How often are you actually awakened by your alarm clock (or phone)?

  • Frequently

    Votes: 48 58.5%
  • Occasionally

    Votes: 13 15.9%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 12 14.6%
  • Don't use alarms

    Votes: 9 11.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
Recently bought myself one of those Google Nest Hubs and replaced my old digital alarm clock that had a huge red LED display. It's only been less than a week, but it seems like I sleep so much better having replaced that thing. Aside from filling my room with an ominous red glow at night, it had long had this noticeable electric buzz that I think while not all that loud, must have been disrupting my sleep in a way. First night I had the Hub working, I woke up like three hours after I went to sleep but it somehow felt like it had been longer and I didn't really need more sleep. It still being the middle of the night, I went back to sleep anyway.

I guess it's kind of more convenient to be able to just use voice commands to set my alarm every night, especially since my schedule isn't necessarily regular so I'd often have to use the buttons on my old clock to keep swapping alarm times. I'm still trying to figure out how to set the default alarm controls, as apparently setting a media alarm doesn't include the sunrise thing that the Hub does with regular alarms. This probably sounds weird, but ever since watching Russian Doll, I've kind of wanted Gotta Get Up by Harry Nilsson as my alarm. Ironically, all this effort to set my alarms is nearly pointless as I almost always wake up just before my alarm is going to go off, whether I have to wake up at 7AM or 2AM. I don't think I can remember more than three times in the past year I've actually been awakened by mine. (Of course, as far as my old alarm clock, the worst thing is when I wake up well before, then go to the bathroom only to realize I'd not turned the alarm off so it keeps going off until I'm done in the bathroom.)

So in your lives, how often do you actually find yourselves roused by your alarm clock or phone?


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
I haven't set an alarm clock at all in three or four years except for rare instances when I need to wake up at 3 or 4 AM to catch an early flight. I hit my late 30s and started waking up pretty much every morning by 6:30 regardless of what day it is or what time I went to bed.
Jul 1, 2020
I have my lights ramp up about 30 minutes before my alarm goes off so my eyes are already adjusted to the light and I'm likely to already be awake. It's probably my favorite thing about having smart light bulbs.
Oct 25, 2017
just bought one of those wake up light alarm clocks to minimise the reliance on my phone/reduce blue light use and hopefully stop SAD, though i've been a lot better just taking supplements this year so far. has natural wake up sounds plus mp3 connectivity.

I regularly sleep through my phone alarms and the stupid echo alarm my girlfriend has on. Probably cause my sleep is all fucked from scrolling before bed.

I guess i'll bump this when It gets here and let you know lol


Mar 25, 2021
Never. My internal body clock wakes me up a minute beforehand.
And a minute before that. And before that.

I think the last hour of sleep I get each day is me waking up every few minutes to see how much more time I have left before I have to wake up.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
I'm a very heavy sleeper. It usually takes me 10+ minutes to actually notice my alarm is going off and to snap me out of a dream, despite it being loud and blaring.

And then I put it on snooze and conk out immediately afterwards and do it all over again.

There have been times where the alarm goes on for so long that it just gives up (after about 15 minutes or so of it sounding off), which means I oversleep even more. I really really hate that and I have no idea why iPhone alarms are programmed that way. I want it to go off indefinitely but there's no proper option for it.


Aug 3, 2021
I use my phone. Though I most of the time wake up before the alarm even goes off and just wait for it to get out of bed.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I'm a very heavy sleeper. It usually takes me 10+ minutes to actually notice my alarm is going off and to snap me out of a dream, despite it being loud and blaring.

And then I put it on snooze and conk out immediately afterwards and do it all over again.

There have been times where the alarm goes on for so long that it just gives up (after about 15 minutes or so of it sounding off), which means I oversleep even more. I really really hate that and I have no idea why iPhone alarms are programmed that way. I want it to go off indefinitely but there's no proper option for it.
set new alarms to go off every 15 minutes


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I have a good internal clock. If I have to get up unusually early, I'll set one just in case but I'll likely be up before it goes off. I have a toddler that can get out of bed when his night light turns green, so I'm always up about 5 mins before that.


Oct 27, 2017
I rely on them completely, if my alarm didn't go off I'd be woken up by work calling at 10 to ask where I'm at


Oct 27, 2017
I'm a very heavy sleeper. It usually takes me 10+ minutes to actually notice my alarm is going off and to snap me out of a dream, despite it being loud and blaring.

And then I put it on snooze and conk out immediately afterwards and do it all over again.

There have been times where the alarm goes on for so long that it just gives up (after about 15 minutes or so of it sounding off), which means I oversleep even more. I really really hate that and I have no idea why iPhone alarms are programmed that way. I want it to go off indefinitely but there's no proper option for it.
When I was still at university, I remember this one time in the dorms when either somebody had pulled the fire alarm as a prank, or maybe it was a drill, but I basically slept through at least a minute of the alarm before my roommate had to physically shake me out of sleep to get me up.


Oct 29, 2017
The vast majority of the time I wake up a couple minutes before the alarm goes off. I still set it though because of the rare times when I don't.


Oct 25, 2017
I️ got one of those echo dots with a clock face j now use. Nice simply to not have to change it for DST and setting alarms using voice commands

The Real Abed

Oct 25, 2017
I set my alarm for 7:30AM with the snooze disabled so I'm not tempted to use it. But some days I'll wake up like right before it goes off. Depends on how well I slept that night.


Oct 31, 2017
I have my phone on a pillow next to me which Goes off 10 minutes before I have to get up and snooze once.

I don't have An alarm click/radio because I bump the volume/channel dial by accident when setting the clock and overslept and the LED's on it lightened up the room.


Aug 25, 2020
90% of time. By all 20 of them. Thank god for siri. I just tell her to deactivate all the alarms once I'm up so I don't have to turn them all off manually.
Nov 8, 2017
I usually wake up before my alarm, but I wake up several times most nights.

There's nothing worse than waking up like thirty minutes early, still tired, and debating trying to get back to sleep for a few minutes or just get up and get on with the day.


Nov 17, 2017
I really only need an alarm clock (phone) in the winter as I sleep a little more heavily with the cold weather.

The rests of the year, however, I pretty much always wake up on my own around 6 or 6:30am. I still set an alarm, just in case.
Oct 26, 2017
I never used to use one, always woke up on time. Then my job had me starting at all sorts of different times and totally ruined my sleep schedule so I use one now.
Thing is, once you start you can't really stop as I get anxiety if it's not been set and can't sleep.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I haven't really used an alarm in about ~3 years. I've got a living, breathing alarm clock in the form of my daughter who, without fail, wakes up at 6:45 the latest



(meaning, it's light outside/morning)



Daddy I want to use the potty lets go (which is a lie 100% of the time, but she knows it'll get me out of bed)

that shit'll wake you up

I'm usually awake by 545-6 most days anyway. My dog wakes up at 545-6, I feed him, take him out, to back to bed, and then my wife's alarm is usually 6:15 and I'm typically awake for it, then I sit in a semi catatonic state for about 30mins, as the imaginary man pulls the rip cord on my brain, and then when the choke is in the right position it starts to turn over, and by the end of that time, 29mins or so, the organic alarm clock wants to go potty and I'm like alright let's do it. On the weekends I can usually con her into 45mins of cartoons and I'll close my eyes for ~22mins to hit "play" on the next cartoon... "Daddy oh no it's broken" (....) "daddy oh no its a commecial"
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