Oct 26, 2017
I love MK8D so much and I had a ton of fun playing it this weekend with the exception of two things.

Once, when I got into the lobby with user "Gas 'Em All" and another time when I got into a lobby with "The N Word" a user with a Hitler avatar.

Can Nintendo like ban these people? Nazis are bad and should be banned. I enjoy Nintendo's online so much more than other games because the games force players to be friendly and don't need that much coordination (unlike in say, Battlefield 1 where I would feel bad for closing chat and being unable to coordinate but didn't want to keep chat open because of all the slurs). However, Nazis can still express their Nazism in usernames and it would be nice if Nintendo banned them. I didn't even see a report option in MK8D but that may be me not looking hard enough.


Oct 25, 2017
Odd if there's no report function. Latest game where I had to constantly report people was For Honor. You can design your own insignia, swastikas were quite popular when I played. And I mean swastikas associated with Nazi's ofcourse.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember back 10 years ago all the young 12-15yo CoD kids using racist terms and just being hateful were everywhere.

I always wonder what has become of the world full of young trolls with no consequence.

My assumption is they became alt-righters.

Liquid Snake

Nov 10, 2017
There's got to be a report option somewhere.

As much as I think these big companies try to weed out bigotry, people will find a way to surpass this and will go unchecked unless someone brings it up.

I remember this was occasionally a problem with MiiVerse, someone would draw something offensive or say something horrible but draw the words out so they'd surpass censors. Which is really bad because I feel there's a larger percentage of kids who play Nintendo games.


Oct 25, 2017
I could swear there's a report feature you can access from somewhere in the friends list, recent people you played with... Hmm. Maybe I'm thinking of Splatoon 2.


Avalanche's One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
There's got to be a report option somewhere.

As much as I think these big companies try to weed out bigotry, people will find a way to surpass this and will go unchecked unless someone brings it up.

I remember this was occasionally a problem with MiiVerse, someone would draw something offensive or say something horrible but draw the words out so they'd surpass censors. Which is really bad because I feel there's a larger percentage of kids who play Nintendo games.

most ownership reports show that more adults own Switches than kids.

i haven't seen stats witht he latest units sold factored in but all stats so far show that more adults play on Switch overall.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
This stinks, OP. I remember it really took me out of the good vibes I was feeling when Trump memes overtook Splatoon 2 for a short period.


Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
I do not trust anyone with a name that contains the number 88. I do not want to socializef with a person using such avatar in any activity.
Sadly i am seeing enough ,probably disgusting, people using it.
Oct 25, 2017

Dash Kappei

Nov 1, 2017
Until MK8DX gets added to the online app (late this year?) there's no way of reporting like there is for Splatoon 2


The Fallen
Nov 2, 2017
do you really think they are actual hardcore nazis attempting to express their beliefs via mario kart and not just edgy kids that find this stuff funny? when i was younger (i'm 17, so i'm talking about 2008-2012 mostly), people at school used to find hitler, swastikas etc. hilarious. they are not racists and probably cringe a bit looking back on it.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
Odd if there's no report function. Latest game where I had to constantly report people was For Honor. You can design your own insignia, swastikas were quite popular when I played. And I mean swastikas associated with Nazi's ofcourse.

Came across someone like this as well. In fact, I got a screenshot of it. Even had a gamer tag and a gamer pic of the same nature. Kicked his ass real good and reported him in-game and over XBL. His account had very little history, so I suspect he had been banned before for reasons that probably wouldn't surprise me.



Oct 27, 2017
Gonna have to disagree. Try using a black avatar in COD WW2.
I use a black avatar and constantly hit the top
Of the board of matches, haven't received one hate mail in all the time since launch

I've even double checked my message settings to see if I can receive from anyone lol


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I use a black avatar and constantly hit the top
Of the board of matches, haven't received one hate mail in all the time since launch

I've even double checked my message settings to see if I can receive from anyone lol
Try using a black avatar AND use Duelist.


Oct 27, 2017
LoL has an option that let's you report players for inappropriate usernames; they act pretty quickly on those.
Oct 26, 2017
Hmm, it seems like one of these guys has already been banned and one of the other users has almost no recently played history so he may have gotten banned recently as well.

Thank you to Nintendo if so.

But plz add a report function, it's very annoying to not have a report function.

Deleted member 21094

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
do you really think they are actual hardcore nazis attempting to express their beliefs via mario kart and not just edgy kids that find this stuff funny? when i was younger (i'm 17, so i'm talking about 2008-2012 mostly), people at school used to find hitler, swastikas etc. hilarious. they are not racists and probably cringe a bit looking back on it.
I had this phase too when I was younger, I grew out of it, but I can totally get where the humour is since I just recently grew out of it myself. I mean sometimes with my friends we would have conversations like "remember when we did *insert dumb things*, god we were so stupid"


Oct 25, 2017
Gonna have to disagree. Try using a black avatar in COD WW2.

I use the middle eastern avatar guy and no issues ever and I play 2-3 games of WW2 every day on PS4 since launch. I do have to sometimes mute all in HQ and games, not for racism or whatever reasons but frequently there are two guys who decide they need to share their convos about weed, girlfriends, or some person at work with the rest of the lobby or some dude is blasting his music all the time. The times when you hear a kid yell at his mom how he will take the trash out in just 5 mins, he is almost close to a score streak or whatever is pretty funny though.

The game I enjoy the most is hardcore team deathmatch though so coordination isn't really that important, no objectives or anything just kill the enemy. I like hardcore because 1 bullet is enough to get a kill and friendly fire is on, don't notice really any skill difference between normal/hardcore


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
LoL has an option that lets you report players for inappropriate usernames; they act pretty quickly on those.
Hate to be a "shill", but I used to work at Riot and they take harassment, racism, sexism, and the such seriously. They probably have the largest, most dedicated, and more decorated group of developers working solely on improving player behavior in the industry.


Nov 10, 2017
This has been a thing since like Mart Wii which got even more popular on 3DS and Wii U versions. Dunno about you guys but red shelling someone online with a Hitler mii and making sure they always lose is alot of fun lol. I main Daisy.


Oct 27, 2017
Hate to be a "shill", but I used to work at Riot and they take harassment, racism, sexism, and the such seriously. They probably have the largest, most dedicated, and more decorated group of developers working solely on improving player behavior in the industry.

LoL's image regarding toxicity was pretty damn bad just like 2 years ago, wasn't it? They've certainly made great improvements.