
Apr 27, 2018

Biden administration suggests it will add 'X' gender markers to federal documents

The ACLU has been in talks with the Biden White House about the change, which would allow nonbinary and intersex people to get passports that reflect who they are.
After years of lobbying and lawsuits, nonbinary and intersex people may finally be getting passports that reflect who they are: LGBTQ advocates have been in talks with the Biden administration about executive action to add "X" gender markers to all federal documents, including passports and Social Security cards, according to the ACLU.

The White House declined to offer a timeline for the rollout or comment on how the policy might be implemented. But Matt Hill, a spokesperson at the White House, said President Joe Biden remains committed to issuing nonbinary IDs, a promise he made during his campaign.
"Transgender and non-binary people without identification documents that accurately reflect their gender identity are often exposed to harassment and violence and denied employment, housing, critical public benefits, and even the right to vote," his campaign website said.

Biden vowed to address the issue and build on the legacy of the Obama administration, which began allowing transgender people to update their passports after transitioning.

Biden has already made good on several campaign promises made to the LGBTQ community: rolling back the transgender military ban, signing an executive order to enforce the Supreme Court's landmark LGBTQ employment ruling, and nominating Pete Buttigieg and Dr. Rachel Levine. Buttigieg became the first out gay Cabinet member to go before the Senate to be confirmed for presidential appointment; Levine, who has not yet been confirmed, would become the first trans official to do so.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Can it be a permanent thing the next pos Republican can't undo?


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive Drive-by, Derailing Thread
cool but can we please stop pushing back on clearing student debt or health care or or raising minimum wage stimulus checks or stopping deportations or any of this other shit joe biden completely dropped the ball on a mere month in

the democrats are so performative it's kind of embarrassing. not saying this isnt important but its small and only impacts on a federal level. when it has to come to bigger change, its gotta be more than these inclusive gestures that mean nothing for anyone who doesn't plan to work for the government.
Oct 27, 2017
cool but can we please stop pushing back on clearing student debt or health care or or raising minimum wage stimulus checks or stopping deportations or any of this other shit joe biden completely dropped the ball on a mere month in

the democrats are so performative it's kind of embarrassing. not saying this isnt important but its small and only impacts on a federal level. when it has to come to bigger change, its gotta be more than these inclusive gestures that mean nothing for anyone who doesn't plan to work for the government.

Yes because this is clearly getting in the way of those things


Oct 27, 2017
cool but can we please stop pushing back on clearing student debt or health care or or raising minimum wage stimulus checks or stopping deportations or any of this other shit joe biden completely dropped the ball on a mere month in

the democrats are so performative it's kind of embarrassing. not saying this isnt important but its small and only impacts on a federal level. when it has to come to bigger change, its gotta be more than these inclusive gestures that mean nothing for anyone who doesn't plan to work for the government.
Hey I get you are mad democrats aren't taking the issues you stated seriously enough, but identity issues are just as important. Please don't call it small.


Oct 26, 2017
the democrats are so performative it's kind of embarrassing. not saying this isnt important but its small and only impacts on a federal level. when it has to come to bigger change, its gotta be more than these inclusive gestures that mean nothing for anyone who doesn't plan to work for the government.

Not every step is going to be the biggest one. There is a mountain of things to do, appreciate that they are doing good things.

For a 78 year old man, he's doing some progressive things that will normalize this for future generations.


Nov 2, 2017
cool but can we please stop pushing back on clearing student debt or health care or or raising minimum wage stimulus checks or stopping deportations or any of this other shit joe biden completely dropped the ball on a mere month in

You said it yourself. He's only been in office for a month. Jesus H Christ.

I really hope this doesn't turn into another Mario Kart thread.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Sep 12, 2018
the democrats are so performative it's kind of embarrassing. not saying this isnt important but its small and only impacts on a federal level. when it has to come to bigger change, its gotta be more than these inclusive gestures that mean nothing for anyone who doesn't plan to work for the government.

This is a big change, though. I don't think this is getting in the way of other things at all. Showing that non binary and trans people have a voice in this country from the people on top is a really important message, and it's not like this is the only thing they've done in that department. They've also reversed the trans ban on the military and are working on anti-discrimination legislation that'll codify this stuff into law. I don't really think it's performative considering most of these changes outline specific guidelines for the future.

cool but can we please stop pushing back on clearing student debt or health care or or raising minimum wage stimulus checks or stopping deportations or any of this other shit joe biden completely dropped the ball on a mere month in

Do you think that all of this was going to get done in a month? I've been seeing a lot of doubt about this, but things are moving along. Stimulus checks are coming in a few weeks (bill is being voted on in the House this week), the $15 minimum wage bill is being sent to the Senate next week following the vote, Biden signed an executive order to stop deportations that was overruled by a judge which he has no control over, and student debt relief should be coming before October since that's when the federal payments are paused until then. I know 4 years of Trump was crazy, but it's never been possible to do everything in a month with such a narrow Senate majority.


Oct 27, 2017

Aside from the obvious, there's a bunch of shit, government forms and otherwise, that ask for gender when gender isn't entirely relevant. Hopefully this is a start and not the end goal.


Oct 27, 2017
I get some of You are primed to dunk on Biden, but try not to dismiss non-binary folks in the atempt.

Deleted member 1963

Can it be a permanent thing the next pos Republican can't undo?
It's generally not something they're interested in doing. The people who would support it already vote Republican every election. Causing a big stink about something that is already on the books and widely supported does not benefit them.


Oct 29, 2017
cool but can we please stop pushing back on clearing student debt or health care or or raising minimum wage stimulus checks or stopping deportations or any of this other shit joe biden completely dropped the ball on a mere month in

the democrats are so performative it's kind of embarrassing. not saying this isnt important but its small and only impacts on a federal level. when it has to come to bigger change, its gotta be more than these inclusive gestures that mean nothing for anyone who doesn't plan to work for the government.
I'm trans and do trans policy (and I hate Biden as much as the next communist). This would be huge for trans and nb people, and I'm not sure why you think having accurate ID only matters to people who work for the government.


One Winged Slayer
Sep 12, 2018
People actually expecting things from an elected official during an unprecedented crisis? Couldn't be me

But they're acting like he isn't doing anything, which isn't true. Just the fact that this thread exists is a great thing! FDR's whole agenda wasn't passed in a month lol.

Deleted member 6230

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
But they're acting like he isn't doing anything, which isn't true. Just the fact that this thread exists is a great thing! FDR's whole agenda wasn't passed in a month lol.
I don't think they acting like he isn't doing anything they would just like if he did a bit more. Nothing wrong with that

Osu 16 Bit

QA Lead at NetherRealm Studios
Oct 27, 2017
Chicago, IL
As a trans person I've been pretty happy with a lot of the things Biden has done for us so far. I'm getting tired of hearing how Biden has done "nothing" or giving us absolutely no time to breath and enjoy a victory. I don't know what the intention is but it comes off like our issues don't matter. It's disheartening.

This isn't only about that EDEN post either, it's just the latest. Whenever I see someone say nothing has changed, Biden has done nothing, ect that reads to me like his queer rights executive orders didn't count. I don't want to say you can't be critical or push, there is nuance here, I get it. It's a matter of how it's framed.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
cool but can we please stop pushing back on clearing student debt or health care or or raising minimum wage stimulus checks or stopping deportations or any of this other shit joe biden completely dropped the ball on a mere month in

the democrats are so performative it's kind of embarrassing. not saying this isnt important but its small and only impacts on a federal level. when it has to come to bigger change, its gotta be more than these inclusive gestures that mean nothing for anyone who doesn't plan to work for the government.

I must have missed that only Federal employees need fucking passports

But thanks for making it real clear you think trans rights are performative small potatoes


Oct 27, 2017
Assigned X-Man At Birth, baby.

India (and I believe other South Asian countries) also have a third gender option. I'm not sure whether it's labelled 'Others' or 'Third Gender', though. Gender discourse works very differently in India, so I suppose the rulings were made accordingly.

I much like the non-descript US version of 'X' gender. It's flexible.
Mar 10, 2018
cool but can we please stop pushing back on clearing student debt or health care or or raising minimum wage stimulus checks or stopping deportations or any of this other shit joe biden completely dropped the ball on a mere month in

the democrats are so performative it's kind of embarrassing. not saying this isnt important but its small and only impacts on a federal level. when it has to come to bigger change, its gotta be more than these inclusive gestures that mean nothing for anyone who doesn't plan to work for the government.
We can appreciate progress, no matter how "small," and simultaneously work on the bigger things.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think they acting like he isn't doing anything they would just like if he did a bit more. Nothing wrong with that

No she's quite literally saying this shouldn't have been worked on now and should wait, and it's insignificant, small, and performative

Also seems to think federal documents including passports only benefit federal employees lol


Oct 28, 2017
cool but can we please stop pushing back on clearing student debt or health care or or raising minimum wage stimulus checks or stopping deportations or any of this other shit joe biden completely dropped the ball on a mere month in

the democrats are so performative it's kind of embarrassing. not saying this isnt important but its small and only impacts on a federal level. when it has to come to bigger change, its gotta be more than these inclusive gestures that mean nothing for anyone who doesn't plan to work for the government.

It's fun how you only seem to care about stuff that affects you. Some progressive.


Oct 29, 2017
cool but can we please stop pushing back on clearing student debt or health care or or raising minimum wage stimulus checks or stopping deportations or any of this other shit joe biden completely dropped the ball on a mere month in

the democrats are so performative it's kind of embarrassing. not saying this isnt important but its small and only impacts on a federal level. when it has to come to bigger change, its gotta be more than these inclusive gestures that mean nothing for anyone who doesn't plan to work for the government.

They are doing all of those things, and this isn't small.
Oct 28, 2017
Joe Biden could find the cure for cancer and some of you would still complain.

This is a huge step and one that many people will appreciate.

Seven of Nine

Oct 27, 2017
This is great but it needs to be backed up by legislation. We need to get these rights in place where they aren't subject to the whims of the next President.

I am glad to have a President that recognizes my existence. I'm sorry that's "performative" for some of you.


Dec 18, 2017
I had no idea what "x gender marker" was. Didn't know it was a literal "X" instead of "male" or "female" (well, I sorta assumed that's what it would be but I still had to Google lol)


Oct 25, 2017
Mario Kart thread incoming. This is a good thing. Fuck off if your first inclination is to come in here and spew BS about completely unrelated matters. This is a good thing. If you have other qualms, make another thread about it, FFS.


One Winged Slayer
Sep 12, 2018
This is great but it needs to be backed up by legislation. We need to get these rights in place where they aren't subject to the whims of the next President.

I am glad to have a President that recognizes my existence. I'm sorry that's "performative" for some of you.

The Equality Act specifically targeting LGBT+ issues should be passed in the House this week, but I don't know how likely it is for it to be passed in the Senate with the filibuster intact.


Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Can it be a permanent thing the next pos Republican can't undo?
Would face legal hurdles to role back. Courts, even republican judges, don't like to role back things like this (Its why trump did nothing on gay marriage, or techinically do away with some trans and gay discrimination, just work around it and allow it by saying its not technically discrimination). Once a right is granted it gains some 14th amendment power to be denial of substantative due process


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Would face legal hurdles to role back. Courts, even republican judges, don't like to role back things like this (Its why trump did nothing on gay marriage, or techinically do away with some trans and gay discrimination, just work around it and allow it by saying its not technically discrimination). Once a right is granted it gains some 14th amendment power to be denial of substantative due process


Oct 25, 2017
The amount Biden has already done in a month has been astounding, especially during a global. Yet, I still see liberals tearing themselves apart because he hasn't climbed a particular mountain successfully quite yet. This is why recently Dems only hold power for short periods and get voted out. Beyond gerrymandering/voter suppression, republicans stick together even during utter buffoonery.


Oct 28, 2017
The amount Biden has already done in a month has been astounding, especially during a global. Yet, I still see liberals tearing themselves apart because he hasn't climbed a particular mountain successfully quite yet. This is why recently Dems only hold power for short periods and get voted out. Beyond gerrymandering/voter suppression, republicans stick together even during utter buffoonery.

Because democrats can be hard to trust fully. Case in point student loans.


Nov 19, 2017
1. This is a good thing.
2. It's going to piss off conservatives (who gives a fuck what they think, though).
3. Whenever people act like Biden hasn't done enough of something, I just look at the calendar like... 🤨


Oct 28, 2017
1. This is a good thing.
2. It's going to piss off conservatives (who gives a fuck what they think, though).
3. Whenever people act like Biden hasn't done enough of something, I just look at the calendar like... 🤨

When they say he hasn't done enough, they mean he hasn't done anything that personally affects them.