
One Winged Slayer
Nov 5, 2017
85 Years Ago on December 21st - 1937, Snow White first aired at the Carthay Circle Theatre in Hollywood. Obviously Snow White is a extremely important film in the history of cinema birthing the animated movie as we know it today and causing the elevation of Disney to what we know today but what do you think of it as well as the history of Disney Animated films in general.

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Feb 20, 2020
Rarely is the first of something ever so fucking good and timeless. That's what I always think of when I think of the movie: they poured their soul into it. It didn't feel like an experiment, it felt like these were people who have done this their entire lives.

Great movie, great characters, great music...

There's a reason the dwarves are so prominent within Disney, and it ain't because they were the "og's"... It's because they're just great characters!


Oct 27, 2017
I was hyper fascinated by that apple as a kid. Looked irresistible af.
I need to watch it again just to see the apple


Resettlement Advisor


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
I am a reluctant Disney Adult in a family of Disney Adults and have seen most movies but dont think ive even seen Snow White in full. Same with Pinnochio. I only recently watched Sleeping Beauty in the past year or so.

Still, it's an undeniable milestone in animation as an art form and holds up.


Oct 26, 2017
Animation will never look as good again, which is a weird thing to say considering tech advancement over 85 years

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Oct 29, 2017
Snow White is one of my all time favorite movies. Another "how did people not know I was trans or suspect something" moment in my life is I spent my late teens and early twenties obsessed with this movie, and talking about my obsession with anybody who would listen.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
The first time I saw it I couldn't believe it was done in the 1930s lol.

Yeah, it's unbelievable how good it looks, how good the animation is. I've seen some stuff on the techniques they used to get realistic animations with rotoscoping (maybe I have the wrong name there), but pretty impressive, and I love that style of like ... "it's more real than reality," like extra expressiveness and fluidity of motion, it's like watching ballet from the audience, a sort of gracefulness to the animation that's almost more real than real.

I feel the same about Lady and the Tramp. Lady and the Tramp is a fucking beautiful movie (y'know, racist siamese cats or the stereotypical accents/food portion aside), it's a gorgeous movie that gets some things right better than a lot of movies since then. For instance Lady's first night alone, she whines like a little puppy, and the whines are *perfect,* where as I think most other depictions of dogs since, I dunno, they humanize them in a way and the barks/whines/whinnying isn't accurate. Lady's whines kinda triggered flashbacks in me to when my dog was a puppy and his insufferably whining at night when I was crate training him.

The style of the art is like Red Dead 2 or Rockstar's lighting style, where it's almost dreamlike, kinda like how you remember something, not like how it actually is. There was a Vox or Verge/Polygon video about RDR2's art style being this popular manifest destiny-like art style from the 19th century, I forget the name of it.
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Oct 25, 2017
Sollefteå, Sweden


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Holy shit, I watched this movie today completely coincidentally.

Was my absolute favourite film as a kid growing up. I wore out 2 VHS tapes, and drove my Grandfather absolutely crazy as I'd insist on it being on whenever I went over. This was all despite an absolutely crippling fear of the Witch, who literally gave me night terrors for years.

I mean seriously, this shit:

Was horrible.

Also really interesting to see the background of the film, called "Disney's Folly" as nobody believed anybody would want to watch an hour+ long cartoon. 60+ films, multiple theme parks and god knows how many millions of dollars later... how wrong they were!


Oct 27, 2017
Lol Aprikurt I'm with you. That hag terrified me as a child. It was right up there with the obvious contrast between the "good path" and "shortcut" or whatever at the start of Beauty and the Beast; that spooky trail and wolf chase that leads to a shadowy scene at the castle had me paralyzed with dread lol.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it's unbelievable how good it looks, how good the animation is. I've seen some stuff on the techniques they used to get realistic animations with rotoscoping (maybe I have the wrong name there), but pretty impressive, and I love that style of like ... "it's more real than reality," like extra expressiveness and fluidity of motion, it's like watching ballet from the audience, a sort of gracefulness to the animation that's almost more real than real.

I feel the same about Lady and the Tramp. Lady and the Tramp is a fucking beautiful movie (y'know, racist siamese cats or the stereotypical accents/food portion aside), it's a gorgeous movie that gets some things right better than a lot of movies since then. For instance Lady's first night alone, she whines like a little puppy, and the whines are *perfect,* where as I think most other depictions of dogs since, I dunno, they humanize them in a way and the barks/whines/whinnying isn't accurate. Lady's whines kinda triggered flashbacks in me to when my dog was a puppy and his insufferably whining at night when I was crate training him.

The style of the art is like Red Dead 2 or Rockstar's lighting style, where it's almost dreamlike, kinda like how you remember something, not like how it actually is. There was a Vox or Verge/Polygon video about RDR2's art style being this popular manifest destiny-like art style from the 19th century, I forget the name of it.
Damn I would love to check out that video because yeah as you said the style is so enthralling and I've never been able to really put it to words. Honestly pretty much all of Disney's old 2D animations (despite some of their content) are just timelsss beauties that I never grow tired of watching them
Sleeping Beauty is imo pretty shit as a film but damn is it gorgeous!!
Jun 17, 2019
That's actually a bit of a lie.

The First Feature Length Animated Film Is a Silhouetted Delight

Well, Lotte Reiniger’s THE ADVENTURES OF PRINCE ACHMED is the oldest surviving feature length animated film, but regardless, it’s…

Got to it before I did. Disney did not make the first feature length animated film.


yeah Disney would love it to be the truth but as usual, rest of the world's cinematic industry was ahead of the curve

Yes Lotte Reiniger did have one of the first animated movie. Director Quirino Cristiani, seems to be the very first in 1917 as a political stature called the Apostle, which like Lotte's was stop motion, I think Snow white still has the distinction of being the first in color hand drawn full length animated film. Cristiani beat everyone in 1931 for a 2 d full length sound film. Only it was black and white.


Oct 27, 2017
The animation is still solid after all these years, and I acknowledge the milestone this movie is. However, I can't say I love it. It's okay. I don't actually love any of the Classic Disney Princess movies (Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella) though.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I think the animation has held up well..the story hasn't held up too well in my opinion though.
Yeah I can understand! Personally I do find the story still charming, there's a theatricalness to it that helps it in that regard for me. Plus the score still tugs on my heart strings pretty hard, the second i hear the first notes to Someday my Prince will Come my soul cant help but smile.


Oct 30, 2017
Walt Disney got the best people for this project and he supervised every inch of this production to make sure it ended as a timeless film. Boy did he succeed at that.

Also the trend of Disney Villains suffering horrible deaths started here.


Resettlement Advisor
Yes Lotte Reiniger did have one of the first animated movie. Director Quirino Cristiani, seems to be the very first in 1917 as a political stature called the Apostle, which like Lotte's was stop motion, I think Snow white still has the distinction of being the first in color hand drawn full length animated film. Cristiani beat everyone in 1931 for a 2 d full length sound film. Only it was black and white.
The article in my post doesn't shy away from that fact. Shame they're lost features, now.
Jun 17, 2019
Walt Disney got the best people for this project and he supervised every inch of this production to make sure it ended as a timeless film. Boy did he succeed at that.

Also the trend of Disney Villains suffering horrible deaths started here.

Yup they did not sy away from the idea vultures were gonna pick her dead body clean.

I will add a caveat, the prince was supposed to have an entire sequence where he was captured by The Queen and chained up and escaped like Douglas fairbanks. Which was why he comes upon the horse atthe end. But it had to be cut due to animation limitations at the time and run time. Later they gave it to prince Philip in sleeping Beauty.

Also I would say it was the right story to resonate with the depression era. It was a message of hope.


Oct 30, 2017
That's actually a bit of a lie.

The First Feature Length Animated Film Is a Silhouetted Delight

Well, Lotte Reiniger’s THE ADVENTURES OF PRINCE ACHMED is the oldest surviving feature length animated film, but regardless, it’s…

I've seen this in the theatre and I love it.
It is however a completely different kind of animation, and not what people think of when they think of 'animated movie'. But yes, it's technically the first.

Snow White is so incredibly beautiful and so lovingly crafted. It still stands the test of time because it's a god damn work of art. I think it's still the best Disney film, either snow white or Pinocchio