
Oct 25, 2017
Coral Springs, FL
I got an email about this exhibit somehow.



I thought it looked familiar... Because it does.
It's from Suda51's Flower Sun and Rain.
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Oct 25, 2017
Good catch. Any chance it's by the artist who did the piece for the game? That's super blatant if not.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think he's taking credit for the image, he's using the image as part of the whole installation. The game is probably mentioned on the wall label or in the artist text. This is not uncommon.


Oct 25, 2017
Coral Springs, FL


Oct 28, 2017
We are currently experiencing a global crisis, islamaphobia and racist attacks are rising significantly following an ongoing persistent media onslaught and governmental persecution of muslims post 9/11.

Desensitised by the media, whilst also fearing the invisible hand of capitalism that feeds it. We fear people looking in from the darkness, through our windows.

We decided to approach this project with a subtle approach that counteracts the current trend for shouty anti-trump memes which only serve to further his publicity and therefore his agenda.

The unnerving figures that appear in the gallery windows seek to reverse the indoctrinated fear of the 'dark' outsider looking in by instead showing the white insider looking out.

Playing with the galleries setting in Mayfair, these characters embody the fear we grew up with, the embodiment of the ruling elite.

A gentle brainwash flies under the radar (having inherent respect, and high regard for any older white male, no matter how cretinous, and only recently asking why?)

The bootleg aspect reflects the collectives work with video piracy and their previous documentation of exhibitions, in the noughties, where there was scant video documentation.

The Western World bootlegs identity through the appropriation of other cultures, lacking it's own firm identities and seeking to fill a void by making all identities an equal commodity (note to hipsters: drinking beer sat on-top of beer crates or eating Mexican food in a psuedo, poverty stricken-styled, but overpriced, cantina doesn't count as a genuine cultural experience).

Calling to question the current sub-cultural trends to stereotype the ideals of cis white men which only serve to further alienation and segregation, the project attempts to instead reach an equalitarian resolution that opposes heavy handed flag waving, gender/race discrimination or nationalism. It is intended to be a sensitive exploration, not a scathing attack on anyone and highlighting that we should not inhabit fear and reflecting an overlooked image of multiculturalism.


Dark Ninja

Oct 27, 2017
Are you sure there isn't a random doodle on the drawing or random stains on it that you can only see with a blacklight?


Oct 27, 2017

Nice catch OP, pretty blatant plagiarism indeed.
I really need to play my DS copy of Flower, Sun, and Rain...


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Man that google doc piece is insane, could it get any more incoherent? Seems like pretty clear plagiarism, although for some reason they don't talk about the stolen image at all in any of the documentation. The painting itself seems to have been done by Johnny Tanna, who does a lot of this kind of stuff, but I have a hard time seeing how anyone could justify such a minor change to an artwork with no apparent reference to the original artist as transformative.


Oct 25, 2017
Coral Springs, FL
Man that google doc piece is insane, could it get any more incoherent? Seems like pretty clear plagiarism, although for some reason they don't talk about the stolen image at all in any of the documentation. The painting itself seems to have been done by Johnny Tanna, who does a lot of this kind of stuff, but I have a hard time seeing how anyone could justify such a minor change to an artwork with no apparent reference to the original artist as transformative.
I'm not sure how common this is in the scene, but I don't see any mention of the game or the artist whatsoever(and I hear this 'artist' is a Suda fan), so I sent a tweet to the gallery. Not sure if that'll do any good or not, though.

Wow, the Lospass is even in the title of the art. There's no way this isn't deliberate.

And the clerk from Lospass is in the gallery picture! WTF?
