Oct 8, 2019
I preordered this game in October but held off on playing it because I had to get through Breath of the Wild, and then Age of Calamity first but I finally cleared out those games and in less than a week had plantinumed 13 Sentinels.

The way it just throws the audience into the story having faith in the fact that they will be able to pick up the story despite it being given in a non-linear format where you have to play all 13 characters to get the entire story. The revelations about what happened to humanity, what it means to be human, and how we treat each other is some top notch stuff. Most games ask if you place a brain in a robot's body is it still human while 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim ask you "Are you still human if you died, but you dont know you died because you got replaced by an ai with your simulated personality" and then the game decides that yeah thats a person.

When you think that you found a weak part of the story there is always some revelation that changes how you view the characters involved in the story and the story itself. There's a part of the game where the character Megumi meets a talking cat called Fluffy who is quite obviously evil, is rude to her, and makes a contract with her that involves her shooting "witches" so he could restore the memories of another character who she spent some time with her. Then the game reveals who Fluffy really is and then you remember that character's past from playing Juro's portion and it makes perfect sense why Fluffy is acting like that with Megumi.

Its a mystery box that actually has interesting answers because its perfectly fine with doing completely out their ideas like the Imperial Japanese soldier who loves Yakisoba Pan and doesnt quite understand that his gay or the character who has an idol talking to him through his tv. In the Force Awakens you dont really care about who Snoke is because there is no answer that could satisfy the majority of the audience but who Miyuki Inaba is has an actual interesting answer that delves into the game's question about what makes someone human.

Above all us this game has one thing that most video games lack and that a talking cat whose here to save the world



Oct 25, 2017
I'm like 80% of the way through the story, and I think I will end up agreeing with you.

If you like twisty sci-fi stories, you must play this game - I've never seen a piece of fiction deliver as many fun surprises as 13 Sentinels does. Imagine those thrilling reveals that you would get in something like Lost, but you get them every hour or so and they are much more satisfying.
Oct 25, 2017
I liked it a lot, but I'm starting to realize that I'm not that big on stories that are a platform for a whole bunch of twists. The puzzle box narrative or whatever you'd call it just isn't a draw for me.


Nov 1, 2017
the Bay Area
Ever since I saw someone compare it to the manga Please Save My Earth I've been very interested. I started it up last week but got sidetracked by FFVIIR—I'm looking forward to diving back in.


Chicken Chaser
Dec 28, 2017
Clearwater, Florida
I thought Iori's story was pretty weak (really didn't like the way her arc's motivation was framed), but yeah, the story for the game was overall amazing. I played it with a buddy over the course of about a weak and I remember having deep meditation on it every night when I showered. Totally up my alley storywise and I'm really glad that:

A. They dubbed it

B. I gave it a chance after, for years, decrying it when it was still in development and how it was taking too long and not worth it since it wasn't Vanillaware's usual fare.

I highly recommend the game.


Oct 25, 2017
I just beat it a couple days ago. I was enjoying the ride a whole lot, but for whatever reason it fell a bit flat for me once all the pieces connected themselves. Can't quite put my finger on why.


Feb 24, 2018
Goddamn all this positive word of mouth makes me feel terrible for leaving it wrapped up on my shelf

Btw, hows the dub?

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
It's pretty good, but eh, to me the whole thing really falls apart in the last third, and it falls into the trap that a lot of these types of stories do in that they often feel like they were created with a specific 'world-changing' twist in mind, and had to put the whole thing in a big mystery box to justify (I call it the reverse-Lost situation). I actually think the story in the first half was way more interesting, and once we started getting hints of the 'bigger picture,' I just sort of sighed when they finally pulled that bandage off.

I also think there were too many characters, and because of that we get a lot of redundant information and situations that we don't really need. It was impressive they were able to make them all feel distinct, but I think had they really chopped down to like 8-10 and tightened things up a bit, it would have been better.

I appreciate the ambition, though. It was an interesting game to play, and under less skilled hands I imagine it would have ended up as quite the narrative disaster and probably ended up in a Xenogears/Last episodes of Eva type of situation. It's a fumble, but one that was at least interesting and well done overall in its execution.


Fallen One-Winged Chicken Chaser Employee Are Sick
Nov 24, 2019
Alberta, Canada
I liked it a lot, but I'm starting to realize that I'm not that big on stories that are a platform for a whole bunch of twists. The puzzle box narrative or whatever you'd call it just isn't a draw for me.
I haven't played it yet, though I want to, but yeah: a story, for instance, that actually relies on its twists to work is, in my mind, not a good story to begin with. I also don't love stories that answer everything, or provide concrete answers that are 'canon' (which a lot of people seem to want these days, but that's only natural, I suppose, what with the human desire for closure).I like it to be more interpretative than that. Otherwise I think it'll be very hard for that story to hold up to repeated consumption.

(i.e. MGS2 with its more ambiguous, interpretative ending to MGS4's filling in of every box, though in truth I adore both of those games.)


Alt Account
Jul 7, 2020
Yeah the story in this game did very little for me. The twists are Professor Layton tier.


Oct 25, 2017
Goddamn all this positive word of mouth makes me feel terrible for leaving it wrapped up on my shelf

Btw, hows the dub?
The dub is really good, definitely play it with the dub, especially so that you don't miss background chatter. I don't really like the use of honorifics in a dub but it's just a slight gripe.

Also damn right, it's incredible and it blows my mind that they've managed to make a story separated between 13different charactersand perspective work so well.


May 1, 2019
I enjoyed it. It is definitely very ambitious and somehow sticks the landing miraculously by tying everything together towards a satisfying conclusion. I think it has some major issues in regards to character relationships though. The characters themselves are very distinct and interesting on their own; however, certain story beats rely on an emotional, romantic connection between characters and there is just not enough development for any of it to feel earned. Megumi has a very bland arc. The story at times is too plot-focused instead of character-focused.

Epilogue also sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it's pretty amazing what they managed to pull off here, 12 super compelling narratives/characters, and Iori.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
It's fantastic, but I do feel that the story is a little too convoluted at times

Stuff like
the plotline with Natsuno getting injected with the D-Code or whatever
is kinda just there. It didn't really go anywhere and feels like that they came up with it just so there would be one more thing to happen to one of the 13 characters.

I definitely feel like there was some fat there that could have been trimmed so there would be fewer "okay, but why tho?" moments.


Oct 30, 2017

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
I haven't played it yet, though I want to, but yeah: a story, for instance, that actually relies on its twists to work is, in my mind, not a good story to begin with. I also don't love stories that answer everything, or provide concrete answers that are 'canon' (which a lot of people seem to want these days, but that's only natural, I suppose, what with the human desire for closure).I like it to be more interpretative than that. Otherwise I think it'll be very hard for that story to hold up to repeated consumption.

(i.e. MGS2 with its more ambiguous, interpretative ending to MGS4's filling in of every box, though in truth I adore both of those games.)

That's definitely not this game lol, so your mileage will vary if you ever get around to it I imagine. It answers everything, and I kind of think it really starts to give away its big twist a bit too early, as I was probably less than halfway through the overall story before it was starting to become obvious what was going on, in the broad sense anyway. But that also could be down to which characters I played first, too, not really sure.
Oct 27, 2017
I almost feel like I'm going to be disappointed by the story now that people are hyping it into the stratosphere. I just got my copy today so I guess we'll see.


Dec 14, 2018
I liked it, but it wasn't one of my favorites. I like twists, and I feel they were mostly well executed, but I find I need to be attached to the characters for the twists to have enough weight to hit me right. It's why I like Nier 1 much more than Nier Automata. Automata was filled with more twists, but the cast of the first game gave its twists more weight.


May 1, 2019
Also, the plot fixates on certain plot devices only to by the end throw them to the side and not really do anything with them. Certain storylines like Nenji's arc as a result suffer because they lead to a dead end with no resolution at all. Their stories don't service much and could just be cut out.

Like you are telling me the game spends so much time talking about the D-Code and any resolution to that major development must be found by reading through files.

Also getting into spoilers....

Why the hell even set up the fact that Natsuno has the D-Code to call the Deimos if you aren't going to do anything substantial with it?


Oct 25, 2017
The way it is told is exceptional but when it is all said and done, the plot itself isn't that interesting IMO. Too many anime tropes and relies way too heavily on referential material. Like there a lot of plot points that are just there because it was a thing that happened in a movie or anime the devs liked.
Oct 27, 2017
I think it's fun and good but a collection of sci-fi and anime tropes done well.

I wouldn't put it in my top 20 game stories ever tho. It's not bad I just have seen a lot of the story beats in various media before, just not all in one.

Wein Cruz

Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised people can't see the big twist coming from a mile away.

The story is alright but it's reliance on all those anime tropes automatically expels it from best anything.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
It's pretty damn great. Like I said in the other threads, I don't think it quite hits the highs of the 999 or Virtue's Last Reward, but the characters are phenomenal.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
I'm surprised people can't see the big twist coming from a mile away.

I thought the same, but then I thought maybe it comes down to which characters you play and in what order? Some of the stories don't really start leaning into that until later than others. But, for instance, if you played the one guy who talked to the TV early (I can't begin to remember the names without looking them up), it more or less gives it to you on a platter halfway through his stuff lol


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Sorry if this is the wrong place but I couldn't find an OT for this game.

I bought the game about a week or so ago and I've kind of fallen off it. I only played up to the point where it gives you the menu where you can pick your game mode, but I do not care for the "destruction" part of the game at all. I love strategy and tower defense but I just really don't enjoy that part.

Is the destruction part of the game necessary to enjoy the story?

*edit* thanks everyone for the advice! I think I will give casual difficulty a shot like suggested to just burn through this part of the game so I can check out the story.
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Wein Cruz

Oct 27, 2017
I thought the same, but then I thought maybe it comes down to which characters you play and in what order? Some of the stories don't really start leaning into that until later than others. But, for instance, if you played the one guy who talked to the TV early (I can't begin to remember the names without looking them up), it more or less gives it to you on a platter halfway through his stuff lol

The part you mention with talking to the girl in the TV early on is what solidified it for me.

My first clue tho was with how battles are presented as if you are playing a game in a game.
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017
After all the hype i had to give it a shot but I just can't get past the dialogue and melodrama...I'm sure there's a cool story in there like everyone says but I was kinda hoping it wasn't quite so cheesily delivered...it's just too distracting for me. (During the opening minute or so all I could think of was earth defence force 😅)

...And from what I understand there's not exactly a whole lot of "game" here to just skip it either. Like it very much lives and dies on whether you like it's storytelling? Is that right?


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry if this is the wrong place but I couldn't find an OT for this game.

I bought the game about a week or so ago and I've kind of fallen off it. I only played up to the point where it gives you the menu where you can pick your game mode, but I do not care for the "destruction" part of the game at all. I love strategy and tower defense but I just really don't enjoy that part.

Is the destruction part of the game necessary to enjoy the story?

You have to play Destruction to unlock stuff in Adventure. If it helps, just set it to Casual and turn your brain off. You can Platinum the entire game on Casual, you won't miss out on anything.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
Sorry if this is the wrong place but I couldn't find an OT for this game.

I bought the game about a week or so ago and I've kind of fallen off it. I only played up to the point where it gives you the menu where you can pick your game mode, but I do not care for the "destruction" part of the game at all. I love strategy and tower defense but I just really don't enjoy that part.

Is the destruction part of the game necessary to enjoy the story?

Just put it on casual and you can blast through the whole thing as it comes up in like an hour. Still sucks, but it is not a long part of the game if you do it that way

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
After all the hype i had to give it a shot but I just can't get past the dialogue and melodrama...I'm sure there's a cool story in there like everyone says but I was kinda hoping it wasn't quite so cheesily delivered...it's just too distracting for me. (During the opening minute or so all I could think of was earth defence force 😅)

...And from what I understand there's not exactly a whole lot of "game" here to just skip it either. Like it very much lives and dies on whether you like it's storytelling? Is that right?

I mean, what exactly are you asking? The game is a visual novel first and foremost if that is what you mean, so yes, if you don't like the story, then there's no need for you to continue.


Nov 17, 2017
Sorry if this is the wrong place but I couldn't find an OT for this game.

I bought the game about a week or so ago and I've kind of fallen off it. I only played up to the point where it gives you the menu where you can pick your game mode, but I do not care for the "destruction" part of the game at all. I love strategy and tower defense but I just really don't enjoy that part.

Is the destruction part of the game necessary to enjoy the story?
If you put it on Easy you won't even have to bother trying at all and battles will be over really fast.
Oct 26, 2017
My favourite story of 2020.

I almost didn't buy the game but saw a bunch of people here talking about it so I decided to make the plunge and I don't regret it at all.

Vanillware knocked it out of the park imo. After initially hearing about the game years ago I was highly skeptical of the game's premise and gameplay given what Vanillaware has made in the past but it couldn't have done more to completely blow past my expectations.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
There's so much I really love about it. A lot of the writing and characterization is super surface level, but the way the game uses tropes and established conventions as a piece of it's central theming is really fucking cool. While I like that clever for cleverness sake approach a lot of Japanese media does, I think that's only surface level reading of what the game is really using it's writing for.

Anyway, yeah, GOTY, narrative of the forever to me.
Charred Knight
Oct 8, 2019
Sorry if this is the wrong place but I couldn't find an OT for this game.

I bought the game about a week or so ago and I've kind of fallen off it. I only played up to the point where it gives you the menu where you can pick your game mode, but I do not care for the "destruction" part of the game at all. I love strategy and tower defense but I just really don't enjoy that part.

Is the destruction part of the game necessary to enjoy the story?

You need to play destruction because that unlocks parts of the story, and also gives you mystery points that allows you to unseal the documents that help explain the plot.

Honestly the only two levels of destruction that have any real challenge are the last two. For the rest of them they are basically a 5 minute show where a bunch of characters shoot overpowered weapons at robots that explode. Just upgrade Dimension Blade, Sentry Guns, Missle Rain, and Interceptors and then put in the attacks that further upgrade those attacks, and each wave goes down in a few minutes.

The way it is told is exceptional but when it is all said and done, the plot itself isn't that interesting IMO. Too many anime tropes and relies way too heavily on referential material. Like there a lot of plot points that are just there because it was a thing that happened in a movie or anime the devs liked.

One of my favorite parts is being able to get the references to Godzilla, ET, and Star Wars, and then drawing a complete blank on what the hell they where referencing with the "movie about a character who teleports to a bridge" until they finally explained what the meaning behind that was.


Nov 4, 2017
Finished it up last weekend, I think I came out of it thinking it was about 30% too long and certain characters have much more compelling narratives than others. This lead to a lot of moments where I was like "ugh, I have to play THIS story for a bit." Additionally, I thought a lot of the twists were predictable sci-fi affair and that the game sorta lacked memorable moments or drama. The skeevy high school stuff was a turnoff, and the stuff with Okino really rubs me the wrong way with how they make a joke out of them being trans like 90% of the time, with the other 10% being fairly respectful. That being said, it's sort of amazing how they fit the story together into a very cohesive package, I can't even imagine how awful it would have been to try and write 13 intertwining stories and pulling it off to the extent they did.

I'm glad I played it but felt it was a little overhyped for. Still pretty good though.

EDIT: Also found the strategy portion of the game really bland in presentation, with a pretty lousy UI to boot. Would have enjoyed it more as a straight VN I think.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017

Just bought the game, all you assholes better not be lying.

(I'm happy to support Vanillaware, full price was sadly too much for me)


Oct 28, 2017
I just beat it a couple days ago. I was enjoying the ride a whole lot, but for whatever reason it fell a bit flat for me once all the pieces connected themselves. Can't quite put my finger on why.

Same, the combat sections got more engaging and more hype the harder it got, but aside from that, the story was good, but definitely felt like it was supposed to hit me harder than it did. I was really hoping this was going to be 2020's Nier Automata experience for me and just leave me feeling like I experienced something profound.

13 Sentinals was great and I probably won't forget about it, but I'm not going to think about it regularly like I did Automata for the next 12 months. I also wouldn't recommend it to people that can't stomach anime tropes.