
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The only positive thing Cinemasins has done is give a platform to people who consistently mock cinemasins for their stupidity.

Squid Bunny

One Winged Slayer
Jun 11, 2018
It sent media literacy back about 50 years, got to admire how they blew everything up.
Dec 30, 2020
My friends and I all sickened of it when we all independently came to the conclusion, "I miss simply enjoying things."


Oct 28, 2017
They were fine in the beginning when the videos lasted 5 minutes and pointed out really dumb mistakes, but there was a turn and they had to make 15 minute videos and nag about every single stupid detail. I stopped watching them at that point.


Aug 1, 2019
Man, cinemasins is such a low effort irrelevant channel to talk about in terms of pop culture commentary. Why even waste time making a whole critique of it in the current day? It's not even a dead horse anymore, its basically digging up a grave to kick a bunch of disassembled horse bones.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I haven't watched any of their videos in years. Not to be that guy but I feel ike these breakdowns do honestly just give them more attention. Taking a cursory glance at CInemasins's channel, their view counts have dropped considerably compared to their height, so it feels like by and large people have already gotten sick of their shitck.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Most film and TV threads here are like an episode of CinemaSins
Maybe the real CinemaSins was the friends we made along the way.

I'm a big mark for complaining about the kind of media criticism this and TV Tropes have inflicted onto an undeserving populace, but at this point I wonder if I'm just hyperfocusing on a small pack of Extremely Online nerds, and maybe everyone else is still just having a good time.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Last time I watched a Cinemasins video I think was for Kong Skull Island.

There's a great scene in the movie where Kong is just about to eat someone and it cuts away to a character biting into a sandwich at the last moment as a funny little edit, and they called that scene out for some reason.

I don't even remember what the reasoning was for saying it was a "sin", something like "hey how come we didn't get to see Kong eat the guy?". It was just such a meaningless, idiotic critique that I've never watched one since.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 7, 2020
Man, cinemasins is such a low effort irrelevant channel to talk about in terms of pop culture commentary. Why even waste time making a whole critique of it in the current day? It's not even a dead horse anymore, its basically digging up a grave to kick a bunch of disassembled horse bones.
I continue to not understand why so much focus is given on cinemasins and their apparent outsized influence on people's ability conduct media criticism, as if the vast majority of people aren't just naturally bad at such things. Its like complaining about metacritic or TVtropes. People like short, digestible points and shortcuts to organize their thoughts about media, they will naturally gravitate towards such things.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Pretty sure CinemaSins is where 90% of Era gets their movie critiques from


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I continue to not understand why so much focus is given on cinemasins and their apparent outsized influence on people's ability conduct media criticism, as if the vast majority of people aren't just naturally bad at such things. Its like complaining about metacritic or TVtropes. People like short, digestible points and shortcuts to organize their thoughts about media, they will naturally gravitate towards such things.

Like if I'm being real, the rise of Alt-Right youtube has straight-up done was more to ruin "media criticism" than Cinemasins ever did. lol


Jul 22, 2019
I will take this over all the SJWs are ruining movies and my childhood is ruined videos.


Oct 25, 2017
Cine Wins is great.

Definitely a bigger fan of the "win" than 'fail' vids reggardling all topics really.


Nov 2, 2017
YouTubers having beef with each other's content and creating elaborate hit videos.

Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017
I'm confused, is Cinema Sins supposed to be legit criticism? I always took it as intentionally over the top... kinda what made it funny.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 7, 2020
I'm confused, is Cinema Sins supposed to be legit criticism? I always took it as intentionally over the top... kinda what made it funny.
I have always viewed it as funny nitpicking. At some point people started taking them seriously? And then people got angry at people taking them seriously? But instead of trying to make better media criticism content, they just got mad at Cinemasins for existing.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused, is Cinema Sins supposed to be legit criticism? I always took it as intentionally over the top... kinda what made it funny.
It's their actual thoughts and opinions delivered with a thin veneer of "comedy" to make it more digestible to viewers who would be turned off by straight-up rant videos.


May 30, 2019
I remember being really into CinemaSins when I was younger until I realized that watching it just made me have less fun with movies and the negativity wasn't vibing with me.

CinemaWins meanwhile was a fun channel for a while though I don't really keep up with it.

Jonathan Lanza

"I've made a Gigantic mistake"
Feb 8, 2019
I really don't see what effect this channel has had on anything. I don't doubt that it's popular but like, that seems to be it.

Jumping to conclusions, coming to silly conclusions, emphasis on meaningless details, use of buzzwords, these are all things that you can regularly find on the internet from the year 1999 onwards. Probably even further back. I can't believe that Cinemasins has lowered anything and I feel like these videos are being made by people whose first exposure to online content is like post 2010 YouTube.

Grain Silo

Dec 15, 2017
I haven't watched a Cinemasins video in about 6 years, but when I did it was with the internal understanding that they were intentionally being obnoxiously nitpicky, with genuine criticism sprinkled among a bunch of silly takes. Good for a cheap laugh, nothing more.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
lmao i remember watching cinema sins when i was in my teens and thought it was the funniest thing in the world.
Oct 25, 2017
I continue to not understand why so much focus is given on cinemasins and their apparent outsized influence on people's ability conduct media criticism, as if the vast majority of people aren't just naturally bad at such things. Its like complaining about metacritic or TVtropes. People like short, digestible points and shortcuts to organize their thoughts about media, they will naturally gravitate towards such things.
Yeah Cinemasins and TVtropes are just tools. Being super critical to the point of being a clown isn't tied to liking those things as evidenced by some people on this fourm lol

Nah, it was always this bad. The difference is that the person from your old friend group with the shittiest fucking takes (as well as everyone like him) is now making money on YouTube with those exact same takes.
This. Really its Youtube existing that gave any loud voice a space to just make subpar video essays that pat people on the back for lacking any nuance in an opinion or having 0 self-awareness. Comment sections under those videos are effectively new spaces for people to continue the same conversation they've had for years about how much they hate things.

I dont like Cinemasins but to be fair to them they're fairly impartial and lighthearted, and probably fosters a healthier outlook compared to thinking things are objectively bad and that you need to make thinking a thing is bad your personality trait


Oct 27, 2017
Younger me found a lot of fun in their videos.

Older me now describes CinemaSins like a lot of those conservative youtubers who found success in an audience and trying to change means giving up that success (read: money). Pretty much exactly what this guy said. Also, massively agree that their content is picking up every rotting fruit that has dropped to the ground.

Shout-out to Every Frame A Painting.


Oct 25, 2017
"Ah they're just goofing around"

Video in the OP points out that they are also sexist, thin-skinned, and pretty far off the mark at being 'funny', if that's their goal


Nov 2, 2020
I can't stand the CinemaSins narrator's voice, even filtered through bob's videos: it's Smug Whiny Nitpicky Nerd incarnate.

Watching the video, it's interesting how CinemaSins actually DID respond to bob's previous video... by removing all their videos seemingly for exposing that the main Sins videos are mostly their actual thoughts with a veneer of satire slapped over it.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm confused, is Cinema Sins supposed to be legit criticism? I always took it as intentionally over the top... kinda what made it funny.

A lot of its audience takes it seriously and as the primary way they engage with media. It's hard to watch CinemaSins as "just being funny" because so much of what they nitpick is literally wrong or indicative of them just not understanding the plot, which is sort of the baseline you need to hit if you want to do nitpicking as a schtick. It's bad work regardless, taken as legit criticism or just being funny. And frankly I lean toward its intention being the former and the latter being their excuse for sloppy work, because if you listen to their "out of character" discussions about movies, they pick them apart the same way and make the same comprehension errors that are in the CS videos. It's pretty clear that the CS guys are just...bad at watching movies, really. They have very little ability to follow even moderately complex plots and never seem to engage with the films beyond the most surface level of plot; their discussions never touch on theme or character (beyond "character make mistake haha stupid character") or the larger purpose of a film. It's tremendously shallow and it has unfortunately influenced how film and television are discussed on the internet to the point that you run into people who behave like a CS video when talking about movies who haven't even heard of CS before.


Oct 22, 2018
Cinema Sins always came across as tongue in cheek/not serious, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

It's like saying Dunkey's "Reviews" aren't good reviews, I don't think it was ever meant to be that way.

Deleted member 4353

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Cinemasins has always been a joke and not serious criticisms. They literally go through newpapers in movies to see if they correspond to the subject topic in the movie they are talking about.

The whole thing is a joke. But its the internets so nerds gotta be angry they are making fun of stuff they like. The maker of the videos in the OP is a sad person and should go find something better to do.


Oct 27, 2017
Cinema Sins always came across as tongue in cheek/not serious, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

It's like saying Dunkey's "Reviews" aren't good reviews, I don't think it was ever meant to be that way.

The issue, again, is that Dunkey gets stuff wrong for comedic value. CinemaSins gets stuff wrong because they didn't understand what they were watching. Comparing Dunkey and CS is pretty indicative that you don't understand how satire works.

Cinemasins has always been a joke and not serious criticisms. They literally go through newpapers in movies to see if they correspond to the subject topic in the movie they are talking about.

The whole thing is a joke. But its the internets so nerds gotta be angry they are making fun of stuff they like. The maker of the videos in the OP is a sad person and should go find something better to do.

Again, they say it's a joke, but it's clear from their non-"funny" discussions (many of which are deleted now) that they're not joking. It's really how they engage with movies and they think what they're doing is legit criticism. The "it's a joke" thing is an excuse, like when someone caught doing something stupid yells "it's a prank" to get out of the situation. I do agree that they're not as important nowadays in terms of the general film discourse online, but to claim they had no influence is naive at best. You can draw straight lines from the CinemaSins mentality to shit like the endless TLJ whining from alt-right-lite dipshits.
Mar 11, 2020
Cinema Sins always came across as tongue in cheek/not serious, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

It's like saying Dunkey's "Reviews" aren't good reviews, I don't think it was ever meant to be that way.
Yeah im with you, i thought the whole point was it's not to be taken seriously. I swear i've even seen jokes in some of their videos themselves referencing that and that people are taking it seriously when they aren't meant to be.


Oct 25, 2017
The only reason people watched cinemasins was for the movie recaps. And now we have dozens of big channels that just do that. So their content is just redundant now.


Oct 25, 2017
Cinemasins has always been a joke and not serious criticisms. They literally go through newpapers in movies to see if they correspond to the subject topic in the movie they are talking about.

The whole thing is a joke. But its the internets so nerds gotta be angry they are making fun of stuff they like. The maker of the videos in the OP is a sad person and should go find something better to do.
You should watch the whole video, which points out that they are sexist and also actually pretty bad at being a joke


Oct 27, 2017
Quite a few posts here telling us they didn't watch either of the videos in the OP.

Cinemasins has always been a joke and not serious criticisms. They literally go through newpapers in movies to see if they correspond to the subject topic in the movie they are talking about.

The whole thing is a joke. But its the internets so nerds gotta be angry they are making fun of stuff they like. The maker of the videos in the OP is a sad person and should go find something better to do.



▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
CinemaSins may be a "comedy" channel, but worse than being inaccurate, they're not funny.