
Apr 5, 2022
Man I can't stand this game, it's just a complete mess on almost all fronts and I can't believe is one of the most sold games in the franchise

Everything is wrong with this game, starting from the animations in cutscenes, character models are so stiff and have no expressions, they dont look natural at all or even believable. Facial animations are a complete joke too, clothes physics are basically non existent, the cape is just glued to the character even when riding horses, enemy ragdoll physics are terrible, I mean you kill enemies and they fly while dying, there is so much clipping as well, like every piece of clothing has clipping issues and the story is just boring and uninteresting. It doesn't help either the repetitive nature of the progression conquering areas of the map. Stealth is broken as hell to, enemy detection is super inconsistent and there is zero variety when it comes to missions. And another thing, where is the assassins creed dna in this game? There is nothing basically that relates to the franchise except for Basim, if you change the name of the game I wouldn't even notice

Honestly there is almost nothing good I can say about this game and I love this franchise, but yeah I am worried about the future and frankly watching trailers of Mirage I can see the DNA from Valhalla almost everywhere and it kills my excitement

Example of awful facial animation:


Cloth physics:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4aBAFQwaVM&ab_channel=YavuzSelimAt%C4%B1c%C4%B1
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May 31, 2018
Honestly there is almost nothing good I can say about this game and I love this franchise, but yeah I am worried about the future and frankly watching trailers of Mirage I can see the DNA from Valhalla almost everywhere and it kills my excitement
The future of the series will have Valhalla as a foundation. They are going to keep the name because it is a recognizable franchise even if the story is loosely associated.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It's not an AC game, there's zero assassin stuff and it could've been another ip no prob.

I enjoyed the combat and some of the exploration though. Pity England is so ugly lol


Nov 1, 2017
Personally I loved it. Spent 300 hours 100% the game and all the expansions. People like different things, I guess.


Oct 26, 2017
Coming from Odyssey, which i loved, to Valhalla was a huge letdown. Every design decision lead to worse outcomes than before. Pendulum swung back too heavily.

Yes Odyssey is bloated, too big etc., but it was still fun. I put in way too much time.

Valhalla was better on paper, but just so uninspiring, weirdly way more repetitive than AC:O, boring and also very boring.
Oct 30, 2017
Valhalla gave me PTSD regarding open world games, I can't now play them without immediately feeling extremely bored and turned off.


Oct 28, 2017
It's the only (console) Assassin's Creed game I haven't finished, aside from Unity, and at least with that, I was pretty close to the end. It felt like I was on a treadmill in Valhalla, and very little of what I was doing was fun or interesting.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed every bit of it. Got the platinum and completed all the DLCs except Ragnarok.


Nov 27, 2018
Honestly think it's the weakest of the 3 RPGs. Origins has a better story and the gameplay of odyssey is better.


Oct 27, 2017
Liège, Belgium
As much as I enjoyed Origins, I dropped Odyssey and Valhalla after roughly 30 hours, the RPG elements in Odyssey really made me hate this game and Valhalla, they took way too much time to fix all the launch issues that my interest for the game was dead and gone.

I really hope Mirage will do well in terms of sale volume to show Ubisoft players like more short and contained games.


Oct 27, 2017
Not an AC guy, just played Odyssey and then Valhalla, but I loved both. Valhalla definitely outstayed its welcome faster than the former, but I loved the Eivor story, the prospect of taking territory, and helping people out around the base. Definitely felt the fatigue doing them back to back though, so I welcome some shorter sequels.


Oct 29, 2017
I dropped it. I think Odyssey exhausted my energy, I can't do this anymore despite loving the setting.


Oct 25, 2017
I have, hundreds of hours but I am tired of it. I want something new

I miss Assassins Creed man

i feel you. AC Syndicate was the last "true" Assassin's creed game, and i'm sad they went all in on (rather worthless) RPG mechanics, level scaling that makes you feel little to no character progress, same with itemization.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
I have a lot of nostalgia for ac1, so that new new one kinda interests me


Oct 6, 2022
I was enjoying it until I got over levelled and then it became a boring chore. The DLC was even worse.


Oct 25, 2017
Airborne Aquarium
Valhalla is the only mainline AC I've never played along with syndicate (bad blood after Unity) due to the issues OP mentions but also everything's from Origins - Valhalla has no AssCreed DNA in it. They are new IP's basically lol.

It also doesn't help that the games have become bloated slugathons.
Hopefully Mirage is good and scratches my actual AC itch.


Jul 21, 2023
I didn't even try to play it. I don't have the patience anymore for the kind of bloated gameplay and the endless chores you have to complete in Ubi's brand of open world games.

It's a pity, because I love taking a stroll inside historical landscapes in this kind of games.
Oct 25, 2017
I really liked it other than

The story just kind of ends without actually ending. I hated that

But other than that it was great. I will say that when i started out, i didn't dig the "rpg" combat, so I turned up player and enemy damage so each enemy took 1-3 hits and that really helped.
I really appreciated the dense visual design of the world. You really felt like you were transported in a lot of ways.


Oct 27, 2017
In some ways the bigger the maps got, the less time I found myself spending in the game. Origin was somewhat ideal for me vs Od & Val.
I do feel that has more to do with burnout for me vs an actual decline in quality. I do think the setting also played a big role. The ancient Egypt setting felt so fresh. Greek/ Nord vibes just didn't hit for me the same way


Oct 25, 2017
But Odyssey is good right? Hoping to jump back into AC and I heard its a good action RPG but maybe not being true to the roots.


Nov 3, 2017
The starter area was fun but once you head to England shit was a fucking mess, lost interest after 5-6 hours and never went back, got the game with my Ryzen 3700x..so it wasn't a lost on money..


Apr 5, 2022
Fuck nu-Assassins Creed.

Bring back cities, verticality, parkout, stealth.

Exactly, thats another issue with the newer games. Assassins Creed was all about big cities, crowds and parkour. In the new ones, you have to ride with your horse 10 minutes from one area to another through countryside environments that are pretty but ultimately boring and uninteresting. And the cities in the new ones are not so big in scale or interesting from a gameplay perspective due to how simplified parkour is

Tortillo VI

May 27, 2018
Enjoyed Odyssey much more. Can't bring myself to finish Valhalla, one of the blandest, most bloated games I've ever played. Was into it during the first sections but once you arrive to Britain is just map icons to visit and missions that look and play so similar that they blend together in my mind. Game should be 60% shorter to be enjoyable in my mind.

EDIT: Bonus for the minigame about putting rocks on top of rocks, that you are supposed to do many times for completionism, and is always super rough and with the exact same voice lines repeating over an over.


Oct 27, 2017
Probably my favorite game in the franchise along with AC2. The combat of Valhalla alone shits on all of Oddysey.


Oct 26, 2017
Vikings are neat and underutilized in gaming so I really wish it had clicked, but yeah, I dropped it just a few hours in. Just.. nah. I did enjoy Odyssey a fair bit, but I guess I must have spent all of my Ubisoft open world energy with that game cause everything I've tried from them after has been just annoying.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
i feel you. AC Syndicate was the last "true" Assassin's creed game, and i'm sad they went all in on (rather worthless) RPG mechanics, level scaling that makes you feel little to no character progress, same with itemization.
Assassin Creed Syndicate has RPG elements, a skill tree for the different characters and the London districts are divided by level.

But I feel people are gatekeeping suggesting the new ones aren't AC games and I really enjoyed Origins and Odyssey.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
It's not an AC game, there's zero assassin stuff
The assassin stuff lasts longer than the events of the main plot.
i miss when climbing felt more tactile and almost like solving a puzzle

getting up high took some doing, and it felt satisfying
That's only really true for the first game and the "level gated" climbing areas in AC2. Otherwise you weren't solving a puzzle on the biggest buildings you were following a linear path with zero resistance or risk. Hell the pyramids in Origins were designed in the exact same way.

You're in luck, they made two more exactly like this!
Literally some of the loudest people who hate Valhalla complain about it because of how different it was from Odyssey. A game that is far more of an RPG than Origins.


Dec 30, 2019
It was easily the best Assassin's creed game since AC Brotherhood.
Hated Odyssey with its garbage writing and terrible characters but this was absolutely amazing.

Valhalla has a great gameplay, beautiful systems and AMAZING exploration. The new arc system is far better than the usual side(fetch) quest system the previous games had, It dropped the terrible level gate shit Odyssey had, It got the best POEs in the series and it's a great addition to the overall lore of the franchise.

Honesty except the charm that Egypt had inherently, Valhalla is the best of the previous trilogy in almost every possible aspect.

People have different opinions I guess but a little advise: don't clinge to the old AC games. We got six or seven titles with that design philosophy. Try to enjoy the new ones with an open mind.


Oct 27, 2017
odyssey was the start of me realising it is okay fir me not to complete these games… Ehat is there is actually quite good but there is simply too much if it.


Nov 3, 2017
I got bored of it pretty quickly as well, it was such a come down for me as I loved Odyssey, but yeah... Valhalla went from my most hyped early PS5 game to something I've not even considered picking up again in years now, only got about 10 hours in as well.


Nov 5, 2017
I have unreasonable high expectations of Mirage and I know I'm gonna get so disappointed...

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
yes, that's what i miss
I mean the slow climbing of the first was the least fun imo and Mirage is bringing back the linear pathways for the viewpoints.

AC Red will probably have more assassin opportunities and relation to the core story, but there will be a lot of Valhalla's DNA in there.
Red is being made by a completely different team. Notice how little of Odyssey's DNA is in Valhalla despite the shared tech.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
I love pretty much all the AC games, but I've yet to play Valhalla

If I generally like them all and liked Origins and Odyssey and it's been 3 years since I played Odyssey now, I should still enjoy Valhalla right?

I assumed it's just more of the gameplay from Origins/Odyssey


Oct 28, 2017
I might be the only one who thinks Valhalla is the best of the three.

It's the only one that didn't have insane level gating, that's why i completed it.