Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
A community in Michigan is reeling after video captured a man making a racist comment toward another parent at a meeting that had been called to discuss concerns about diversity and acceptance at schools.

Adrian Iraola was standing up with a microphone Monday, sharing a story with parents and school administrators, in Saline, Michigan, about how racism in the school had been affecting his child when he was interrupted.

"I remember when I went to his bedroom, to say good night, and he was crying because of the abuse that he was enduring in this school system," Iraola, who is Latino, began at Liberty School.

Suddenly, as he was midsentence, a man behind him spoke out.

"Then why didn't you stay in Mexico?" asked the man, who was identified by Ann Arbor News/MLive.comas Tom Burtell.

The video was taken and shared by Ann Arbor News/

The remark was met with audible gasps as parents and attendees turned around to look at Burtell, who is white.

"You need to leave," a woman could be heard saying in the video obtained by ABC News.

"That's disgusting," another woman said.

Iraola is the father of three former students and said he came to the U.S. 40 years ago and owns three Mexican restaurants.

The school district, which is predominantly white, said in a statement Tuesday that "hate, prejudice, and racism have no place in our schools or our community."

"Yesterday, February 3rd, an individual in the Saline community made racist remarks at a forum directed at one of the parents in our community," Saline Area Schools Superintendent Scot Graden said in a letter. "This type of bigotry goes against all of the values and beliefs of our school system."

"The Saline Board of Education and administration take the issue of student and adult behavior seriously," it continued. "We are striving to ensure a welcoming, inclusive, and safe environment for all students and families, regardless of their race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender identity, or any other identity."

According to Ann Arbor News/M, the meeting on Monday had been called to discuss solutions after remarks made in a social media group in January by some high school students had been deemed an "act of racism" by administrators.

"On Monday, January 27, it was brought to the attention of our staff and administration that offensive and inappropriate racist comments using derogatory terms about African Americans were posted on social media by Saline High School students," Superintendent Scot Graden said in a Jan. 27 letter. "Hate, prejudice and racism have no place in our schools or our community."

Ann Arbor News/M said the high school students had used the "N-word" and included gorilla emojis in the chat. At Monday's meeting, Iraola offered Burtell the microphone so he could speak but he declined.

"He asked me a question. ... 'Why didn't I stay in Mexico?'" Iraola said. "Because this is the greatest country in the world."

"But you're complaining about being here," Burtell said.

In another video posted by Arbor News/, Burtell said he'd been a victim of racism "all the time."

"Try being white and walk in a black neighborhood," he told the parents. "See what happens."

Tim Burtell, Tom's son, told ABC News on Tuesday that none of his 10 siblings condoned their father's actions.

"The only message I want to say is that our family condemns our father's vile beliefs," said Tim Burtell said in a statement to ABC News from all 11 children and their mother, Joanna.

Brian Wright, who said in another video posted by Arbor News/ that his son had been a victim of racist comments in school, called Burtell's remarks during the meeting "flat-out racist" and said they were indicative of what children of color were dealing with every day.

Wright, who is black, encouraged the parents at the meeting to remember the feelings they experienced when they heard Burtell's remarks.

"This is not an isolated event. And unfortunately, every time this happens, we treat it as an isolated event. We just had an outburst in here, all right? We all had some type of emotion. Regardless of what side you sit on, myself included, I'm still reeling from that emotion. Hold onto that. Because that's what the minority kids are experiencing on a weekly basis," he said.

Video of how it happened included in the link:



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
White. Racist. Claims to have been a victim of racism all his life. ELEVEN FUCKING CHILDREN!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
"But you're complaining about being here," Burtell said.

This fuckin' shit drives me up a wall. God forbid people want things to be better.


Oct 26, 2017
Sucks that that happened, but it seems minor enough that I don't understand why ABC has picked it up as news. One bigots views gets this much coverage now?

Also, that poor person is so wrong about America being the greatest country in the world.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn that's a lot of children. Wonder if it has to do with supremacists asking their members to have as many kids as possible to stem the tide of minorities.

I do hope his son is telling the truth because it'd be hilariously sad for the father's family to all be against him.
Oct 27, 2017
So, if someone were to punch that dude in the face, could we say "well you're just complaining about being here, you should leave."

Man I feel bad for all the kids.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Watched the video, so glad pretty much the whole room gasped after hearing his stupid remark and called him the fuck out. Also, you know you fucked up big time when your whole family (11 children included) call you out on your fucking racism.


Oct 25, 2017
Having 11 children seems unfair for the older kids. They get stuck with being unpaid babysitters because mom and dad just didn't want to stop at 4.

Anyways, fuck that racist jackass. Dude deserves a backhand for his ways. Hopefully that call out from his son was sincere.


Jan 31, 2019
I dont' get why the response is "why don't you just leave?" How about you stop being a racist, let alone an asshole.


Apr 18, 2018
That poor guy having to deal with being white in a predominantly white neighborhood. Man, how did he ever survive


Oct 25, 2017
Unfortunately this kind of shit is more prevalent in my state than you would care to believe. We have a nasty amount of assholes like everyone else

Definitely not a safe blue state like we would love to believe


Oct 25, 2017


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I like how the Mexican dude just smiles and rolls with it. Thats what it is like to be a PoC in america, you have to laugh to keep from crying


Oct 25, 2017
His wife's smug smile annoys the shit outta me. Garbage supporting garbage.


Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully there will be a thread update on how this asshole got fired from his Job.
Then he will issue an "apology" saying that he's sorry if he offended some people, that he misspoke that day because he was tired, that anyone who knows him knows this doesn't represent who he is, that he can't possibly be racist towards Mexicans since he eats Mexican food all the time, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Watched the video and it breaks my heart. However, it also inspired me. I'm glad the audience shunned that asshole. And when asked why he (the Mexican gentleman) came here in the first place he said that this was the greatest country on earth. And even if that's not true he still worked so hard to give his family a better life. I just pray that his son is no longer bullied. And they find peace.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
If you are a white person in a PoC neighborhood you know who you should be scared of?

The Police, cause they will think you are there to buy drugs


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
This shit breaks my fuckin heart. Im glad the people there got to see something like that first hand though. Props to Adrian for keeping his cool because I would have likely clobbered him if he said that to me.

Jive Turkey

Oct 25, 2017
"But you're complaining about being here," Burtell said.

No, he's complaining about racist assholes like you, you troglodyte.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
The reason white people get to complain about the country (MAGA) and non-whites do not ("Go away if you don't like it") is because they are conscious of the fact that this country is supposed to be maintained to their liking and benefit.

And yes, they're conscious about it. We need to stop acting like racism is a mistake, stop audibly gasping and acting so surprised when white men finally say their true feelings, and start confronting white supremacy head on like we should've done after the Civil War. Homeboy should've been physically tossed.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
The reason white people get to complain about the country (MAGA) and non-whites do not ("Go away if you don't like it") is because they are conscious of the fact that this country is supposed to be maintained to their liking and benefit.

And yes, they're conscious about it. We need to stop acting like racism is a mistake, stop audibly gasping and acting so surprised when white men finally say their true feelings, and start confronting white supremacy head on like we should've done after the Civil War. Homeboy should've been physically tossed.
hard to comfront something when you have get christmas cards from it better tell a minority to do better