
Oct 25, 2017
This game has been running like pure shit since the event started. massive desync and the input issues on xbox that still haven't been fixed. Respawn does the bare minimum for this game. All about the skins. Shame bc it could be a great game if they put work in.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
Nothing amazing compared to what other people can do, but I was happy with my 30-30 results here. I continue to enjoy picking it up.



Oct 25, 2017
trying to give ranked another chance but it's the same shit. bronze 4, i get the 2 guys with less than 50 levels, loads of diamond and master trail parties in the lobby. It's just dumb. No chance to have a game because your guys send into being beamed and then you're on your own for 10 mins
Oct 27, 2017
Since the season split my teammates have been so terrible I can.not get a kill. Downs like crazy though. Averaging +500 damage a match. Up until Tuesday I had a 1.1 KD and got kills almost every match ending in Gold I after only playing 2 weeks of the season. Since I hit Gold 4 again Wednesday, it's been a nightmare. Everyone shoots once and runs away so it's just me with 3 weapons on me. It's so infuriating. If I don't constantly retreat during a match these fools get me crucified. When they do engage it's in a fishbowl situation where we are surround by 4 teams in the worst positions. It's like World Edge has an IQ draining effect. 😆


Oct 25, 2017
Up 600 rp or so over 4 games despite having to babysit my team or leave them to their 19th place fates.

0 fun had

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
I think Respawn needs to consider some drastic changes to Storm Point to make it better. It's by far the worst of the 4 maps.

I wouldn't even really know where to begin is the problem. For one thing, they need to somehow shrink the map by about 1/3 of it's current size.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
I think Respawn needs to consider some drastic changes to Storm Point to make it better. It's by far the worst of the 4 maps.

I wouldn't even really know where to begin is the problem. For one thing, they need to somehow shrink the map by about 1/3 of it's current size.

I don't love Storm Point either, but I don't know if it's so universally hated that they'll do anything about it. A lot of pros seem to like it more for a lot of the same reasons casual players like it less. Conversely, KC and Olympus are my favorite maps, and I know some people really dislike them.

Personally, I'd love it if the population was big enough that they could just give us the option of what maps to play. But as big as the population is, I'm not sure if doing so could lead to imbalances when it comes to matchmaking and regions. It'd certainly paint a clear picture of which maps people like most though, hah.

I've gone from hating WE and SP to tolerating them. I'll dip into Control for a bit if they're on rotation for a while, but if there's 40 minutes or so left in either of them, I'll typically ride it out in the hopes of getting back to Olympus.


Oct 27, 2017
They should just make every match a random map in pubs. I don't care about file size, even with all the maps it would be nowhere close to Warzone. Gimme.


Oct 25, 2017
They should just make every match a random map in pubs. I don't care about file size, even with all the maps it would be nowhere close to Warzone. Gimme.
Random map from random seasons would be nice, doubt it'll ever happen.

Imagine playing original KC one match, then the next match you're on the newest version of KC.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
I haven't been playing in a while, but hopped on yesterday and started playing Seer instead of Octane.

Kind of enjoying the wall hacks to be honest. Tactical is strong, passive is strong, ult is strong, all of them have good synergy with one another too. I like them a lot.


Oct 25, 2017
I really need something new to focus on.

It seems like I'm just not good enough to get a 4k badge without some luck, so that doesn't seem like a realistic thing to shoot for. If it happens, it'll just happen. I'm at level 80 on the BP so I super don't care about BP progress. My stats feel meaningless because every pub match now has me dying to three-stack masters/preds with 20kill badges, 4k badges, etc.

Maybe this is where I finally burn out on the game lol. I feel like I'm better at the game than ever, but the matchmaking just becomes more punishing to compensate, and my friends barely play the game post-pandemic. Solo queuing in apex is like playing a completely different, much more frustrating game.


Oct 25, 2017
really hope they stop pushing new legends and guns each season and just fix their fucking game.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
I really need something new to focus on.

It seems like I'm just not good enough to get a 4k badge without some luck, so that doesn't seem like a realistic thing to shoot for. If it happens, it'll just happen. I'm at level 80 on the BP so I super don't care about BP progress. My stats feel meaningless because every pub match now has me dying to three-stack masters/preds with 20kill badges, 4k badges, etc.

Maybe this is where I finally burn out on the game lol. I feel like I'm better at the game than ever, but the matchmaking just becomes more punishing to compensate, and my friends barely play the game post-pandemic. Solo queuing in apex is like playing a completely different, much more frustrating game.

Don't put yourself down. Very very few people are able to get those badges without some luck. A lot of it depends on enemy behaviour. How long will they let you keep shooting them at long range before they eventually push? You can easily farm a team for a lot of damage, but only if they let you.

I didn't have a 4k on Octane for the longest time (even though I got it incidentally on other characters), and the first one I got I had 3900 damage and I had to go up to the last opponent and drop them a phoenix kit, wait for them to use it, and then shoot them to pass the 4k threshhold.

It took maybe a minute of crouching around with each other and pointing at the phoenix kit before she actually used it and healed. I was sure I'd get it before that because she naturally had time to heal, it was just that she didn't want to because her team mates were already dead, so she'd given up.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
Solo queuing in apex is like playing a completely different, much more frustrating game.

A quick summary of two wins I had yesterday - one with randoms and one with some friends.

Win #1: Played with two randoms with no mic. I got 8 kills and 10 knocks (which is very good for me) and we went from hot dropping in Fragment to the end circle. It was awesome...I played well overall. Lots of 30-30 knocks.

Win#2: Played with 2 of my friends who are mediocre to decent at the game. We flubbed 7 matches straight -- lots of hot drops that just didn't go our way for a variety of reasons - but we eventually got a win before I hopped off for the night. I got 2 kills and played pretty shitty overall. On each of those games we lost, one of us would do something stupid like dropping to the wrong building and or pushing a fight when we shouldn't have. But after every match, literally no one cared and we actually had a good laugh the entire time. It's pubs after all, so my mentality is - Who really gives a shit?

Point is - I have personally found a really great place with Apex lately by simply letting go of bad/dumb/stupid stuff that happens in matches (audio issues, team mates that suck, stupid decisions when we're getting pinched from 3 different teams, etc) and stop over analyzing every single death and just try to have fun. I also stopped playing ranked which helped with this as well....Season 13 ranked was very easy to stop completely and not miss it.

Your skill level is your skill level so just try to have fun. And sure there's ways to improve and there's a million ways that matches should play out if everyone in the squad made perfect decisions in positioning or timing attacks just the right way. But then I go back to my original thing of: Who gives a shit? We aren't trying to go pro. I'm not a streamer. And there are a million 16 year old kids who apparently play this game 24/7.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Honestly I'm with the growing community on reddit and such, which seems to think the game is in a really bad state right now. I don't have time for a long post this second but there are so many bugs occurring at the moment, and on top of that this season is hella' boring and the matchmaking is so rough that it's just killed any fun I was having with this game.

Control is the most fun I can have with the game so half assed right now. I don't really understand why it takes so long to put a series of maps up in existing locations. They should have put up a lot more maps and tested a lot more locations, and I don't see why it can't be permanantly available and feature its own trackers and count towards battle pass experience. As is it's the most fun I have with the game, but also feels like a complete waste of time.


Oct 25, 2017
It's in such a bad state. Almost done with BP then I'm taking a break until midway through next season.

Constant crashes, bugs, stale meta, Control mode is a joke, Arena is still just Arenas.

Didn't really help that we didn't really get anything new this season, like we got Newcastle and then that's kinda it?
Loba still bugged, Lifeline still shit, Pathfinder still has no passive.

The JP streamer/vtuber Apex community had to cancel their tournament because they couldn't even scrim properly because of so many issues.

But at least we have new fancy skins.
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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
I still enjoy a few games of Control. Can't say the same for Arenas, which I haven't touched probably since the first season it came out.

Their trying to hard to be different. Just implement a traditional TDM and Free For All please Respawn? You have all the POI's you need to have a bunch of maps for such modes.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
Yeah, I enjoy Control more than I did last season. Nothing changed with the mode - I just let go of getting upset at a loss and mostly treat it as a TDM.

The matchmaking has gotten better for me in pubs as the season went on. For the first few weeks it was non-stop curb stomping by preds. Now, it's mostly back to how the other seasons were for me.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
Apex has been in a bad state, technically, for a long time. There's the long standing list of bugs that everyone knows about like the audio issues. And then the newer stuff like the Xbox controller bug which is definitely frustrating in some games when I can't pick up a gun faster then my enemy and they get the kill first.

But if I wanted to, I could go down a long list of games - especially multiplayer games - where there are tons of issues. Every game has problems. Try visiting the Halo Infinite or Warzone threads to get an idea of what I'm talking about. From the lack of content to cheaters running rampant to the game just flat out not working correctly or even worse -- when the game isn't even popular enough to get a match and you have to wait 10-20 minutes in a lobby just to play.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - Apex is sort of like golf - an often frustrating but also rewarding game. In golf, you will hit a ton of drives into the sand bunker and you'll be just about ready about to throw your clubs in the lake but then out of the blue you nail a shot, it goes flying dead center toward the green and you score a birdie. You're immediately reminded of why you even bother playing in the first place. Atleast that's how I look at it.

The first step to enjoying Apex more, if you even want to enjoy it, is just to let shit go and try not to over analyze what went wrong in a match because in a game with this much randomness, shit is just always going to be questionable. Just think of the million scenarios where something could feel bad in a game like this where you're dropping 20 squads into a massive map with random loot. Then add the bugs we know about. It's a shit show. So for some people, that might be enough for them to not come back and for people like me who love the movement and shooting mechanics it's still okay. I'm also a huge Titanfall fan so this is the best option I have.

I really don't like Control's layout and respawn system. And Arena's is just horrible and a complete misstep.

But Apex is easily the best BR game I've ever played and it's not even close. It's like 50X better than any of other option out there even with the bugs -which I'm still hoping Respawn manages to fix. It will probably take an "Operation Health" season like Siege did to fix em' though and who knows if they'll actually do that.
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Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
Not going to bore anyone with the specifics but I just had one of the most satisfying kills I've ever gotten in Apex. Enemy team wiped my squad and their predator Bloodhound tried chasing me literally across the map but I managed to lose him, barely surviving too. I healed up and circled back around and his squad was now in a big fight with another team. I broke out my 30-30 and downed him from 100 yards away. "You've Killed The Kill Leader." The best.


Oct 25, 2017
Apex has been in a bad state, technically, for a long time. There's the long standing list of bugs that everyone knows about like the audio issues. And then the newer stuff like the Xbox controller bug which is definitely frustrating in some games when I can't pick up a gun faster then my enemy and they get the kill first.

But if I wanted to, I could go down a long list of games - especially multiplayer games - where there are tons of issues. Every game has problems. Try visiting the Halo Infinite or Warzone threads to get an idea of what I'm talking about. From the lack of content to cheaters running rampant to the game just flat out not working correctly or even worse -- when the game isn't even popular enough to get a match and you have to wait 10-20 minutes in a lobby just to play.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - Apex is sort of like golf - an often frustrating but also rewarding game. In golf, you will hit a ton of drives into the sand bunker and you'll be just about ready about to throw your clubs in the lake but then out of the blue you nail a shot, it goes flying dead center toward the green and you score a birdie. You're immediately reminded of why you even bother playing in the first place. Atleast that's how I look at it.

The first step to enjoying Apex more, if you even want to enjoy it, is just to let shit go and try not to over analyze what went wrong in a match because in a game with this much randomness, shit is just always going to be questionable. Just think of the million scenarios where something could feel bad in a game like this where you're dropping 20 squads into a massive map with random loot. Then add the bugs we know about. It's a shit show. So for some people, that might be enough for them to not come back and for people like me who love the movement and shooting mechanics it's still okay. I'm also a huge Titanfall fan so this is the best option I have.

I really don't like Control's layout and respawn system. And Arena's is just horrible and a complete misstep.

But Apex is easily the best BR game I've ever played and it's not even close. It's like 50X better than any of other option out there even with the bugs -which I'm still hoping Respawn manages to fix. It will probably take an "Operation Health" season like Siege did to fix em' though and who knows if they'll actually do that.
You can defend them all you want, but this input lag is a really bad stain on Respawn's quality control. The Xbox version has been dam near unplayable for more than 2 weeks.
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Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
You can defend them all you want, but this input lag is a really bad stain on Respawn's quality control. The Xbox version has been dam near unplayable for more than 2 weeks.

It's horrible. Won't disagree there. I have a weird drift issue as well that I thought was my controller so I bought a new one. Nope. It's happening on the new controller as well in Apex.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
You can defend them all you want, but this input lag is a really bad stain on Respawn's quality control. The Xbox version has been dam near unplayable for more than 2 weeks.

I think the Xbox controller issues are hugely frustrating, but I generally agree with Salty AF 's comment, especially since it's not like frustrations about Apex are new to this season or exclusively about the controller issues.

It can be easy to get more frustrated in BRs in general since the game is designed around increased stakes. Add to that the fact that if you're solo queuing you sometimes get bad players, sometimes you are the bad player, you have third parties, loot RNG, and maps that you think may be dogshit, but others love, and I think it's a recipe for getting very heated about the game on a regular basis that's just not particularly worth it.

Some issues are definitely more serious than others, and all issues should continually try to be addressed, but I don't think it's a hot take to suggest stepping back if you find it to be a game that's continuously getting you heated. I won't deny that I've done my fair share of complaining, especially earlier this season when it came to matchmaking balance issues. And yet, here I am still putting more hours into it each day than newer games I've picked up, heh.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the Xbox controller issues are hugely frustrating, but I generally agree with Salty AF 's comment, especially since it's not like frustrations about Apex are new to this season or exclusively about the controller issues.

It can be easy to get more frustrated in BRs in general since the game is designed around increased stakes. Add to that the fact that if you're solo queuing you sometimes get bad players, sometimes you are the bad player, you have third parties, loot RNG, and maps that you think may be dogshit, but others love, and I think it's a recipe for getting very heated about the game on a regular basis that's just not particularly worth it.

Some issues are definitely more serious than others, and all issues should continually try to be addressed, but I don't think it's a hot take to suggest stepping back if you find it to be a game that's continuously getting you heated. I won't deny that I've done my fair share of complaining, especially earlier this season when it came to matchmaking balance issues. And yet, here I am still putting more hours into it each day than newer games I've picked up, heh.
I'm just expressing frustration on what could potentially kill the game on Xbox. It's frustrating that I and a lot of other people couldn't enjoy this event. This isn't some minor bug or balance issue. I've always had fun with the game despite those. it's a game breaking issue.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
I'm just expressing frustration on what could potentially kill the game on Xbox. It's frustrating that I and a lot of other people couldn't enjoy this event. This isn't some minor bug or balance issue. I've always had fun with the game despite those. it's a game breaking issue.

I 100% agree on all counts - I was mostly just interpreting Salty's post as not speaking to that aspect specifically, but some of the more persistent, generalized negativity that can come up due to the game being just what it is (again, RNG loot, teammates of variable skill set, fixating on specific plays, etc).

As an Xbox player who hasn't been able to use my Series controller to play the game for the last few weeks, I'm right there with you when it comes to how frustrating the controller issue specifically has been. I'm lucky that I happened to get a Wingman adapter around the time the bug starting happening otherwise I wouldn't have been able to touch the game.

I won't be able to hop on for another several hours, but I'm curious to see if this actually fixes things. The way it's worded almost sounds like it's an improvement, not necessarily a fix but maybe I'm looking too much into it.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
I 100% agree on all counts - I was mostly just interpreting Salty's post as not speaking to that aspect specifically, but some of the more persistent, generalized negativity that can come up due to the game being just what it is (again, RNG loot, teammates of variable skill set, fixating on specific plays, etc).

As an Xbox player who hasn't been able to use my Series controller to play the game for the last few weeks, I'm right there with you when it comes to how frustrating the controller issue specifically has been. I'm lucky that I happened to get a Wingman adapter around the time the bug starting happening otherwise I wouldn't have been able to touch the game.

I won't be able to hop on for another several hours, but I'm curious to see if this actually fixes things. The way it's worded almost sounds like it's an improvement, not necessarily a fix but maybe I'm looking too much into it.

I'll give it a shot and let you know if it's much better. 😎

Edit: So far it feels way better.
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Oct 25, 2017
i just fucking can't with this. Hit a dude with white shields 3 times in a row with the bow, all no reg, I go down with all my shield and HP just drained instantly.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
Bad lag right now

Some of the worst I've ever had


Oct 31, 2017
Anaheim, CA
so i had a mirage and a lifeline on my team and Mirage takes the gold backpack from the vault and then runs to fight another squad by himself and then dies and quits. even after i told hiim to stick together.

if you ever run across Pzycho_dawg, tell him/she is a fucking selfish idiot. I really hate playing with randos 95% of the time.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
Wow. Completely different game now the buttons actually work and aiming doesn't drift anymore. Imagine that.
Oct 27, 2017
I was wondering why all of a sudden after the update I'm shredding folks again. It's a million times better. Now just trying to catch up my K/D again. 🙄😆 At least it's fun and WORKING again for Series X players. There's still a weird freeze bug that tries to crash matches but I can shoot and register shots again! Yay!


Oct 25, 2017
Don't put yourself down. Very very few people are able to get those badges without some luck. A lot of it depends on enemy behaviour. How long will they let you keep shooting them at long range before they eventually push? You can easily farm a team for a lot of damage, but only if they let you.

I didn't have a 4k on Octane for the longest time (even though I got it incidentally on other characters), and the first one I got I had 3900 damage and I had to go up to the last opponent and drop them a phoenix kit, wait for them to use it, and then shoot them to pass the 4k threshhold.

It took maybe a minute of crouching around with each other and pointing at the phoenix kit before she actually used it and healed. I was sure I'd get it before that because she naturally had time to heal, it was just that she didn't want to because her team mates were already dead, so she'd given up.
A quick summary of two wins I had yesterday - one with randoms and one with some friends.

Win #1: Played with two randoms with no mic. I got 8 kills and 10 knocks (which is very good for me) and we went from hot dropping in Fragment to the end circle. It was awesome...I played well overall. Lots of 30-30 knocks.

Win#2: Played with 2 of my friends who are mediocre to decent at the game. We flubbed 7 matches straight -- lots of hot drops that just didn't go our way for a variety of reasons - but we eventually got a win before I hopped off for the night. I got 2 kills and played pretty shitty overall. On each of those games we lost, one of us would do something stupid like dropping to the wrong building and or pushing a fight when we shouldn't have. But after every match, literally no one cared and we actually had a good laugh the entire time. It's pubs after all, so my mentality is - Who really gives a shit?

Point is - I have personally found a really great place with Apex lately by simply letting go of bad/dumb/stupid stuff that happens in matches (audio issues, team mates that suck, stupid decisions when we're getting pinched from 3 different teams, etc) and stop over analyzing every single death and just try to have fun. I also stopped playing ranked which helped with this as well....Season 13 ranked was very easy to stop completely and not miss it.

Your skill level is your skill level so just try to have fun. And sure there's ways to improve and there's a million ways that matches should play out if everyone in the squad made perfect decisions in positioning or timing attacks just the right way. But then I go back to my original thing of: Who gives a shit? We aren't trying to go pro. I'm not a streamer. And there are a million 16 year old kids who apparently play this game 24/7.
Thank you both! I do need to shift my perspective with the game, in solo queue at least.

I just wish there were more things to work towards. It's why I've been so focused on improving the KDR (which truly feels pointless with the SBMM) and trying to get that 4k badge. I'm over those now though, or trying to be haha. Hopefully the level cap gets raised soon and they think of more interesting ways to reward people for playing.

I do still have a blast playing with friends though that's for sure.

- - - -

Anyone else hyped for ALGS this week/weekend?


Oct 25, 2017
Apex mobile: gets another exclusive legend and a new map
Apex main: Wraith is now unkillable sometimes and that loba bug is back for the 12th time

shit is fucking embarrassing lmfao


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017

One day this character will be balanced.