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Dec 27, 2023
User banned (permanent): Troll account
This is cruel and abuse. He clearly a vegetable and has a severe form of dementia/alzheimers.

Here is a film of a younger joe biden:

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Like night and day. A completely different person.


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
I've yet to receive any emails or texts from democrats post-debate. Typically by now they'd be begging me for money. They're completely silent.


Oct 25, 2017
This is cruel and abuse. He clearly a vegetable and has a severe form of dementia/alzheimers.

Here is a film of a younger joe biden:

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Like night and day. A completely different person.
You've clearly never met anyone with severe dementia.


Oct 27, 2017
Newsom is transparently power hungry and looks like a skeez with his slicked back hair but if you want someone who's not afraid to go to FOX and call Republicans on their BS in a charming, sleazy way, he's your guy. I feel like if he was the nominee he would have totally bodied the Trump that he saw today. Take a look:



Obviously he is not without his flaws but I'm at the point that none of the negatives of him or Harris or any other possible contender outweighs the negative of Biden seeming to be way too old for 4 more years on the job. i.e. I support replacing Biden with any of the popular names bandied about as a possible replacement.

There was a huge piece in my paper about him being ready to replace Biden if the debate wouldn't go well.
Paywalled, but in case someone has an account and missed it:

Concurrent of adjudant van Biden? De gouverneur van Californië laat opvallend veel van zich horen

Al maanden gaat rond dat Gavin Newsom, de populaire gouverneur van Californië, stiekem een schaduwcampagne voert als alternatief voor Joe Biden, die morgen zijn eerste tv-debat heeft met Donald Trump. Newsom ontkent dat. Wie is hij en waarom is hij zo actief?


May 1, 2024
1. This was a baaaaad night for Biden. He could have afforded all of the other mishaps if he said his words and sentences clearly. Some of his advisors need to go, or those who did his prep. Those in his campaign who can deliver the goods need to overpower those who paved this debate path for Biden.

2. Donny shat his pants too, difference is that he did it with a boatload of confidence and lies. His presence and presentation mattered.

Everyone on the campaign now need to go into overdrive to fix this, they do have the time but there isn't a single second to waste. Anything and everything they had planned out need to he moved up asap, empty out the coffers, staff the fuck up further, dust this off and go full bore. After last night, the timescale has been changed, bidens campaign team now need to adapt asap. Take the big blow, toughen up and do your fucking jobs. Some are panicking? Good, use it and cry later, focus on winning first.

Trump truly didn't win last night, itd just that Biden lost.

They fuck around and don't get smart and tough, then Biden loses in Nov.

Edit: If you want a Repub trifecta, changing Biden now would ensure that, lock stock and barrel.

Be fucking serious, populaces no matter the country hate a party when it implodes, you can look at us in the UK and the very likely demolition fucking our current ruling party is going to get next week for an example of what happens when a party imposes a crisis on themselves.

I mentioned the stakes in the presidential race, change Biden now for someone else and you capsize the whole thing.
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Dec 9, 2017
They will not. They absolutely will not. A massive linchpin of the Trump campaign is the claim that Biden is too old, too sleepy and has advisers actually running the Government.
This performance plays into their hands. They'll keep it front and center

Framing advisers as a bad thing really just lays out that they want one singular person to have absolute power with nobody to second guess them. A dictator, but we already kinda knew that.


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
Yeah. I just remembered the no interview in the Super Bowl fiasco 4 months ago. I bet 99% of Americans don't remember either.

Just like they will forget /not care about this debate.

Besides, the last month or so we have 34 felony accounts for Trump vs a poor showing in a debate for Biden. I would think the 34 felony accounts have more weight?


Trump voters do not give a flying fuck^

What worries me infinitely more are Independents and undecided voters


Dec 3, 2018
So youre choises are at the moment an orange bastard that can lie adequately in a debate and is being praised by doing that and a seriously on the way senior citizen

Lord have mercy for the rest of us, lol
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Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, it can get overwhelming. Like, if I memorize a speech and rehearse it a bunch, I can get through it no problem. If someone interrupts me during the speech and I have to change course for a moment, that can trip me up. So IMO Biden having all these numbers and talking points he feels he needs to hit, along with Trump throwing lots of BS out there that Biden felt the need to respond to, really messed him up.

Even when he's "on" and you see him start an idea and then veer off into an anecdote, I believe that's because his brain is like "nope, can't say that word so I'm going to find something you CAN say, even if it turns your idea into nonsense". It's tough for me at 40. I can't imagine how hard it is at 80+ to wrangle the stutter in.
Thank you for the response. I appreciate it.


Aug 30, 2023
I see people stating a debate does not matter and will be drowned by the news cycle soon. I tend to disagree in this context. It is what this performance represents. Let's be real here, this is not just a bad day, I haven't seen a good clip of Biden in like more than a year and his "gaffes" are stacking up exponentially it seems. Do people really think he will do better around voting time? I don't if I am honest. He reminds me of my grandparents in their latter days and it is at that point when ageing often hits quickly and hard.

Yes, I fumble words and sentences sometimes (ok, frequently), but 1) I am not a presidential candidate and 2) I usually recognize it and quickly correct myself. I think way too many folks have been living in denial. And 3) Biden used to be sharp, not even that long ago. The difference is staggering.
May 7, 2020
I think the most unnerving thing about this debate was Biden's dead eyed staring into space with his mouth hanging open for minutes at a time.

There was one point where he turned away from Trump and he looked gone


Oct 25, 2017
I see people stating a debate does not matter and will be drowned by the news cycle soon. I tend to disagree in this context. It is what this performance represents. Let's be real here, this is not just a bad day, I haven't seen a good clip of Biden in like more than a year and his "gaffes" are stacking up exponentially it seems. Do people really think he will do better around voting time? I don't if I am honest. He reminds me of my grandparents in their latter days and it is at that point when ageing often hits quickly and hard.

Yes, I fumble words and sentences sometimes (ok, frequently), but 1) I am not a presidential candidate and 2) I usually recognize it and quickly correct myself. I think way too many folks have been living in denial. And 3) Biden used to be sharp, not even that long ago. The difference is staggering.
You are just not paying attention. He was great at the state of the union.

So good in fact that the bullshit about he taking cognitive performance enhancement drugs went into overdrive after that.


Oct 25, 2017
So youre choises are at the moment an orange bastard that can lie adequately in a debate and is being praised by doing that and a seriously on the way senior citizen

Lord have mercy on the rest of us, lol
It's wild contrasting the US debates with the equivalent in the UK where all the party leaders are 40-60 years old.


Oct 30, 2017
You are just not paying attention. He was great at the state of the union.

So good in fact that the bullshit about he taking cognitive performance enhancement drugs went into overdrive after that.

Yeah he was good at the SOTU and terrible here. Truly terrible. But reading a speech from a prompter is a different proposition to a debate. The presidency is about more than reading from a prompter.

His preppers gave him too many lines and too many numbers, he clearly couldn't get them all straight in his head and just looked feeble whenever he was grasping for an answer. He even fucked up the abortion question for gods sake.

If he was sick they should have put that out before the debate, not after. His campaign is being run so badly and is making him look like he can't do the job.


Oct 30, 2017
I'd take a man with gaffes, that has way better policies and in general is a decent human being by comparison over that horrible, lying orange piece of shit fellon, any fucking day.

"He has more energy". Imagine being praised for being an energetic, lying piece of shit. I mean, that's what I'm looking for in a presidential candidate!

Besides, if you truly want to fuck things up, you do it by replacing Biden now. He has the best chance of winning, whether you like it or not.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd take a man with gaffes, that has way better policies and in general is a decent human being by comparison over that horrible, lying orange piece of shit fellon, any fucking day.
You do, but others might not - or might stay home as they don't like either candidate.

Besides, if you truly want to fuck things up, you do it by replacing Biden now. He has the best chance of winning, whether you like it or not.
Nah, no way. All the talk will now only about how Biden is not fit anymore for a next presidency. He just showed he's not even fit to campaign.


Oct 24, 2017
folks was acting like Era was just being Era
This forum acts with a particular kind of defensiveness when it comes to Biden and shouts people down because the alternative is worse, not realizing that people wanted a choice that wasn't Biden either. But because he decided he was going to run again even though he's well past deciding anything, everyone had to kiss the ring and Era was all too happy to push people's heads down to do so.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean the overall stressors of a Presidency already ages middle aged men considerably, it's not hard to fathom the toll that takes on an already 80-year-old. Biden didn't look or sound good at all and people can't sugarcoat that. I don't know if they can fix that in the remaining months. Sometimes these impressions do make a difference, optics are powerful these days and they do decide contests and elections.

I know people will say that they'd vote for a literal sack of shit before Trump, and lord knows I would too, but to moderate/independent white voters in swing states, I don't think they necessarily see things in the same way.

If their lives aren't remarkably different under either and they're going with who is more functionally cogent, the Dems put them in a place where they're making a call on Biden, not Trump.

And I don't know how Dems can fix that perception since he's just gonna get older. Why would they elect someone that looks like they may not make it to 2028?

They just needed someone up there that appeared competent and they failed. And that's what all the calls for a replacement are about.

People are overthinking it. A Whitmer or Shapiro could've done a better job and they're not a coastal elite like Newsom. There are reasonable options out there. In fact at this point I think that potential ticket would fare better compared to who we have now in terms of perception/appeal.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'd take a man with gaffes, that has way better policies and in general is a decent human being by comparison over that horrible, lying orange piece of shit fellon, any fucking day.

"He has more energy". Imagine being praised for being an energetic, lying piece of shit. I mean, that's what I'm looking for in a presidential candidate!

Besides, if you truly want to fuck things up, you do it by replacing Biden now. He has the best chance of winning, whether you like it or not.
"decent human being" is not a term I'd use to describe the man providing weapons to maniacs for a genocide.


Mar 24, 2023
The question is if it hubris or just incompetence? I think the dem establishment just got high on their own supply.

If people thought of the political class as an upper elite (like the ultra rich) then things would make a lot of sense. Elections dont have real consequences to them. They arent playing this like its life or death, losing is just something that happens. Sure, winning would be nice but even if they lose Trump is great for fund raising.

To them Biden is the safe option and if it doesnt work, hey we can always try again in 4 years.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
His preppers gave him too many lines and too many numbers, he clearly couldn't get them all straight in his head and just looked feeble whenever he was grasping for an answer. He scene fucked up the abortion question for gods sake.

Here's the thing; it's not even that he looked "feeble." I did debate in high school, and one of the things I remember most from that horrible year was all the prep that went into steadying your expression, to keep from getting that same empty look. It mattered a lot for presentation. If you notice in a lot of these debates, that's why candidates have notepads at their podiums. It's not so that they can take actual notes; it's so that they can have something to focus on when they're listening to their opponent. It helps prevent that slack jawed look that a LOT of people get when they're listening intently and preparing a rebuttal at the same time. I saw Biden had a pen in his hand, but he wasn't using it. If I were on his prep team, I would have been drilling into him to use the notepad...even if all you're doing is drawing a bunch of ducks.


Dec 28, 2017
It's not too late to get Biden to step down and bow out gracefully, is it?


Oct 25, 2017
I do wonder if it appears that Trump will for sure win in november, that would actually push turnout a bit for people that want to make sure their local politicians and the house are pushing back against trump to some degree. Yeah trump will try to work around those, but any extra layer of defense is better then none.


Oct 30, 2017
You do, but others might not - or might stay home as they don't like either candidate.

Nah, no way. All the talk will now only about how Biden is not fit anymore for a next presidency. He just showed he's not even fit to campaign.
Yes, way. Who do you replace him with? Tell me.
And in what time-frame do you expect that person's name to even be known by half of the current voters? That shit takes time. Time isn't a luxury the dems or anyone has right now.

Biden's incumbency is an advantage. He won the last election by 7 million goddamn votes. Again, whether you like it or not, he's the dems best option currently.

Don't confuse that as me saying he's the best option, period. None of them are. But you can't replace anyone at this crucial moment.


Dec 9, 2017
I'm curious how aggressive the campaigning would have to be to successfully switch to a new candidate. There might be some advantage in not having years of character assassination looming over them. Could Biden move enough of his supporters to someone else by endorsing and frequently appearing with them?


Oct 26, 2017
It's really not that hard of a choice. One candidate wants to strip away a bunch of fundamental freedoms and genuinely slide the country into full on dictatorship. That alone should be enough to 'motivate' people to get off their ass and vote. Even if the other option is a literal bag of fresh dog shit.

If it's not enough, then this country was always fucked to begin with anyway.
This is where I'm at. If Trump confidently lying his ass off is all it takes for people to vote for him, then we're going to get the government we deserve and we've just been delaying the inevitable.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
as a brazilian i'm so confused with people saying Biden is the only way democrats will ever win.

that's the guy that appeals to most of the country? really?

what makes him that special?


Oct 30, 2017
I'd take a man with gaffes, that has way better policies and in general is a decent human being by comparison over that horrible, lying orange piece of shit fellon, any fucking day.

"He has more energy". Imagine being praised for being an energetic, lying piece of shit. I mean, that's what I'm looking for in a presidential candidate!

Besides, if you truly want to fuck things up, you do it by replacing Biden now. He has the best chance of winning, whether you like it or not.

These aren't just gaffes though. There are serious questions about his mental competence that can't be hidden by saying he has a stammer or a cold. Not anymore. It's not about energy.

Forget about Trump for a moment, consider Biden as an individual candidate. He doesn't look up to the job. The only thing that gives him any chance of winning is the contrast in character with his disgusting opponent. People need to have confidence in the ability of the commander in chief.
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Feb 18, 2024
Welp. I can feel that pit of despair and anxiety that I had for 4 years coming back. I still think a mentally absent or on his death bed Biden is better for our country than Trump and the people he surrounds himself with.


Jan 21, 2018
Jesus Christ what a disaster. This is all I could think about watching Biden


I feel for you Americans


Oct 30, 2017
"decent human being" is not a term I'd use to describe the man providing weapons to maniacs for a genocide.
Maybe quote the next two words, before trying to start this shit?

Don't. Start.

If you have to, scroll through the many, many threads of "fuck you, Biden" I've thrown over the years.

Trump is an infinitely worse candidate and person. That's my point and you goddamn know exactly what I meant, so stop it.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
It would be just about doable if he announced he was steppeing down today and he and party grandees almost unanimously anointed a successor to be voted for at the convention. But that's not going to happen.

They would also have to completely redo the ground game the Biden campaign has been setting up for months. This is the less vocalized, but likely biggest, reason to add to the huge "Guys this is never going to fucking happen" pile.


Dec 28, 2017
Reading this article from the AP... Damn...

Here's why it would be tough for Democrats to replace Joe Biden on the presidential ticket

It would be nearly impossible for Democrats to replace President Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential nominee unless he chooses to step aside following his halting debate performance against ex-President Donald Trump.
On the debate, I don't think Trump's performance was particularly special (actually pretty bad). Biden just shit the bed so hard that it shifted the convo to him. What a disaster. He should've pressed Trump harder during the Roe v Wade topic.


Oct 26, 2017
If the Dems weren't dumb fucking idiots they would've talked to Joe and negiotiated a one term presidency.


Oct 25, 2017
Reading this article from the AP... Damn...

Here's why it would be tough for Democrats to replace Joe Biden on the presidential ticket

It would be nearly impossible for Democrats to replace President Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential nominee unless he chooses to step aside following his halting debate performance against ex-President Donald Trump.
On the debate, I don't think Trump's performance was particularly special (actually pretty bad). Biden just shit the bed so hard that it shifted the convo to him. What a disaster. He should've pressed Trump harder during the Roe v Wade topic.
And that's it. Trump was Trump, blathering idiocy and all. But Biden was definitely not Biden, not the way people remembered him from 2020 or even at the SOTU. Maybe they can fix that perception in the remaining months? But my gut's telling me that people's common sense would tell them that an 80-year-old is mostly who he is at this point.

He appeared sort of strong and convincing enough back in 2019/2020 but that's out the window now. Def should've learned the lesson from RBG


Oct 29, 2017
I've had a good 6 hours of sleep on this, and yea....Biden's performance is enough to swing people that NOW I think Trump is definitely going to win in November.

This was about as bad as anyone could have imagined it to be.


Oct 25, 2017
brazil, unfortunately
This forum acts with a particular kind of defensiveness when it comes to Biden and shouts people down because the alternative is worse, not realizing that people wanted a choice that wasn't Biden either. But because he decided he was going to run again even though he's well past deciding anything, everyone had to kiss the ring and Era was all too happy to push people's heads down to do so.

and if you didn't do that, you were tagged as a disguised trump supporter


Oct 29, 2017
These aren't just gaffes though. There are serious questions about his mental competence that can't be hidden by saying he has a stammer or a cold. Not anymore. It's not about energy. Trump is a narcissistic lunatic but he appears to

Forget about Trump for a moment, consider Biden as an individual candidate. He doesn't look up to the job. The only thing that gives him any chance of winning is the contrast in character with his disgusting opponent. People need to have confidence in the ability of the commander in chief.

Yeah he looks bad in a way that transcends ideological divisions.

The voters in the suburbs who put him over the top in 2020, and who put Trump over the top in 2016, I don't think they're going to vote for Biden again.

They're going to be thinking "can he do the job for another four years" and I think a lot of them will conclude he can't do the job for another four minutes.


Oct 25, 2017
Jesus Christ what a disaster. This is all I could think about watching Biden


I feel for you Americans
It's a shame they didn't get the early Obama-era Biden at least. Regardless of the questions about his mental state, he had lots more charisma and energy back then, even though it was only 15 years ago. The prospect of him being 86 at the end of his second term is hard to fathom right now.


Oct 25, 2017
I've had a good 6 hours of sleep on this, and yea....Biden's performance is enough to swing people that NOW I think Trump is definitely going to win in November.

This was about as bad as anyone could have imagined it to be.


"Gosh he was a little out of it on that debate 5 months ago, I guess I'm voting for a fascist"
Nov 12, 2017
I liked Joe until I didn't like him because of how inhumanely he's handled Gaza. Up until then, he was definitely the most leftwing president of my lifetime. Watching this debate, I pity him. He's in the weeds. I'm still going to vote for Biden, because I kinda have to (the pick is either Biden or Trump's administration speedrunning to fascism.) But it's a strange feeling to look at a sitting Prez and feel such strong pity. The ravages of time have hollowed him out and the pace of his decline is quickening. I say this as someone who thought he did well in the SOTU. How is all of this gonna go down?
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