
Dec 7, 2018
There is some weird Reddit campaign going on right now. The posts will not stop, but the proof I've seen is weak. A lot of it is anti trans crap so it's hard to tell.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
If you don't get consent to message someone outside of the explicit topic AND you don't really know them like that, don't message them.
Wait do you really think this, that you always need to ask someone publicly if you can DM them privately? That seems really extreme. Or is that not what you meant?

Like if I am in a public Discord channel and me and someone else are having a good back and forth, or it's someone I always have fun bantering with, and I were to send them a DM, you think that is wrong? Or if someone is having a mental health crisis and you were to reach out to them? To me that's just like, how a lot of people make friends.
There is some weird Reddit campaign going on right now. The posts will not stop, but the proof I've seen is weak. A lot of it is anti trans crap so it's hard to tell.
It's so hard to tell what is legit and what is not.

Instant Vintage

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Wait do you really think this, that you always need to ask someone publicly if you can DM them privately? That seems really extreme. Or is that not what you meant?

Like if I am in a public Discord channel and me and someone else are having a good back and forth, or it's someone I always have fun bantering with, and I were to send them a DM, you think that is wrong? Or if someone is having a mental health crisis and you were to reach out to them? To me that's just like, how a lot of people make friends.

It's so hard to tell what is legit and what is not.

That's not quite what I meant, and I apologize if it came off fuzzy.

If me and you are having a good back and forth publicly, and one of us messages the other, I don't see anything wrong with that.

But now if we 2 messages in and I go "You type like you're cute", that's where the problem starts because you didn't consent to me sending you messages like that. My point was coming from the fact that I don't know you or your boundaries, and until I do, it's best to not message anything that would be deemed inappropriate.

Even better, don't message someone something privately that you wouldn't publicly.

Again, sorry for the fuzziness.


Nov 15, 2017
This is unfortunately what happens when you consort with the base of shad
Aside from that ,everything else just seems like bad faith youtuber bullshit


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
But now if we 2 messages in and I go "You type like you're cute", that's where the problem starts because you didn't consent to me sending you messages like that. My point was coming from the fact that I don't know you or your boundaries, and until I do, it's best to not message anything that would be deemed inappropriate.
Oh yeah that I agree with
Jun 6, 2018
Stepping down is deserved and the people defending this behaviour online are as concerning as the people defending dr disrespect and Cody Ko.


Oct 27, 2017
It's been weird seeing this play out online. Way too many people are treating this situation like revenge for DrDisrespect who is still very much a pedophile.

Ava is in the wrong here, but it's shitty knowing the crusade against her is spearheaded by transphobes that don't actually give a shit about children.


Jan 15, 2023
It's been weird seeing this play out online. Way too many people are treating this situation like revenge for DrDisrespect who is still very much a pedophile.

Ava is in the wrong here, but it's shitty knowing the crusade against her is spearheaded by transphobes that don't actually give a shit about children.

It's not a coincidence that a trans thread here actually gets traction for once... when one of us did a bad thing.


Mar 21, 2022
This is all I'm bad faith. The person who *exposed" her collaborates with a known child predator who was caught TWICE. The "victim" says absolutely nothing happened, to which of course the sea of transphobes are harassing.

Almost everyone I'm seeing who are very strongly against Ava deadname and misgenser her, are already known transphobes that feel vindicated, or are/were supporters of actual pedophiles.

But you know, she liked Shad's art nearly a decade ago when fucking a whole lot of people did. And said same people are fucking in the animation industry and working on one of the biggest shows on TV. But hey, they're all cis dudes, don't worry. They're "based"


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This is all I'm bad faith. The person who *exposed" her collaborates with a known child predator who was caught TWICE. The "victim" says absolutely nothing happened, to which of course the sea of transphobes are harassing.

Almost everyone I'm seeing who are very strongly against Ava deadname and misgenser her, are already known transphobes that feel vindicated, or are/were supporters of actual pedophiles.

But you know, she liked Shad's art nearly a decade ago when fucking a whole lot of people did. And said same people are fucking in the animation industry and working on one of the biggest shows on TV. But hey, they're all cis dudes, don't worry. They're "based"

You're correct there's a lot of awful people involved in this.

But here's Ava at 22 years old being at BEST really fucking sus (NSFW/NSFL trigger warning regarding word usage)



Oct 26, 2017
Why is there videos of this person saying the N words loud and proud? Stupid fuck. Rot in hell.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Right-wing transphobes capitalizing on this situation to spread their bullshit is the usual modus operandi tbh. They will always generalize about minorities.

That being said, all the information adds up to quite horrible behavior from Ava. That artist stuff, the messages and posts. It is undefendable.


Oct 27, 2017
Of course there are double standards being used against her, she may have participated and acted the same as everyone else in that group but the target was put on her ever since she came out.

The behavior in question from her is inexcusable, but sadly unsurprising.


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
You're correct there's a lot of awful people involved in this.

But here's Ava at 22 years old being at BEST really fucking sus (NSFW/NSFL trigger warning regarding word usage)


That's some peak edgelord right there. Not a shock this is coming back to haunt people now, people said some wild shit when they thought it would be forever hidden behind the veneer of an alias that no one could tie to you.

And I think people really underestimate how much Shadman was just a known quantity back in the day and how everyone gave it a pass, because of the ironic detached nature of everything online, especially within the Newgrounds sphere of influence. He was drawing shock/"extreme" pornography meant specifically to throw you off, the visual equivalent of dead baby jokes, although from what I remember it mostly started with all adult characters and/or just monsters. That transitioned over time into including more and more shocking elements (because what was shocking yesterday became routine tomorrow), and eventually that became drawing underage characters referencing real life people. I think for most people the irony started to wear off around that point and you saw people start to distance themselves, although some much later than others.

I would like to believe that most people who associated with Shadman back in the day have changed/come to regret ever doing so, but it's still something a lot of people will have as the skeleton in their closet if they ever become prolific.


Oct 25, 2017
The whole thing is quite sad and is reflective of A LOT more to come. I fully believe all parties involved in that there was no grooming - just inappropriate edgelord stuff.

The generation that grew up with edgelord behaviour online will continually be exposed.

The tragedy behind it being it's a trans person whose positive exposure via MrBeast was potentially a massive massive deal for the community, but now has been tarnished.


Nov 15, 2017
There was a time back in the late oughts and early tens in which one of the primary mascots of internet counter culture was a cartoon bear who was also a pedophile.

These things were played for laugh back in the day, not taken seriously. That's not to excuse it, but I suspect that a large amount of modern progressives probably partook in that kind of edgelord humor back then as well.


Oct 25, 2017
There was a time back in the late oughts and early tens in which one of the primary mascots of internet counter culture was a cartoon bear who was also a pedophile.

These things were played for laugh back in the day, not taken seriously. That's not to excuse it, but I suspect that a large amount of modern progressives probably partook in that kind of edgelord humor back then as well.
Pedobear I remember that. I was a teenager back then.

Yea I remember making those jokes too, it was just something I did without thinking as I didn't really have the understanding of how serious these things were and that it was not ok to joke about it. I had never read up any articles on how sexual abuse can harm someone for life. Same for jokes about disabled people. The internet was just this random mostly disjointed place with random people who aren't really "real". Like online only friendships weren't really as common back then as they are today, so extending empathy beyond the people you saw was not something that was a common concept as the whole world was just whatever was around you.


Oct 30, 2017
There was a time back in the late oughts and early tens in which one of the primary mascots of internet counter culture was a cartoon bear who was also a pedophile.

These things were played for laugh back in the day, not taken seriously. That's not to excuse it, but I suspect that a large amount of modern progressives probably partook in that kind of edgelord humor back then as well.
I distinctly remember all the pedobear merch at conventions and various events.


Apr 21, 2024
They lost me at the Shadman stuff way back. I left it up to Mr Beast fans to see if they reformed. I felt like I was put in a weird spot of having to defend against transphobia while dancing around the gross stuff they got up to.


Oct 27, 2017
Once again another situation where everybody needs to wait for the facts and don't jump to conclusions. Same as it should have been with Dr Disrespect it instead it just ends up with the most extreme elements of the web slinging shade.


Mar 21, 2022
You're correct there's a lot of awful people involved in this.

But here's Ava at 22 years old being at BEST really fucking sus (NSFW/NSFL trigger warning regarding word usage)

I can't and won't directly defend edgy humor like this, but my point still very much stands. If it was a cis dude, this would be no big deal.

IE; James Gunn. Yes, I know he got a lot of flak, but then he had a career again a week later.


Oct 28, 2017
Adults should not be making sexual jokes with minors, period. I hope to God that that's where it ends and there isn't more.
Nov 8, 2018
This is not an excuse for Ava, but it can explain some "edgelord" humor via education.

Genderqueer people can go through something called "masking" in which Trans Women can lean heavily in toxic masculinity, sexist behaviour such as in poor taste humour, and even transphobia in order to try and blend in with male peers.

Trans men can also mask by leaning into super femme presentations and behaviours in order to try and blend in and pretend in order not to be "clocked" simply as a survival pattern.

I'm not making excuses for poor edgelord jokes (despite many people pointing out this was common amongst men including James Gunn) but I'm merely educating you all on the stages of denial, societal gaslighting and masking that trans people go through when they aren't allowed to transition at an early age.

100% bet there's a bunch of transphobes somewhere on a right wing forum or message board, that in a few years come to a realisation they're trans and deconstruct all the shit they said because they felt too afraid to come out and lose the safety of which patriarchal society and their peers offer.

I'm not saying this is the case with Ava. Just it's not too far from typical edgelord behaviour of the mid 2000s, the kind of perfect camouflage to hide one's true self for safety.
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Oct 29, 2017
The tragedy behind it being it's a trans person whose positive exposure via MrBeast was potentially a massive massive deal for the community, but now has been tarnished.

Based on the info that's come to light from what people have linked in this thread alone, I'd say the tragedy is the grooming.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
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Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I can't and won't directly defend edgy humor like this, but my point still very much stands. If it was a cis dude, this would be no big deal.

IE; James Gunn. Yes, I know he got a lot of flak, but then he had a career again a week later.

While you're absolutely not wrong that a trans person is more likely to face consequences than a cis person, this isn't comparable to what happened with James Gunn.

Gunn got in trouble for disgusting, edgelord tweets that he had already publicly spoken about and apologized for, years before controversy. Ava was actually being inappropriate with a minor.

They're very different situations. If Gunn was caught being inappropriate with minors in a DM or something, it's very unlikely that he would have been hired by DC or rehired by Disney.


Oct 25, 2017
So this person was allegedly a serial groomer of multiple underage children. Absolutely disgusting.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017

Jeez what a mess. So they are saying the person who said they are not a victim actually is a victim, I dunno if they mean they are lying or just wrong? I don't know why they are putting porn in air quotes, maybe because it was all drawn? There definitely seems to be an established pattern of behavior of not appropriately communicating with people much younger than her.

Has anyone said if Kris Tyson tried to meet up IRL with anyone? I think that would go a long way in establishing things.


Featuring Mattmo831 from the Apple v Epic case
Oct 26, 2020
Has anyone said if Kris Tyson tried to meet up IRL with anyone? I think that would go a long way in establishing things.
she met up with the person they are accusing her of grooming, but it was a group setting, with his family + mr beast crew + i believe at that point he had a job on the beast gaming team and was like a head moderator of their discord or something.


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017


Mar 21, 2022
This is why I've been really waiting for real information to get out. This whole thing is a major hit campaign by Keemstar, Nickmercs, Sneako, all people who HATE trans people. This isn't the first one to be debunked. A lot of these posters are posting in favor of Dr Disrespect as well despite the fact that he actually tried to meet with a child and sexted them.

The fucking person who "exposed" Ava is friends with someone who got caught TWICE in predator stings.


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017

The fucking person who "exposed" Ava is friends with someone who got caught TWICE in predator stings.
Also one of the people talking the most shit and stirring up stuff is this former member of Mr Beast's crew who is severely right wing and a piece of shit. He was super against Ava being trans as well as Mr Beast defending her.


Dec 1, 2018
Throwing around life damaging accusations over purposeful narratives like it's candy is a bad look for whomever does it, but especially when there is more established proof against that somebody throwing out said accusations then havinf their vomitus regurgitated by again by others.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm not familiar with 90% of this thread but I love gamegrumps. So I have some questions because this shit sounds gross.

Who is Shadman? I'm not familiar with this person

Was he working with them before or after they were outed for what happened?

I had seen the stuff about Ava online but this is the first I'm hearing about others. Trying to be informed because everyone else mentioned in this thread I have no idea who they are.


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
I'm not familiar with 90% of this thread but I love gamegrumps. So I have some questions because this shit sounds gross.

Who is Shadman? I'm not familiar with this person

Was he working with them before or after they were outed for what happened?

I had seen the stuff about Ava online but this is the first I'm hearing about others. Trying to be informed because everyone else mentioned in this thread I have no idea who they are.

Shadman was an artist from the Newgrounds era who drew shock/extreme cartoon pornography, that over time pivoted further and further towards featuring underage characters, including referencing real life children. I think it's been alleged that he's "always" drawn stuff like that, but it became more prominent in the late 2010s. The late 00s were the era of everyone being intentionally edgy, so I think he really endeared himself to a lot of people because of this despite the subject of the content, but as the edgelord era of the 00s faded away into the 2010s, people moved on.

I don't know if Arin/Egoraptor ever worked "directly" with Shadman, more than he was just in the same sphere of influence that most of those artists (Egoraptor, OneyNG, Stamper, etc) were in at the time, so they would've crossed paths, likely would've been acquaintances/friends, been featured in the same collaborative works, etc. His wife (Suzy) has purchased some of Shadman's stuff before/modeled one of his shirts on his store. I think most of this happened before Shadman's shift to being primarily an underage porn artist.

I think Arin mostly distanced himself from his old Newgrounds era cohorts, but just by passively not involving himself with them anymore rather than by actively stating his seperation, aside from his one generic statement he put out a few years ago apologizing for his behavior during that time.
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Oct 27, 2017
Seeing more and more news about the Discord leaks but honestly it just makes me feel even worse for this Lava person. At first he comes forward defending Ava while lots of chuds were HOPING he was groomed and claiming he was paid off. Then he sees lots of stuff he very likely forgot about come forward and now has to condone the stuff in them, which will just have more people thinking he's acting in bad faith. I'm not sure how old he is now but I hope he doesn't come out of this situation fucked up. It's a lot of attention form someone not used to getting it.


Sep 6, 2023
What is this is reference to? Is he saying the nathan person was telling the truth about everything after Lava said he was lying?

Edit: Yea seems like Nathan that was posted earlier came with receipts for everything.

View: https://x.com/ImBrainFreak/status/1816624433601347817

Well then. Fuck Ava, and fuck whoever is trey yates, big lying PoS.

This is why I've been really waiting for real information to get out. This whole thing is a major hit campaign by Keemstar, Nickmercs, Sneako, all people who HATE trans people. This isn't the first one to be debunked. A lot of these posters are posting in favor of Dr Disrespect as well despite the fact that he actually tried to meet with a child and sexted them.
Information from the victim but lack receipts? Nah not real, better wait for receipts.
Another tweet with no receipts but happened to defend the abuser who is the enemy of my enemies? That's the REAL information.

smh, you could have at least tried to be consistent.
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