me know.
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DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
Andre dragged his punk-ass.

and getting banned on nazi-haven, Twitter? fuck-boy supreme confirmed


Oct 27, 2017
He's been expose for a while now. Terrible person.

Plus, if you're ban from Twitter, that has to be a huge red flag, right?

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of this has been known for a while now. I've known about the Charles Martinet thing for over a year now? Anyway if you didn't know the guy was trash before, you do now.


Oct 26, 2017
It seems the first several images are not working. Josh is a very hateful person. It is sad but also very typical. The pettiness in his online posts speaks a lot to the hateful mindset of him and people like him. I'm sure he feels he is innocent and right in all matters as well.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Bitblock dude has been known to be shitty for a long time, I remember a lot of this stuff coming up like 2 or 3 years ago when he first did those mockups of what a Wii U Animal Crossing would look like. He deserves to be called out on it especially if he's still actively denying it


Oct 25, 2017
The guy has always been a trash human being. I remember him being a bitch in the comments section on GoNintendo articles.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, used to watch this guy YEARS ago before following him on Twitter and seeing his real views. It was pretty gross. He came across as a nice guy in a lot of his older videos (no clue now) but after a while it became extremely evident he was not the kind of person I wanted to support in any way shape or form, regardless of any talent he may or may not have.

Him posting an image of pretend jizz on an Isabelle amiibo didn't really help my thoughts of him either. The dudes a creep and a nutcase.


Oct 25, 2017
josh thomas is a fucking joke and watching andre spank his ass mercilessly on twitter was truly gratifying


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
Josh Thomas is a known piece of shit and has been for years.

He's been expose for a while now. Terrible person.

Plus, if you're ban from Twitter, that has to be a huge red flag, right?

A lot of this has been known for a while now. I've known about the Charles Martinet thing for over a year now? Anyway if you didn't know the guy was trash before, you do now.

The Bitblock dude has been known to be shitty for a long time, I remember a lot of this stuff coming up like 2 or 3 years ago when he first did those mockups of what a Wii U Animal Crossing would look like. He deserves to be called out on it especially if he's still actively denying it

If nothing else, the information has been consolidated in this thread instead of scattered in a million different places.


And since Josh is preparing an official response, this definitely counts as news.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah Josh Thomas being racist, bigoted, sexist and alt-right trash isn't a new thing at all. The extent of it likely is though. Seeing in all of that in once place is wild but not at all surprising. I'm glad it was laid out the way it was. Anyone that followed him just for a little bit during the Wii days saw this and he's just gotten worse and worse over the years. People being exposed to what he is really like is good though.


Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't mind a 20 minute GameXplain dissection video on one of his tweets tearing into why he's a piece of trash.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah much of this was known. Even looking beyond his appalling views, I had issues when he stayed in his lane and talked about video games. I don't think he started this way, but he became extremely whiny, entitled and epitomized the egotistic internet-borne "I'm right and everyone else is wrong, fuck you" mentality. He would go off on basically anyone that disagreed with him about the stupidest and most trivial bullshit relating to videeo games.

I may be mistaken, but I think he and Rogersbase are still on okay terms, which has always surprised me. Roger comes across as such a positive, down-to-earth stand up kinda guy where Josh is anything but.


Oct 25, 2017
The Danger Zone
By making this thread you already fed right into him. So has Andre by giving him material to use.

I know andre posts here but you two seriously have been flinging shit at each other for so long that this was inevitable.

How does Roger put up with this.

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's ironic too since Josh piggybacked off of GameXplain forever and was their most frequent guest (despite being the most annoying) and now he's going off about how GameXplain is reuploading trailers, which newsflash, he was perfectly ok with until he got mad at someone supporting women, doesn't take away from their normal content anyway, not the draw to the channel, and really who gives a shit.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The guy has always been a trash human being. I remember him being a bitch in the comments section on GoNintendo articles.
I'm glad it's not just me lol
And that was BEFORE he doubled down on the racism.

Andre is one of the friendliest people in the industry so it speaks to the situatuon that he felt the need to do this. Josh is such a joke that he's a racist gaming YouTuber, the perfect recipe for success in 2018, and yet even the worst of the Internet can't be bothered to pay attention to him.
May 5, 2018
Boy that opening post is thorough. I've known that John Thomas has been a scummy bigot for quite some time and many of these tweets I haven't seen before, but it further back ups Thomas being a racist. Glad that Andre kicked him bum on Twitter.


Jan 9, 2018
He's one of the worst human beings I've seen and still ongoing on the internet with a following. I can't comprehend how people would still give him attention or defend his views. I usually try to make excuses for anyone to not say anything negative about them, but there is honestly nothing positive to say about this person. I honestly cannot say anything positive, I dislike him that much and it's very easy to point out why.

I'm glad GameXplain aren't involved with him anymore, but I don't get why someone like Roger's Base would still give him attention.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
I don't know whether I should hate or love Twitter. On one hand it is a platform used by many to spread stupid shit but on the other time and time again stupid people are getting exposed over and over again because of it, which is certainly such an enjoyable thing to witness.


Oct 26, 2017
If Josh has any defenders here on Era I would love to know what the defense is besides "I agree with his views and actions." Although I only know of Rogersbase thru his work with Gamexplain, I have lost respect for him based on his responses about the situation in the above twitter threads.


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
Boy that opening post is thorough. I've known that John Thomas has been a scummy bigot for quite some time and many of these tweets I haven't seen before, but it further back ups Thomas being a racist. Glad that Andre kicked him bum on Twitter.

I'm glad you found it useful. I know people have known for a while that Josh was a shitty person (I have too), but I really wanted to put things into perspective after Andre jettisoned his ass into oblivion.


Oct 25, 2017
Watched him since the Wii days and thought he was fairly normal up until I looked up his Twitter account a few years back. It's kind of depressing seeing someone you used to respect turn out to be an awful person in reality.

Hopefully he learns to better himself now that someone finally decided to call him out. However, looking at that live stream quote in the OP it looks like that won't the case. How deluded do you have to be to say that screencaps of your tweets are "lies".


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Back when I used to visit GoNintendo daily, this Josh guy was always posting garbage and antagonistic stuff in the comments. I've hated the guy ever since, and I've actively ignored any content he has produced since then.

Though I am sad to see how much his hateful self has escalated.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If Josh has any defenders here on Era I would love to know what the defense is besides "I agree with his views and actions." Although I only know of Rogersbase thru his work with Gamexplain, I have lost respect for him based on his responses about the situation in the above twitter threads.
If I remember correctly, in a thread about him on the old place (either right before/after he lost his twitter?) he was live responding on his YouTube to the thread because it was so overwhelmingly negative.

You gotta do a lot to get banned from Twitter.
You gotta do a lot to have Andre from Gamexplain spend a part of his day putting you on blast.
You gotta do a lot to be the one gaming personality who seemingly nobody likes.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 31, 2017
Surprising no one. Roger must really be longtime friends with this guy to keep collaborating with him.

And regardless of all this, twitter remains abysmal.

Deleted member 4037

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
Can't say I've heard of either of them before. Is BitBlock mainly a youtuber, twitch streamer, content creator?

Surprised someone just compiled those all now, since they're not even recent.


Oct 26, 2017
Are the first several images in the OP not working for anyone else? They aren't displaying for me.
Oct 27, 2017
The comments about people's faith and the death threats are particularly bad.

Also, it seems like the guy is just jealous of GameXplain.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
This has been known for a while but the more people know, the better.

Unfortunate cause he's a very talented guy but he's a trashbag above all else

Don't drag RogersBase into this. He's a good guy. Josh is the problem here.

I like Roger but people will judge you by the company you keep. Simple as that.
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