Oct 25, 2017
A warning to those who haven't played the game yet: there will be SPOILERS for a certain boss fight to follow. If you'd prefer to experience it on your own first, kindly look away (and go buy our game)! Otherwise, scroll down to begin the journey.


The God of War series has always had some spectacular opening boss fights: The Hydra, The Colossus of Rhodes, Poseidon and his water pony, among others. During these fights, the camera was usually zoomed out very far to show a sense of scale. This was because these fights all had one big thing in common: Kratos was fighting a massive foe. Get it? I said "big thing" because they're massive. More to come, folks!

We knew we needed to do something just as epic in the new God of War, so when it was decided that the opening boss fight of the game was going to be against a smaller humanoid that was only about as tall as Kratos' shoulder, we knew we were in for a big challenge. This is the (greatly condensed) story of how we created the boss fight with "The Stranger," aka Baldur.


The close camera would help to sell the impact of each punch. These were two gods trading blows, so each hit needed to resonate with incredible force. Much of our early development time was spent on the "feel" of the fight. We wanted the player to feel like a god fighting a god, with the environment around you paying the price.

We began with our animator, Fabian Johnston, doing some exploratory animations. These helped set the tone of the entire fight. It was not long before we had them running in the game, with a whole bunch of breakable objects sprinkled about. This first prototype focused on answering a few questions:

  • How much can we push the godly reactions on both Kratos and Baldur before it starts feeling like too much?
  • How far can we go with environmental destruction? How dense can we make the breakable trees and rocks before they start interfering with gameplay? Do these add enough to the feel of the fight to be worth pursuing?
  • What size does the arena need to be to accommodate all of our other requirements?

As you can see, things were pretty rough at this early stage. However, it was already fun to control Kratos versus Baldur and to experience all the over-the-top reactions while playing. It was especially fun trying to angle the camera to knock Baldur through trees and rocks. This early prototype helped set expectations on how the fight would feel in the end.

We also discovered one big bonus to fighting a smaller character like Baldur: he was more fun to beat up. Hitting Baldur and sending him flying 50 feet was way more satisfying than hitting a giant monster's hand. We played to this strength by making Baldur support almost all of our reaction states, such as being launched into the air or knocked back.

Around this time, our concept artist Stephen Oakley did some pre-visualization artwork of potential combat sequences for the fight, inspired by the early animations Fabian did. These helped spark even more ideas.

By now, we had a large bucket of cool things we wanted to try out for the fight. I created a design document next, planning out the key beats of the fight… not as exciting as Fabian's animations or Stephen's pretty sketches, so I won't post it. But, I did some work too! I promise.

Once we had a rough plan in place for the entire fight, we began implementing a rough skeleton for each phase, starting with the introduction when Baldur first appears at your door.

There's a lot more in the article where they take you through each step of creating this fight. You should check it out.


Oct 30, 2017
Badass. It wasn't as "epic" in scale as the previous opening bosses, but man, this fight was fucking INTENSE AS FUCK. Interesting how SSM chose to go up-close-and-personal rather than grand set-piece with this fight. Definitely showed a change in tone while still staying very "God of War."
Gravity Insanity
Oct 25, 2017
This would've been amazing.
Baldur was also originally supposed to be able to grab your axe and use it against you. Imagine you throw your axe at him, he takes the hit, pulls it out of his body and throws it back at you. What a jerk! This proved a bit difficult to pull off… plus we didn't want to discourage you from throwing your axe so early in the game, so in the end this feature was… axed.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 27, 2017
A great way to open the game. I remember when shinobi602 talk about this battle on twitter and I get super hyped.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the part when kratos get hit and drop his axe is awesome, too bad it's not in the game.


Nov 29, 2017
unpopular opinion:

this fight nearly made me quit the game...

I fight and win... Surprise! I am back!... fuck, let me progress dammit.... I fight again and win.. SURPRISE! back again!... I fight again and guess what.... It comes back alive again.

it reeeeeaaally tested my patience. beating and reviving a boss 3 or 4 times is easily one of the worst gimmicks a dev can throw at me, and it's worse if it's the beginning of the game and you are coming to terms with the controls


Jun 7, 2018
This make me more fuckin hyped for NG+. Just release the damn patch already so I can play this weekend!!!


Oct 27, 2017
it reeeeeaaally tested my patience. beating and reviving a boss 3 or 4 times is easily one of the worst gimmicks a dev can throw at me, and it's worse if it's the beginning of the game and you are coming to terms with the controls

That felt like part of reason for the repetition and I can't remember right now but didn't each phase introduce a new aspect to contend with?
Or was that only the last fight?


Feb 22, 2018
One of the best opening bosses ever, for sure. Not as epic in SCALE, obviously, but what a super intense fight that I want more of in the sequel!


Oct 26, 2017
and then I didn't fight a real boss for another like 12 hours

God of War's boss battles were so damn good..........but so few. It's like what happened with breath of the wild...........the game was so good, the dungeons were really good...........but just so damn few.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
and then I didn't fight a real boss for another like 12 hours

God of War's boss battles were so damn good..........but so few. It's like what happened with breath of the wild...........the game was so good, the dungeons were really good...........but just so damn few.
The first god of war barely had any bosses.

Turbo Tu-Tone

Oct 27, 2017
I was not ready for that shit. Was even playing on GMGOW difficulty and didn't realize how many times I was holding my breathe during the fight. Didn't think anything was going to top the Poseidon encounter, as incredible as that was. But Baldur took the crown the second he popped Kratos in the mouth and sent him over that house.


Oct 27, 2017
Even though God of War will not be my GOTY, The Stranger fight is easily my gaming moment of the year. So well choreographed, cinematic, and with excellent gameplay. Lots of games could learn some things from what was done with that fight.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Awesome breakdown. Ya know... I can't remember for sure, but I swear I didn't realise you could use your axe in this fight. Pretty sure I did it bare fisted haha.


Oct 28, 2017
unpopular opinion:

this fight nearly made me quit the game...

I fight and win... Surprise! I am back!... fuck, let me progress dammit.... I fight again and win.. SURPRISE! back again!... I fight again and guess what.... It comes back alive again.

it reeeeeaaally tested my patience. beating and reviving a boss 3 or 4 times is easily one of the worst gimmicks a dev can throw at me, and it's worse if it's the beginning of the game and you are coming to terms with the controls

There was a moment where I thought that this is one of those boss fights you can't win and that you have to lose to continue. So I let him beat me and then it was game over. :(

But I loved this boss fight nonetheless.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Imo one of the greatest boss fights in video game history. If you weren't spoilered already it literally hit you out of the blue. The acting was on point, it was emotional, intense, raw and gritty and it was fun. I often forget to have fun during intense boss fights, but not here. It had the perfect length and amount of stages, the scope was immense and earth shattering, literally. Last but not least that The Stranger theme...

So good...
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Oct 26, 2017
I love this fight even more thinking about the little things, like Baldur yelling "why won't you die?" It seems like an overused and old line, but I later realized that Baldur was genuinely confused.

He thought he was fighting an ice giant afterall. Not a God.


Oct 27, 2017
That fight was incredible, and a fantastic opener to the game. As someone who never played a God of War game before, experiencing that was a "holy fuck, I'm in for some real shit" moment.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
I still think that it was pretty disappointing that the devs blew their load on the very first boss fight. I spent the entire game waiting for something as intense as the first Baldur fight, and it just never came.


Oct 27, 2017
The moment all my concerns with the game where blown away. Amazing boss fight in true God of War style.


Oct 27, 2017
I beat him only using fist too,so satisfying.Is incredible,the climax,the dialog and music before the fight,the last boss fight is even better.I can't wait to see Kratos x Thor.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I still think that it was pretty disappointing that the devs blew their load on the very first boss fight. I spent the entire game waiting for something as intense as the first Baldur fight, and it just never came.

Really? The last boss battle was far more epic and intense.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah this fight was incredible, it didn't feel like an opening boss battle at all, it felt more like middle-late game stuff.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
Really? The last boss battle was far more epic and intense.
The last battle was great, but I felt like it lacked the same intensity because the actual fight just felt like an expanded version of the first fight. It also lacked the surprise and the "oh shit!" moments of Baldur regenerating and refusing to stay dead, which helped a lot to make the first battle more memorable.
That was unintentional, I swear.
Oct 25, 2017
The last battle was great, but I felt like it lacked the same intensity because the actual fight just felt like an expanded version of the first fight. It also lacked the surprise and the "oh shit!" moments of Baldur regenerating and refusing to stay dead, which helped a lot to make the first battle more memorable.

That was unintentional, I swear.
There were no "oh shit" moments in the final fight? hmmmm


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I want to see their take in the final one.

Fuck,its even more impressive (on the tecnical side) than this one


Jul 18, 2018
and then I didn't fight a real boss for another like 12 hours

God of War's boss battles were so damn good..........but so few. It's like what happened with breath of the wild...........the game was so good, the dungeons were really good...........but just so damn few.

Yup pretty much, GOW is a giant appetizer that doesn't really deliver until the 5 last minutes of the game, the first 2 hours of the game are amazing though.
Gravity Insanity
Oct 25, 2017
Imo one of the greatest boss fights in video game history. If you weren't spoilered already it literally hit you out of the blue. The acting was on point, it was emotional, intense, raw and gritty and it was fun. I often forget to have fun during intense boss fights, but not here. It had the perfect length and amount of stages, the scope was immense and earth shattering, literally. Last but not least that The Stranger theme...

So good...

Here's a slightly different unreleased version of the Deliverance track. My favorite part is at the 2:26 mark.


Oct 27, 2017
it reeeeeaaally tested my patience. beating and reviving a boss 3 or 4 times is easily one of the worst gimmicks a dev can throw at me, and it's worse if it's the beginning of the game and you are coming to terms with the controls

in most cases I would agree but at least here the narrative supports it
Oct 27, 2017
Really interesting to see the background information on this. Easily my favorite opening boss fight in a long time. The build-up, the epic fight, everything. I especially love how it really sells the idea that two gods are fighting and (perhaps more importantly) the idea that Kratos isn't invincible.

He's tough, it takes a ton of force to affect him but when it does, he's not recovering from it easily. He's gotten older and really can't take damage the way he used to. By contrast, Baldur is spun around, handled like a ragdoll, but the young god just springs back over and over.


Oct 27, 2017
One of the best boss fights in this medium. Character action games should be taking extensive notes from GOW, though I hardly think any game will be able to beat it this generation. The feel of every impact in this game is unbelievably good.

It also felt very reminiscent of Snyder's Man of Steel, which is one of the best on-screen representations of super-powered characters I've ever witnessed.