
Nov 10, 2017
First, the cutting edge new ultra high-end visualization hardware that SGI introduced that year.



Imagine that, 9 GFLOPS,, 10+ million polygons per second and 800 million pixels per second fillrate. That was cutting edge in 1996.

Then, an article on Alias|Wavefront, who did a lot of the famous CGI animations using SGI hardware, and provided tools to game companies for 3D games.





My hope is that Nintendo will one day return to making pure home game consoles with their current hardware partner Nvidia, and without gimmicks, and without being constrained by portable needs. Perhaps by the mid 2020s?


Nov 2, 2017
I was going to college at this time studying motion graphics / computer art. It really felt like we were in the pioneering days where every semester there was a new breakthrough in technique and obviously tech. Exciting times.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Going to properly read it later but this reminds me of the article about animating for Jurassic park; what it need with the OG film vs what was achievable with vastly more advanced tool set for Jurassic world.

And looking at the first picture, I am also often reminded of the disparity between pre-rendered cinematics for Square games like FFVIII vs what can be achieved on consoles today to the point where pre-rendered CGI has become, essentially, non-existent.
Feb 10, 2018
Maybe in 25yrs Nintendo will be competitive hardware and graphics wise because by then even modest hardware will by equal to reality.

If next gen is 12tflops, the gen after is at least 72tflops, and then the gen after is 432tflops.
Imagine games made with 432tflops and 256gb of ram lol. That's like 50 2080tis! And by 2045 that will be a mid range PC.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Maybe in 25yrs Nintendo will be competitive hardware and graphics wise because by then even modest hardware will by equal to reality.

If next gen is 12tflops, the gen after is at least 72tflops, and then the gen after is 432tflops.
Imagine games made with 432tflops and 256gb of ram lol. That's like 50 2080tis! And by 2045 that will be a mid range PC.

Well Flerken, unless graphene chipset become viable enough to go affordably mainstream that future is unlikely, at least at that pace.


Oct 28, 2017
Here's a rad promo vid for the first version of everyone's favourite 3D program, Maya:

Kinda hilarious that they're advertising the right click radial menu as some radically innovative feature, but I guess developers were still experimenting with the concept of GUIs even into the late 90's. Actually I'm really surprised how little the UI has changed in the last 20-odd years... I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing if I'm honest.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Here's a rad promo vid for the first version of everyone's favourite 3D program, Maya:

Kinda hilarious that they're advertising the right click radial menu as some radically innovative feature, but I guess developers were still experimenting with the concept of GUIs even into the late 90's. Actually I'm really surprised how little the UI has changed in the last 20-odd years... I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing if I'm honest.

Good lord those angled interview segments were so 90s, gaddamn.
Feb 10, 2018
Well Flerken, unless graphene chipset become viable enough to go affordably mainstream that future is unlikely, at least at that pace.

Is graphene likely by 2045?

If it isn't, will 1nm be possible before then? And multi chip designs on infinity fabric, 3d stacking and what ever other advancements will still keep moore's law ticking but at a slower rate, even if 250tflops is possible in a single GPU that is still pretty insane.

If a 1nm GPU is 35tflops, imagine 4 of them on die, that's 140tflops lol.


Oct 28, 2017
Good lord those angled interview segments were so 90s, gaddamn.

It's not even the worst 90's CG software promo video I've found recently - here's one for Newtek's old "Video Toaster" editing suite:

The second part of the video talking about Lightwave is especially hilarious what with the giant text talking about such innovative features as LENS FLARES, MOTION BLUR and 3D.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Is graphene likely by 2045?

If it isn't, will 1nm be possible before then? And multi chip designs on infinity fabric, 3d stacking and what ever other advancements will still keep moore's law ticking but at a slower rate, even if 250tflops is possible in a single GPU that is still pretty insane.

If a 1nm GPU is 35tflops, imagine 4 of them on die, that's 140tflops lol.

IIRC quantum tunneling becomes an issue by that point.
Oct 26, 2017
We live in an era where Warframe and DOOM 2016 can be played portably on Switch. Absolutely incredible seeing how far we've come. O_o

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
It's not even the worst 90's CG software promo video I've found recently - here's one for Newtek's old "Video Toaster" editing suite:

The second part of the video talking about Lightwave is especially hilarious what with the giant text talking about such innovative features as LENS FLARES, MOTION BLUR and 3D.

Holy fuck, I thought I watching a 90s parody at first. That video was like 90% of the soul of the 90s technology. I'm still reeling.


Oct 28, 2017
In a few years we're going to get an instant 20x performance increase in VR just from moving to mature eye tracking/foveated rendering tech.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
So 3nm is the limit, using the mothods of today?

These might be of some aid for better explanations:

Even more in depth:

The other thing I am unsure of how the graphene transistors are fabricated in labs and at what node sizes.