
Oct 28, 2017
Saving people from climate change with UBI is a joke, but chances are humans are too greedy to stop climate change. The only way I can see this changing is if there is some miracle fuel invented that makes oil's energy return on investment look tiny or something drastic and dangerous is done. One of these drastic and dangerous things could be a major country saying fuck it and spraying a bunch of aerosols into the atmosphere in an attempt to simulate a volcanic eruption to cool global temperatures.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, notice how he mentions white people but include himself as "Our"
yeah definitely a big oof that makes his irrelevance relieving

I read the article he posted when he made that tweet. Nowhere did it says about life expectancy on white people.

He could very well meant by "We" that it's collectively as Americans from another study.

He brought this stats up quite a lot of time in interviews and speeches, it doesn't give the impression he's talking about solely white people.


Oct 27, 2017
His initial statement of "it's too late" wouldn't be terrible if only in the context that massive and destructive change is beyond the point of preventing, and only damage mitigation is possible. What makes it so terrible is his knowledge of how damaging and catastrophic climate change is, and his response of more or less sitting on his hands with some weak ass UBI proposal.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I read the article he posted when he made that tweet. Nowhere did it says about life expectancy on white people.

He could very well meant by "We" that it's collectively as Americans from another study.

He brought this stats up quite a lot of time in interviews and speeches, it doesn't give the impression he's talking about solely white people.
The way the tweet is framed as something only effecting white people is a dog whistle. The last sentence comes off as covering his ass, but not really.


Oct 25, 2017
Is he proposing nothing to combat climate change? If not, he's not wrong in that we're going to be suffering some consequences no matter what.


Oct 13, 2018
Yeah....saying we might need to move people is being frankly realistic. Problem is its not just that stereotypical water level rise, its that it also destroys the fresh water supplies in Florida at least, give us the water to exist. No point in living here if we are reduced to shipping water from massive facilities far away or setting up huge declination plants.

And geoengineering.....yeah no shit we need geoengineering....if we weren't moving people to higher ground, we literally have to build walls around every coastal region....

Honestly, Yang is being totally on point. Solutions not the best, but calling him the most dangerous candidate is simple clickbait. (which worked so....fuck)

Deleted member 51646

User requested account closure
Jan 5, 2019
When you've already been defeated, it's called realism, not defeatism. You may not like what he said, but if you think he's wrong, then you are the one denying science.


Nov 1, 2017
United States
"We are 10 years too late. We need to have a plan for the eventualities of the damage already done." Said on stage and true.

"We are 10 years too late. This means we should do nothing or less than the absolute most we can to stop climate change." Not said on stage and untrue.

Deleted member 36543

User requested account closure
Dec 20, 2017
I don't like Yang but people will need to be moved up. Just look at that Greenland thread.

All our biggest cities/productive service areas are in the coast. New Orleans is literally going to sink. Manhattan will turn into Venice, probably.

$1000 per month isn't going to move them up, though. Massive infrastructure improvements, new public housing, slashing all the NIMBY zoning laws, might.
1000$ is just part of the solution.


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair many climate scientists have said we're past the point of no return. The feedback loop has started.
And yes, some countries do need to start moving people to higher ground. The US has already started spending billions preparing their coastal cities.

The thing is, not everyone can move to higher ground. For poorer people we're literally just saying they're fucked


Oct 13, 2018
Tbh part of the reason why we want to slowly move people by giving them the economic freedom to move, is once it all falls apart, the amount of people rushing to leave with the majority of their wealth will probably cause a near societal and economic collapse. If $1000 can get people to slowly begin populating the new regions of the country, that would lower the amount of pressure later.


Oct 27, 2017
So this perfectly illustrates the absurdity of reducing a candidate to a single thing they said during a televised debate and why these debates overall is a farce that if anything works against democracy. I've listened to many long form interviews with Yang and the idea that he is defeatist and "dangerous" when it comes to climate change is completely false. But even so, what he said isn't even wrong. There seems to be some kind of mass delusion with people thinking we'll be able to engineer ourselves out of climate change unscathed. That is not going to happen, hence the ten years too late comment. That doesn't mean we are doomed, it just means that not only are we going to have to deal with climate change but also with the actual effects of climate change - even if we make our best possible effort to reverse it.
From all I've hear said by Yang himself he is about as progressive on climate change as any other candidate.

Disclaimer: I'm not American and I don't have a horse in this race, if I did Yang wouldn't be my first choice but I like UBI and I like that he is the only one who takes automation seriously and that he is the only one not engaging in political mud-slinging.
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Oct 27, 2017
My favorite thing about Andrew Yang is that his particular appeal to Extremely Online tech bros means he's markedly overrated on PredictIt -- like a ~10% chance of winning both Iowa and the nomination. It's a surer way to free money than his basic income plan!


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Op sounds like one of those people who somehow think Pence is more dangerous than Trump.

I don't like Yang but people will need to be moved up. Just look at that Greenland thread.

All our biggest cities/productive service areas are in the coast. New Orleans is literally going to sink. Manhattan will turn into Venice, probably.

$1000 per month isn't going to move them up, though. Massive infrastructure improvements, new public housing, slashing all the NIMBY zoning laws, might.
He has many other policies other than the one 1000$
The reason he talks about it every chance he gets is that he basically knows he most likely won't get the nomination and is more interested in exposing people to the idea of UBI.
He wants to be 2020's Bernie Sanders and change the direction of the party, I ho


Oct 27, 2017
I mean...

Trump is a candidate...

But also fuck Yang he's an obvious fucking moron.

Lol it's pretty obvious you haven't ever listened to him in depth. That's the whole problem with our election process - you can't talk about anything properly in 30 second soundbites. If any you who took this at face value actually read into it, it's really about mitigating what's already happening.

And apparently talking white people having lower life expectancy and issues with opioids is akin to "white genocide". This fucking forum.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems he was asked about this remark by CNN tonight, and I'm sure the people who think he was being alarmist aren't going to change their minds seeing as he doesn't pivot from it.


Dr. Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
Seems he was asked about this remark by CNN tonight, and I'm sure the people who think he was being alarmist aren't going to change their minds seeing as he doesn't pivot from it.

I appreciate this answer, but just wish he would follow it up with what we CAN and can still achieve, even if it's just a small consolation, and then he can propose radical methods to meet it
Oct 28, 2017
I don't agree with his current position on climate change but I've listened to several of his long form interviews and I trust that he's a reasonable enough dude to change his position if he's approached with enough data to the contrary.

I'm also not 100% sure how much I really disagree with him. He didn't say that we shouldn't still do all that we can to mitigate the damage. And his policies include a page on combatting climate change and a carbon fee so.....?

Yang Climate Change


alt account
Mar 15, 2019
I think Yang is right, we are too late. We just gotta accept it that we're all doomed from climate change.


Oct 25, 2017
I like how not lying is somehow bad now. He clearly said that we should still work against climate change, just that its too late to completely fix the effects of it.


Oct 27, 2017
I wish more people would bring up how carbon levels in the atmosphere can be reversed if we start developing the technology now. Technologies like massive carbon capture and storage factory farms or bioengineering roots that can capture carbon and remain under earth for decades and centuries (most plant roots disintegrate and give it back). It's not enough to just lower emissions, we're going to have to actively repair the atmosphere, which is totally doable. If we start investing in the technology now we can suck 50 billion tons of carbon out of the atmosphere a year by later this century. It can both be too late and reversible.


Nov 18, 2017
He's said he wants to invest in geoengineering
The way the tweet is framed as something only effecting white people is a dog whistle. The last sentence comes off as covering his ass, but not really.
Since you're serious about this, he's never mentioned white births declining as something that is inherently bad in regards to national demographics. The point he makes is that it's true that they're suffering from drug abuse and suicides. It all goes back to the idea that AI took out manufacturing jobs away and that the evidence is in those statistics. It's not to say "oh look at poor white people, look how much they're suffering." He's also said that when the majority population (whites) start to become the minority, it's bad news not because of the typical right wing scare tactic in that it's bad news that they're becoming the minority and you need to fight against that fact, but because the majority start to lash out at minorities. Minorities suffer right now (just look at Trump's racist behavior leading to minorities being attacked) and will suffer in the future. In fact, my parents were attacked and told to go back to Mexico like 4 months ago. And in order to curb that somewhat now and in the future, you need to cushion that economically so that minorities don't suffer as much in the future. Not to prevent whites from becoming the minority like right wingers want, but to curb minorities suffering in the future from whites attacking them. That doesn't mean that only whites need a cushion, only that everyone needs a cushion so that people don't act as irrational.

People are trying to make him out to be a white supremacist or something.

Here he is talking about this very topic.

edit: And just to clarify, it's completely understandable if people ring an alert in their heads when this comes up. It's currently a right wing talking point that is argued in a typical right wing fashion (see Ingraham's bs).
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Oct 26, 2017
I wish more people would bring up how carbon levels in the atmosphere can be reversed if we start developing the technology now. Technologies like massive carbon capture and storage factory farms or bioengineering roots that can capture carbon and remain under earth for decades and centuries (most plant roots disintegrate and give it back).
I mean technology IRL is not like a Civ skill tree. You don't develop X technology for Y amount of years and poof, it happens.

We may never get feasible carbon capture technology, we may get it in 10 years. Even if we do get it, we still need to contend with the power requirements, what are we going to do for that? Just hope for an energy storage breakthrough in solar/wind, or build nuclear power plants that take 5-10 years to go online?


Oct 27, 2017
I mean technology IRL is not like a Civ skill tree. You don't develop X technology for Y amount of years and poof, it happens.

We may never get feasible carbon capture technology, we may get it in 10 years. Even if we do get it, we still need to contend with the power requirements, what are we going to do for that? Just hope for an energy storage breakthrough in solar/wind, or build nuclear power plants that take 5-10 years to go online?
Well I stated "later this century" in my post, it's not going to be ready in any near term, not even within 20 years. But the idea is if we invest in scalable carbon capture technology now, then when it could be ready for mass institution 50-60 years from now our power sources will be cleaner.


Oct 27, 2017
No. The cult leader is.

Hes right. But we can still pretend that Republicans/the west is going to do something..

Its all good on paper. But the glaciers arent going to stop melting due to ice cold tweets.

Im doing my part. But manufacturing isnt.

People need hope. Which is why he wont. Be president.even with his bribes.

Williamson has no chance of winning.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Yeah... I'm going to disagree with the folks here. Yang is absolutely correct. We're beyond f***ed. It's just a matter of preparation for the ill effects of climate change. There is no stopping it.


Oct 29, 2017
Well I stated "later this century" in my post, it's not going to be ready in any near term, not even within 20 years. But the idea is if we invest in scalable carbon capture technology now, then when it could be ready for mass institution 50-60 years from now our power sources will be cleaner.

I'll say this: what is the most common argument against communism in the end? Human nature. All of the miracles we have to pull off in terms of carbon capture, much less ceasing all emissions, and in an exceedingly shrinking timeline - have the exact same problem that we all are forced to accept as to why Karl Marx was dreaming: human nature.

And I've never been too hype on carbon capture schemes being anything more than a tool to mitigate the really really really bad scenarios, not the thing that actually gives us a fighting chance against the apocalypse that is 2C and warmer.
But this is only part of the story: scrutinise the pathways in the recent IPCC report consistent with the 1.5C target and the stated amount of negative emissions envisaged is incredible. Most scenarios have more than 730bn tonnes of carbon dioxide sequestered as negative emissions this century. That is equivalent to all the carbon dioxide emitted since the industrial revolution by the US, the UK, Germany and China combined. There just isn't enough land to suck up that much carbon into new forests. And using BECCS to remove this much carbon, as most scenarios assume, would require an area of new cropland larger than India, plus building a facility to store 1m tonnes of carbon a year every single day from 2025 until 2050. Negative emissions at this scale are the stuff of fantasy.
While it is true that some negative emissions technologies are practically feasible at modest scales, this knowledge encourages both magical and mendacious thinking. We all want a magic bullet that solves the climate emergency, but negative emissions technologies are not it. Of course, it makes no sense to be against these technologies in principle. Investment in them is needed, as hard-to-mitigate emissions will need removing from the atmosphere, and some options such as forest restoration bring many additional benefits. But we should recognise the dual role they also play in encouraging a delay to the action we need to take: rapidly ending the use of fossil fuels.

The IPCC report, which is way too over optimistic, is already accounting for magical carbon capture. And yeah, I don't see that happening. I'd like it to happen, but I'd also like true universal healthcare today, free education for all today, no concentration camps today, and world peace and the ability harness the unification of electromagnetism and gravity. But you know, real world amirite?

Another issue is that we were late 20 years ago. So we need that magical carbon capture today.
The 2000 election was probably the one that will be recognized by future generations as the gamechanger. AKA why they're in the hell they're in now. But then again, if you're under the age of ~35, you've never experienced a month where the global temperature was below its average. That's a baaaaaad streak to be on. Bad.

Climate change isn't some 2050+ thing. We've been living it our entire lives. And now we need to get serious about not only trying our best to avoid a 4C future, but in taking the steps needed to hopefully keep it under 3C with 2C being literally baked in. But again, that pesky human nature thing keeps bugging me, because to even do that will require some drastic changes in ALL of the world VERY fast; a time scale of years not decades.
And also probably because even on this forum something which should be considered the bare minimum - talking about the Green New Deal - is treated as a nonstarter and basically laughed at in a way that's not too different from right wing deniers. Shit's getting drastic but no one at the top really cares that much either. How much time did this existential issue get at all of these debates anyways? How many total words spoken?
Whatever the answer is, it's never going to be enough for what we all face as a species, not to mention all the other poor buggers on this rock who will be going extinct in the wild in the coming years.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Marianne is an example of how dangerous memes can be. Shes like the opposite of trump if they were on the same spectrum of what memes can do.

Give the joke character publicity until its too late and you're stuck with them? Nah, thats dangerous.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Whilst I'm doing everything I can to prevent climate change I have to admit I'm considering taking steps like this. I have definitely thought a lot about how to prepare for the effects of climate change as it now feels inevietable on some level.

I just hope as it becomes more clear just how fucked we are that more people will get involved and try to make a change. Over the last couple of years we've seen some big movements start trying to push the importance of climate change and we need to keep going down that path.


Oct 25, 2017
Whilst I'm doing everything I can to prevent climate change I have to admit I'm considering taking steps like this. I have definitely thought a lot about how to prepare for the effects of climate change as it now feels inevietable on some level.

I just hope as it becomes more clear just how fucked we are that more people will get involved and try to make a change. Over the last couple of years we've seen some big movements start trying to push the importance of climate change and we need to keep going down that path.

I have faith in the youth movement. At worst people will begin to riot in societies, and that will probably mean countries will either get their shit together or just repeat what's happened in Syria, seeing as climate was the last straw there that led to civil war.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
I have faith in the youth movement. At worst people will begin to riot in societies, and that will probably mean countries will either get their shit together or just repeat what's happened in Syria, seeing as climate was the last straw there that led to civil war.

Actually on this note I highly recommend everyone get out to the school strikes on September 20 this year. For those of you who want a chance to make your voice heard this is a great oppurtunity.

Thinking about making an OT for it closer to the day.