
Apr 22, 2019
What a joyful experience ranked is. I had a daily to play as Crypto and we hot drop in Estates right on top of 5 teams. All loot vacuumed up in a few seconds, I have nothing but an arc star. Team goes down instantly and starts the pinging the enemy. I run for the little gazebo area next to the balloon nearby and pull out my drone. Both players are screaming at me in the mic that the enemy is "one hit ****!" while actively trying to crawl while downed away from the enemy. They're both still alive crawling around hiding. I'm like, in case you didn't notice, I have no weapons there are 5 teams on top of you, I have a drone I can rescue you, could you maybe stop hiding and get killed so I could get your banner?

"This is why I hate Cryptos man!"

After waiting their entire time clock for them to expire I finally get their banner, run to the nearby beacon and bring them back. Both proceed to run immediately back to Estates, die, and get right back on the mic complaining about Crypto.


Oct 25, 2017
So apparently a datamine suggests Blisk being added as a playable character, potentially with a Titan ult? (that last part is my interpretation of the information)

VG247: Dataminer suggests Titans coming to Apex Legends alongside new character
Interesting. looks like it's an "auto-titan", so you don't pilot it. It's probably the best way to bring Titans into the game without breaking the balance. It almost feels like the equivalent of an auto turret really.

Not sure how I feel about that, but I trust Respawn to implement it well.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Interesting. looks like it's an "auto-titan", so you don't pilot it. It's probably the best way to bring Titans into the game without breaking the balance. It almost feels like the equivalent of an auto turret really.

Not sure how I feel about that, but I trust Respawn to implement it well.
You do? This is not to hate, but the only Legend newly introduced that wasn't completely underwhelming was Horizon tbh.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
What a joyful experience ranked is. I had a daily to play as Crypto and we hot drop in Estates right on top of 5 teams. All loot vacuumed up in a few seconds, I have nothing but an arc star. Team goes down instantly and starts the pinging the enemy. I run for the little gazebo area next to the balloon nearby and pull out my drone. Both players are screaming at me in the mic that the enemy is "one hit ****!" while actively trying to crawl while downed away from the enemy. They're both still alive crawling around hiding. I'm like, in case you didn't notice, I have no weapons there are 5 teams on top of you, I have a drone I can rescue you, could you maybe stop hiding and get killed so I could get your banner?

"This is why I hate Cryptos man!"

After waiting their entire time clock for them to expire I finally get their banner, run to the nearby beacon and bring them back. Both proceed to run immediately back to Estates, die, and get right back on the mic complaining about Crypto.


Reading all the bad experiences with randos here makes me double appreciate that I can play with two friends and have great matches on a regular basis.

You do? This is not to hate, but the only Legend newly introduced that wasn't completely underwhelming was Horizon tbh.

I rather have a Titan Ult-character being underwhelming rather than overpowered. I also do trust Respawn in thinking that it at least won't break the game and give an unfair advantage to the new character.

Every legend has its niche. But some niches are nicher than others


Oct 25, 2017
You do? This is not to hate, but the only Legend newly introduced that wasn't completely underwhelming was Horizon tbh.
I am actually saying the opposite. I have faith that they won't make him overwhelming. They've been good about not breaking the game, and the few times they have (the early evo shield introduction with changed armour values), they respond and adjust.

Having a player on the field in a Titanfall 2-spec Titan could really negatively impact other players on the map and fuck up the game, but seeing the video of an auto-titan basically functioning as a fancier turret makes this ultimate seem much more reasonable.


Oct 25, 2017
Would love it if ranked stopped putting me with BRONZE 4 players who have obviously not played the game to any real degree. Last game guys looked at my totem and didn't know what it does.


Oct 25, 2017
and of course directly after that I get a good squad and a Gold Spitfire that leads to a 2k damage, 7 kills, 6 assist win. Game really knows when i'm about to drop it and brings me back in.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
What a joyful experience ranked is. I had a daily to play as Crypto and we hot drop in Estates right on top of 5 teams. All loot vacuumed up in a few seconds, I have nothing but an arc star. Team goes down instantly and starts the pinging the enemy. I run for the little gazebo area next to the balloon nearby and pull out my drone. Both players are screaming at me in the mic that the enemy is "one hit ****!" while actively trying to crawl while downed away from the enemy. They're both still alive crawling around hiding. I'm like, in case you didn't notice, I have no weapons there are 5 teams on top of you, I have a drone I can rescue you, could you maybe stop hiding and get killed so I could get your banner?

"This is why I hate Cryptos man!"

After waiting their entire time clock for them to expire I finally get their banner, run to the nearby beacon and bring them back. Both proceed to run immediately back to Estates, die, and get right back on the mic complaining about Crypto.

This is hilarious, jeez. Yeah, I feel like this game definitely throws you in situations with randos where the expectation is that you should run into a battle to save them even when you know that doing so will lead to your immediate death. Good on you for trying to think more strategically.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
A bit harsh. Revenant is a lot of fun to play as imo
I agree Revenant is fun to play...after his buffs. Upon release he was very underwhelming.

It seems like the thought process from the responses I've gotten though is that people would prefer a new Legend to be underwhelming and then buffed rather overwhelming and then nerfed. I prefer a newly introduced Legend to be overwhelming and then nerfed but that's just me. Meta shake up is something this game desperately needs IMO, and that's probably why Season 7 was my favorite season so far. New map and a new Legend that was actually viable and competitive to Wraith.


Jan 29, 2019
I wonder if the Blisk thing is a gag for April Fools day.

The gaming merchant on YouTube has the leaked video, which I can't embed here for some reason, but I can't see it happening either, even with an auto titan.

Maybe it's something to throw data miners of the scent of the next actual legend?


Oct 25, 2017
The gaming merchant on YouTube has the leaked video, which I can't embed here for some reason, but I can't see it happening either, even with an auto titan.

Maybe it's something to throw data miners of the scent of the next actual legend?
I think the April Fool's Day event was mined already

super-buffed P2020s iirc
I was thinking more along the lines of something that they put out as a video on 4/1 like how Blizzard tend to do.


Oct 26, 2017
"Oh, what's that? You hate using snipers? Well here: have the same 10-star sniper challenge you get every goddamned week for yet another week again? Oh, you don't like using shotguns either? Well you already know what you're getting next week: the same fucking shotgun challenge you get every week!"

Seriously, I can't even with these repeating challenges... It's been worse this season for me than the last couple, and it was already bad during those. At least I haven't received the "Respawn Five Teammates" challenge every other week like I was getting two and three seasons ago though.


Oct 25, 2017
There's no way the Blisk leak is real. They've been against adding wall running and Titans and now Blisk has both? I don't buy it.


Oct 25, 2017
If Blisk's passive is true, how would they explain Wraith not having it considering she was a Pilot too?

Edit: Oh wait, she wasn't a Pilot. I could have sworn one of the Legends was an ex-Pilot.
It's implied in the pathfinder book that Bangalore has experience with Titans, but I don't know if she is a confirmed Pilot. There was a checklist of her and her brother competing to be the first at doing different things and he was first to get a titan and obtain Pilot certification. It doesn't outright say she did, but I guess she could have after he did?

If Ashe becomes a Legend though, she was a Pilot too. Maybe she'd have different robot/simulacrum-related abilities though.


Feb 13, 2018
Wasn't Bangalore's new heirloom one of those fancy Pilot knives that she took from a pilot? Or just found, I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't Bangalore's new heirloom one of those fancy Pilot knives that she took from a pilot? Or just found, I guess.
I'm not super familiar with the heirloom backstory, but could it be a knife for Frontier Corps pilots rather than IMC (she's IMC)? Doesn't necessarily rule out that she was a trained IMC Pilot if that's the case.

But realistically she was probably more of a grunt if they haven't been more blatant about the fact she's a Pilot.
Oct 31, 2017
I've given up on solo queue Apex a long time ago. These days I either have at least one buddy with me or it's off to anothergameland with me. I can confidently say that no matter how good you are, you're not carrying your team in a lobby full of pre-made preds.
Honestly, this is what I should be doing too. My problem is I just find Apex's gameplay so fun and primarily the kind of thing I want to be playing, regardless of whether I have people to play with or not. So it makes going to another game very hard for me, at least when I'm really in Apex's grips, like right now.

Really, I need another good FPS/TPS game to come out that hits the same kind of notes that this does. It will probably be either Halo: Infinite or whatever Naughty Dog is doing with The Last of Us Part II's multiplayer to do it, depending on how those games turn out.

Yeah there's no chance a single player can carry a squad against a team (or teams) of top tier players partied up. It's just not happening because those players all work to triangulate angles and close gaps super fast, playing off of one another with quick precision.
Yep. I have a couple of decent peeps on Apex but life is life and we're all busy so it's hard to group up on a regular basis. There was a point a few years back where I would sit on my ass all weekend and play for 8 hours straight with some peeps but I gave that whole thing up after feeling like my life was literally wasting away. Apex now is more of a work break for me so it's sporadic when I jump on, which means shorter sessions and that makes the thought of ever climbing past Plat is very out of reach.

BTW - I stopped playing entirely when the whole SBMM debacle happened a few seasons ago and it was on World's Edge where everyone was dropping into Capitol City / Fragment and just getting mowed down by pred squads. And honestly, it was so miserable playing the game at that point it wasn't even hard to quit - I just naturally gravitated away. So when I came back hardcore this season I was really feeling like Respawn addressed alot of the issues I was having and it was fun again. We'll see. Maybe I was just having an off few days but I'm not going to continue playing the game if every single squad I go against is a sweatfest Pred lobby, as much as I do love the gameplay.
Yeah, back when the game first launched I had a semi-regular team I'd play with in evenings, but life conditions have changed since then and playing with those people no longer really happens for me at this point.

Sitting down and playing any game for more than 2 hours continuous has been tough for me for about 5 to 6 years, honestly. For much of the same reason.

Funny, cause I also quit playing Apex around Season 3-4 and that was right around the time you mention. Matchmaking really was misery then, and honestly, it's feeling like that again. I doubt matchmaking has changed too much, and it's more that they do all kinds of tracking metrics on players on their backend. Then, when they feel like you hit a certain threshold, especially playing solo, that's when they primarily start pairing you up with teammates you are supposed to give better odds at success to (who on the reverse are on your team to reduce your odds at success), while also putting you in lobbies primarily populated with pre-made squads near your individual skill.

They don't want people, especially random semi-decent solos, winning too much, too easily, too often. And that their matchmaking tries to "thread the needle" of tossing you bones (see: good, satisfying games with synergistic matchmade teammates) just enough to keep you coming back, but not too much to where the game loses "challenge" and becomes boring. And at the same time, they don't want you having TOO many bad games either, and that they ease the matchmaking right about when they think you are likely to put the game down.

And I sort of suspect they do this on an individual player basis, where it's different for everybody. That essentially they track just how much punishment you are willing to take from the game before your breaking point, and adjust accordingly.

All that sounds conspiratorial, but I really don't doubt that they do things to this effect. Why? I know years ago when games like this (Games as a service) really started to take off and grab hold, studios started hiring in-house psychologists to fine tune their "live systems".

Their matchmaking assuredly does much of its game matching based on player skill, but I have to think that there's more to it than just a nebulous "skill" going into their matchmaking determinations.


Oct 26, 2017
If Blisk's passive is true, how would they explain Wraith not having it considering she was a Pilot too?

Edit: Oh wait, she wasn't a Pilot. I could have sworn one of the Legends was an ex-Pilot.
It's implied in the pathfinder book that Bangalore has experience with Titans, but I don't know if she is a confirmed Pilot. There was a checklist of her and her brother competing to be the first at doing different things and he was first to get a titan and obtain Pilot certification. It doesn't outright say she did, but I guess she could have after he did?

If Ashe becomes a Legend though, she was a Pilot too. Maybe she'd have different robot/simulacrum-related abilities though.
Wasn't Bangalore's new heirloom one of those fancy Pilot knives that she took from a pilot? Or just found, I guess.

I kind of assumed they (Wraith and Banga') are both Pilot-adjacent in some way. Honestly, they could just handwave it by saying the jump-jets given to legends are tailored differently from pilots, and can't be used for wallrunning.


Oct 25, 2017
It's also been decades since the Titan wars anyway, right? Blisk seems to have intel hook-ups and seems like a more powerful figure in the outlands than the existing legends, so it could be justified that he's the only one who would have access to an on-demand Titan at this point.
Oct 31, 2017
It'd be so "fitting" that the introduction of "Titans" in this would be the least interesting, lamest part of Titan play in Titanfall, the auto-pilot Titan AI.

So I won't be surprised if something like that does happen.


Oct 27, 2017
Ha, I knew I wasn't crazy! From EA's Legend bio site:

Wraith is a whirlwind fighter, able to execute deadly attacks and manipulate spacetime by opening rifts in the fabric of reality — but those abilities came at a price. Years ago, she woke up in an IMC detention facility with no memory of who she was. Senior Science Pilot Renee Blasey, who volunteered as guinea pig for her own experiments... whose partner betrayed her and locked her away… no longer existed. All that was left was a timid girl, frightened by a cacophony of voices in her head, until another version of herself appeared and taught her to listen to the voices. Following her lead, Wraith found the strength to break free from her prison and escape into a different reality - this reality.

Wraith – Interdimensional Skirmisher – Apex Legends™ Characters

Wraith is a fierce fighter who can manipulate spacetime by opening rifts in the fabric of reality. She joined the Apex Games to learn the truth of her forgotten past.

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
1. good job talking about leaks freely, folks.

I kind of assumed they (Wraith and Banga') are both Pilot-adjacent in some way. Honestly, they could just handwave it by saying the jump-jets given to legends are tailored differently from pilots, and can't be used for wallrunning.
Wraith was literally a pilot as well as a scientist.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
I think we could easily see Titans in Apex with zero problems in the upcoming Arena mode. I could see Blisk as the announcer now that I think about it. I'd prefer to have Spyglass or Ash back though.


Oct 26, 2017
I think we could easily see Titans in Apex with zero problems in the upcoming Arena mode. I could see Blisk as the announcer now that I think about it. I'd prefer to have Spyglass or Ash back though.
Ash has been leaked and Viper is speculated.
Other than that, I would REALLY like to see Spyglass come back. Him and the whole IMC Remnant Fleet plot thread is just sitting there. Heck, just the concept of a legion of drones invading the Apex Games could bring some neat ideas:
Last edited:


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
West coast data centers were shit for me all night. Normally they get bad for me from around 6-8pm, but even well past that it was crap. I know it's not an easy solution, but I seriously don't get why of all the games I play, Apex is the only one that has such regular latency issues.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
Ash has been leaked and Viper is speculated.
Other than that, I would REALLY like to see Spyglass come back. Him and the whole IMC Remnant Fleet plot thread is just sitting there. Heck, just the concept of a legion of drones invading the Apex Games could bring some neat ideas:

Spyglass had the coolest voice in Titanfall. It was so dark. I used to love hearing him say "Prepare for Titanfall". I actually might go boot up the game again today like I always do once every year. Last time I checked there were about 300 people worldwide playing. 😂 I was talking with some of the diehards who still regularly play and there's two "factions" or groups of players that hate each other in the community and they all know each other. They group up and just pubstomp everyone until they get matched against one another and it turns into a shit show of people accusing the other team of cheating. It's really fuckin' bizarre, honestly.


Feb 13, 2018
Love the games where a near-dead octane has to carry your badges inside the ring through successive heat shields but then you come back and win.


Oct 28, 2017
Got my first 2k damage game on console yesterday.
What an intense game that was.
Love the games where a near-dead octane has to carry your badges inside the ring through successive heat shields but then you come back and win.

I haven't picked up a Kraber in ages. You can even see the decision process to go for it. It went ok. :) (Went south soon after that though)

Imgur: The magic of the Internet